Canada’s Weakness Broke the World – We let in The Four Horsemen
Fentanyl, Money Laundering, Corruption, Human trafficking - it's on Canada
This is part 2 of a series on the infiltration of the Chinese Communist Party into western democracies and its malign effect on the middle class, which it has targeted for elimination, stealing everything it can, that wealth disappearing into the maw of the fully criminal CCP. Any communist system works as a vicious circle, consuming resources and wealth, producing little of value, until the participants start eating each other. The only way the CCP can survive is through predating the wealth of other countries. This they are doing through destabilizing Western political systems, most specifically America’s, flooding all our streets with fentanyl and worse, and laundering their money, through our real estate. This, while we educate, train and hire their most brilliant students. Unless we reverse this, we cannot restore civic peace and the perennial hope of the world: the American middle class.
Last weekend we hosted an Indonesian family, the mother of which had been playing Scrabble on-line with Jamie for years. She, Dev, was bringing her elder son to study in Vancouver at a community college. He has an MD, but apparently in Jakarta you don’t made much money early on in medicine, and he wants to study computer science. Her younger son had been here, first at a local community college, and now has a place at the University of British Columbia which has 30% foreign students who pay about $60,000 a year. “Why,” I asked twice, “are you sending your only children 18 hours away by plane?” She mumbled the usual trope about international experience, “but in Canada, they can stay and work. In the U.K. and Australia, they can’t.” Jakarta, she went on to explain, is corrupt. Here, it isn’t. Dev is a rational actor. She has surveyed the landscape and chosen the best path for her kids. In ten or twenty years, her sons can bring in she and her husband and they can retire in peace.
However, Vancouver is not the stable, quiet, Christian city of the past 100 years where hard work and discipline were the only requirements for a family, home and happy life. The kind of people who built the city have been mocked, de-privileged, marginalized and impoverished and that happened within three decades, faster even. We may be further ahead of Jakarta or Beijing but we are catching up fast. In the world of international crime prevention, we are known as the “Vancouver Model”, a city taken over by international crime syndicates accompanied by the ruthless exploitation of the virtuous, the innocent, the impact multiplied by members of our own culture who hate and want to destroy us. In concert, they have worked to weaken our immigration laws to the point where nearly every community is burdened with desperate, hungry, sick people who do not share Canadian values. The media, filled with people who hate our foundational values and 90% socialist, do not report this. This film below describes Vancouver’s state, produced by an independent film maker without help from our massive subsidized media.
Our tormentors are mostly Asian Triads (in concert with Mexican cartels) with the accompanying, equally criminal, Red Aristocracy, the cloud heights of the CCP. The most vicious people in the world saw what Dev saw two decades ago, and have, over the past years, bribed and threatened and worked the system. They now, for all intents and purposes, run the city. None of that money knows how to make an honest dollar. All of these people are thoroughly evil and we have given them the keys to our future to the point where the CCP runs its own police stations where they can surveil and punish any Chinese who gets out of line. Most Chinese immigrants are here for freedom and opportunity: their dire predatory government has followed them to prey on them further.
Canadian students have to fight hard to get into the two main universities in Vancouver because they pay 90% less and the universities have gone full-bore after Asian students, despite their taxpayer funding and their mandate to serve the people who over 100 years, built them. Canada’s social equity, its charge to protect its citizens, is long gone. Our emergency rooms are flooded with desperate migrants and the vaccine injured to the point where there is an entire theme on TikTok describing the horrors of the vaunted Canadian medical system, especially its emergency rooms, the three day wait in pain and fear, the chaos ensuing, the break-down.
No one starting out in Vancouver or Toronto can afford to buy even a room in a condo; real estate is so expensive, it is a lost dream for the middle class. The green junta prevents building new suburbs. There is a lot of do-nothing burble about densification. Massive towers ring the highways; they will inevitably slum-out. But essentially it is because city real estate, and it is coming to smaller cities within the decade, is a chief mechanism of money laundering. More than fifty percent of the top 100 houses in Vancouver are owned by either Triads from Asia or the Red Aristocracy. Thirty percent are owned by shell “corporations”. In Vancouver, the most expensive house in the city at $23 million is owned by a 22 year old Chinese student.
