Our Enemy is Radical Intelligent Evil and It Has a Source, the World Economic Forum
It is digital, transhuman and means to turn us into batteries. Human batteries.
This is the second half of last week’s essay. All the caveats remain in place, but if George Washington understood the threat of the Illuminati, why can’t we?
I have not read much in the way of Kingdom literature, which is adjunct to End Times literature, some of which is crude, some of which is deeply sourced and argued. But I came across this nasty bit of data this week and at this juncture, I can believe it. It is entirely arguable that the Germans lost World War 2 but the Nazis didn’t. They poured through the rat lines of Europe - one of the entry points being the Vatican - and spread throughout the world, most particularly into the U.S. government, sciences, and corporate America. Deeply immersed in the occult, they were quite frankly, the worst people who have lived. Vis., from The Shinar Directive.
And Christians are called the Far Right. From there, the blood of children was their food and fuel for effecting their domination.
In the past ten years particularly, we have seen evil burst forward in our culture, as one terrible idea after another is implemented, laying waste wherever it lands. “By their fruits you shall know them”, is one of the most useful phrases of the Bible. The fruits of our leadership class, the national and international Deep State, the alphabet international organizations are all disastrous. WEF, WHO, UN, every single one delivers a product flawed beyond measure, creating chaos, acting to destroy peace and prosperity. The evidence is everywhere.
We did not cause this; this is not us. They did. As described in detail last week, Nathan Reynolds, one of their super-soldiers calls it Radical Intelligent Evil. When Shane Sedore was being trained, he did not know the name of the organization, but he recognized after he got out that it was the World Economic Forum. The cults of the old gods, he says, have merged under the World Economic Forum. Its surface is clean and dull, its underbelly pure malice. And without exception, every thinking person across the world hates it. We all suspected, though we didn’t actually know, that the WEF is Radical Intelligent Evil.

We've kind of had a bit of a changeover, actually, what people know as the Illuminati isn't really in power anymore. Now, the groups that have risen from those ashes, I call the Umbrella Corporation just as a joke, because we've watched how the corporations have taken over government and taken over the military and taken over all of these institutions that we previously attributed to being run by the Illuminati, right?
So, that was part of my blog as well. That changeover was coming. I wrote that in 2015 and we've just watched it happen ever since. In the blog, I talk about a specific kind of global organization I was being groomed to work for and at the time we didn't have a name for it, but now it's known as the WEF or the World Economic Forum.” Delingpod 7/29/23
The implementation of evil has a name: Programs, Projects and Cults.
“Well, I was selected when I was about four, and put in programs from there. The way it kind of works is, well, it's called Programs, Projects and Cults. So on one side you have programs, on the other side you have cults, and in between the two of them are projects.
“And projects are what they put out into the public, and then the programs are experimentation that they do outside of the public eye, and then cults are the organizations that hold them all together. So various religions, literal cults, what you guys know as like Freemasons and Rosicrucians and Eastern Stars, all of those would fall under cults, Knights Templar going all the way back.”
All the cults, the Knights of Columbus, the Masons, Eastern Star, Knights Templar, Vril, the British Round Table, the 13 Families have a super-allegiance. They swear an oath to their cult, their brotherhood. “Not one of them”, says Nathan, “should be in political power.” Their allegiance is not towards the people. They swear to protect members of the cult, and they will pervert the course of justice.
They are seeded all through the judiciary, which, admit, explains a lot. It is clear, for instance, by the chaos in November 2020 in Delaware County, Penn., that the Masons who delivered services to city and state governments had co-ordinated the hiding of ballots, the reprogramming of memory sticks, and subsequent lying, cheating and wholesale stealing of the election. There is clear evidence. The Masonic Order might be ok at lower levels, but at the top? Pure evil.
My great-grandfather and one of his brothers - an architect on Port Sunlight- were Masons. My great-grandfather is buried in the Masonic graveyard in Vancouver, big honking white marble angel presiding. He built, he built bridges, tunnels, buildings, roads, and he devised and built the water and sewage system for Vancouver. But, when it was complete, a senior senior Mason was brought in from Britain to run it and start the takeover of the city. And his life’s work was ignored. That is the Masonic Order. You submit to the Order, above everything. And you can’t work in the profession without being a member of the Order.

The Jesuits
According to Nathan, the Knights of Columbus sit at the Pope’s right hand, and are the largest fraternal outfit in the world. The Jesuits are their assassins. And that was the category Nathan fell into. Radical Intelligent Evil hunts through the army, the schools, the colleges, all the professions looking for people with specific talents. They funnel into real estate, finance, music, government, science.
“They take what could be child prodigies, control their talent, and warp them in order to facilitate the families or networks.”
