The Honk, Bray and Superior Smirk of the Genocidal Left.
Reality: according to cartel members, the "border czar" allowed in 320,000 migrant children intended for sex work for Democrats. And Walz signed a bill allowing the killing of babies after birth.
“Many lies spewed on ABC last night, but PLEASE NOTE, THE INTERNET IS FOREVER AND MUCH BIGGER AND STRONGER THAN KAMALA’S LIES AND ABC’S GASLIGHTING. (global citizen fact checkers are on it)” - Kevin Fernandes, Instagram
Independent media is 10X the size of legacy media, and the ‘internet’, engaged, creative and smart, is 100X independent media. The take down was delicious fun, illuminating and a clear signifier of an engaged, revitalized citizenry looking forward with relish to the end of cultural Marxism, tyranny and the perpetual threat of a impending crash so large, we will all be eating our pets.
Nevertheless, the debate on Tuesday night required some recovery. In many ways I protect myself from the left; the years I spent in their cults and professions count as the least happy of my life, and I found, once deprogrammed, that their reality was false. But I have heard that coarse and deeply offensive noise in my own house, from people (women) that I love. The crude honk of derision, the bray of a Marxist slogan. In my village, there is a severely challenged individual, with about five significant birth defects. You can hear him coming as the good (and funded) take him out for his daily walk. He shouts and the sound is appalling, coarse, base like feral boar, snorting and honking like a donkey, but human, which is distressing. He is a walking devolution of man, pitiable in this case, horrifying in Kamala’s.
But to me, that is the left, feral. I am so alive to it now, I can feel the demonic curl of hatred entering the house. I can watch the slither of a Commie thought run across the eyes of a young confused cousin or the friend of a granddaughter; they cling to it as if to a life line.
It is the thought: I’m scared of the future, I feel weak, I need help, life is unfair, communism is the only way to right wrongs. You, person-with-a-house, have to give everything so that others may live. Income distribution is the way! See this book by Kamala’s Marxist economist daddy, the cover so hidden, only the spine is visible on Amazon. You have to admit that is fine-grained censorship.

As if no one told them at any time that life is unfair for almost everyone, and your job, everyone’s job, mission, is to singularly, hands on (personally), make it less unfair for just one person. By that alone you increase your strength and self-respect. Not by assigning your power and vote to someone who is ethically so challenged that she would shunned in polite society, if such a thing still existed. As if no one ever told them that every commie/socialist country failed and people ended by eating their pets. As if no one, no teacher, no adult, ever told them that capitalism mixed with freedom is flawed, but pound for pound, form the only, only system that elevates the least-privileged. This is math. This is measurable. This is immutable fact. Add in ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ and you get that which America and the west was stumbling towards before the invasion of the filth that is the Frankfurt School, cultural Marxism, the propaganda of hate in the 1950’s.
And which we have been fighting ever since.
Luckily, the falsity of Harris’s performance has been widely exposed. The earrings sending the right slogans through, because Marxists have a dank loud slogan for everything. The bruited ‘affidavit’ from an ABC employee claiming the Harris camp got the questions beforehand, the promise that only Trump would be fact checked. We know Donna Brazile gave Hillary the questions with no consequence. Why not Harris’s sorority sister CEO of ABC? ABC is failing so hard. Its refutations are not to be believed. It’s only worth its real estate, as illustrated by the po-faced-I’m-so-virtuous faces of the moderators, so seemingly ignorant; either they were low IQ or more likely, deliberately choosing to appeal to those motivated by bribery, greed and class envy.
The endless thunder of lies from legacy media is what is killing them. You can feel the evil coming out of the box, curling towards you, seeking a home.
Abortion availability:
Late-term availability:
As it does, reality intervenes within days. The fact that her almost empty rally the day after was filled by people from out of state. And then the meticulous take-down of every lie she asserted by dozens of independent media, memesters and ordinary citizens so distressed they were forced to take her inventory.
And then, weirdly, thankfully, the pet eating. The internet is now flooded with evidence from citizens posting videos showing it happening, from Haitians saying blood sacrifice is part of their culture, the Governor of Ohio sending troops and money to Springfield. By that one unforced error, the horror of our immigration policy was lit like a thousand spotlights.

And then, on Thursday, this video, from a young Hispanic Christian missionary whose family ministers to cartel members in Zeta cartel territory. Judge for yourself how legitimate it is. I think it’s real, but I have read a lot about the missing children and how the National Security State uses child rape to compromise politicians and the powerful, because it has been meticulously documented by a 1,000 page book. But, there is nothing that illustrates the Satanic left, the Deep State, more than this. It is 90 seconds long.
