You read this in February, but it is the last piece in the Election Fraud series, and I want you to have them all together. Absurdistan is having trouble with simple arithmetic - I found myself staring into space wondering if 2+3=5 - so will take a few days break. Next weekend you’ll get a two-part series on what is being done to stop this mess.
Thank you for all the new subscriptions and esp the paid subscriptions and most esp the notes accompanying the paid subscriptions. I read every single one and they simply thrill me. It turns out you can make a living writing things that people actually want to read because they bloody well care about the subject. You can catch the stink of propaganda in every major outlet these days and they are failing and failing hard.
To Canadians, a reader wrote that when he fed his ballot into the machine during the last election, he asked the poll worker whether the machine was Dominion. “Yes!” she chirped. Canadian elections are stolen too. Dominion is run by Marxist operatives that hate us.
On that note, I am migrating Absurdistan to Patreon as a backup. I will still publish on Substack, but Substack is under attack by the security state, and Stripe is proving itself to be as easily intimidated as Paypal.
The last subtitle on this piece was “This is Why Nothing Works Without Money Printing”, and I did not explain this properly. The economy cannot genuinely grow - GDP is gamed _ for two reasons: one is that these people are stealing everything not nailed down. The other is that their ideas are so terrible that the culture loses wealth every day; it drains away in about a million different ways ranging from the hopelessness of the young to the stasis in the private economy, the only way it can grow is through accommodating lawlessness.
Please note I was prescient about Fani Willis, whose name still makes me break out in suppressed hilarity.
All Our Elections Are Stolen - This Is One Way to to Stop It
I admit I giggled all the way through the research of this, breaking out in helpless laughter by the end, hoping that I wasn’t going completely mad. First it was the book, FIND ME THE VOTES, written by Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman, about the Crazed Crackers who think the Georgia election was stolen and the Noble Black Woman who was putting things to right.
I persisted in calling the book in my head, The Ballad of Fani Willis, and kept waiting for the melody and lyrics, but I am not a musician and only the title came. Annoyingly, on repeat.
Isikoff, most remembered for writing for Newsweek when it was respectable, and others when they were respectable, is now head of Yahoo News, and has gone completely bonkers with Trump Derangement Syndrome. His associate in This Noble Task wrote, I believe, the first third which was all about the Noble Black Woman and her Noble Career and her Noble Father who was an entirely nice and not-murderous-at-all Black Panther, and how she felt that the massive uptick in violent crime in Atlanta should not take precedence over fighting the Crazed Crackers whose Awful Leader was Donald Trump. Fani gets the full-on-dripping-sentimentality treatment invented by Bill Clinton, her nobility and hard work, and wonderfulness and Godliness percolates all the way through it. I love how complete atheists like Isikoff like to work the God angle thinking that evangelicals will fall under his dark spell. Yeah, it just makes you look sleazy, buddy.
Willis thought her RICO case was her ticket to the Big Show. The White House. The First Noble Black Woman President of the United States of America. Apparently the Georgia Senate gathered the same and charged her with 23 Articles of Impeachment, mostly having to do with using said RICO case for her political career, not to mention paying the inexperienced, still-married, lover-lover $625,000 over 18 months. Charged with “the misuse of her office for political gains rather than the pursuit of justice”, this really needs a western ballad, with a zydeco vibe.
The second part introduced me to Trump Derangement Syndrome, which I mostly have managed to avoid. God in heaven this is awful stuff, purely hate-fueled madness. This part was written by Isikoff and I’d bet a million bucks he was drunk or on edibles all through it. In my opinion. Anyway, he trots out the usual villains and their wild accusations NONE OF WHICH HAVE ANY MERIT WHATSOEVER. THE ELECTION WAS NOT STOLEN. THIS IS ALL RIGHT WING GARBAGE. Even Rudy Guiliani who shut down the Mafia plaguing New York and managed New York through 9/11 is treated with zero respect and a lot of hateful mockery that anyone on the right is not allowed to use because hate, but lefties can express virulent hate all day with impunity.
