Sitemap - 2024 - Welcome to Absurdistan

Chevron will Stop the Catastrophic Failures of the Administrative State

They Will Kill Him Rather Than Let Him Win

Solutions Are Simple, Workable, Obvious, Fast and all this Misery is History

The Rockefellers created 990 "Climate Change" institutions, foundations, and activist groups

The Rockefellers to Us: Die Faster; We are Making Homo Universalis

Inside the Profoundly Banal, Deeply Ignorant, Petulant-Child Mind of America’s "Chief Censor"

Campus Protesters are straight-up Nazis

Are Women Hardwired to Care for Men?

"Geo-engineering is the most dangerous diabolical thing that has ever happened to us."

The Epic Bullshit of Catastrophic Climate Change

"Climate Change" is a $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer from the Poor to the Rich

Liberation Comes from the Root of the Culture

Restoring the Soil to Make the Deserts Bloom

To Solve 'Food Insecurity,' Cut Bureaucrats

You Will Have A Daily Water Allowance

A Guide to Operation Prison Camp

The Stinking Privilege of the Green New Deal

Cowering before Carbon

Were the Fires Last Summer Deliberately Set?

The Sixth Great Extinction Lie Is Destroying Economy and Culture

Green Projects Loot the Treasure, Destroy the Future

Wall Street's Planned Theft of America's Lands and Waters

The Neo-Enclosure of the Whole World

The Wall of Death for Western Economies

Put a Chick in It and Make her Gay. And Lame.

Our Revulsion Has Created A New Populist Majority

A Global Censorship Prison Built by the Women of the CIA

Why Canada Failed

Canada’s Weakness Broke the World – We let in The Four Horsemen

Our Self-Policing Fascist State

The 2024 protests are not 2020's - This Time China Will Not Steal Our Future

They Are The Dark; We Are the Light

They Break Every Family, Every Country

The Demonic Flooding of America Was Deliberate

Is Jennifer Lopez Responsible for the Death of TikTok Star Kyle Marisa Roth?

Every Faith has been Looted: Evangelical, Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, Sikh - a Full One-third of the Wealth of the Planet

The Smug, Infantile Thievery of the Upper-Middle-Class

Strongholds Falling; Populists Seize the Culture

2020: An Unrivaled Conspiracy, An Unequalled Theft

The Voter Registration Scam, Hacked

Getting Hot Out There in Election Fraud Land

This is the Playbook, Primitive and Vicious, Chapter, Verse and SCOTUS filing

What happened in Nevada? Arizona? Upstate NY? This:

Anatomy of the 2022 Steal, Part 2

This is How They Did It - Part 1

Our Invisible Chains, Our Stolen Vote

Note to Globalist Predators - Rolling Strikes Across the World Until You Surrender

The Indomitable Human Mind

This Is How Metastatic Immigration Kills a City - This is Everyone's Future

Stop Weaseling. Shut Down the Damned Government on March 8.

The Great Silencing: the Weaponization of Loneliness

A Brief Lesson in How To Kill a Culture

The Great Replacement is Real. The Nightmare Scenario is Now

Do Not Fall for the Demoralization Program

All Species Are thriving But Man

This is the Stupidest, Most Venal Leadership Class in History

All Our Elections are Stolen. It is Why Nothing Works Without Money Printing

100 Million Fire Ants On The March

Wilful Ignorance of Evil is a Luxury No One Can Afford

Breaking The Iron Triangle of Elite Hate

All Their Stupid Ideas Can be Reversed and We Will Make the Deserts Bloom

The Putrid Myth of Stolen Land

Child Rape in Hollywood. How Much Can You Handle?

We Chose the Pornification of the Culture

Canada first. Then the Spanish. Then the French. The Irish. Now the Germans. And Friday, the Poles.

The Snakes Who Own Us

Our Enemies Walk Among Us