The Atlantic re-published Saturday a long, somewhat clunky analysis by Jean M Twenge, which elaborated on the alienation experienced by late Millennials and GenZ. She charts the piece well. The young are simply not spending physical time with each other. They are online, on Snapchat and the other socials, building their own deeply private worlds. They are not dating, they are not having sex, they are not marrying and they are not joining the work force with any enthusiasm. Too many are settling for get-along-jobs, and staying as long as possible in adolescence, disengaged with life.
This was meant to bolster the elevated left’s argument that Trump makes people too traumatized to be elected again. There is a lot of hysteria building from the ground troops of the left, i.e innumerate, half-educated women - the kind who need Ativan on the regular. But Twenge’s work points to meaning she does not see.
The writer compares her GenX teenaged years, and found her contemporaries ranging through the cities and burbs, driving as soon as possible, and generally having adventures they did not want to tell their parents about. This is no longer the case. Z’s stay home, they date in packs if at all, and they are having much less sex.
Britt Piper, a psychologist who works with the nervous system believes that the current rise in physical and mental illness is directly attributed to our creation of a world that “our nervous systems do not want to live in anymore”. In other words, we have been shocked down to our socks, over and over again, reduced to comfort seeking and safety, which is why Millennials and Z do not want to leave their bedrooms. This is a gross generalization, but Atlantic girl has the numbers, and they ain’t good. We are in survival mode, suffering from chronic illness and searching above all, for anxiety relief.
Like many, I suspect the creation of a hostile world, poisoned food, air, EMFs, has been deliberate in order to reduce us, to make us docile, pliable, our labor harvestable. And it has been engineered by the security state which metastasized after 911.
Stella Morabito, in the Weaponization of Loneliness, herself once an employee at the CIA, confirms our suspicions. It was planned and she shows how.
They’ve been working towards this for decades, the psychopaths that run us. In The Weaponization of Loneliness, How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer Us, a powerhouse of a book, Stella Morabito points out that between ten and fifteen percent of us are near-psychopaths and they almost always end up in leadership. Shorn of empathy for anyone but themselves, they see the world as something to master, other people as NPCs, non-playing characters who will obey or die. They are pitiless and they know best. I have read no better description of the people destroying our world.
Over and over through history, as Morabito describes, they grab power and destroy the culture, sending it into war and catastrophic depression. Mao, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Kaiser Willem 11 who started World War 1, Caligula, Oliver Cromwell, Fu Sheng, Ivan the Terrible, every country has them.
John Kerry and Samantha Power. BlackRock and Vanguard. State Street. Murdoch. Klaus. Trudeau, Macron and Rishi Sunak, Zelenskyy, Xi, Putin. Whoever is pulling their strings.
Digitization means they have met each other and devised a system of oppression so detailed and fine-grained, like the proverbial boiling frog, it’s almost too late.
Morabito, who spent much of her career at the CIA, and therefore should know, describes the bars of our prison, the walls, the floors, the ceilings, the surveillance devices, the propaganda in its every devious form, and the psychological tricks they are using on us. Everything has been engineered. Every single thing you now suffer was planned. Above all they want you to be lonely, isolated, atomized. Then you are easy to control.
Fear of being alone and abandoned is worse than death, it is living death.
That is why they set us against each other. That’s why ordinary, good men and women who people the small towns and cities of the world are now called racist, sexist and homophobic. It is the reason for the endless banging on about entirely false inequities of race and sex. It is why kids have been socially coerced into joining the trans movement, women shrieking in the streets for the right to kill babies, including post-birth. The destruction of marriage and peace between the sexes. The destruction of family unity. The contempt and violence directed towards western civ’s founding faiths, Christianity and Judaism. The ruin of public health, justice, the academy. The destruction of fair elections. In every arena of our public lives, we have been assaulted in our own house, as it were, invaded by a vicious enemy who hates anyone with independent thought. Planned, down to the moment as Chapter 9, The Long March through All Our Institutions describes.
Our cities? Destroyed. Deliberate. Planned.
The Great Silencing was necessary.
You can see the results already. Everyone’s family has someone suddenly weirdly ill. More than one-quarter of us know someone who died after taking the vaccine. But you’re not allowed to talk about it. Too divisive. That was planned in order to stop us taking revenge on the governments and drug companies killing and disabling our families.
There is no safety in the money markets either, we are carrying so much debt, most sensible people cannot understand why the whole structure hasn’t imploded. That is deliberate too. We are meant to live in terror of implosion.
Jobs are shed at a rapid pace in every industry from MacDonalds to Facebook, and skeleton staffs are the wave of the future. The market booms, based on money printing and cheap labor arriving in droves from countries so predated by their own elites, they are failed states. The fired aren’t talking to each other because we have been driven apart so that we don’t compare notes, organize. The only ones not silenced are the raucous scolds of the hard left who never shut up; they are paid by plutocrats or government to harass us, they are the only ones with “platforms”. The “news” is one lie and insult after another. Not only that, but the insults are often obscene, forcing us to think about degraded sexuality, forcing us to celebrate the mentally ill, in an attempt to induce guilt, shame and fear. Violence in the mega-cities means that everyone who can is fleeing, leaving America’s once great cities to the mob, drug addicts, schizophrenics and the Marxists in government and civil society who feed off the misery of others.
