Why Didn't They Steal It?
They did. Eric Hovde? Kari Lake? Mike Rogers? Sam Brown? 12 House Seats. Thousands of state, county, states and county attorneys, school board seats
But why not the whole show? Simple. The bankers wanted Trump. It was touch and go, their decision, hanging on to the last minute, until Kamala, the MKUltraed sex-operative puppet was revealed as too broken to run a corner store. They didn’t change fast enough for the U.K., and Kier Starmer is their last, and I think final, PM/WEFer patsy. Nigel Farage is out-polling everyone because Britain is on fire right now and the Conservative Party suicided trying to please everyone. Farmers are once again clogging Westminster. The globalist regime is so stupid, so busy regulating and stealing, farmers cannot feed themselves much less the nation. The conflict is that elemental.
The United Nations 2030 plan intends massive land confiscation. It will eviscerate property rights across the board. That land will be divided up and parcelled out to globalist interests like the Chinese, like Bill Gates, to any malignant plutocrat, to exploit and manage. Farmers and rural people will be reduced to serfdom on leased lands. Kinda like the Middle Ages. Home owners to renters from Blackrock.
France’s “government” fell last week and Macron, failing to leave, appointed yet another”centrist” as PM. Anything but a populist. It won’t help. The farmers have been out on the streets protesting in France for years, while Macron, a WEFer patsy married to a transsexual who according to Candace Owens raped him as a teen, only takes calls from Klaus Schwab, George Soros and Justin Trudeau, the Luciferian Marxist Ken doll destroying Canada. Did you see Macron pawing Trump last weekend? He will hang onto power any way he can.
If you take one thing away from my research and that of hundreds of others, it is that the WEFers, the 1200 mega-corps that run the world, have been funding, in giant gobs of taxpayer money (repurposed to “non-profits”), to legislate and regulate Americans out of business. A mega-corporation in league with a government department practices hand-over-fist looting of the people’s money. Ever since Jeffrey Epstein met the Clintons and taught them how, senior bureaucrats and politicians seem to have one goal: $100 million walking away money. Mark Andreesen on Joe Rogan last week described a chilling meeting at the White House last summer, where he was told there would be two or three massive AI mega-corps running everything and the government will control them. “Don’t even bother to fund start-ups.”
In every sector, that is the plan. No small business, no self-determination, no property rights, rent everything from a faceless, nameless, placeless, unaccountable mega-corp controlled by a central government. Think I’m exaggerating? Look at this. This is flat-out bullying. Eventually people give up, especially the marginal. 510 lifetimes to fill out the current form requirements.
Election theft allows this to continue. Election theft is waiting in the wings until the next opening when the agenda takes up its inexorable path.
Jay Valentine, one of America’s most proficient and successful digital fraud experts, has dug out the tens of thousands of beta-males and blue-haired ninnies who labor away in the globalist trenches. They give themselves grand names, like the Chinese Progressive Association, but in fact, they are mentally ill kids paid to hate and steal and when necessary manufacture votes. Kamala may have formally spent $1.2 billion on her campaign, but according to one of her very cross campaign advisers, there was another billion in globalist funds smurfed through the countless non-profits that form the life-blood, the circulation system of the left. Nineteen states are investigating Act Blue, caught red-handed stealing the identities of elderly working-class men and women and donating tens of thousands in their name per year in tiny amounts, the fraud continuing for a decade, more. Even the dead contribute. The actual money is from foreign governments, billionaires, American and otherwise.
The video showing the network, the names, the financing numbers can be found here. Every dot is an NGO funded by China, Iran, or European and American billionaires working to subvert your vote. Omega4America and Stop Bogus Ballots have done sterling work outlining how millions of votes, up to 32% of all votes, are manufactured. Their video series can be found here. The manufactured votes are then manipulated within the machines’ coding in real time. Most voting machines are illegally connected to the internet.
In the 8 minute video below, Jay Valentine outlines the half-billion dollar operation of the Tides Foundation. By the way, Tides Foundation operatives fill the seats in Canada’s Privy Council.

Only Americans are challenging election theft, calling the criminals to account and revealing the methods of the cheat. Canada is ignoring the bundling of immigrant votes which turns riding after riding towards the socialist left, promising enhanced benefits. Julian Assange says there are five million excess social insurance cards in Canada, all of which give the fake individual the privilege of voting, and those votes turn up when needed. Last month, in my jurisdiction, conservatives were polling 7 points above the socialist NDP. But the NDP had brought in mail-in voting and Dominion machines and lo and behold, they won. Dominion’s ownership structure has been traced back through private equity into the Chinese Communist Party, and British Columbia, where I live, is a staging area for Asian criminal cartels into the U.S.. After their “win”, the NDP premier promptly sent the legislature on a two month break. And their agents began investigations of the Conservative leader. It’s a well-worn playbook.