Let’s start with the data and the home page of Election-GA:
These were the gross findings, gross as in aggregated voting irregularities:
Then of course (pause for giggling) the fall. Willis is done. Trump is the nominee and Trump is the next president. No one is taking him off the ballot. All the cases are done. Jack Smith, who was dreamed up in Central Casting as fierce Marxist show trial runner, is done. Trump is the next President. UBS is saying it, the street is saying it, the World Economic Forum is saying it. He is running substantially ahead of Biden in every swing state. Biden, despite being near vegetable, will not leave so that another Noble Black Woman can run, and neither will the most loathed Noble Black Woman in America leave the VP spot, so that someone with a brain can campaign.
(Just to get ahead of the vicious little race-hustling Marxists policing language, can I just introject that when I was at Time Inc in London, I got Nelson Mandela $1.6 Million for his autobiography before he got out of prison – it was my idea and I had to persuade all of Time’s upper management because Mandela was (believe it or not) not considered the Great Man he is today, then. Plus negotiating with Mandela’s people, including Winnie, and it took months and months of desperately hard work that started at 6 am, and ended at midnight (time changes) So NOT RACIST HERE. Also for years afterwards I was trotted out as an example of ‘synergy’ between parts of the company – books, movies journalism – during the Time Warner merger. I know my corporate Centurians. (Not Impressed with their brain power, but fully aware of their lust for power). They went from “No way is Time going to publish the memoirs of a terrorist” to 18 months later, “We are noble freedom fighters for Africa and the WORLD!!” From “Who the hell is Liz Nickson?” to “You can have any job in the company that you want.”)
Corporatists are on the bottom end of the late adopter curve, cashing in madly on the dying thing. The World Economic Forum is twenty years behind the curve.
To continue:
Beating Trump this time will mean cheating on a super-duper industrial scale. So let’s see how they did it in Atlanta. This made me break out in barely suppressed giggles all yesterday afternoon. I think, after self-examination and not a little worry, that I was laughing because you know how something confusing suddenly snaps into focus? Well it all snapped into focus.
Omega4America, or Fractal, as carefully described in above video, discovered how they steal elections wherever they need to steal. In every country. In every state. All through Europe. It is the reason for the flood of illegal immigrants, the debasing of the cities, the constant hate directed towards whitey. Create confusion in order to cheat. Plus, shame your enemy. Shut up and go away, whitey, they say to us. Die Faster. We have a better plan for earth and your sorry soul should find another planet. You are too uppity.
Did we really think the World Economic Forum would allow free elections? They are on record saying democracy cannot defeat Catastrophic Climate Change. They have, at their fingers, the most brilliant strategists in the world, the most brilliant digital geniuses. Of course they have been working the American election system for more than a decade. Up and down the ticket, they have been shunting the world towards their policies, their ideas, their ghastly plan for the world. Over 65% of Germany and France are allied against their ideas, and I think the same here. Of course they have to cheat. Of course.
I’ve written about the stolen American 2020 election here, here, here, here, and here. The election was stolen using all the old tricks, dead people, double voting, ballot harvesting, etc., but this is how it really really happens at its core. It was discovered by FractalWebApp Microsite at Omega4America, experts in digital theft. They solved Ebay’s problem when sellers were taking money and not shipping; the FBI failed. When the no-fly list was being gamed by Islamists, they caught them, and they broke multi-billion dollar autofraud rings for the biggest insurers in America, including State Farm. They hold six patents, are the leaders in cyberfraud, and most of their principals worked at MIT’s AI lab, accelerating AI.
They have a system that can access 200 million results per second. And the way they operate is that they take government databases, put them through fractal analysis, using a quantum tech stack to compare multiple databases against each other, in real time, visualizing relationships in data. Anyone can use their stack and operate it from their phone.
To analyze Georgia and fourteen other states, they used Death Records, Property Tax records, NCOA postal change, Known Address databases, the voter rolls database, the social security database, the 911 database, the Known Address database, the Cast Ballot database - and compared them all to the official Georgia results.
Let’s start with the little stuff because the cheat was multi-factorial. Over 30,000 Georgians had multiple voter IDs, 450 had three IDs, and 20 had four or even five. Many of those IDs voted. 10,223 people attempted to cast a ballot using a voter id that did not exist. 2,210 of those were cast and counted. Fewer than 200 dead people voted. 17,870 ballots were cast and counted but the people don’t exist in the voter history file.
In an election where 4.5 million people voted you might think these are just anomalies. Nevertheless, the election was won by that poor sad creature by 11,779 or .23% of the votes, so any of the above could nullify the election.