Then the prodigies become double agents. The reason that Macron, Trudeau and Obama look as if they were built in a lab to appeal to stupid middle class women is likely, may just be because they were placed in the Program, Projects and Cults of Intelligent Radical Evil. Obama, particularly, was impressive in his appeal to the left, while, in his first months, he oversaw the transfer of $10 trillion of public money into the hands of the super-wealthy.
His handlers found that Nathan was capable of great violence. The split in his personality, his alter was supremely violent. The way they triggered him was to tell him that his victim had abused children. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather transduced their duty to protect him, raped him repeatedly, drowned him, resuscitated him, split his personality, and destroyed his soul. Nathan fell into a militant vengeance cycle.
“The end goal of the abuse is to shatter your willingness to resist and to break your will. And once they own you and you have been woefully convinced you can never get out, you give in. The person who I was died, and the person they wanted me to become was what was born out of that disgusting Phoenix Ashes.
I was taken away from my parents and give a new mom and dad, new uncles and aunts, so that I was in a constant state of destabilization. The depatterning is built up, the programming comes in to stabilize the new personalities they had created by shattering my identity through trauma.
Ewan Cameron, the psychiatrist deviser of MKUltra, called the first part of his process, depatterning. Nathan’s new alter was found able to retain information and replicate it. By the time he was in his teens he was a lethal killer.
“The deepest desire I had was for justice. They preyed on that, and gave me opportunities to fight back against these perverts who were abusing children and they would build up in me this rage, this need for vengeance,”
When they had finished training him, he thought, “I’m finally able to fight back. I’m not in these people’s brothel anymore.
“They would let me release that on somebody, guys I knew who abused children, and I would slice their throats up, I would tear them to freaking ribbons.”
His family moved him around constantly because he was often too battered and bruised to go back to school. “I’ve had multiple reconstructive surgeries on my face”. At one point they moved him to Sholo Pinetop Lakeside, Arizona, where the veil between the worlds is thin, just on the border of the Apache Reservation.
“We would go out into the reservation to these specific high places and do these rituals and this ritual magic. I saw men become monsters in front of my eyes, I’ve seen men do nasty things like an animal, I’ve seen men become not-people. Like Lycanthropy. Vampir. (sic)
These people do drink blood, they are literally vampir. The families do drink blood, it’s not some kind of myth; people consume blood in order to live, extend their life force. It is a highly effective means of augmenting yourself.”
Child rape and sacrifice open the doors between the worlds. The rituals are necromantic, and only Bloodline families can withstand being possessed by creatures.
“I saw monsters coming out of people’s eyes and mouths”.
Instead of freedom, he became a slave in the military industrial complex. He was meant to infiltrate it, take the power and classified information and feed it back into his family.
He moved to Colorado Springs with his family to undergo formal military training. At 16, he was emancipated to the military and enlisted. He had a license to kill.
They trained him on cadavers in university hospitals, learning for instance to stab a potassium-filled needle into the left ventricle, causing instant undetectable death.
“What they want now,” says Nathan, “is to pharmaceutically hack their way back to the Garden of Eden, where they are immortal and like Gods.”
The adrenal compound, the silvery ink is being recreated in labs and used, though the blood of terrorized children source remains the most powerful. Transhumanism was created to specifically allow this class of people - which could be vast, in the tens of millions - to live forever and be biologically so superior they cannot be replaced.
The Black Awakening, claims that the Nazis have already created tens of millions of sleeper soldiers just like Nathan, who live without knowing who they are, and are able to be called into action when the time comes.
Nathan believes that the epigenetics of evil can be found in his blood, though at this point he has been so heavily augmented, it would be hard to trace. ““I volunteered for a lot of stuff and said yes to everything that they could ever give me that would make me better than what I was. I was on a desperate quest for relief. And so I volunteered for all kinds of stuff.” - The Confessionals: 665: Bloodlines of Monsters, Jul 1, 2023
The Magic
This is where the Old Testament and High Magic meet. When the Jesuits ranged through the Indians of the New World, they were looking for the high magic of indigenous tribes, the skinwalkers, the werewolves, the blood drinkers, the shamans who walked between the worlds, and the methods by which that magic could be replicated. So when Nathan confirmed his path as an assassin, they took him up in the mountains of Colorado to teach him the spiritual side of assassination.
“So the Jesuits was this massive assassination team training group that was operating there that started training me. Well, then it was like you needed to learn this spiritual side of assassination and hunting and stalking. And that's where the skinwalkers and the Navajo and the Dene are (used because) like, wait, they have a different priest class that does that.