This is how it happened:
Based on interviews with members of various police forces and other law enforcement agencies, along with material gathered from freedom of information applications, Cooper described how catering to wealthy Chinese gamblers meshed with laundering the proceeds of drug trafficking. Silver International’s business started with funding Chinese high rollers, many of whom were approached in Macau and persuaded to try their luck at Vancouver’s casinos. The stories quoted an audit of the B.C. Lottery Corporation by accounting firm MNP LLP as saying Chinese “whale” gamblers were “provided with a contact in Vancouver, either locally [in China] or prior to arriving in Vancouver.” The gambler would then “contact the person via phone for cash delivery,” with which they bought chips at the casinos. The gamblers would repay the cash advances “through cash holdings in China.” When the gamblers redeemed their remaining chips at the casino — and this was part of the objective of the transaction — they would be left with money available for buying assets in Canada. An RCMP inspector told Postmedia that typically, someone from Silver International would meet the Chinese gambler outside the Vancouver casino — the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond was a favourite — with $100,000 in cash in a hockey bag. It was no great leap to link the bundles of cash being given to the whales to the need of drug dealers to launder cash gathered in their transactions.
On any given day, drug dealers would take about CAD$1.5 million in cash to Silver International. The cash would be used for loans to Chinese gamblers, and the drug gangs would get credit. “Silver got so sophisticated that it evolved into an operation that could wire funds to Mexico and Peru,” said the Postmedia story, “allowing drug dealers to buy narcotics without carrying cash outside Canada, and cover up the international money transfers with fake trade invoices from China.”1

Today, according to Cooper, most of the drug money in North America is laundered first through our casinos and second, our real estate, bidding up the price so far, that now a shack in the drug-and-homeless-infested east end sells for a million bucks. 91% of the Politburo has relatives abroad, mostly in Vancouver, where they are systematically moving money and family. Five of the seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee and the heads of most of the major companies in China hold substantial funds abroad, in real estate in major cities, bidding up the price of housing. The top rungs of the CCP are so unstable, overnight flight is expected and planned for. Every single wealthy Chinese family holds 20% of its wealth abroad, in the U.K., U.S., Australia and of course Canada. What started as an estimated $180 billion a year moving (illegally) out of China, is estimated today to be more like $180 billion a week.
All that money is stolen from a slave state. The factories which make most everything we now use, are slave factories. People are not allowed to visit home, they are not allowed to change jobs. But the owners of the factories can close up shop and leave without paying wages. As a result, there are 500 protests a day in China, 180,000 a year. Most are local, as the CCP corruption process devastates a region. Every CCP official steals money from the region where they are in charge, and move the money off shore. Essentially how this works is the surprise shuttering of a factory, leaving the workers without pay or pensions. None of the protests are national - military police stop that -but there is no peace in China. No security. And all the profits are moving off-shore.
BNP Paribas, the French bank, concluded that in the first three months of 2015, just over US$80 billion fled China illegally, projecting US$320 billion for the whole of 2015. This was up from the US$244 billion in 2014 that the French bank extrapolated from the Chinese government figures that year. In fact, the estimate of US$320 billion for 2015 fell far short of the reality. The Bloomberg financial news agency reckoned that US$367 billion left China in just the fourth quarter of 2015. The last word goes to the Institute of International Finance, which estimates that just under US$1 trillion fled China in 2015.2
Ten years later, the flood is a torrent. All that money disrupts the host country’s economy, and de-privileges the people who make the country work.