Most of the states use a system called ERIC to clean voter rolls, but every anomaly that follows eluded ERIC.
This is where my afternoon shunted into muted hysterical laughter.
7.2 million mail-in ballots were sent out and 4.5 million of those were returned or showed up on the day to vote. 645,375 ballots or 7% of the total had severe anomalies that mean that they shouldn’t have been counted. Tens of thousands were sent and returned from ineligible addresses. What is an ineligible address? Medical offices, vacant lots, funeral homes, churches, police stations, warehouses, campgrounds, RV parks, hotels. Industrial facilities, jails. Hospitals. Anywhere there is no bedroom.
Fractal calculated that there were about one hundred thousand people registered at an address that might be a business. Using the address and google maps (or any mapping system), you can find these places. For many if not most addresses, databases go deeper; you can get photographs of said lot or warehouse and here’s the great thing that send me into five minutes of giggles, you can get the voting history of the person registered at the warehouse, some of which go back five election cycles. This is also true of temporary campgrounds, RV parks where you cannot stay for longer than two weeks, but hundreds have been voting from said park for decades, and longer-term hotels, where you rent by the week, but have somehow been voting from said ‘suite’ for twelve years.
3,955 people live at a mailbox or a Fedex facility, a UPS office, and other virtual mailbox locations. And they’ve been living there for years. On their address they mark the post office box as ‘unit 12’.
Here are some pictures of where Georgia voters live, many tens of thousands of them all told. And many have been voted from here for several election cycles.All this, by the way, is illegal. And fine-grained. Vote by vote by vote, these addresses have been established as locations, voter ids and other ids assigned to individuals, and those individuals have voted. Temporary residences, like campgrounds, TV parks, and extended stay rentals in suite hotels have ‘residents’ who have been voting for several cycles.

This book, which I still consider the gold standard on the 2020 election, describes to my satisfaction how this scam is effected. It all works through the contractees for local government, whether city, county or state.
These companies have a vested interest in maintaining Democrat control over who is elected because their income relies upon it. Republicans promise to cut budgets, Democrats promise to increase them. There is nothing more lucrative than a multi-year contract with a big city government: massive houses, private schools and posh vacations for as far as the eye can see. Some of these men and women may be putative conservatives or Republicans, but their economic health is their first priority. I think it works through Masonic lodges at the higher levels.
Now, my great grandfather and grandfather were Masons, they are buried in the Masonic graveyard in Vancouver, giant stone angel watching over them. They were actual masons/Masons with stone quarries, but never mind, I mean to indicate I’m not paranoid about Masonry. That said, the Mason are tightly organized, profoundly secret and I argue, easy to corrupt when their finances are threatened. They ally with public sector unions and the Teamsters, all of whom have primary heart-attack level interest in making sure the money spigot from a Democratic party never gets turned off. Hoopes and Stenstrom worked the 2020 election for months, as volunteers, describe the play-by-play.
The steal, once discovered, is easy to fix. The fractal system can check a voter’s eligibility by processing 200 million bits of information in seconds. It can determine a vote’s legitimacy in seconds. And the fractal system can clean up voter rolls for entire states within a week. Fifteen states have done so, more have signed up.
The game might be invented in the higher reaches of corporatist alliances and the Democrat party, but it is effected in the cities and counties of America by the men and women whose income arrives directly courtesy of the taxpayer, the garbage, the cleaning contracts, the power, the water, the whole shebang. That’s who has instituted the cheat and that’s who manages it. That’s who must be taken down first.
I think if they cheat in 2024, the country will become ungovernable. It won’t be Black Lives Matter on the streets, it will just be a constant stream of interruptions of service, of surprises and shocks to their system. More and more will sheer off from the superculture, resigning and finding other ways to live, gutting the tax base. If they cheat again, they will activate another few million people. And some of them won’t be nice, they won’t play by the rules. It will be bumpy, and it will be financially not good.
Because here is the thing. The only reason the economy is not in the toilet is because the Fed printed $2.7 Trillion and flooded the markets with it. Climate regulation, ESG, DEI are all counter-intuitive. They don’t work, they restrict, corrupt and suppress because they are based on lies. Have a look at this bill for a small business in Canada, which is cold, for heating.