And so that's what I got put out there for because they do stuff like slipping between realms. We call them shadow walkers in the industry. Like these are guys that have this means to go between spaces.” - The Confessionals: 665: Bloodlines of Monsters, Jul 1, 2024
When Shane finally managed to exit the cult, after threatening exposure, then suicide, he was given one final task. He was to go around Canada with a team and investigate every reported psychic phenomenon, document it and bring it back to headquarters.
“And so I was basically ready to kill myself to get out of it. And so that was when they basically negotiated a deal with me where if I did a certain set of things, I could get out and they would just let me out.
And part of that was putting me in an organization that was collecting paranormal experiences from people.
I did a little bit in the States, but mostly in Canada, going around collecting physical evidence, collecting stories from people who had possessions, poltergeists, ghosts, hauntings of various things, alien experiences, abduction experiences, all of that type of bigfoot sightings, anything that kind of falls under that. And this was happening in the late 90s, early 2000s. So we just had the X-Files, right?
So it was basically like we were living the X-Files.” - The Delingpod: The James Delingpole Podcast: Shane Sedore, Jul 29, 2023
They were lying to him.
In fact, what they did with Shane’s research was bury it.
“So they told me they were going to teach humanity that the soul exists outside of the body, life after death exists, all of this stuff they know is true.
They were going to actually teach this in schools. So I was more than happy to do that job, right? I was more than happy to go to people and use my powers of persuasion to get them to tell me stuff that they wouldn't normally tell someone, get them to give me materials, things of that nature, because I thought that it was all going to end up coming right back to humanity.”
When Nathan tried to get out, it wasn’t quite as simple. He was a valuable resource and they didn’t want him to leave, and they didn’t want him to remember what had been done to him. . First, he found himself in the Omega Program, which is part of the military’s toolbox, where you are convinced to kill yourself - they use it on military who know too much, or who are going to whistle blow. His journey out was so painful and took many years. His wife and his church helped him, his father kept turning up to ruin his chances. His learned skills kept him alive.
“They sent special kill teams after us in front of my childrens’ faces.”
Snatched from the Flames describes his conversion to the Christian faith, and the process of repentance, the excavation of lost memories, the psychic retribution for the things he did. God saved him. Christ saved him. Christ, he says, transmuted his blood to the blood of Christ.
“And so that's why I serve him, man, because I've seen what the power of covenant is and I had a covenant with the law of sin and death before in my life, but now I have a covenant with the most high of peace and life. And he's given me a new purpose. He's given me a family.
He's given me a mission. He's given me the opportunity to do the things I dreamed of when I was that little, man. I used to run away in the night in Arizona.
And I would run into the base of that mountain, man. There's these caves that are there that I just love caves. To me, it's safety in that.
People call hunting and all this. I'm like, dude, these to me were people. I'm more like a beast, man.
I was ripping people's throats out with my teeth when I was a child to survive a fight. Like that does something to you when you try to see other children playing with a batwing toy or whatever. And you're like, you're puking blood in the toilet because of all the crap you just went through the night before…”
Nathan made a covenant with his wife, and while the tunnels still beckon to him, he will stay on the side of the light.
While Shane Sedore seems more reserved, Nathan is out front, telling all the stories. You can follow both men, both heroic men, admirable, strong, an example of male strength, in their refusal of all the worldly things on offer, choosing to live in obscurity and under constant threat.
I often think of the immense power of the righteous man, we need to call it back into our world. These men we are supposed today to admire are repellent people, self indulgent movie stars, women stars who sell their bodies on yachts every summer. Disgusting lying cheating profiting politicians, “successful” businessmen who are the worst predators the world has ever seen, the lying cheating censoring digital overlords. They are morally made up of snakes and filth. I want men who fight evil, who bring righteousness back to our world, safety and peace.
These two, both in their 40’s are the apostates from evil that we need. Fully repentant in Nathan’s case, shriven, forgiven, their bravery is hands-down one of the most impressive things we can imagine. We need many thousands more.
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Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, fcpp.org. You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here: https://independent.academia.edu/ElizabethNickson
See, I CANNOT send any of those videos to folks I want to "awaken" because of the TRASHY LOOK of the guy in the videos.As strange as that may sound , if you look like a member of the BASKET OF DEPLORABLES you will have no credibility. Put on a DECENT SHIRT and shave that NONSENSE BEARD then , AND ONLY THEN, will certain WELL GROOMED MASSES believe anything you say. I get it this sounds very "bougie " but it's true.
I see. So it's the Illuminati, the Nazis, the Masons, the Knights of Columbus, the Jesuits. But it definitely, most definitely is not Jews. No, not at all. Can't catch a hint of them ever showing contempt for Christianity. And they definitely are nowhere near positions of power. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the borders of what used to be called Christendom have been opened from the inside. Just like the Gates of Toledo.