I identified so much with what you said about having ignorant friends. If you try to talk to them about what is really undermining society, they say OMG! You don’t really believe that do you! And then get bored as you try to explain yourself. It is a lonely place to be. I want to talk to my sister because she should know better, our parents didn’t raise us as stupid fools but she takes antidepressants and is numb and unaffected by anything. I feel like we are all in a plane that we know is about to crash but everyone else is drinking and eating and staring at the little tvs on their seats while we look out the windows in horror.
Your comment about antidepressants made me think about some of the same-age (mid-70s) women I know who are in reasonably good health but who seem to have become slow on "the uptake" in recent years. They look at me kind of vaguely when I try to engage them as I've done for years, but now I deduce a glimmer of hatred in their eyes and mouth upturning to a sneer. I've never hidden my politics but I think what's happened is these women realize that they're on the losing side BIG TIME and are deadening themselves to the pain.
Average pharma drugs taken daily by someone in their mid 70s is 10-12. I know someone mid 60s taking NINETEEN!! They are all messed. Anyone taking 10 Big Pharma a day is not themselves.
That is indeed frightening, but don’t doubt the veracity of these stats. Same age, take nothing. This recent physical, my integrative doc signed me up for a stress test. I just finished hiking at 5-9,000 ft elevation, and did 2 hours of strenuous yard work without getting winded. I cancelled the test and won’t be taking any of big pharma’s “goodies.” Starting to wonder whether the good doc took too many of those “jabbies.”
The answer is don't get old. I give this advice to all young people. if you have neuropathy in feet or hands you will take anything to be able to put you feet down in a normal walk. Alas, I ahve not taken my own advice and cannot afford servants.
I am finding getting old a lot less fun than I had hoped. There are some perks. I get to leave early without offending people. That’s a big perk for me.
Holy crap! I’m 72 and take five a day, but three are for a back injury and nerve damage. I thought that was a lot! If the injury hadn’t happened, I doubt I’d be taking anything except the occasional anti-inflammatory.
The only woman I know who is on absolutely nothing, desperately needs to be on something, lol. Rage addict narcissist, my non-professional diagnosis/opinion.
Our modern civilisation seems to require it. Maybe I’m the one who needs to take weird antidepressants...
The comments about television are spot on too. The worst (in the UK where I live) are the tv drama serials. They all conform to a formulaic scriptwriter’s tick-box: Non white person traduced but eventually revealed to be a surprisingly decent sort – Tick....Middle class white person eventually revealed to have a sinister dark side – Tick...Gay Couple included – Tick.... An integral part of any storyline is that ‘lgbt’ people are abundant and everywhere. They are bound to be nice as well. Curiously though there is another box to be ticked: there needs to be some graphic depiction of violence especially towards attractive young women (by white men of course). https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/non-binary-sibling-is-entertaining
I once knew a British Barbie Doll. She was a dancer, singer and actress, however not quite talented enough to gain any traction in the British film or TV or music industry.
She emigrated to Italy where, after a couple of years, became a sought after triple-threat and VERY FAMOUS.
That was the 80's.
Fast forward.
My mother has a cable subscription to Rai Italia. She cranks her TV audio to 38 decibels due to deafness. (She finally succumbed, at age 91, to a hearing test. Her hearing aids arrive on Friday. 👏👏👏)
Anyway, I listen to her Italian TV station from where ever I am in the house. (Can't be helped. I'm not deaf.)
It's been 40 years: NOTHING HAS CHANGED in Italy, since I ran screaming from there in 1984.
It's all still UTTER CRAP.
Anyone with a shred of moxie and the slimmest of talent can still "make it" in Italy. (Especially if you speak Italian with a foreign accent. 😂😂😂😂)
Great metaphor. That is exactly how I feel every day of my life, “we are all in a plane that we know is about to crash but everyone else is drinking and eating and staring at the little tvs on their seats while we look out the windows in horror.” America the sheepeople.
Interestingly you've just described what Jesus said to His apostles when they wanted to know how we would know when the end was coming. That there would be clear signs of all sorts of doom but people would be carrying on as if nothing is happening. Very interesting...God Bless.
I’m sorry to hear that Timmy. I love my sister, she is so smart and funny but I honestly think the antidepressants have made her numb. If I try to talk to her about current events, she will either change the subject, ignore it, or say she tries to not listen to the news. Nothing will change if most Americans are on this kind of medication because it makes people so blah. How do we shake them out of it?
Heather Boylen: My sister hasn't been the same since she had chemotherapy. Those drugs change people. I agree with you about drugs changing a person's character. I don't know the solution.
Should we not all love the US Navy? They have saved civilization as we know it several times in last 100 years. Of course I am terribly biased being the father of a daughter who graduated from the US Naval Academy. Go Navy beat Army!
Ronald L. Montgomery: I had two uncles in the US Navy and a good friend's son graduated from the Naval Academy near the head of his class. He flew F-18s off of carriers and flew many combat missions in the Middle East. He flies for Delta now.