No one in France, Germany, England or Ireland is investigating their steals, which given popular outrage, is without doubt happening. Only the Americans seem to have the spirit to stand up.
And even in the States, those stepping up aren’t associated with any of the institutions, whether government, university, think tank or NGOs. The institutions bray that it is not happening because they benefit from the steal; it means they get their government money. When representatives from the institutions tell us that democracy is dying, they mean they aren’t going to get their loot.
Valentine asks: Did those new voters from those effective voter drives vote for Trump then decide to neuter his programs by voting for leftist House members?
In 2024, the bankers and the people said no. But the mechanisms of the steal remain in place and Trump’s agenda will be slowed down by the left and RINOs.
I’ve written almost a dozen pieces on the steal in both 2020 and 2022, attached below. I’ve relied on about a dozen investigators working at the coal face of the thefts; it is dangerous business. These four state legislators took up the fight and were driven out of office. They were Republicans and the RINOs cancelled them. The steal is Uniparty.
Tina Peters, a grandmother in her sixties, with no criminal record and in fact a sterling exemplar of community service, became suspicious while acting as county clerk, and saved the hard drive of the machine she observed switching votes. She made a copy of the machine, showing it had been accessed remotely hundreds of times (which is illegal). Jenna Griswold, the Soros-backed Colorado Secretary of State, sent her police to erase the machines and Peters, who copied the hard drive of just one machine (as required by law), is serving a ten year sentence.
Every single individual who has stood up against the 2020/2 theft has landed in court, been attacked, smeared, investigated, sued, slandered, mocked, fined, taxed, raided, fired, and if possible, ruined. Peter Bernegger, Jay Valentine, Leah Hoopes, Gregory Stenstrom, Seth Keshel, David Clements, Douglas Frank and many more, are heroes. They work without funding and charge only their expenses. Anyone with real power is notably absent.
In many states, it’s the RINOs who collude to keep the flow of funds constant. As Valentine points out, with a Congressional mandate so tiny, the near trillion in Inflation Reduction funds will keep flowing. And in 2026, the steal will flare again. According to the Wall Street Journal:
“The Inflation Reduction Act has channeled billions of dollars to renewable-energy projects across the country, with Republican-led states getting the lion’s share of the funding. Even though not a single Republican in the House or Senate backed the Democratic package, today there likely isn’t enough support in Congress to pass a repeal, according to Capitol Hill watchers and former Trump administration officials who worked on energy policy.”
All that said, in my opinion, those extra 20,000,000 Democrat “voters” vanished because the central bankers needed growth, saw the Democrat green commie regime as future bankruptcies across the board. If the U.S. defaults the world goes into chaos, so they put the spurs to the National Security State which, in my opinion, orchestrated 2020/2’s steal. DARPA’s tech is twenty years ahead of everyone else’s, including the top players in Silicon Valley. Only they could have pulled off 2020’s digital theft, with a lot of help from China. Doubt me all you like, but first read this book, by Annie Jacobsen.
For some damned reason, discussing and analyzing the workings of the voting machines is dangerous business. Fox News had to pay Dominion almost a billion dollars. Therefore, let’s do it. My argument for the lawyers is that there is so much evidence of fraud that we need a proper investigation. Voting is sacred. The process must be pristine. More than half think 2020 was stolen. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to hide in an investigation.
The Machines
Absurdistan has described in detail how the voter registration rolls are corrupted by hundreds of thousands of fake voters, who “reside” in parking lots, seasonal campgrounds, warehouses and hotels.
In this video, Omega shows that thousands of people who cast votes in 2024 in Pennsylvania were either not born yet, or under the age of 18. Hundreds were one year old, two years old. 3100 voters were under the age of 18. Many of these voters have been voting since the 1950s. This is the same situation in Nevada, Wisconsin, Arizona, two year olds living in hotels, empty lots, and parking lots.
In Pennsylvania even those not born yet, vote. These people below voted in the 2024 election:
The Georgia Nerds declared that as they challenged and removed fake voters, they were replaced by the voter registration program within days. By their calculations, not one elected official in Georgia won his or her race without cheating. And while citizens removed thousands of fake voters prior to 2024, hundreds of thousands remain on the rolls. Any attempt to legislate them off is fought viciously by Soros and others.
