They Are The Dark; We Are the Light
The more we know, the closer we are to the end of tyranny
This is the fourth in a dredging operation. I am not asking you to take this on board as gospel. I just want you to consider it, and over the next weeks and months, see what comes to you as evidence or corroboration. I’m working towards a meta-theory, rather than presenting you with something I can prove in court. However, this is hardly speculative, I have a lot of validating evidence, but I am rigorous. I need things locked down before I assert them as fact. Out there in the wildlands of the internet, millions of people, educated and not, ‘believe’ what I am presenting and they are in full opposition. Any politician looking for a way forward would be wise to look at this theory because he would immediately gain an active base. Which is why I think it’s worth considering.
Finally, if we know what has happened to us, we can change it. Ignoring reality because it is too dark or frightening, plays right into their hands. They want us weak, scared, and submissive. Who are they? The Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300, the European Black Nobility, the Olympians, the Illuminati, Skull and Bone, the Freemason hierarchy, the Venerable Order of the Knights of St John, Cultus Diabolicus, Force X, Club of Rome or for brevity: the World Economic Forum. HG Wells was commissioned to write their plans for us: The Open Conspiracy — Plans for a World Revolution.
We are looking at the stuff of conspiracy, the ancient association of the powerful who have been ruining the world since, well, as long as history has been recorded. They are our secret government. When Hillary Clinton was bent on leaving Bill in ’90, they sent one of their people, Pamela Harriman, to talk her into staying, promising her First Lady and then her own presidency. When Bush Sr was quavering over the first Iraq War, Thatcher summoned him to Aspen and gave him their orders.
Risibly, they trace their bloodlines back to the Nephilim, that race of Giants produced by “gods” uniting with human women in Sumer and Egypt. They operate in secret, because their goals mean us no good, and are richer by orders of magnitude than our prancing billionaires. The British Royal Family alone is worth $2 trillion and Prince Charles is the world’s largest landowner.
I have been principally focused on mind control. I’d already read the founding texts, and followed the building of the mind control system, so it was easier for me to track than their financial operations, though mind control is undertaken in order to make them richer and hide their black deeds (hence the Black Nobility). Their founding documents are available freely, and they built their institutions in full public view. They are among the most respected on the planet. A list is attached below. Most of them were birthed out of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations which itself came out of the Wellington Club, which in 1914 angled to get Britain, then America into the 1st World War.
The British War Office through the RIIA, commissioned Lords Northcliffe and Rothmere (the Daily Mail) and Arnold Toynbee, head of RIIA, and an MI6 operative, to do a study on manipulating war information. The project was managed out of Wellington House. Americans Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman were roped in and they held brainstorming sessions to mobilize the working class, who were expected to die in record numbers. Using the Daily Mail, they tested and tested techniques and decided that 13% of us were capable of critical thinking. The rest they could play like meat puppets. Records of the time show that by 1917, 94% of the working class did not have the faintest idea what they were dying for other than the Germans were horrible and bent on destroying King and country and had to be wiped out. (John Coleman from War Office Records). Then they did it to Americans. They were dying to increase the wealth of these people.
It was so effective, mind control was born.
At present, mind control is being used to take land and resources from us in the Americas, as they have in the developing world since the 17th C., and use us as another resource, on admittedly better living standards than cobalt miners. We will have lost all self-determination, as our lands and property will have been alienated. Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 are a mapping of the world’s resources and a subsequent setting aside of 30%, then 50% and then 75%. 90%, of land, water, minerals, wood, farm and rangelands. All of that will be owned through a series of international treaties negotiated through the UN, with national and regional governments, to be exploited by these people without adherence to national is the propaganda, this map below is the reality. Turquoise zones are where humans will be permitted to live.
Consider the possibility that almost everything you think has been devised and given you to think, through the media which they own. Unless, of course, you are deeply religious. The worthy tropes of every dinner party are rooted in the clinics and labs and seminar rooms of the behavioural institutions we fund. Tolerance of flat-out evil like people dying on the streets in front of us? Programmed. All the ‘you go girl’, ‘take care of you’, ‘girl power’, ‘girl boss’, self-cherishing, lack of gravitas in middle class women is invented in those rooms. Overpopulation? Programmed. Catastrophic man-made climate change? Programmed. Crystals and tarot and wicca? Programmed. ‘We’re running out of resources’? Programmed and utter nonsense. Buddhism? Programmed passivity. Even the slang we use was devised for us. Our felt powerlessness is programmed. Our despair, the black-pilled, “I’mouttahere” disengaged? You are exactly where they want you to be. Our disinclination to confront and debate? Programmed. The passivity of medical staff in the face of unreason and cruelty during covid? It took decades, but that was deliberate.
