Stop Weaseling. Shut Down the Damned Government on March 8.
Whatever you 'know' about the Border, it's much much worse.
This below is migrant camp infrastructure at the border in Panama. There are scores of these all along the border, all through Mexico, Central America, the southern U.S. and Panama. You know what? They are building more, they are maxing out the infrastructure three or four times. The Prime Ministers of Costa Rica and Nicaragua are quadrupling the numbers of busses to take migrants from their countries to the U.S. border. All across the southern states, there are warehouses filled with migrants. A decommissioned Walmart warehouse near Houston holds 1,500 migrant boys. There are dozens of those all through the U.S.
The migrants are mostly military-aged men. This is an invasion. And they are coming to kill us, one way or another, according to the most experienced and committed reporter on the scene, who has examined every aspect of this for more than two decades, Michael Yon. He has travelled the routes, and interviewed thousands. Yon is the GOAT reporter of the invasion, his is the most reliable reporting I’ve found. Yon was a Marine, then a war correspondent. He has seen the worst of what humans can do. He is not a wittering Ivy League beta-male, cringing in front of power. Todd Bensman, whose book, Overrun, is his equal.
The pregnant women and children are there for cover. They are there for the media, for stupid women to look at, identify with, weep and cry for more migrants, give more money to NGO’s. They are there for freaking Meghan Markle and her ginger dumbo puppet, Harry. Boo hoo hoo. Look World! I’m volunteering at a poor Afghan women’s shelter, with my just created NGO called “The Welcome Project”, making traditional food. Honestly, God save us from that woman. She has her own police force, who cares what happens to the rest of us?
Although after an illegal migrant killed nursing student Laken Hope Riley in Augusta, some of those women might be waking up. But you know what? Probably not. Not untill one of them kicks in Granny’s door and takes her house and the police and judiciary are so compromised, no one does anything. Which, Yon promises, is coming.
Think I’m exaggerating? We are instructed by Britain, whose infrastructure has been taken over by Muslims, who have penetrated the Labor Party, who Thursday voted in a rabid leftie anti-Semite MP, George Galloway while the Tories suspended their own whip, because he dared to criticize Mayor Khan. Says Katie Hopkins, “the ability of Islam through the Muslim network to infiltrate all the scaffolding, the structure of society … imagine the scaffolding that holds up everything of our culture … taken over and in the hands of Islam. We have a Muslim police force, we have Muslim housing associations, every mayoral position but two cities, are held by Muslims. Muslims have infiltrated every level of society in the U.K.”
Since October 7th, London’s streets are filled with Muslims, tearing the city apart. The police do nothing. Jews who have made generational contributions to British society, who really really matter, who are entwined with every institution, sit frightened in their homes. We know the police stand down because the Mayor of London is a Muslim and he commands the police force. Londoners voted for him. By 2030, there will be more Muslim babies born than English and by 2040, whites will be a minority in the country their ancestors built. All their institutions will be gone.
And the Jews? Dead or camps. Wealth confiscated. There will be no escaping the wrath of Islam anywhere.
Gone, the entire British culture, the most powerful and egalitarian the world has ever seen, gone, vanished. 2,000 years of fighting, building, creating, gone. Shariah law by 2040. Guaranteed. British jurisprudence which built the world the invaders want. Lost forever.
Who’s in charge of this vicious program, the WEF or the CCP? We know they are working together. We know that America and the world’s CEOs need the CCP more than they need them. WEFers salivate at the prospect of Chinese profits, rolling in Chinese money, that vast market is their wet dream. We know how indebted we are to them. Imagine Musk without China. You can’t. We know they plan to take over the world whether by storm, force or subtle invasion of every institution. We know they run massive generations-long information campaigns. We know their people are everywhere. Why do young white women not want children? Fifty years of propaganda courtesy of the Club of Rome. Do you think that the Club of Rome was just sweet old European families who might be lizards and Nazis? No. The Dragon clan was there. Nothing on earth is more violent, more racist, more hate-filled than the Dragon clan. Ask anyone who has lived in China about how the Chinese feel about blacks. Just ask them and stand back. The Chinese invaders will take everything black America has achieved.
If you still think the Covid bug was ‘accidental’, well, sugar, you just go on back to sleep. You have a few more years left and you might as well enjoy them. Your children, though. Their lives are going to be worth nothing. Because you have allowed everything good to be destroyed.