All of the wars since 9/11 have turned me off of the military. As for the US Navy, the lies about the Gulf of Tonkin and the horrible way the US Navy treated the sailors of the USS Liberty helped to turn me against the Navy brass.
There are good people in the US Navy and bad ones just like any other huge government organization.
Mystic William: Wasn't John McCain on the USS Forrestall? He did a hot start on the deck and all hell broke loose. McCain abandoned ship and would have been court martialled if not for his Admiral Daddy.
It doesn't help to vote. Emma Goldman was right. If voting were going to change anything they wouldn't let us do it, she said. We are going to have to build a culture that is resilient and that values freedom and decency. We won't be doing that in the big cities.
A very smart man once said that power flows from the provinces into the cities. If you look, you see that water and food do, too. Communication lines are still a major aspect of our networks and they cross through the rural areas.
We still have Christendom out here in "fly over" country. Come visit. We have pie. And we'll keep a light on for you.
God bless you. It matters very much that you care. God willing, we shall overcome. Amen.
I think a lot of men would like to have written this, only they can't, if they want to continue living their lives. I have always disliked feminists for their whining, and now I hate them for their destruction of so much of our culture, and their bullying of normal women, many of whom succumbed to their evil siren song.
The present cultural milieu always seems 100% normal, it's not easy seeing its mistakes & excesses as a feature & not a bug. We need to see it framed by a century+ of earlier milieus, & that's jarring as hell. I wonder when feminism morphed into this totalitarian Borg form.
" I wonder when feminism morphed into this totalitarian Borg form."
Today's feminism is no more absurd than the feminism of a century ago, it's just that it's had more time to express itself, that's all.
The very notion that women have no social power and have always been oppressed by men is so utterly absurd that its widespread acceptance was always going to destroy civilisation.
The end goal of feminism's 'social constructivism' and push for 'gender equality' can only be the complete erasure of gender to create a population of sexless, sterile cyborgs (with artificial wombs liberating women from the demeaning burden of motherhood and AI replacing parenting).
We're about a generation or two away from this outcome.
Nobody is more furious than the feminists. Every previous wave of feminism is outraged by the next wave of feminism that their activism helped to spawn. Today is no different. And as always they are blaming it all on men.
I always thought it odd spokespersons, supposedly, for your average woman were almost always lesbians. I can’t imagine hetero men allowing gay men to be their spokespersons.
I'm an old school feminist, I was behind them in age, what they fought for, I gratefully accepted. I want to be accepted for my skills and talents, not what bathroom I prefer to use. I have worked construction, and did it well and enjoyed it. My brother also worked construction, did it badly and hated it. Our skills have nothing to do with our sex, and everything to do with who we are. To me what the feminists were going for was to make it so I can work construction, if I am inclined, and good at it, and he doesn't have to, since he's not inclined. And that's IT. I don't believe in toxic masculinity, or whining to get what you want, just in being judged by my skills and not my bathroom preference.
I'm VERY GLAD I haven't owned a TV set for 35 years, if that's what is on it.
There's a vector eating away at Women. Another vector is nibbling at masculinity. Another at Whites, and another at Colored. I know that I'm surrounded by NPC, aka "sheep", here in the suburbs of the Belly of the Beast, and probably would be by now if I'd stayed in Kaslo, BC or Bloomington, IL. I have dinner every Monday with a "group of guys" and the talk is always about which series to watch or sports of some sort - indoctrination/bread and circuses. And it seems that even with the "aware" bunch they jump to be on the "right" side of every emergency - climate, J6, Ukraine, Gaza, as if the "side" is the point rather than simple distraction - "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who is destroying your world and that of your children, respond to the show that we've prepared for you - it's the Latest Thing!" Who's right about Gaza? Is that a meaningful question? Or is it just that wildfires and Ukraine had lost the ADD audience and some new horror was needed. What can I do? I'll keep doing what I'm doing - watching my 6 and praying my (old Anglican BCP) offices. It seems really out of our hands now - pray, meditate, do the next right thing...
Far too often (for my ego's sake) the answer when I ask "What do you want me to do now" is "Sit down, shut up, and pay attention - I'll call you when I need you."
American culture has often had an out of touch quality.
The Civil War was the deadliest conflict in our history. It turbocharged an industrial revolution that caused huge social disruption.
Yet US culture was overly refined and rarely reflected that turbulence. We're in a similar time now.
The culture, especially literature and film-TV, are feminized. There's an overemphasis on subjective states and not enough on examining the world in which we all live.
Books and shows are filled with saccharine, feel-good sentiments that ignore the savage realities of life.
We need more writers like Dreiser and Sinclair Lewis.
All wars are banker wars and they are all based on lies. The civil war is one of the greatest. All the big money changers gain by starting and then funding wars . The profits come during and after the blood is spilled. The war on drugs , cancer, poverty, illiteracy, hunger, you name it are all based on lies.One thing I can be certain of is that everything we have been "officially" told has been bollocks.
I am thankful that I live in the midwest of the US in a smal tourist town close to a state park where the Missouri river passes by and maybe some women around here think they are the "cat's meow but I don't know them. It's too bad you can't relocate and get away from the creepy hollow people that haunt you. Sounds like a time to relocate, if possible.
