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Obviously, you've swallowed the media distortions about Vietnam hook, line, and sinker. Nixon was bequeathed an LBJ mess and finally got us out of there. We went into Laos and Cambodia to destroy the sanctuaries for the NVA/VC despite the hue and cry about so-called "widening the war" which the enemy did with impunity prior.

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You are correct. The Viets were using both Laos and Cambodia as staging and transport areas. So Militarily, it made sence to bomb those areas. Just remeber it is easy to monday night quarter back after 50 years. But back then, nothing was for sure. This was a time of PRECIEVED world wide struggle against communisim. Nixon had inhereted a war and wanted to end it. One way to assist with that was putting pressue on the Viets militarily . It made sence. And it did assist during the Paris peace talks. Would haveit been better if Humphrey or McGovern had gotten in instead of Nixon? ...Doubt it. Nixon played a good hand with what he was delt with and ther man might not have done so well.

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you're lucky this wasn't a spelling test.

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The "Four Dead in Ohio" were protesting Nixon's bombing of the Khmer Rouge.

Neil Young, Walter Cronkite and most doofus Americans somehow missed this.

Neil Young came outa Toronto which helps explain his cheese-head. Americans have no such excuse.

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You're gonna get calls from the american cheese-head union.

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Were you alive then? Just like another poster you are unaware of what actually happened at Kent State,Vietnam, and elswhere in this country. Nixon had to clean up the mess that LBJ created. It's easy to Monday morning quarterback 50 years later.

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no he didn't. he did so because he was owned. bothering people in their homes is what america was doing. They were being run by the psychopathic billionaires whose companies manufacture arms. You are the victim of these people and here you are defending them. I pity you.

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20 months in South Vietnam.

Jan 66 to Nov 67. USMC.

Was at Columbia Fall of 68

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another one who can't read a compass and so can't find canada.

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Canada is for cheese-heads. Dickless, black-face thespians

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are you a natural dumbass or did you have to study?

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you spelled that right! good boy!

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and you have missed the point that america was in vietnam bothering vietnamese people in their homes for no good reason. That's the only point you needed to understand and you surely still won't see it now that I've pointed it out.

There's the problem. People like you continuing to repeat conclusions drawn from beliefs which all miss the whole point every time.

Unless you want to tell me that there was some good reason for the u.s. army to have been in Vietnam? Good luck.

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Sure, there was a good reason.. As I pointed out before, it is easy to monday night quarterback. The war against communisim was a real event. Most liberals will say it was not, but they are wrong. History has proven that. But guess they are ok with North Vietnamese re-education camps and Khmer Rouge genocide..

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pol pot was a CIA asset. You are still being fooled 50 years later because you want to believe things you believe and don't search for the truth. Too bad for you.

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seems that the way that communism beat america is by getting them to spend so much (fake) fighting communism that they were able to install their fiat currency, at first disguised as a protection racket for the oil that the pigs let come to market. I don't get how 50 years after you're still staying fooled.

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the war against communism was and is a sham. You have missed the point of everything you think you have understood. I'd be happy to discuss it with you, better to do it one on one because you are so heavily brainwashed that it'll take a while if your mind is open, and it probably isn't. So probably it'd take forever to get nowhere with you. I'm here if you want to try.

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You make me laugh. I guess all the Dead Cambodians or the peasents killed by Sendero or the millions killed b Mao were all fake news. ;).

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you seem to have misunderstood me. Lots of killing surely went on. Americans killing asians because too stupid to go to canada. Asians killing americans to defend their home. Pol Pot installed by Kissinger and associates, just like stalin and mao were installed by the owners of u.s.a. before. I knew as a ten year old that I wasn't going to let the gov't make me kill people who weren't hurting anybody. Remember what Richard Pryor said about spreading democracy at the point of a gun. He said that if democracy was good you wouldn't need to force it on people, they'd steal it.

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I guess you don't know that Mao went to Yale. It's not a joke, look it up. All of that stuff? That's got the signature of the bush family

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except their goal was to get foreign arseholes out of their land. What was the goal of the morons drafted in america and too stupid to find canada?

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sorry, your story doesn't hold water logically. Unless the NVA/VC sanctuaries were preventing u.s. airplanes from loading u.s. soldier onto them and flying away.

Good luck with your response.

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Sorry, this is exactly what was happening, I was there in '72.

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your reference "this" is just not clear at all. So I'm taking this opportunity to repeat a thing I just wrote elsewhere. America was in vietnam bothering vietnamese people who'd done nothing to america.

That FACT means that America was wrong, everybody who participated was a fool or worse. You should have chosen prison instead of participating in one of the world's biggest idiocies. Worse still, you're seemingly defending it now.

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You obviously no nothing about why we went there and what actually happened. We can thank LBJ for the mess he left for Nixon. Don't bother to respond because of your blather.

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If Nixon had any stones in his undershorts he'd have just pulled out right away. He likely would have been killed before noon the next day. Seems like a good reason for him to have stuck to his reasoning from the checkers speech.

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I notice that the bonehead who wrote that and the three clowns who liked it won't engage me. I agree with your reasoning. Dumbasses should avoid me.

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thank you for showing me that brainwashing can last 60 years. I'm responding on behalf of anybody reading this but you because apparently your brain is off limits to you. You are too brainwashed to even know that Robert McNamara at the end of his life admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag. People as brainwashed as you are the reason the new world ODOR is likely to succeed in controlling humanity like so many chess pieces. I hope you do better in your next life, this one sure has been a waste.

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too bad. You all needed to leave there as you were invaders working for people who didn't give a crap about you. They didn't want you getting killed while doing the right thing and running away only because it would hurt their chances in the next (s)election. The only vietnam vets I'm proud of are the ones who fragged their own commanders to avoid dying in a useless pointless battle.

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and still have understood nothing.

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