This is the enduring truth about success: If you have it, people hate you. America is the most successful country in the world, and the worst people want to bring it down. They want it for themselves.
The WEF and the CCP have infiltrated the American government. We dance to their tune. And the CCP is the senior partner. Sure, you can make jokes about the digital packets flying between China and the U.S. during the 2020 election. You’re a child. Go back to sleep.
We know, courtesy of Michael Yon, who practically lives at the Darien Gap, that there are units of military-aged Chinese in camps waiting at the border. Unlike any other ethnic background, they won’t speak to anyone. They have everything they need, they have Starlink, they have drones dropping food, they have money, they have debit cards, they have phones, they have SIM cards embedded in their boot heels. They behave like para-military, like MMS, Ministry of State Security. There is a town in China, that looks American in every detail, which is where some of these were trained. They have detailed maps and way stations where they are fed, watered, and rested. They are ordered, they travel in military units. Unlike most migrants, they are young, and fit and healthy and they are pouring in, hundreds of thousands.
This is the digital map they are given.

Who are they? What do they want?
According to Michael Yon, they are not coming for economic freedom. They are not ‘refugees’ or migrants. They are coming to kill us and take everything we have.
The enemies of western civilization have portioned off the world. They have bought or bribed our media, government and academia. And now they are bringing in an army.
It's called Hate Migration and it is instigated, driven, paid for and shepherded by NGO’s stood up by the U.N., American foundations and corporations, taxpayer money all of it. This is all funded by you. Every single penny. Americans pay for every single step through their budgets, their purchases, their donations, their taxes. American corporations are paying for it. This consortium is funding the multiple NGO’s on the border, in this below illustration, specifically, the Jewish NGO, HAIS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
HAIS is facilitating bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims from every country in the Middle East. Of course, DHS Secretary Mayorkas is supporting it. He is hard left, and the hard left hates the Jews. As is proven by the election of George Galloway yesterday in Britain. Mayorkas was on the board of HAIS. This is what infiltration looks like. A man who hates the Jews, because what other possible explanation can there be, sits on the board of the immigration NGO, and lets in hundreds of thousands of sub-literate, military-aged men who are Muslims, the historical and current enemy of the Jewish people. How he escaped impeachment is beyond me.
Of course the reason for metastatic immigration, the floods that came with Biden’s La Invitacion, is the 100 year long Marxist invasion of South and Central America. For years, Clinton, Obama, and then Trump staunched the tide while the traitors in Congress manipulated legislation and jurisprudence, anticipation of that glorious day when the floods could begin. As Todd Bensmen proves beyond a doubt, with twenty years of detailed up-close, actual on-the-ground years long reporting. At the Texas Department of Public Safety's Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division, he managed teams of intelligence analysts that worked in concert with federal homeland security and U.S. Intelligence Community agencies to identify and mitigate terrorism threats., as well as a decade in protection services for the Texas legislature.
According to Bensman, the flood built and built and built and built until the day after Biden’s election.. And the surge began and hasn’t stopped since.
Of course socialism beat those economies down to the ground, debasing humans, causing them to lie and cheat and steal. And of course, desperate for growth, desperate for all the lovely things they pull off the satellites for their televisions, they are coming for them. They will be the ground troops of the invading army, the ones who will, out of sheer frustration, starvation and envy, tear every town to shreds. That’s when Granny will be pulled out her house. By then, the police will be infiltrated and the good ones will be too busy to help her.
Real interviews, real investigative journalism demonstrates that of those who aren’t paramilitary, 90% are economic migrants. They want houses with floors and they want education for their children and they will game anything, lie and cheat and steal to get them. That is what socialism teaches. It teaches theft. Like the Chinese who virtually thieve every invention made by the western democracies and copy them until they work, they have been broken, degraded, ruined by Marxism.
Are the Guatemalans the worst predators? Evidence shows that overwhelmingly – 90% - are coming for money to send home to build concrete block houses for their families. They don’t care what they have to do to their children to get those houses.
Women get pregnant and time it so they are seven months before they cross the border, because that’s when we’ll pity them and let them in.