Large cash transactions roll through the system un-investigated. One third of the most valuable houses in Vancouver are held by shell companies. Eleven percent use a nominee, a surrogate owner, to hide the identity of the real owner. From 2000-2017, the supposedly Conservative government of British Columbia – called the BC Liberals – encouraged the transactions.
David Eby, attorney general in the New Democratic Party government that came to office in 2017, addressed this question in a speech on money laundering in Vancouver in December of that year. Eby said he believed the previous Liberal government, led by Christie Clark, had considered cracking down on white-collar crime, fraud, and money laundering, but decided it was more beneficial to leave things as they were. He said it was hard for him to avoid the conclusion that the Clark government thought that a lax attitude toward money laundering gave the provincial economy a competitive advantage. “It is clear, in my opinion, that the previous administration was aware we had a serious and growing reputational issue.”
Eby, who is the grimmest of grim socialists, and now Premier of the province, believes there was an attempt to turn British Columbia into a modern day Tortuga, because the government made so much money from the Triads and the Red Aristocracy, they didn’t want to stop it.
That political party, once dominant, and now hiding from its past under “BC United” is now polling at 15%. In fact, for the first time in 150 years, the Conservatives are polling ahead in B.C., largely because the province is dying.
Why us? Why was the demented Dominion the first?
There is an instructive passage in Jonathan Manthorpe’s Claws of the Panda. Starting in 1840 in upstate New York and southern Ontario, the churches worked what was called the Psychic Highway, shilling for money for missionaries to China. People, newly converted to the life of the spirit during the Second Great Awakening, were all in, throwing money at the Methodist or Presbyterian church. One night alone – and these were not rich people – could fund one missionary for an entire year.
So over they went in the tens of thousands over the next 100 years, teaching school and running clinics, and becoming fascinated with the Middle Kingdom, its dire history, its transcendent culture, its appalling politics. And over the decades, they got really really involved, becoming agents of the differing political factions. especially the children. Mao or Chiang Kai-Shek? The Methodists were all in for the commies. The Presbyterians supported Chiang Kai-Shek.
These kids, seduced by the Great Game and self-importance, became, in both the U.S. and Canada, the base of our political class. Scratch any of our political histories and you will find a Mish kid front and center, to a man or woman a deeply innocent sort, liable to believe the unbelievable and to confuse evil as good. Also, with little connection to the country that birthed them, more often than not hostile to business, industry and enterprise of which they were envious, and ignorant of the fight to build the country itself. Mish kids became parasites on the system, smart, well educated parasites with almost no interest in actual Christianity except for seeing themselves as Christ, and they determined to “change” Canada and the U.S., “share” the wealth they had no hand in creating, via flooding the country with desperate immigrants. Mish kids form the core identity of the political class in every once Christian nation, self-loathing, contemptuous of the home country’s achievements. They represent, in fact, an inversion of Christianity, convinced they could do better. It was Mish kids who fought for the recognition of Communist China, insisted that it take China’s seat on the U.N. Once that was achieved, they worked to support that country above all others.
This is the world they allowed; this one video says it all:
So here we are, in Canada, laundering money for the Red Aristocracy through our real estate, not to mention being the entry point for much of the fentanyl in the northern U.S. The city council is compromised and 80% of our real estate agencies were found to have insufficient controls to identify laundered funds. Thirty percent of criminal assets confiscated from 2011-13 had been laundered through real estate, and we catch very few of these people. Transparency International found banks had severe deficiencies in four of the ten loopholes and significant deficiencies in the other six. This lax accounting is deliberate, the earnings too great.
The Chinese bring in fentanyl and no doubt children for human trafficking, through our massive port, staffed by immigrants surveilled by Chinese police, and package it/them for export to the U.S. We have fentanyl plants down near the border and no one closes them down because our police are compromised. Our streets, in Vancouver, once a gorgeous suburban Christian city, are littered with homeless so addicted the kindest thing for them is death, but our government, rather than rescuing them, not only gives out the drugs for free, but allows them to die in front of us. Last week, hard drugs were re-criminalized in British Columbia, but thousands of lives have already been destroyed and, for every addict, another family sent to ruin. As Schweizer makes clear in the below book, key politicians have been purchased.