Yeah. I had a court case in California over a real estate deal. Four weeks at trial!! The last two weeks was with a jury. My ‘right wing extremist racist misogynistic anti-trans positions’ seemed like something that might not go over well with a California jury. I shut down FB. And, I preferred not being on it. Tired of the trolls. I do miss everyone. So many nice friends. But, overall I feel better off it. Substack has been fun. But the crazies are emerging here too.
“They are more ignorant than a bog dweller in Ireland in the 14th century…” 👏 👏 👏
Good to remember that Jennifer Aniston told a journalist she won’t have anything to do with people who refused the covid vaccine. Tells you everything you need to know.
I have lost all respect for my species at this point. I would give anything to be a mother. Watching children being rejected and abandoned daily by their parents in favour of the almighty dollar is truly maddening. I live on the Coast though, which seems to be the preferred location for the programmed and programmable.
I wonder why these “concerned” women never consider our Creator’s feelings? Where’s the compassion there? How do you think our source feels watching his creations murder, rape and sacrifice each other for profit and stuff? I am really trying to understand, unfortunately I’m not dead inside.
I think the worst part is that instead of shaming and exiling those who are clearly exhibiting psychopathy (as Nature would and does), they pat each other on the back and celebrate themselves and we all watch it (enable it). Ugh. Just gross.
My fingers are crossed that moving away from the coast/cities/urban areas will bring me closer to reality/sanity/humans with integrity and respect for life 🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻
Thank you for sharing and reminding me that there still are women out there who I can relate to and support 💪🏻
My wife and I moved from the Island years ago. When we retired we decided to move back. We didn't survive a year there. What a shithole of ignorance it is. I have a few friends down there who are rational and aware and how the live in that septic tank of ignorance and immorality is beyond me. Even up here in the boonies you see the same shit creeping in to the towns when we have to go for supplies. There is still much sanity out here but we still have to fight to hang on to it.
If you are referring to Salt Spring to me the worst part is it could be soooo great. I have often thought about moving there. I know a lot of people there. Some of whom I actually like! (Elizabeth and Jamie being two...). But the leftism puts me off.
I so wish you would move here. We have a lot of dissidents, but we need to organize them. And the ones in power are so hated, it must be hard for them to sleep at night. Liz could totally change the whole damned place with her energy and personality. Not kidding.
Well exactly, we need her here. And I got the feeling she needs a project - still youthful and energetic. I know what to do, I know the game, I even know the ground troops and how to shift power. I just don’t have the personality to lead - someone asked me to run and couldn’t sleep that night, the horror!
This post almost made me think I was reading about ribald characters in a naughty novel but alas these women are real, as in real utterly braindead, propagandized morons who unfortunately hold large sway over our imbecilic uninformed society. I usually just watch the idiot box for sports and old movies, but when I occasionally switch to scan shows teeming with these wretched ignorant media whores, I realize just how much trouble our decadent delusional society is in.
Just attended a dinner party and was told OMG ,have you watched Morning Show ,it’s the best thing “ever”!! I’ve since received texts asking me if I’ve started watching it. This was so timely.
Instead I sent those gals what I’m watching. Having seen these movies with my parents growing up over and over again. The Bishops Wife, Mr Blandings Builds his dream house, Penny Serenade, An affair to Remember. Last night was Hitchcocks ,Notorious. Now those clowns know not to suggest that garbage to me again.
Penny Serenade is a feast for the eyes and soul. Seeing Cary Grant and Bergman , Irene Dunne kiss on screen takes your breath away . The story lines and what was important and what people strived for unlike anything depicted today. That was Hollywood of old.
Yeah, it’s societal. It didn’t hit me fully, until I went up north to say bye to my mom, who was fighting her last fight. I could only stay for a week, as I have to care for my bride who is ill. But I just thought it’s crazier in Florida, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I was wrong. Its gotten crazy everywhere, and that’s very apparent if you do enough traveling, which we used to do a lot. Since my bride’s illness, we haven’t done any. Upstate ny is more fucked up than Florida! And the linguine spined male is everywhere! Sickening.
Once again the radical 4th wave (or are we at 5 now? I can't keep up)feminists prove that men (real men) do most things better. All they had to do was take over, in their great wisdom and prove it. Sad thing is, they still think they're right .. I feel bad for these stupid white women who continuously fall on the sword of whatever the flavor of the day is...being g ashamed of your white skin is pitiful..and actually a little of what you like to call racist. To think that white women, with the wave of a hand have solved the people of color plight is actually laughable. And that's the tip of the iceberg! When women get into positions of power, 99% of the time they fuck it up, and take the whole group down with them. Sorry! It's true. I never wanted to work after I had my kids, I wanted to raise them, but I made more money than my husband and we needed the money. In spite of our "progress" I'd go back to the days of women raising the kids and tending the house while daddy worked, anyway.