Here is J J Carrell’s description of the fate of these children:
Still, we were affected. Jamie, who never panics, said, wide-eyed at one juncture, '“she’s beating him”, and my closest political friend had to go to bed before it was over, she was so distressed. The next day, I watched the debate at 1.5x time and decided that Trump won it hands down. That was because as she landed one thumper after another, sped up, I didn’t experience the despair we felt at her crude, deliberately ignorant lies, her false assertion of “fact”, her appalling accusations of something that has been disproven completely (“fine people on both sides”). Those insults land like a blow, like we are being intentionally stupified, her brutish appeal to those with an IQ of 90 as if we are all that dim.
The left is a lowering thing, reducing us to a swamp of monsters, the strong preying on the weak, chewing them up, consuming their energy, throwing them aside to rot on the streets. The left in every major city, through its public sector unions, terrible policy decisions, and to my mind, the theft of every election, has created a tsunami of homelessness and drug addiction.
Michael G Zey:
After years of "secular stagnation" under Obama, Trump delivered 3% growth. Trump engineered this boom largely by opening federal lands to oil and natural gas development and using deregulation to get the government off the backs of industry.
In 2020, despite the months-long COVID restrictions on business activity imposed by Democrat governors and mayors in New York, California, Michigan and elsewhere, the nation's GDP roared back at an eye-popping 33% clip in 2020's third quarter.
The Trump economy Biden inherited in early 2021 was expanding at a 6.7% annual rate. Unfortunately, in less than three years Biden's war on fossil fuels, overregulation of industry, and wasteful government spending has driven the country into financial hell.
During the Trump years, inflation grew at a mild 1.8% per year, enabling inflation-adjusted average wages to rise almost 9%, incidentally the first real raise Americans had received in decades.
Under Biden, inflation has eviscerated Americans' income. Under Trump, inflation-adjusted income reached its all-time high of $78,250 in 2019. According to the Census Bureau, by the end of 2022, Biden's policies drove down income to $74,580. A near-record number of Americans are taking multiple jobs just to make ends meet.
Under Trump, mortgage rates dropped to 2.65%. Biden's mortgage rates have surpassed 7%. The Goldman Sachs index and the National Association of Realtors' measures show that housing affordability has reached the worst levels ever. First-time buyers are in the worst position to purchase a home since the early 1980s.
Trump slashed regulatory costs by $11,000 per household. Biden's regulations cost Americans a total of $10,000 per household.
Trump's energy policies drove gas down to $1.87 per gallon. Biden's climate policies resulted in a record $5.02 in June 2022. Gas hit $7.00 per gallon in some areas in late August 2023. Crude oil could soon surpass $100 per barrel.
In early 2021, just after President Trump left office, the average cost of cars was $35,000. Now, under Joe Biden, car prices exceed $46,000. The average car payment is an unaffordable $746 per month. Car repossessions are soaring.
Trump was upset but measured, refuting every claim. Yes he looked angry, was angry. We all were angry at the brutalization of our intelligence by this awful awful woman. I mean I was all for women in power, until we started to get slutty harridan incompetent liars and genocidal murdering cultists set up as something to admire. Now I think, nope. No more affirmative action. EVER.
And the ignorance. To not know that dumping five trillion dollars into the mix and driving up the price of energy are the only reasons for the inflation. They must know it and still they want to continue it. They are going to give MOAR MONEY away, ensuring more inflation. They are going to introduce price controls on food, ensuring less food. They are going to build 3,000,000 new houses in an inflationary environment by printing money. Who can buy them given 14% mortgage rates, which is what they will be after $50,000 is given to anyone who wants to buy a house. All of these fly in the face of logic, reason.
The lie about frakking, the lie about closing down energy exploration and the Keystone pipeline. The lie about January 6 as being the worst uprising since the Civil War, and all with 9/11’s anniversary just two days away. The lies about abortion, when her own teammate, Walz, signed a law to allow post-birth abortion in his state. By Thursday morning, it was all refuted, and not just by independent media. By real people. Voters. Who, if this election is stolen again, will be very very angry indeed. And not the mob of angry people the left likes to identify us as. Very smart, educated, middle class people with skills, will thunder forward.
It will be like something the world has never seen.
As one of my favorite Instagrammers posted, “many lies spewed on ABC last night, but PLEASE NOTE, THE INTERNET IS FOREVER AND MUCH BIGGER AND STRONGER THAN KAMALA’S LIES AND ABC’S GASLIGHTING. (global citizen fact checkers are on it)
Late last week, James O’Keefe trapped Google’s head of growth into saying that Google is reorienting the search engine to favor Kamala, and the elites want Harris to win: “It’s all a psy-op,” he says. You can listen to the video here
As RFK Jr. made clear last Friday in dialogue with Tucker Carlson and Vivek Ramaswamy, the elites want Kamala to win.