The fake voters are used as follows. This is explained by Colonel Phil Waldron whose background in the military was in information warfare. Waldron analyzed with a team, the vulnerabilities in the voting systems. DHS and CISA (Cyber Defence Agency) became involved in Texas with Waldron’s team, trying to understand what was going on.
“Algorithms are put directly into the tabulators and we have evidence of that. In Georgia (in 2020), they stole 13% of the vote from President Trump and gave it to Biden. Which made a 26% shift in the vote. There are so many vulnerabilities, that it allows anyone with technical ability to change the election. The president of the Chinese Communist Bank is a member of the board of directors of the private equity firm that owns Dominion. The testing company, the only company that has access to the code, is a Chinese Communist party company located in Shenzhen, China.”
State, federal and local governments don’t have access to the code.
Waldron’s team watched votes being switched in real time in 2020, capturing outside actors communicating with the machines, and traced the back and forth to servers in Iran, Spain, Germany, Canada and China.
Nothing changed by 2024.
Kari Lake’s election this year was so stolen it hurts, as this piece describes. Come on, a cartel lawyer won over Kari Lake by eight points in a state Trump carried by five. A state which, according to Seth Keshel, doubled its Republican registration between 2020 and 2024. Arizona is a cartel state and Katie Hobbs, its governor is compromised. If Lake was allowed in, the investigations would destroy the state government.
Ron Johnson explains how corrupt the Wisconsin Election Commission is. Lawsuits are coming.
Douglas Frank:
“The machines operate an all inclusive integrated software based in the cloud. That software ties a voter ID # to a ballot. And that ballot can be printed out of thin air. It’s what happened in Arizona in the last three weeks. Runbeck is able to print up tens of thousands of ballots and they find their way into the counting centers where we are finding thousands of votes which never had eyes fixed on those ballots. That’s what happened in Michigan, Wisconsin, and all through California.”
All Trump has to lose in 2026 is one House seat and it’s the Impeachment Parade all over again.
2020 Must Be Thoroughly Investigated
The charts below from the team of digital ninjas hired by Mike Lindel describe the outrage of 2020. This is how very bad it was, how deliberately sloppy, the reason for the chaos, the late night shut downs, the water leaks, the ‘found’ ballots, the ballots driven down freeways on trucks, the central counting houses running pallets of ballots up and down elevator stacks, the counting houses chosen for their confusing layouts, the involvement of the most brutal unions to menace legal observers and deflect questioning.
It’s not just Dominion, it’s all the machines and, above all, the Smartmatic code.
2020/2/4 were criminal conspiracies against the citizens of the United States. The fact that the courts avoided taking this up is profoundly shameful. To most military observers, it is cyber-warfare, asymmetrical warfare conducted by a pure-threat nation state. To others it is Americans in government stealing the vote to benefit themselves. To Waldron’s team, 2020 was a coup, engineered by elements within the country with the assistance of China and other state actors. Most analysts who confront the crime admit that it is so complex that most human minds cannot handle it, and therefore ignore it.
But the motivation for the steal is clear-cut. It is the theft of the peoples’ money.
Waldron’s team traced the source of the ES&S code to SGO Smartmatic, and pointed out that in 2020, SGO, the corporation that owns the code, could profit by tens of billions through the sale of their air purifier systems, were Biden to win and install through the Green New Deal, the requirement of air purification systems on every building, apartment, corporate or government. If this is true, SGO has both motive and opportunity. This absolutely must be investigated. But, to date, anyone who questions the company lands in court, following the lawfare playbook.
Equally, if Chinese could avoid the US protecting Taiwan, the CCP would have the motivation to influence the election.
This week Dick Morris made an appearance, explaining that between 2016-2020, Biden was paid $1,000,000 a year by the Biden Institute for Global Engagement funded by $54 million from Chinese donations, at the University of Pennsylvania (which vies for the most corrupt university in the country) while the team around Biden currently in the White House refined their plans. Antony Blinken was on that team, as well as nine others currently on Biden’s National Security Team. Which means that the core of Biden’s administration was on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party for four years prior to taking office.
The final piece of the puzzle is brought into focus by the testimony of Russell Ramsland, a founder and principal at Allied Security Systems in Dallas. A plurality of election investigators are from the cyber security field. Ramsland holds a graduate degree from Harvard and is among the most sober-minded individuals I’ve ever seen testify. His work on the fraud he found in the Antrim County machines, which flipped the vote count entirely, is here. His interview is here, starting at minute 25.