China is desperate
China has 20% of the population of the world, and 10% of the arable land, but much of that land is polluted by industrial chemicals. All their principal rivers are polluted. Their system is a criminal cartel enforced by the Triads. Step out of line, and you are toast. Even starting a store on the wrong street or running newspaper articles against the CCP or cartels risks your being sliced up with a meat cleaver on the street in front of people as a warning.
This particular journalist was raised and educated in Canada with our values. Which don’t translate:
Like many Hongkongers, Cheng was drawn into the democracy and reform movement by the Tiananmen Square demonstrations and their aftermath. In 1994, he started co-hosting a groundbreaking political talk show on Asia Television called New Tease. A year later he left to host a breakfast show called Teacup in a Storm for Commercial Radio Hong Kong. This rapidly became the most popular program in Hong Kong, with a daily audience of over one million people listening to Cheng flay the territory’s establishment for its many sins. As Time magazine put it in an article published in September 1998, “Freedom of speech has always been regarded as the canary in the coal mine that is Hong Kong’s democracy under Chinese rule. Few people have exercised that freedom with as much gusto as Albert Cheng. For the aggressive, abrasive radio commentator, no subject was taboo, no tycoon too rich and no politician too powerful: Cheng attacked everyone, without fear or favor, and with thundering outbursts of laughter.” What prompted the Time article was that shortly before its publication, on August 19, 1998, Cheng was outside the offices of Commercial Radio when he was attacked by two men wielding meat cleavers. They were methodical in their attack, slashing Cheng across his back, arms, and right leg. The style of the attack was in a tradition typical of Triads. It was designed not to kill Cheng but rather to disable him as visibly as possible; this served as a warning to others. It took four and a half hours of surgery to rejoin Cheng’s broken bones, flesh, and nerves. It then took two years of physiotherapy for him to be able to walk again.3
The CCP cannot handle scrutiny because it has produced a failed state. Communism is the definition of a vicious circle. It consumes wealth, it does not create it. When the CCP allied with the Triads in the 1980’s, China morphed into a gangster state using drug money to survive. The country is so unstable, wealth flees. Therefore, the state goes out searching for wealth to consume, whether through our educational system, our real estate, the closely held secrets of our manufacturers and scientific institutes. And finally, through prosecuting drugs, crime and political instability, the CCP is feeding on middle class homeowners.
Our governments do nothing. Consensus now - our investigations are a joke - holds that the CCP helped Justin Trudeau win the last election, and CCP money wielded by the National Front stands up charitable foundations and cultural events through almost every city, agents restlessly searching for people to bribe or threaten. Former politicians, like Gregor Robertson, the “green” Mayor of Vancouver, now travel the world shilling for the CCP. The CCP runs bio-labs here with impunity, experimenting with new street drugs. Their Thousand Talents Plan, as it does in other countries, works to acquire anyone with a brain for the advancement of the Chinese Communist Party. A lot of them are Chinese, who we educate, taking university places away from Canadians. These kids, brilliant, are first hired by our strategic companies where they learn our secrets. Then they are shipped back to the motherland with stolen data and methods.
Canada let them in. Canada made them welcome and they used us as a staging platform to get into the U.S. Canada’s Mish kids worked for twenty years to normalize a criminal state, a state that does unimaginable things to its people, killed at least 60 million of them during the Cultural Revolution, starved to death another 40 million. Today, China runs the factories our oligarchs gave them via a vicious slave system.
It was our Mish kids, rolling around in their beneficence and vanity that did this. Canada, as it is now, is run by the Laurentian Elite, a world I grew up in. Vain beyond imagining, they fancy themselves as compassionate geniuses.