“In the 2020 election 50% voted Trump. That group represented 30% of the wealth in our country. The 50% who voted for Biden represented 70% of wealth. There is an inversion now where the Republican Party has become the party of the common man, working people, the middle class. The Democrat party has become a conspiracy of self-interest; it is the party of Wall Street, the Military-Industrial complex, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag, big banking systems, the Deep State, as Donald Trump calls it. The Deep State is a web of financial interests which isn’t necessarily a conspiracy, but rather a conspiracy of self interest.
“We are watching the devolution of American democracy into a totalitarian system. Commoditize everything. GE privatized all the fishing, privatize landscapes, and trade them. Privatize children, we have the sickest children in the world. We have the highest chronic disease burden of any nation.
“6% of Americans when my uncle was alive had chronic health conditions. Now 60% have them. When my uncle was in office, we spent nothing on chronic conditions. We spend $4.3 trillion on chronic conditions. That money goes into Pharma. The most valuable asset in the US today is a sick child. Adderall, insulin, Ozempic. They are stealing everything we value, [thus overrunning] our constitutional rights.”
RFK Jr seems to be ignorant of basic economics, as I’ve illustrated. His celebrity and ideas turned my home province, British Columbia into a cartel run abomination in massive massive debt. Maybe he has changed, but importantly, what he is saying is that the left has abandoned ethical government and uses social justice for personal gain. His detailed grasp of how government operates makes him a valuable component of the Unity team.
Trump does know economics, big time. He know how taxes and regulations have been wrenched to serve government and the oligarchy. Together government and corporate oligarchs have killed initiative by preventing entrepreneurship, via massive monopolies that crush competition and lawfare against political enemies or anyone seeking to rein them in. By stalling all initiative, by binding everyone in a kalidascope of rules and regulation, by grinding the best into silence and submission, by censoring independent thought which is the locus of creativity, the elites are guaranteeing economic misery for everyone, including themselves, because they will be needing those billion dollar bunkers to nurse their guilt.
Trump knows our economy is chained by a million leftist lies put in place by grifters looking for a safe berth in the government. He knows the corporate oligarchy plans to imprison human creativity, and cull us for energy. He knows when economic growth is prevented, crime flares, criminal cartels invade, and they steal everything not nailed down. We have elevated the worst people to power, and Kamala Harris, the most repellent woman in public life, who got into power by trading her body and lying about her race, is the exemplar. The legacy of the Democrats and the left for the last twenty years is the destruction of every city, state, province and country they run. And of every ethical standard we have developed.
Kamala will finish the job.
Except it looks like karma is on the way.
Welcome to Absurdistan is reader-supported. No hedge fund, rich person, government or think tank supports me. Independent media is the only media left you can trust. And it is effective. Last week’s piece about the Democrat plan to have migrants registered to vote and then have NGOs vote for them was not only timely, aggregated across several platforms, it also had teeth. On Monday, Mike Lee tied stopping migrant voting to government funding and on Thursday, House leader Mike Johnson stated migrant voting was the top concern in the 190 meetings he had had with citizens in the last months, and therefore continuing government funding was dependent on migrant disqualification from voting. So we are on the money here, and possibly even influential. Please consider an inexpensive annual subscription to support our work.
Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, fcpp.org. You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here: https://independent.academia.edu/ElizabethNickson
I went to Springfield OH to do some citizen journalism in my home state this past Wednesday. Springfield was a city of about 58,000. 75% white, 18% black, 7% were Asian, native American, latino, etc. 20,000 Haitians were dumped on this city in just a few years raising its population to 78,000. Now, roughly 25% of Springfield are Haitian, largely non-English speaking, many of them bringing cultural and religious practices that strike fear in the hearts of residents, and driving up costs for citizens there. Media is suppressing this through mockery, "fact-checking," outright denial, and now that the Gov. has sent in the troops (and 2.5 million more for "services"), the word "martial law" keeps coming to mind. The congregation of Haitians I saw on Wednesday were all men, and not looking as I would have expected from an impoverished country. These men were muscular, and I wouldn't have even seen them if I hadn't taken a wrong turn on a small street that dead-ended in a parking lot with Haitians going in and out a building called the Machinist Club. I'm going there again today to scout out what's up with the police patrols. Haitians have been dropped in other small Ohio towns as well -- the ones we used to think of moving to in order to escape the big cities.
Remember they needed a cataclysmic phony worldwide pandemic as cover to steal 2020. They will need something even bigger to steal 2024. And don’t think they don’t know it. Be afraid. But be awake.