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Sure, there was a good reason.. As I pointed out before, it is easy to monday night quarterback. The war against communisim was a real event. Most liberals will say it was not, but they are wrong. History has proven that. But guess they are ok with North Vietnamese re-education camps and Khmer Rouge genocide..
┬й 2025 Elizabeth Nickson
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Sure, there was a good reason.. As I pointed out before, it is easy to monday night quarterback. The war against communisim was a real event. Most liberals will say it was not, but they are wrong. History has proven that. But guess they are ok with North Vietnamese re-education camps and Khmer Rouge genocide..
pol pot was a CIA asset. You are still being fooled 50 years later because you want to believe things you believe and don't search for the truth. Too bad for you.
seems that the way that communism beat america is by getting them to spend so much (fake) fighting communism that they were able to install their fiat currency, at first disguised as a protection racket for the oil that the pigs let come to market. I don't get how 50 years after you're still staying fooled.
the war against communism was and is a sham. You have missed the point of everything you think you have understood. I'd be happy to discuss it with you, better to do it one on one because you are so heavily brainwashed that it'll take a while if your mind is open, and it probably isn't. So probably it'd take forever to get nowhere with you. I'm here if you want to try.
You make me laugh. I guess all the Dead Cambodians or the peasents killed by Sendero or the millions killed b Mao were all fake news. ;).
you seem to have misunderstood me. Lots of killing surely went on. Americans killing asians because too stupid to go to canada. Asians killing americans to defend their home. Pol Pot installed by Kissinger and associates, just like stalin and mao were installed by the owners of u.s.a. before. I knew as a ten year old that I wasn't going to let the gov't make me kill people who weren't hurting anybody. Remember what Richard Pryor said about spreading democracy at the point of a gun. He said that if democracy was good you wouldn't need to force it on people, they'd steal it.
I guess you don't know that Mao went to Yale. It's not a joke, look it up. All of that stuff? That's got the signature of the bush family