The Old Culture
By the start of the 20th century, America’s growth was so extraordinary, it had to be stopped. The Belle Epoque was in full swing. You probably don’t remember the Gibson Girl, but she was the model of womanhood, a glorious beauty with a curvaceous life-giving body, exhibiting in her form and dress, abundance and grace. That, that symbol and everything it represented had to be killed and replaced by starved doll-like women, Barbies, manipulated hourglass succubi, created by the grotesquerie that is Conde Nast.
By the end of the 19th century, the social gospel was in full swing. America’s Third Great Awakening was all about the lifting up of others. It was all anyone with any leisure and extra money thought about. It meant status and wealth. To the extent you helped others, you were respected. HBO’s Gilded Age is the seedy demonic interpretation of it, but in fact throughout the rest of that class and through the middle class, what women did was help. No, they weren’t processing claims for an insurance company dreaming of being a girl boss. They were helping the family whose father had broken a leg. They organized. Built the culture. I have daily schedules of women during that period, thousands of pages of diaries, letters, (primary research). Their entire lives were built around spreading abundance and health across their communities. At the same time, there were many many parties. People were always getting together, the world was far more social, more intimate, more real. They were always getting into carriages and bounding off to spend a month with cousins and friends. The more you had, the more you gave, and you were present. Not from your drawing room or Tuscany or posing on some ghastly yacht in the Med, you were there, with your sleeves rolled up, in the pit of despair.
Nothing the increasingly repellent Oprah sells, confers self-esteem like that.
All that goodness and wealth needed to be ruined. America the Strong had to be broken so the putrefying nobility of olde Europe could feed.

So, in 1897, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, HG Wells, etc., the faux-philosophical goons at the root of all this, sent Ramsey McDonald, then Prime Minister of Great Britain to America to report. He came back to say that America had a very strong middle class, employed, paid well, secure, independent and that the Constitution was very strong. The money behind the Fabians decided to break both, in order to usher in the great socialist revolution over which they would rule and profit. Socialism was their primary propaganda push. Their plans would take a century to work. They were willing to wait. Their bloodlines were ancient.
Socialism, the shadow side of Christianity, was their primary propaganda push
These men, and they are all men, except for a scattering of vicious Royals, made their money in the British East India Company, which on the surface bought and sold tea. What they really bought and sold was opium, and they addicted generations of Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese to opium and then heroin. Ask any Indian. Any Chinese. The English destroyed generations. The fentanyl plague is the East biting back.
Why is the British Royal Family so rich? They were principal players.
John Coleman, a former MI5 operative, spent ten years deep in the British Library, tracking old ships’ manifests to discover the following: In 1970, a banner year for the auto industry, Ford and GM sales were $40 Billion ($315 Billion today). The BEI Company made ten times that, $400 Billion a year for over 100 years, or $3 Trillion a year. Three hundred families took all that money. Those palaces and “stately homes” you visit in England and Europe weren’t built on agriculture or tea, they were built on drugs, on the addiction and death of tens of millions of people of color.
Delanos, Forbes, Appletons, Bacons, Boylestons, Perkins, Russells, Cunninghams, Shaws, Coolidges, Parkmans, Runnewells, Cabots and Codmans, by no means a complete list of families in America who grew immensely wealthy from the China opium trade.
b. gates. CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 (Kindle Locations 1792-1794). Kindle Edition.
The idea that Elon or Bezos is the richest man in the world? Pure propaganda. These families are so rich, it is impossible to identify just how rich they are, but think trillions. The Dutch East India Company was a partner. The China Inland Mission was their tool. They can buy anyone.
And then they set their sights on America. Entire generations to addict. The ‘noble’ purpose, stop them breeding.
This is how they did it
1.Drugs and porn. Last week we did a dive on the introduction of drugs into the community of rock stars, musicians, flower children, hippies and surfers in Laurel Canyon, showing how the CIA gave away tens of thousands of doses of LSD, and allowed the Canyon to become a drug house, so that at the height of it, you had a one in four chance of being murdered, killing yourself, or overdosing. Those kids then took their shows on the road and before too long an entire generation was captured by drugs and sex and rock and roll. Sexual permissiveness allowed porn, which grew more egregious and rougher as the decades rolled on. The more indulgent you are sexually, the more you need stronger stimulus, at which point you get CNN producers extolling sex with toddlers. And then you start mutilating children. It is fit that 1000 parents in Britain are suing the Tavistock Clinic for castrating their children. (The Clinic developed from the Institute.)