Instead they sold off Canada’s social equity. The political class of every Western democracy needs to be replaced. We are losing the culture it took two thousand years to build.
This week in Dublin, protests against immigration flared. “We have young children here,” said one woman. “Look what’s happened to Britain. It’s been destroyed. It’s not safe.”
There is no safety anywhere anymore. Our politicians, corporate chiefs and bureaucrats have sold it to the worst criminals on earth.
Next I want to illustrate the activity of the National Front, which is the smiley-face fronting the murderous intent of the CCP. And finally take a look at how deeply involved they are in stealing elections up and down every likely ticket, their intent to takeover of the democratic process, corrupt our industry, steal every secret process, and ruin any politician, journalist or bureaucrat or cop who stands up to them. Please support my work going forward.
Welcome to Absurdistan is reader-supported. If you have been here a while, please consider a very cheap annual subscription. I estimate that each piece you read costs about 30 cents and I am very grateful and happy for all those who have subscribed recently and who have been here a while. And the messages I get just about turn my head, I feel very supported and encouraged.
Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy and a regular contributor to Michael Walsh’s on environmental issues.
Jonathan Mapplethorpe, Claws of the Panda, In this instance Mapplethorpe is drawing from Sam Cooper’s Wilful Blindness.
You are waking us up, but not helping us sleep. :)
hola, en:
in a rather incomplete way i predicted much of this in the late 1980s when under mulroney canada revamped the immigration system to allow only the rich to enter and gave them easier access to purchase of canadian land and stopped funding universities — to become more business-like and profit oriented — so concomitantly allowed the universities to over-charge for foreign students.
at the time i also realised that the then early form of the mba-process (what i now recognise as an early if not earliest manifestation of woke) of profit maximisation with the concomitant outsourcing of manufacturing was to be the economic death of america and canada starting with the evisceration of the middle class, the heart and blood of those nations. the giant box stores i recognised as economic cancer to the community. and at the same time i described that the rapidly expanding wealth of the banks was a form of economic leukemia.
the very overt replacement of anything resembling reporting the truth was pretty much destroyed in that time frame. a marker to me of that was when brain-dead economic expert michael campbell came on night after night extolling his dead and dead eyed version of capitalism as being only the law of supply and demand for gas without recognising that what he was extolling was a rather sneaky form of communism. anyway, with the media's support the middle-class of gringo america leapt to their slow and protracted suicide under the false-truth of 'greed is good' and more cheaply made stuff was better.
were the life-blood economic poisonings being done with the mulroneys in canada, thatchers in britain and reagans in the usa with the nafta agreements and their like actually a crafty ccp plan? maybe. or was it simply that greed is more stupefying than sex and is fundamentally a form 'communism' that is sort-of hidden under the rubric that the 'good' of greed economics will, by replacing the christian-based values of value of hard work and frugality, give to the wealthy financial utopia?
do you remember the corporate media's new orgasmic hard sell of 'trickle down economics'? how did i see it described once? stuff the wealthy so full that the poor can mine from their shit the undigested bits.
sadly, the media blanket at that time did successfully convince the 'middle class' of the value of money as the central social value and so they raced to the wal-marts and committed the sloppy economic suicide which is now coming to fruition.
in 1987 i remember talking with a successful son of an immigrant family. his family hadn't been privileged by wealth and so were blessed and happy to have been given access to physical labour and so valued the one-tiered education they were able to afford to give him. i told him that within a few years of those laws changing re foreign land ownership and two-tiered education, that canadians and that family's like his wouldn't be able to afford either property or school.
so... was the corporatist ideology of greed is good, profit maximisation is even better, really a ccp plot that got started in the 1970s with the advancement of business management courses that resulted in greed ideology filling the top levels of the news, the governments and especially business? or was the ccp simply the opportunist that saw that the actions of greed-delusional gringos were going to be an opportunity to exploit?
either way, we committed economic sepuko under the guidance of big risk adverse business taking over governments.
we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.