“Logs from the 2018 Dallas general election were brought to us from the tabulation server and people asked “What do these logs mean?” It was about 1100 pages And we got looking and we were horrified at what we found. We found people were getting into the system and they were changing the votes, erasing data bases, reloading them, it was coming from remote locations. We thought it can’t be.
These were ES&S machines. Most of the voting machines have similar DNA. Someone was playing with the election. We tried to get the authorities alerted we brought in a DOJ prosecutor who ran the cyber group for Texas and she was horrified. She asked us to put it together and we submitted it to the FBI and we did that and they did nothing. We continued and the more we found the more horrified we got. This was all in Dallas
We tried to get Senators to look at this, we tried to get state officials to look at this. We continued to look at it on our own, we had no client at all and eventually we got seven members of the Freedom Caucus to take a three hour briefing without staff and what they saw was absolute proof was that the electronic voting system that we have is completely compromised, it can be completely manipulated.
We finally ended up with Ron Johnson’s Department of Oversight Homeland Security Group and they were horrified at what we showed them, they tried to get CISA, the Cyber Intelligence Security Agency to take a look. CISA would not take a briefing.
The break really came when we got some DHS people in Austin from the former INA division, the intelligence and analysis division to take a look at what we had. This division used to handle voter integrity before it was handed to CISA
They were horrifed and sent an entire team to our shop and we spent eleven hours with them. We gave them all our data and they took it back to Austin, and gave it to three private cyber groups. They asked “Are these guys crazy?” All three groups came back and said, “Not only is this right, it is horrifying.”
What is horrifying is that there is no effective security at all for your votes. Your votes are stored overseas, where they can be easily manipulated. 27 states use Clarity Scytl Election Night Reporting and those servers are overseas
They have what is called S3 bucket vulnerabilities, people can get in and change the votes there, and they can load them way back down to the county because Scytl gets all their credentials from every single county server here so they can get into every single county server and change the votes here from overseas.
The DHS people in Austin realized that what we were saying was correct and they began to try to have a series of classified briefings within their own group in order to push this up the chain. They got one or two levels up the chain and then met a solid wall of resistance and were told to leave it alone. “Don’t pursue it.”
Who has that power at Homeland Security? We have the reasons, the methodology, the profiteers, just not the hand at the switch. Not yet.
Four Senate seats were lost in 2024 to mail-in ballots from ineligible addresses and the votes were manipulated within the machines using those voter numbers and addresses. The Pennsylvania Senate seat was on the dock, but was fought so hard even Josh Shapiro, the Clinton choice for a future White House, gave up and folded.
So I think they let Trump win, and put RINOs back in charge in DC. Which is why Republicans have the weakest majority in 75 years.
Says Valentine: The House narrative will soon be about how a group of 25 “GOP moderates” now rule the House, tamping down anything the Freedom Caucus wants to bring forward. You know those headlines - you see them all the time.
What’s happening in the States is happening in every western democracy. Once again, America is going to have to save the world. 2020 must be thoroughly investigated, the software in the machines must be overwritten and the new code made transparent and safe. The companies and individuals running the steal must be prosecuted and jailed.
Without which, we will lose everything to criminals in $1500 suits living in gated, heavily guarded communities.
Welcome to Absurdistan is not pay-walled, but if you have been here a while, please consider an inexpensive annual subscription. The four years ahead are going to blow off the heads of our sickening corrupt elites and the structure they have built to impoverish us and benefit them. Absurdistan is 100% here for it. (Plus I clearly need to build a legal and security fund.) All the election pieces are linked below. Please send them to anyone in local, state or federal government that you know. This is not fixed and it must fixed.
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Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists,,How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, fcpp.org. You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here: https://independent.academia.edu/ElizabethNickson.
Her essay on the catastrophic failings of Canada's CBC is included in Michael Walsh’s Against the Corporate Media, 42 Ways the Press Hates You, published in September 2024.
There are two options: return to paper ballots or use a hybrid system.
The hybrid system requires you to use a voting machine coupled with a printer that prints out your ballot. The ballot is then scanned into a system, and the vote is sent to the state election commission. Your original ballot stays in a sealed container pending its use in an investigation.
Hell, just cut off access to the machines on voting day. Then, firewall all the machines behind military-level encryption, let the NSA do its job and have their computers monitor the data as it goes to the federal level. The only other solution is to go back to paper ballots and make sure that every living voter has a picture ID.
Thank you for covering this. RNC got distracted celebrating to stop these steals. Hope the slimmer than hoped for house and senate majorities hold when it counts.