Weird eh? We all shout woman power and say we need to stick together, but we don't mean it. Jealousy quickly takes over and we have to tear them down. What is that? It's like we can't handle the authority, and we certainly won't follow another woman's direction!!! Not when they're the boss....yet a man comes in and we all naturally fall in line.
yeah, we see this behavior even in primate societies where the males will defer to the authority of the Alpha, whereas the females are always competing with other females for access to the alpha male. I hate to be so crude and obviously there are exceptions and nuance, but we do ourselves no favors by denying our biological evolution...
Exactly right! We're a lot more like chickens than we like to admit. Hens will peck each other mercilessly unless a cock is around.🐓 Not saying we should succumb to our animal natures but we need to recognize our tendencies. Women vie for male approval in order to be protected and gain status. It may not make us happy, but evolution rewards survival, not happiness.
There were studies done in the 80s when women entered the workforce and fought so much their bosses were freaked. Among women power has to be dead even or else. What part of the primitive brain dictates that I do not know.
Don't get me wrong..I think women in the work force is great! For years there was a good balance. But believe me, radical feminism has taken us into a zone that most women never wanted, and don't know how to handle. I really think many or most women feel the same but it's an inside voice. Too afraid to say it out loud.
I unfortunately agree with James Lindsay's quote in your recent post, to whit: "Communism advances by controlling the framing of issues with low-information people. If a society has too many manipulable, low information people in it, a Communist revolution will eventually succeed there.". The evidence of a burgeoning population of a low information populace is graphically evidenced by the mobs of pro-Palestinian demonstrators siding with a HAMAS / IDF cease fire. All these thousands of low-information people in our country forget that the Gaza Palestinians over whelming voted for HAMAS leadership; and. worse they ignore the savagery of HAMAS including the flaying of a pregnant women's abdomen exposing her uterus, slapping her when she rose up her head to see the child, killing the unborn baby, and then killing the woman. This horrible act act perfectly frames Lindsay's idea that this crowd of low-information people are ignoring the facts and thus support evil. If thousands of Americans (and especially those from our most prestigious Ivy league universities) who support the Palestinians and by proxy the HAMAS savages chanting "From the river to the sea" this dramatically shows we as a nation are indeed in great threat of being taken over by a Communist revolution.
Happy Thanksgiving David ! Hope you have a joyous holiday season. May the Lord bless you an keep you and your family. We are truly graced as a country to be able to have differing views without resorting to violence and death.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Ron. We are blessed to live in a country where we can openly disagree and make our opinions known without the fear of government retaliation. I firmly believe in the statement, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.“
Dave thank you for your gracious remarks; and, i too would defend to death your rights to differ with me or anyone. Time alone will tell the right or wrong of our positions. I probably not be around to see it; so let me know later.
We need these chicks to be gay do that they never, ever, ever actually reproduce as the children they would raise would become a further strain in our Republic.
Unfortunately, they aren't content with being childless. They do everything they can to indoctrinate and groom other people's children into becoming just like them--and put them up to rejecting their own parents. They're child stealers and the destroyers of innocence and goodness. And we need to find a way to stop them in their tracks if we want to have anything left of civilization.
Dr. Zelensky said five years max lifespan from the first shot--unless they got the placebo. For some of them, that still gives them more opportunity to hurt the rest of us than I wish they had, but--yes.
I identified so much with what you said about having ignorant friends. If you try to talk to them about what is really undermining society, they say OMG! You don’t really believe that do you! And then get bored as you try to explain yourself. It is a lonely place to be. I want to talk to my sister because she should know better, our parents didn’t raise us as stupid fools but she takes antidepressants and is numb and unaffected by anything. I feel like we are all in a plane that we know is about to crash but everyone else is drinking and eating and staring at the little tvs on their seats while we look out the windows in horror.
Your comment about antidepressants made me think about some of the same-age (mid-70s) women I know who are in reasonably good health but who seem to have become slow on "the uptake" in recent years. They look at me kind of vaguely when I try to engage them as I've done for years, but now I deduce a glimmer of hatred in their eyes and mouth upturning to a sneer. I've never hidden my politics but I think what's happened is these women realize that they're on the losing side BIG TIME and are deadening themselves to the pain.
Average pharma drugs taken daily by someone in their mid 70s is 10-12. I know someone mid 60s taking NINETEEN!! They are all messed. Anyone taking 10 Big Pharma a day is not themselves.
That is indeed frightening, but don’t doubt the veracity of these stats. Same age, take nothing. This recent physical, my integrative doc signed me up for a stress test. I just finished hiking at 5-9,000 ft elevation, and did 2 hours of strenuous yard work without getting winded. I cancelled the test and won’t be taking any of big pharma’s “goodies.” Starting to wonder whether the good doc took too many of those “jabbies.”
The answer is don't get old. I give this advice to all young people. if you have neuropathy in feet or hands you will take anything to be able to put you feet down in a normal walk. Alas, I ahve not taken my own advice and cannot afford servants.
I am finding getting old a lot less fun than I had hoped. There are some perks. I get to leave early without offending people. That’s a big perk for me.
Hahaha! That’s a great plus!
@Ronald L Montgomery (ron)
Shit, if I had the courage of my convictions, I'd be dead now.