The most popular anchor on television is fired, the regime saying, we don’t even care about money anymore. We have so much, we no longer have to respond to what you want. You want what we want. Or else.
Some theorize the money paid to Dominion by Fox was meant as an investment so that Dominion could dominate the next election and make sure that Trump didn’t return. Lizard King Murdoch wants Trump finished.
Last fall, Canada passed bill C-11, the internet censorship bill. The one tenet that assured not only freedom but success, innovation, culture, thought, and actual human progress is extinguished in the demented Dominion.
In Canada, a plurality think the CBC, which eats up half of journalism dollars, its news read or watched by fewer than 2% of the population, is a propaganda mill for government-forced socialism. As is the BBC, NPR, ABC in Australia, KBS in Korea, and RNZ in New Zealand. Even Fox is now regime propaganda.
But without freedom of speech, real innovation, real progress is not possible. Every culture that limits speech stalls out and starts to fail. No exceptions. It is a death sentence for the past, present and future. The past will be erased, the present turbulent and the future a failure.
The EU calls for an international law saying that leaders must not be mocked for their appearance. Humor is not allowed.
Wrong-doing is never punished. Fraud and theft are never punished. Only deplorables are jailed. Criminals roam the suburbs. Women have to be armed going to Target and Walmart. Not that the media reports these assaults but there are hundreds of Tiktok instruction videos on how not to be grabbed and trafficked. Even they are taken down.
You are meant to feel crushed by all this. You are meant to feel hopeless. It was planned. It is deliberate.
There is no peace. It is just one horrible, orchestrated disaster after another. Lahaina, the summer of catastropic fires, October 7, the trail of murders by refugees across the heartland, the nursing student slaughtered in Tennessee last week by one of Biden’s migrants.
We are in another endless pointless war, where we know taxpayer money is being stolen hand over fist by both oligarchs and public officials.
War is threatened with China. War as far as the eye can see. Which we pay for with our blood, our money, our future. No one in China wants war but their leadership. No one in the States wants war but our leadership. But they want our money. So, what’s ours is theirs, and they hire 25,000 more IRS agents to take it. It was 90,000, but the complaining was so loud they punted. For now.
We are redefined as “bodies with vaginas” and “bodies who make sperm”. You are not a sacred being. You are animal to be herded and sacrificed to the benefit of your betters.
The housing market is sliding, but there are still not enough houses for everyone and millions of new immigrants arrive every year. This is deliberate. In Soviet Russia housing was restricted so that people would fight each other for a place to sleep. Immigrants are dumped wholesale in small towns who cannot handle them, do not have the housing, jobs, services. Crime, necessarily, spikes. Food factories explode seemingly every day, chickens, cows, eggs, processing plants, storage warehouses. That too is deliberate. It has been engineered to terrify us. The toxic dumping on train tracks is too regular to be anything but planned. Chemical plants explode. Staples missing in the stores for weeks. 90% of pork and beef is being vaccinated with MNRA, despite the outcry, the same stuff hurting our brothers, our sisters, our husbands, our children, our wives, we now eat. At first, Disinfo Central went into action, but we know from experience that these scare stores are floated to get a reaction, then debunked, then slowly over time, under the radar, the innovation is instituted. And so it has been.
In the meantime, ersatz food and veganism is pushed forward. Disinfo central debunks the charge that ersatz food causes cancer, but they don’t have the long-term studies to prove it. In any case, no one wants it. The food moulders untouched in grocery store cases. And another sector becomes untrustworthy.
This is deliberate. This is Samantha Power, John Kerry, the ghouls of the WEF, the skeezy little bureaucrats at the EU and the UN. The Great Reset, said John Kerry, is a new “social contract” that would be binding on all people globally. What he means is equity. But less. The developing world cannot have what the developed world has, and “The middle class must learn to live with less,” says Canada’s deputy Prime Minister, in a speech at Davos that has been erased from the internet. Much less, because equity demand that all receive equally and we must consume much less as a species overall. Their plan is for us to live much like the early settlers in the US, (and around the same population) which is actually codified and signed onto by 170 Heads of State in 1992, in UN Agenda 21 documents. You cannot find those online. But you can in university libraries. So far.
Rousseau recommended the death penalty for those who refused the social contract.
Equity for All
Equity is a term drawn from public administration literature, which means a planned and administered political economy so that shares are adjusted to make citizens equal. The economy will be administered not only to redistribute economic and material capital but cultural and social capital. If you are successful, what you have will taken from you or more likely your children, and given to another. If you are from a preferred class, what you have will be taken from you and given to another. But even the idea that what is happening now is based in racism is complete nonsense. The idea that people of color are oppressed is pure nonsense. The top eight ethnic groups earnings in America are people of color. Blacks were ruined by the left breaking the family system. That’s what they want to do to us, break our families, put us all on welfare, destroy our independence. Morabito describes the plan in detail in an absolutely chilling chapter called “Attacks on Family, Faith and Friendship”.