How can any economy survive with this kind of drag? The E. U. gave way to the farmers late this week. Almost 70% of Europe agreed with the farmers, so taxes on diesel, restrictions on land and fertilizers will be withdrawn. This is just the beginning. Europe will rise again. So will England. They went too far, and everyone is hopping mad. And the only way they got this far is by theft so horrifying, the jails should be stuffed with fat civic bureaucrats, their families bankrupted and scattered to the winds. It is the only just solution.
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This is the absolute best information on the stolen elections I have ever read. Only a brain dead MSM addicted moron that is too dumb to look outside the box could believe the election was honest after this evidence.
Cheating an election is a form of TREASON and the guilty receiving a swift hanging for TREASON would go a long ways toward discouraging voter fraud!
As always, you substantiate what we all know - and are hopping mad about! May God help us if the steal is in this year in the US! I don't want to dive too deeply into schemes and things - US politics stinks just as bad as Canadian - and everybody else's.
Your links and suggestions and hints are invaluable. I can't document the trail that started with you and led me to my current read - Col. L. Fletcher Prouty's "JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy" - only that it started with your "The Monkey Puzzle Tree" and RFK Jr's announcing his candidacy - dragging me back to the '60s. I was in high school when they murdered JFK, working at NASA when RFK went down. I walked away from it all in '68 (to the best of my ability) and just didn't want to know. Total disgust - I just refused to play. But by '85 it was clear that not playing wasn't an option - not for my generation, anyway.
All the data points point to an ancient conspiracy of them that have the most running the show, secretly, behind the scene, pulling strings, making kings and generals, starting wars to amass power and gold. I read Bucky Fuller's "Critical Path" when it came out in '81 and learned to call those demons "The Great Pirates" and had no idea what to do about it. Living in the woods - hiding - didn't work and I fell back into the Belly of the Beast, still with no idea what to do about it. Outraged, but impotent.
Prouty's explanation of how we got Korea, Dealy Plaza, Vietnam, and the raft of "Little Wars" that didn't stop when he published in '92 and we're seeing still in Ukraine and Gaza helps make sense of what motivates those bastards and their minions (also bastards) but then what do we do about it?
This post is another in your carefully documented pointers - thank you, Elizabeth. May God give us strength and guidance in the weeks and months to come!
I’m going through lean times and had to make a ‘Stack subscription choice: Seymour Hersh or Elizabeth Nickson. And here I am.
Dear Elizabeth- from the bottom of my heart I thank you for this post and for your amazing work.
You are the first substack political writer that I know of who has taken the deep dive into Jay Valentine's Omega4America technology and explained everything so thoroughly.
Because of your brilliance and exceptional writing ability, you are able to spread the word and elicit emotions from all of us who are fed up and who are trying to fight the good fight against our Satanic Overlords.
You know the crooked system better than anyone, so riddle me this: why is it that President Trump and every member of Team Trump (and the new RNC such as it is) is not all over this fractal tech like white on rice??
For that matter, what about all the "election integrity" groups throughout the country like Heritage Foundation or True the Vote or even New York's Citizens Audit? Why is it that "conservatives" (for want of a better word) can't seem to work together?
Jay Valentine has been writing about how to clean up the corrupt voting rolls for YEARS, even offering to give it away, yet why the hell aren't the TRUMP people hiring Omega like YESTERDAY ? I mean WTF??
Here's a video of a recent interview with Jay where he explains about what he does:
Look, I am not a tech person, being a woman of a certain age, but even I understand after all your brilliant explanations that Jay has the answers to the problems. Simple, right?
So why the hell aren't the feckless Repubicans but more important TEAM TRUMP working with Omega day and night for the next 8 months? Can they all be that stupid or corrupt?
I will support President Trump to the Gates of Hell and back to get him re-elected, but his people, including his daughter in law Lara, aren't doing him any favors if they just keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again.
Please tell us- what can any of us do, what can you do, or do you know anyone who can convince the Trump people to at least get in touch with Jay and try his programs/ tech?
Every day it's another gut punch to the good people of this Republic by the evil ones who are currently running things. But what these Satanic beasts seem to forget that there is a Higher Power above who rules us all. If G-d is with us, then who can stand against us?
Keep up the great work and thanks for everything.