20 months in South Vietnam.
Jan 66 to Nov 67. USMC.
Was at Columbia Fall of 68
another one who can't read a compass and so can't find canada.
Canada is for cheese-heads. Dickless, black-face thespians
are you a natural dumbass or did you have to study?
Fuck off. Take your pick: imperative, nominative, dative, accusative, genitive
why are you referencing german grammar?
you spelled that right! good boy!
[ fuhk-awf, -of ]
Phonetic (Standard)IPA
, Slang: Vulgar.
a person who shirks responsibility or wastes time; malingerer; goldbrick.
Synonyms: slacker, loafer, layabout, idler, dodger, shirker
seems quite a bit smarter than spending 20 months as a u.s. marine, fighting and killing for people who'd never let you in their house and have overtly mocked you (see Heinrich Kissinger)
20 months in South Vietnam.
Jan 66 to Nov 67. USMC.
Was at Columbia Fall of 68
another one who can't read a compass and so can't find canada.
Canada is for cheese-heads. Dickless, black-face thespians
are you a natural dumbass or did you have to study?
Fuck off. Take your pick: imperative, nominative, dative, accusative, genitive
why are you referencing german grammar?
you spelled that right! good boy!
[ fuhk-awf, -of ]
Phonetic (Standard)IPA
, Slang: Vulgar.
a person who shirks responsibility or wastes time; malingerer; goldbrick.
Synonyms: slacker, loafer, layabout, idler, dodger, shirker
seems quite a bit smarter than spending 20 months as a u.s. marine, fighting and killing for people who'd never let you in their house and have overtly mocked you (see Heinrich Kissinger)