Holy crap! I’m 72 and take five a day, but three are for a back injury and nerve damage. I thought that was a lot! If the injury hadn’t happened, I doubt I’d be taking anything except the occasional anti-inflammatory.
The only woman I know who is on absolutely nothing, desperately needs to be on something, lol. Rage addict narcissist, my non-professional diagnosis/opinion.
Our modern civilisation seems to require it. Maybe I’m the one who needs to take weird antidepressants...
19 a day! Wowwwww
Severe chronic health requires Pharma drugs & vaccines to “cure & heal” the World.
Treating symptoms…..Managing symptoms…..keeps the patient sick and Pharmaphrenics Rich & Wealthy… (Global Pharma Cartel).
Your comment is spot-on. Trying to talk to some of these women is like talking to a doll. They just stare and stare and nothing comes out.
The comments about television are spot on too. The worst (in the UK where I live) are the tv drama serials. They all conform to a formulaic scriptwriter’s tick-box: Non white person traduced but eventually revealed to be a surprisingly decent sort – Tick....Middle class white person eventually revealed to have a sinister dark side – Tick...Gay Couple included – Tick.... An integral part of any storyline is that ‘lgbt’ people are abundant and everywhere. They are bound to be nice as well. Curiously though there is another box to be ticked: there needs to be some graphic depiction of violence especially towards attractive young women (by white men of course). https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/non-binary-sibling-is-entertaining
You've never lived in Italy, I take it?
I once knew a British Barbie Doll. She was a dancer, singer and actress, however not quite talented enough to gain any traction in the British film or TV or music industry.
She emigrated to Italy where, after a couple of years, became a sought after triple-threat and VERY FAMOUS.
That was the 80's.
Fast forward.
My mother has a cable subscription to Rai Italia. She cranks her TV audio to 38 decibels due to deafness. (She finally succumbed, at age 91, to a hearing test. Her hearing aids arrive on Friday. 👏👏👏)
Anyway, I listen to her Italian TV station from where ever I am in the house. (Can't be helped. I'm not deaf.)
It's been 40 years: NOTHING HAS CHANGED in Italy, since I ran screaming from there in 1984.
It's all still UTTER CRAP.
Anyone with a shred of moxie and the slimmest of talent can still "make it" in Italy. (Especially if you speak Italian with a foreign accent. 😂😂😂😂)
It's the blinking too.
Remember Chatty Cathy?
And those are the better ones. There are others...
Great metaphor. That is exactly how I feel every day of my life, “we are all in a plane that we know is about to crash but everyone else is drinking and eating and staring at the little tvs on their seats while we look out the windows in horror.” America the sheepeople.
Interestingly you've just described what Jesus said to His apostles when they wanted to know how we would know when the end was coming. That there would be clear signs of all sorts of doom but people would be carrying on as if nothing is happening. Very interesting...God Bless.
Heather Boylen: My sister is a spoiled brat who loves the US Navy and Medicine Inc. She quit talking to me years ago.
You should be grateful.
I am. 😉
I’m sorry to hear that Timmy. I love my sister, she is so smart and funny but I honestly think the antidepressants have made her numb. If I try to talk to her about current events, she will either change the subject, ignore it, or say she tries to not listen to the news. Nothing will change if most Americans are on this kind of medication because it makes people so blah. How do we shake them out of it?
Heather Boylen: My sister hasn't been the same since she had chemotherapy. Those drugs change people. I agree with you about drugs changing a person's character. I don't know the solution.
Should we not all love the US Navy? They have saved civilization as we know it several times in last 100 years. Of course I am terribly biased being the father of a daughter who graduated from the US Naval Academy. Go Navy beat Army!
Ronald L. Montgomery: I had two uncles in the US Navy and a good friend's son graduated from the Naval Academy near the head of his class. He flew F-18s off of carriers and flew many combat missions in the Middle East. He flies for Delta now.
All of the wars since 9/11 have turned me off of the military. As for the US Navy, the lies about the Gulf of Tonkin and the horrible way the US Navy treated the sailors of the USS Liberty helped to turn me against the Navy brass.
There are good people in the US Navy and bad ones just like any other huge government organization.
And the USS Forrestall.
Mystic William: Wasn't John McCain on the USS Forrestall? He did a hot start on the deck and all hell broke loose. McCain abandoned ship and would have been court martialled if not for his Admiral Daddy.
Yeah. I have read that too.
Same here in the little country up Northern Europe called Norway. Priceless!
(Dreamscape #9)
Borgette Symposium,
San Francisco,
July 4, 2024
All invitees will be flown there free!
Host: K. Kennedy
It doesn't help to vote. Emma Goldman was right. If voting were going to change anything they wouldn't let us do it, she said. We are going to have to build a culture that is resilient and that values freedom and decency. We won't be doing that in the big cities.
A very smart man once said that power flows from the provinces into the cities. If you look, you see that water and food do, too. Communication lines are still a major aspect of our networks and they cross through the rural areas.
We still have Christendom out here in "fly over" country. Come visit. We have pie. And we'll keep a light on for you.
