sorry, your story doesn't hold water logically. Unless the NVA/VC sanctuaries were preventing u.s. airplanes from loading u.s. soldier onto them and flying away.
sorry, your story doesn't hold water logically. Unless the NVA/VC sanctuaries were preventing u.s. airplanes from loading u.s. soldier onto them and flying away.
your reference "this" is just not clear at all. So I'm taking this opportunity to repeat a thing I just wrote elsewhere. America was in vietnam bothering vietnamese people who'd done nothing to america.
That FACT means that America was wrong, everybody who participated was a fool or worse. You should have chosen prison instead of participating in one of the world's biggest idiocies. Worse still, you're seemingly defending it now.
You obviously no nothing about why we went there and what actually happened. We can thank LBJ for the mess he left for Nixon. Don't bother to respond because of your blather.
If Nixon had any stones in his undershorts he'd have just pulled out right away. He likely would have been killed before noon the next day. Seems like a good reason for him to have stuck to his reasoning from the checkers speech.
thank you for showing me that brainwashing can last 60 years. I'm responding on behalf of anybody reading this but you because apparently your brain is off limits to you. You are too brainwashed to even know that Robert McNamara at the end of his life admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag. People as brainwashed as you are the reason the new world ODOR is likely to succeed in controlling humanity like so many chess pieces. I hope you do better in your next life, this one sure has been a waste.
too bad. You all needed to leave there as you were invaders working for people who didn't give a crap about you. They didn't want you getting killed while doing the right thing and running away only because it would hurt their chances in the next (s)election. The only vietnam vets I'm proud of are the ones who fragged their own commanders to avoid dying in a useless pointless battle.
sorry, your story doesn't hold water logically. Unless the NVA/VC sanctuaries were preventing u.s. airplanes from loading u.s. soldier onto them and flying away.
Good luck with your response.
Sorry, this is exactly what was happening, I was there in '72.
your reference "this" is just not clear at all. So I'm taking this opportunity to repeat a thing I just wrote elsewhere. America was in vietnam bothering vietnamese people who'd done nothing to america.
That FACT means that America was wrong, everybody who participated was a fool or worse. You should have chosen prison instead of participating in one of the world's biggest idiocies. Worse still, you're seemingly defending it now.
You obviously no nothing about why we went there and what actually happened. We can thank LBJ for the mess he left for Nixon. Don't bother to respond because of your blather.
If Nixon had any stones in his undershorts he'd have just pulled out right away. He likely would have been killed before noon the next day. Seems like a good reason for him to have stuck to his reasoning from the checkers speech.
I notice that the bonehead who wrote that and the three clowns who liked it won't engage me. I agree with your reasoning. Dumbasses should avoid me.
thank you for showing me that brainwashing can last 60 years. I'm responding on behalf of anybody reading this but you because apparently your brain is off limits to you. You are too brainwashed to even know that Robert McNamara at the end of his life admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag. People as brainwashed as you are the reason the new world ODOR is likely to succeed in controlling humanity like so many chess pieces. I hope you do better in your next life, this one sure has been a waste.
too bad. You all needed to leave there as you were invaders working for people who didn't give a crap about you. They didn't want you getting killed while doing the right thing and running away only because it would hurt their chances in the next (s)election. The only vietnam vets I'm proud of are the ones who fragged their own commanders to avoid dying in a useless pointless battle.
and still have understood nothing.