Drug usage is now an accepted part of life and nearly every family has been financially, emotionally or spiritually broken by taking care of their addict/victim family members. We think this was somehow natural social evolution. It was not. It was triggered, nursed, and effectuated.
Tavistock’s commissioned road map, The Changing Images of Man, carefully describes and explains why America’s culture must change. The bedrock 2150 Policy Research Report Number 4/4/74 given to Jimmy Carter, started the Social Policy and Research Institute as part of White House operations stated:
"(Our) analysis of the nature of contemporary societal problems leads to the conclusion that ... the images of man that dominated the last two centuries will be inadequate for the post-industrial era."
2. The Wellington House johnnies had discovered just how effective mass brainwashing could be, so in order to change the ‘self-image of man’ in independent America, they devised a series of shocks that would disorder our sense of security to the point where we gave up agency and retreated into self-indulgence. After the assassinations of the 60’s, the trauma of Watergate and the Vietnam War, the attempted Regan assassination (MKUltra), the assassination of John Lennon (definitely MKUltra to my mind), they got themselves on a roll. As detailed in the last piece, the assassination of JFK, performed in full sight of the world, can be seen as an occult ritual demonstrating their power, and warning any politician who tried to fight them. We must at least consider that many school and mass shootings in America are MKUltra, and designed to destabilize us.
Initially Stanford’s Social Policy Research Unit was run by OSS and American Jewish Congress member Ronald Lippert and managed by Tavistock from afar. Lippert, who ran experiments in forced racial integration and Leland Bradford’s work has been scrubbed, but in 1947, Dr. Bradford was named director of the NEA's National Training Laboratory in Group Development, a “pioneering venture in research and training in the process of group thinking and group decision-making”. Along with their British counterparts, these men devised future shocks, primarily the dramatic rise in the use of drugs by America’s teenagers. They habituated us to an “environment of change” in order to destroy agency and lead us to dependence on the government, and lack of belief in our own ability to affect events.
(As a side note, several of my readers persist in calling this a Jewish conspiracy; this is narrow-minded in the extreme. Yes, there are Jewish players, and the underground rumour is that the Pindar, the ghastly chief of it, has been Rothschild, but trust me on this, it is multi-ethnic, and largely European.)
As far as industrial policy goes, they methodically took apart the steel industry, with one blow, destroying industry in America
This summer, we are beset with one weather catastrophe after another. Putting aside suspicion of weather manipulations and direct energy weapons, the overstocking and fire danger in the world’s forests and grasslands have been reported extensively by foresters policy people, and reporters like me for the past fifteen years. We have been ignored. Fires around human settlements are unnecessary given fire suppression technologies we have had for 150 years. Those forests, I have come to suspect after fifteen years of studying this subject, were deliberately overstocked in order to drive people into the cities and willing to sacrifice for “climate change”.
And for a marvellous illustration the UN recently published a policy brief on the 12thcommitment of Our Common Agenda – Emergency Platform.
From a Tavistock Manual:
“Future shock is defined as physical and psychological distress arising from the excess load on the decision-making mechanism of the human mind.”
“A series of events which come so fast that the human brain cannot absorb the information. After continuous shocks, the large targeted population group discovers that it does not want to make choices anymore. Apathy takes over, often preceded by mindless violence.
We zone out, binge watch, binge shop, take drugs, legal and otherwise, hunker down, self-comfort, isolate. As we are meant to.
Again, we have to consider that AIDS, gang warfare, crack, child sex abuse, and disappearance of millions of children every year, the tidal waves of porn, satanic rituals in popular music, school shootings (MKUltra) and the endless parade of vicious criminals (MKUltra) were created in order to destroy American culture.
Equally, all the shocks of the past four years, the impeachments, the Russia hoax, the outright persecution of Trump, the obvious stolen election, Covid, the poison shots, the isolation, the fear were mounted in order to make human discourse filled with hysteria and attack. Consider that this has been deliberate in order to defeat the only politician capable of standing up to them.
3. Ruination of coherence in local communities. When I was growing up in a small town, town government was done easily and effortlessly, because we held the skill and memory of working together. We held common goals. Now our communities are so fractured that most people avoid local government. I (wearingly) proffer my 20 generation-long-small-town-dwelling family as example. You were not considered adult unless you were involved in making your home place better. In my region, local government is filled with contention, secret and not-so-secret Fabian Marxists who a plurality of residents dislike to the point of loathing. Our judiciary is profoundly compromised. Access has been shut off. You cannot be elected unless you are part of the club. Maybe once, and upon which that elector is overwhelmed by admin state opposition. This is true in cities big and small. Aaron Renn considers this in an August 10th piece in Governing Magazine and does a deep dive on our lack of strong leaders who can effect change. Gregg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes showed in The Parallel Election that there is so much money to be made in supplying cities and towns, corporate entities make sure the right person is elected.