God bless you. It matters very much that you care. God willing, we shall overcome. Amen.
VOTE is the best thing any proper irresponsible MMS/3i's can do during his/her short modern slavery existence is this wonderful Civilization of ours.
Another Divine Link... Be Brave, have Click Faith! https://postimg.cc/PCTN87bD Go King...
Mama says don't click on links from strangers
Your Mama is wrong... Rejecting the Divine Click will take you directly to the Gates of Bill.
Great comment. And, "we have pie." ❤️
Emma Goldman would be better known if she hadn't subscribed to committing crimes against property.
Voting would still be pointless.
I guess you are ignorant of the Haymarket affair.
What did she run for election to?
I always heard that quote from Mark Twain (who I believe predated Emma).
I think a lot of men would like to have written this, only they can't, if they want to continue living their lives. I have always disliked feminists for their whining, and now I hate them for their destruction of so much of our culture, and their bullying of normal women, many of whom succumbed to their evil siren song.
The present cultural milieu always seems 100% normal, it's not easy seeing its mistakes & excesses as a feature & not a bug. We need to see it framed by a century+ of earlier milieus, & that's jarring as hell. I wonder when feminism morphed into this totalitarian Borg form.
Five minutes after its inception.
" I wonder when feminism morphed into this totalitarian Borg form."
Today's feminism is no more absurd than the feminism of a century ago, it's just that it's had more time to express itself, that's all.
The very notion that women have no social power and have always been oppressed by men is so utterly absurd that its widespread acceptance was always going to destroy civilisation.
The end goal of feminism's 'social constructivism' and push for 'gender equality' can only be the complete erasure of gender to create a population of sexless, sterile cyborgs (with artificial wombs liberating women from the demeaning burden of motherhood and AI replacing parenting).
We're about a generation or two away from this outcome.
Nobody is more furious than the feminists. Every previous wave of feminism is outraged by the next wave of feminism that their activism helped to spawn. Today is no different. And as always they are blaming it all on men.
I always thought it odd spokespersons, supposedly, for your average woman were almost always lesbians. I can’t imagine hetero men allowing gay men to be their spokespersons.
Of course women blame everything on men, including MENstruation and MENopause.
"I think a lot of men would like to have written this, only they can't, if they want to continue living their lives."
Spot on!
This is pure gold, Elizabeth.
Hatred fully appropriate, justified, and owned.
I'm an old school feminist, I was behind them in age, what they fought for, I gratefully accepted. I want to be accepted for my skills and talents, not what bathroom I prefer to use. I have worked construction, and did it well and enjoyed it. My brother also worked construction, did it badly and hated it. Our skills have nothing to do with our sex, and everything to do with who we are. To me what the feminists were going for was to make it so I can work construction, if I am inclined, and good at it, and he doesn't have to, since he's not inclined. And that's IT. I don't believe in toxic masculinity, or whining to get what you want, just in being judged by my skills and not my bathroom preference.
I'm VERY GLAD I haven't owned a TV set for 35 years, if that's what is on it.
Excellent article, thank you!!
There's a vector eating away at Women. Another vector is nibbling at masculinity. Another at Whites, and another at Colored. I know that I'm surrounded by NPC, aka "sheep", here in the suburbs of the Belly of the Beast, and probably would be by now if I'd stayed in Kaslo, BC or Bloomington, IL. I have dinner every Monday with a "group of guys" and the talk is always about which series to watch or sports of some sort - indoctrination/bread and circuses. And it seems that even with the "aware" bunch they jump to be on the "right" side of every emergency - climate, J6, Ukraine, Gaza, as if the "side" is the point rather than simple distraction - "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who is destroying your world and that of your children, respond to the show that we've prepared for you - it's the Latest Thing!" Who's right about Gaza? Is that a meaningful question? Or is it just that wildfires and Ukraine had lost the ADD audience and some new horror was needed. What can I do? I'll keep doing what I'm doing - watching my 6 and praying my (old Anglican BCP) offices. It seems really out of our hands now - pray, meditate, do the next right thing...
Do the next right thing... thank you, I needed to hear that this morning.
Far too often (for my ego's sake) the answer when I ask "What do you want me to do now" is "Sit down, shut up, and pay attention - I'll call you when I need you."
American culture has often had an out of touch quality.
The Civil War was the deadliest conflict in our history. It turbocharged an industrial revolution that caused huge social disruption.
Yet US culture was overly refined and rarely reflected that turbulence. We're in a similar time now.
The culture, especially literature and film-TV, are feminized. There's an overemphasis on subjective states and not enough on examining the world in which we all live.
Books and shows are filled with saccharine, feel-good sentiments that ignore the savage realities of life.
We need more writers like Dreiser and Sinclair Lewis.
All wars are banker wars and they are all based on lies. The civil war is one of the greatest. All the big money changers gain by starting and then funding wars . The profits come during and after the blood is spilled. The war on drugs , cancer, poverty, illiteracy, hunger, you name it are all based on lies.One thing I can be certain of is that everything we have been "officially" told has been bollocks.
I must add, the great satirist Tom Wolf would do wonders with today.