There is no time in history that something like this ends in anything but genocide, starvation, descent into brutalism and a war of all against all. No country has yet to climb out of Marxism or Maoism. They are still tossed with conflict, they are still degraded, they are not producing art or literature or architecture or design or music. The Chinese copy everything. Nothing they produce is good. Their electronics are total crap - I have tried them - and their big big business - $3 Trillion - is stealing the copyright of every designer alive and mass producing it for the less advantaged. That is not the mark of a healthy economy, it is the mark of an economy so bankrupt, it steals anything not nailed down. Former communist countries are primitive, violent places to live, where no institution is worthy of trust and you slave until you die.
The Globalist regime has been planned in one hundred steps, down to the month and year. We in the middle and working classes are scheduled to be feeling quietly miserable and uncertain. We are meant to be sick, and worried about our families. We are meant to feel that to complain is “negative”. We are meant to be afraid to speak and 62% of us are, the only ones who feel free to speak are the nasty left.
This means that there are more of us than there are of them. Two-thirds of us disagree with the current regime.
Our language is thoroughly corrupted, broken, and we can only think inside our own heads. If you are lucky there are few people in your family with whom you agree, but family division was planned. Covid and the vaccines were meant to break up families. You are meant to be alienated, unhappy, lonely. Above all, lonely. Lonely with your pod, if you’re lucky. If you are a child of a single mother, you are meant to be atomized, catastrophically lonely and terrified. Vulnerable to the globalist agents on the internet who groom mass killers, who groom young teens for sexual trafficking.
Morabito is right about the atomization of the culture, but in the 21st century we aren’t terrified peasants. Not quite yet. She is right about the plan, she is detailed in the history and strategy of the takedown of our culture. Her work is masterful and inspiring in its depth. You can make an entire career out of just one of her chapters, and change the world for the better. It is a map to a revolution in every sector of the economy. It is the next step.
Because here’s the thing.
The civilized pluralist world so carefully built over the past fifty years is now largely performative and meaningless. Oh, the various disciplines roar on, regardless, but the circus has left Hollywood, the arts, visual, auditory and performative, academia, science. Science is a joke. Covid and “Climate Change” have completely destroyed any faith in science. No one believes that nonsense our in the tundra. Not anymore. Not after “safe and effective”. Try to start a climate panic? People will laugh you out of Dodge.
Awards are a joke. No one cares. Music is garbage, everyone mocks the machined products out of the cabal. Taylor Swift and Beyoncé are almost AI. Plus a lot of their would-be customers think they abuse children and drink babies blood, that’s how despised they are. Visual Art is boring and meant for rich idiots who no one likes. All official art in a time of oppression is mannerist, not engaged with what is really happening. Read this genius piece of writing on what a mess woke made of the musical Camelot.
Netflix or fighting for the right to be human? Game on, say millions. I’ll go to Japan next century. I’ll watch that series in the retirement village. I may be fine, but if I don’t step up, my grandchildren won’t.
For the past three or four decades, we have assigned meaning to movie stars who could express emotion, usually domestic or romantic, careerism or rampant consumerism once reserved for the rich. All that is now greeted with a zzzzzz…..
The memes in this piece are from the millions upon millions of us saying no. This will not stand. Outside the intelligentsia, even outside the right or populist right, they all know what is going on. They all knew intuitively what Stella Morabito knows from close observation. They see it just as clearly. There is an army of us. And we will not stop until we bring their house down.
We are winning against the most subtle and all-powerful tyrants the world has presented to innocent humans. Only our ideas are successful, they will bring prosperity to everyone, every single person, not just the near-psychopaths that run our world. Their ideas bring chaos and ruin.
This is our sacred task. This is the only game in town. The only thing that matters. And only we can bring the children out of their bedrooms and want to live again.
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Good synopsis of the current landscape. it's almost impossible to enumerate the problems we are faced with. Surely the attack on our youth through indoctrination, poison and alienation is one of the largest. The most heartbreaking.
And yet, I remain optimistic. There's a much larger story unfolding, and everyone here - embodied on this earth for this time, came with purpose whether or not they know that.
"We are winning against the most subtle and all-powerful tyrants the world has presented to innocent humans. Only our ideas are successful..."
This is true. We are breaking free anyway. And our ideas matter, but more than that, it's the frequency behind those ideas, rooted in deeply felt values that give those ideas their meaning.
We are shaking loose from this anti-human force and it's incredibly messy. But for all those depressed young people gaming and checking out, I think their time is coming.
We may well be surprised. This phase of the collapse - there isn't a whole lot to do from their perspective. Old world dying, new one not yet clear, but that is changing.
We have to show them there will be a world worth occupying, and there are human qualities worth emulating. That bits on us.
Thank you.
Pharma is the gateway to madness. Stay away from health professionals.