Tavistock invented fragmentation-inducing language in order to set one interest group against the other, ensuring that rather than fight together, we fight each other.
There are other even more severe incursions on our peace and wellbeing made by the most malignant people who ever lived. The constant war-making for their profits and our deaths, wholesale unrestricted immigration fracturing communities and burdening them with millions of desperate people, themselves broken on the wheel of this cabal’s stealing of their home resources, which I have detailed before.
If I am right, the scale of what we have lost is immeasurable. But, if we had it once, we can build it again. Humans are not the desperate scrambling addicted flaccid creatures our secret government wants. We can do anything. Despair and disengagement is what they want. Read this and laugh.
Our soft, compassionate, righteous humanity outclasses them at every turn. It is our creativity they wish to harness. Nope. And their money? It’s ours.
Welcome to Absurdistan is reader-supported. Thanks entirely to readers passing it on, it has grown in the past 20 months of operation at 450% a year and many many thanks for that. This piece was published in a series about Tavistock and MKUltra last year but most of you haven’t seen it. I needed a couple of weeks to think through the pieces you will see next weekend
As before, if you subscribe annually, you are paying about .25 per piece which is a magnificent deal compared to any legacy- media-garbage-thinking-now-called journalism-but-what-is-really-straight-up propaganda. I am so grateful to those who subscribe, gift, resubscribe. It keeps me going. Also I love the discussions. I try to have a couple days a week ex-work, so as to keep brain inflammation down, but I do read and respond to almost everything.
Again my bio for the shocked and disbelieving.
Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a senior fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy.
Tavistock’s tentacles in America:
“This interlocked juggernaut of evil ….consists of Stanford Research Center at Stanford University, Rand Corporation, MIT/Sloane, “the Advanced Center of Behavioural Sciences at Palo Alto, the Institute of Social Research at the University of Michigan, the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, the Harvard Business School,” London School of Economics, the National Training Laboratories, the Hudson Institute, Esalen Institute, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the Office of Naval Research. There are others, such as the Geneva-based International Foundation for Development Alternatives and Executive Conference Center, the first full-time Age of Aquarius graduate school, charged with teaching behaviour modification for high-level executives from Fortune’s top 500 companies. Human zombies placed at top-level management positions to lead us into the New Dark Age of transcendental consciousness.
Two foci, first, changes needed in the United States; and second, the global order. Over the period of half a century, tens of billions of dollars have been allocated by the government of the United States with surreptitious help from think tanks and foundations aligned with Tavistock to fund the work of these groups. Every aspect of the mental and psychological life of people on the planet was profiled, recorded and stored in computer systems. Above the closely co-operating groups of social scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists, think-tanks and foundations presides the elite of powerful members of the oligarchy, comprised mostly of the old Venetian Black Nobility.
Estulin, Daniel. Tavistock Institute (Kindle Locations 127-139). Trine Day. Kindle Edition.
Yea for the 13%. I tried to educate my co workers before getting forced into early retirement to prevent an unknown cocktail of poison merging with my blood. The ‘science’ followed by so called educated medical people was astonishing. Seriously they believed in
1: isolate the well & healthy
2: asymptomatic? I can’t believe they fell for that.
3: leaders spewing fear rather than calm
4: experimental drug - didn’t wake folks up?
5: gene therapy?
6: masks? I could smell farts & perfume & poop with these. Really people, an aerosol is smaller than what we’re smelling.
Then there was these points to consider
7: it was all coordinated - all countries at the same time. -
8: kids who had a a microscopic chance of getting deadly sick - could not go to school? A teacher’s fear trumped the kids?
9: All the unions bit into this poison apple. So obviously $$$$ involved because it sure wasn’t about ‘safety’.
10: media - all messaged the same fear porn at the same time- all over the commonwealth countries.
11: police lost their minds. Arresting pastors, little kids in playgrounds, skateboard parks etc. No thinkers allowed in uniform?
12: my favourite because I am a grandma, if you don’t take it, you will kill your grandma. (notice no care for gramps) What righteous grandparent wants to give their children and grandchildren a poison, an unknown, under tested drug to save themselves? Who wants to decimate the jobs and supply chain to save ‘grandma’??? Not me!
I said these healthy young buckaroos need to get out and work to pay bills & feed their families. Don’t worry about the grannies. If granny is worried she can stay home.
13: dancing nurses. Where are they now - post jab?
Your statistic about only 13% of the population being independent thinkers (resistant to regime propaganda) sounds about right.