This is an example of the house built in the highlands of Guatemala, built by money sent back by family members. This is why they come. You built that house for them. Everything is paid by us. Everything. The schooling, the welfare, the housing, every handover along the migrant route. They pay no taxes, they’re illegal. They drive down wages for born Americans. And this is what they really want. This is what drives the people for whom the toxic compassion of stupid women and beta men bleeds.
Americans pay for everything. They pay to defend Europe. They pay to defend the Suez Canal for international trade. They pay for the iniquitous United Nations. They pay for Ukraine’s pointless war with Russia. And they pay for the 20 million illegals that have rushed the border, gaming the laws, flooding small cities and towns in the interior, overwhelming the school systems, destroying the peace with constant crime of theft, and when the men get too frustrated, rape.
Why is the debt $34,000,000,000? We support people who hate us. People who want to replace us. If we complain, we are called racists.
Hate Immigration NGOs actually go out and solicit the Chinese and the Islamists. Are you African and hate white people and deserve what they have? Come on in, you noble downtrodden sub-literate violent 20 year old.
NGO’s (ie you) are buying land, a lot of it, where they are resettling these people. Terrenos is an NGO which sells land and housing to migrants, no questions asked or financial papers required. $5,000 deposit. Remember, NGO money is your tax money redirected to white, upper class women who hate you because ‘patriarchy’. In Cleveland it is an entire city and God knows what will come out of it. Islamist recruitment in the U.S. is highest in Ilan Omar’s district, which 15 years ago was known to be a hotbed of Somali hate. Resentment and envy create the cities of tents and shacks and warehouses the land bought by NGO’s that house them. The schools are flooded with fourteen-year-olds who can’t read, and 18 year olds looking for customers for drugs. A Supreme Court decision forces school districts to teach any child who turns up.
The following is the result of that stupid Court decision. You are paying for every desk, every ESL teacher imported from Italy or wherever, every trailer classroom, every bug the kids bring in.
Some school districts are labelled “hyper-growth” districts.
“Every day, our teachers see another student and you know, it’s ‘here’s Johnny,’ said school principal Stephen McCandless, “And ‘welcome to class, Johnny. We’re so glad to have you. I don’t have a desk for you. But here’s a chair.’.
From Todd Bensman’s Overrun
The percentage of children who couldn’t speak English rose from 20% in 2011-2012 to 55% in 2021-2022. ESL takes up half the school curricula in some areas. In the Cleveland Independent School District, migrants have required portable classroom farms, sharp spending increases to hire new teachers and bus drivers, continual requests for voters to approve bonds to build new schools, fallouts from language barriers and uneven education levels, less time per student, poorer academic performance for all, and public safety concerns.
You can bet this situation does not touch anyone in the upper-middle-class or any of the people who created this mess. The deplorables suffer this and the deplorables pay for it and the deplorables’ children are even more badly educated.
School districts are so short of English as a Second Language students they import them from Venezuala, Columbia and Italy, on H1-B visas the school district, the taxpayer pays for. They require extra stipends to pay for the prices that shoot up when migrants flood a city.
Every single one of us, by allowing this, is digging our own grave and shortening our children’s lives. Shut down the government now. Close the border. Take inventory. Tell the story. Take back your country and your power.
And just as a reminder, here is what has happened to the overwhelmed health system in Canada. Kingston, Ontario’s temperature is -11 at 3:30 a.m., in late February. Canada’s metastatic immigration is five years ahead of the U.S. We have no functioning health system, it was broken by Covid. The newcomers are more desperate, more needy and they have priority in the system.
Welcome to Absurdistan is funded by you. Many of you have subscribed over the past six months, and I am grateful for those who can and do pay. Absurdistan is not pay-walled and won’t ever be, so payment is voluntary. May those who do be filled with grace!
I've stated much of this going back to when I was a volunteer Deputy in AZ. This is now much worse than I thought possible. We're being destroyed from within [like Kruchev told Kennedy] Do we need a civil war to weed out the many traitors and globalist pukes who've infiltrated our nation-I'm afraid we might.
George Galloway is an anti-Semite because he criticizes Israel?
By that standard I'm anti-American because I criticize the US, my native country.
Your "Israel, love it or you're an anti-Semite" routine doesn't fly.
As for China wanting to take over the world - the US has military bases ringing China but China doesn't have military bases ringing the US, so who is the real aggressor?