Tom Wolfe, not Tom Wolf.
I am thankful that I live in the midwest of the US in a smal tourist town close to a state park where the Missouri river passes by and maybe some women around here think they are the "cat's meow but I don't know them. It's too bad you can't relocate and get away from the creepy hollow people that haunt you. Sounds like a time to relocate, if possible.
I’m jealous. 😔
Hi Liz. A once FB friend here.
Hi William. Did you quit FB?
Yeah. I had a court case in California over a real estate deal. Four weeks at trial!! The last two weeks was with a jury. My ‘right wing extremist racist misogynistic anti-trans positions’ seemed like something that might not go over well with a California jury. I shut down FB. And, I preferred not being on it. Tired of the trolls. I do miss everyone. So many nice friends. But, overall I feel better off it. Substack has been fun. But the crazies are emerging here too.
Elizabeth is rocking it here. She is doing really good work.
😂 😂 😂
Can’t stop laughing and can’t LOVE this enough!
“They are more ignorant than a bog dweller in Ireland in the 14th century…” 👏 👏 👏
Good to remember that Jennifer Aniston told a journalist she won’t have anything to do with people who refused the covid vaccine. Tells you everything you need to know.
The television. What an amazing invention 🤢
I have lost all respect for my species at this point. I would give anything to be a mother. Watching children being rejected and abandoned daily by their parents in favour of the almighty dollar is truly maddening. I live on the Coast though, which seems to be the preferred location for the programmed and programmable.
I wonder why these “concerned” women never consider our Creator’s feelings? Where’s the compassion there? How do you think our source feels watching his creations murder, rape and sacrifice each other for profit and stuff? I am really trying to understand, unfortunately I’m not dead inside.
I think the worst part is that instead of shaming and exiling those who are clearly exhibiting psychopathy (as Nature would and does), they pat each other on the back and celebrate themselves and we all watch it (enable it). Ugh. Just gross.
My fingers are crossed that moving away from the coast/cities/urban areas will bring me closer to reality/sanity/humans with integrity and respect for life 🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻
Thank you for sharing and reminding me that there still are women out there who I can relate to and support 💪🏻
My wife and I moved from the Island years ago. When we retired we decided to move back. We didn't survive a year there. What a shithole of ignorance it is. I have a few friends down there who are rational and aware and how the live in that septic tank of ignorance and immorality is beyond me. Even up here in the boonies you see the same shit creeping in to the towns when we have to go for supplies. There is still much sanity out here but we still have to fight to hang on to it.
If you are referring to Salt Spring to me the worst part is it could be soooo great. I have often thought about moving there. I know a lot of people there. Some of whom I actually like! (Elizabeth and Jamie being two...). But the leftism puts me off.
I so wish you would move here. We have a lot of dissidents, but we need to organize them. And the ones in power are so hated, it must be hard for them to sleep at night. Liz could totally change the whole damned place with her energy and personality. Not kidding.
I think it would be good for my eldest. Still struggling with his car accident. We talk about it. Liz would be good on the Trust.
Well exactly, we need her here. And I got the feeling she needs a project - still youthful and energetic. I know what to do, I know the game, I even know the ground troops and how to shift power. I just don’t have the personality to lead - someone asked me to run and couldn’t sleep that night, the horror!
She has a lot of energy.
It’s going to take more than crossed fingers. The whole country is screwed
This post almost made me think I was reading about ribald characters in a naughty novel but alas these women are real, as in real utterly braindead, propagandized morons who unfortunately hold large sway over our imbecilic uninformed society. I usually just watch the idiot box for sports and old movies, but when I occasionally switch to scan shows teeming with these wretched ignorant media whores, I realize just how much trouble our decadent delusional society is in.
Just attended a dinner party and was told OMG ,have you watched Morning Show ,it’s the best thing “ever”!! I’ve since received texts asking me if I’ve started watching it. This was so timely.
Instead I sent those gals what I’m watching. Having seen these movies with my parents growing up over and over again. The Bishops Wife, Mr Blandings Builds his dream house, Penny Serenade, An affair to Remember. Last night was Hitchcocks ,Notorious. Now those clowns know not to suggest that garbage to me again.
Penny Serenade is a feast for the eyes and soul. Seeing Cary Grant and Bergman , Irene Dunne kiss on screen takes your breath away . The story lines and what was important and what people strived for unlike anything depicted today. That was Hollywood of old.
Something to watch, thank you!
Yeah, it’s societal. It didn’t hit me fully, until I went up north to say bye to my mom, who was fighting her last fight. I could only stay for a week, as I have to care for my bride who is ill. But I just thought it’s crazier in Florida, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I was wrong. Its gotten crazy everywhere, and that’s very apparent if you do enough traveling, which we used to do a lot. Since my bride’s illness, we haven’t done any. Upstate ny is more fucked up than Florida! And the linguine spined male is everywhere! Sickening.
Once again the radical 4th wave (or are we at 5 now? I can't keep up)feminists prove that men (real men) do most things better. All they had to do was take over, in their great wisdom and prove it. Sad thing is, they still think they're right .. I feel bad for these stupid white women who continuously fall on the sword of whatever the flavor of the day is...being g ashamed of your white skin is pitiful..and actually a little of what you like to call racist. To think that white women, with the wave of a hand have solved the people of color plight is actually laughable. And that's the tip of the iceberg! When women get into positions of power, 99% of the time they fuck it up, and take the whole group down with them. Sorry! It's true. I never wanted to work after I had my kids, I wanted to raise them, but I made more money than my husband and we needed the money. In spite of our "progress" I'd go back to the days of women raising the kids and tending the house while daddy worked, anyway.
it seems to me that the two sexes have very different relationships to hierarchy.
so I wouldn't say that men are better, it's just that they can respect authority and roles within a hierarchy better than women can.
for example, when a man ascends within a structure, the other men can respect that position and perhaps use that as motivation to get ahead.
when women ascend up a hierarchy, the other women in the group will immediately conspire to take her down through gossip and slander.
any one who has worked in a mid level organization has seen this phenomenon.
the sane women who wake up to this madness are the ones who get out in time, the other ones go down with the ship and become...gay and lame.
Weird eh? We all shout woman power and say we need to stick together, but we don't mean it. Jealousy quickly takes over and we have to tear them down. What is that? It's like we can't handle the authority, and we certainly won't follow another woman's direction!!! Not when they're the boss....yet a man comes in and we all naturally fall in line.
yeah, we see this behavior even in primate societies where the males will defer to the authority of the Alpha, whereas the females are always competing with other females for access to the alpha male. I hate to be so crude and obviously there are exceptions and nuance, but we do ourselves no favors by denying our biological evolution...
Exactly right! We're a lot more like chickens than we like to admit. Hens will peck each other mercilessly unless a cock is around.🐓 Not saying we should succumb to our animal natures but we need to recognize our tendencies. Women vie for male approval in order to be protected and gain status. It may not make us happy, but evolution rewards survival, not happiness.
Power dead even. Like you can be the boss of women as a woman, but you have to be fat or ugly or crippled. See above. It is damned weird.
Bang on! You've heard the old saying, women don't dress up for men, they dress up for other women. We talk the talk but don't walk the walk.
There were studies done in the 80s when women entered the workforce and fought so much their bosses were freaked. Among women power has to be dead even or else. What part of the primitive brain dictates that I do not know.
You sound like my wife.
But she could never sit still long enough.
Two thoughts.
Stay at home mom, the easiest job a man can have.
Without white guilt, there is no black power.
Don't get me wrong..I think women in the work force is great! For years there was a good balance. But believe me, radical feminism has taken us into a zone that most women never wanted, and don't know how to handle. I really think many or most women feel the same but it's an inside voice. Too afraid to say it out loud.
Is it radical feminism? Or radical Marxism using feminism as a cover?
Radical Marxism.
We have to say it out loud.
I unfortunately agree with James Lindsay's quote in your recent post, to whit: "Communism advances by controlling the framing of issues with low-information people. If a society has too many manipulable, low information people in it, a Communist revolution will eventually succeed there.". The evidence of a burgeoning population of a low information populace is graphically evidenced by the mobs of pro-Palestinian demonstrators siding with a HAMAS / IDF cease fire. All these thousands of low-information people in our country forget that the Gaza Palestinians over whelming voted for HAMAS leadership; and. worse they ignore the savagery of HAMAS including the flaying of a pregnant women's abdomen exposing her uterus, slapping her when she rose up her head to see the child, killing the unborn baby, and then killing the woman. This horrible act act perfectly frames Lindsay's idea that this crowd of low-information people are ignoring the facts and thus support evil. If thousands of Americans (and especially those from our most prestigious Ivy league universities) who support the Palestinians and by proxy the HAMAS savages chanting "From the river to the sea" this dramatically shows we as a nation are indeed in great threat of being taken over by a Communist revolution.
You bought the main stream propaganda of the IDF? You sir, are the low-information person you speak of.
Happy Thanksgiving David ! Hope you have a joyous holiday season. May the Lord bless you an keep you and your family. We are truly graced as a country to be able to have differing views without resorting to violence and death.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Ron. We are blessed to live in a country where we can openly disagree and make our opinions known without the fear of government retaliation. I firmly believe in the statement, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.“
Dave thank you for your gracious remarks; and, i too would defend to death your rights to differ with me or anyone. Time alone will tell the right or wrong of our positions. I probably not be around to see it; so let me know later.
We need these chicks to be gay do that they never, ever, ever actually reproduce as the children they would raise would become a further strain in our Republic.
Unfortunately, they aren't content with being childless. They do everything they can to indoctrinate and groom other people's children into becoming just like them--and put them up to rejecting their own parents. They're child stealers and the destroyers of innocence and goodness. And we need to find a way to stop them in their tracks if we want to have anything left of civilization.
The vast majority are mRNA injected which will stop them for us.
Dr. Zelensky said five years max lifespan from the first shot--unless they got the placebo. For some of them, that still gives them more opportunity to hurt the rest of us than I wish they had, but--yes.