I unfortunately agree with James Lindsay's quote in your recent post, to whit: "Communism advances by controlling the framing of issues with low-information people. If a society has too many manipulable, low information people in it, a Communist revolution will eventually succeed there.". The evidence of a burgeoning population of a low …
I unfortunately agree with James Lindsay's quote in your recent post, to whit: "Communism advances by controlling the framing of issues with low-information people. If a society has too many manipulable, low information people in it, a Communist revolution will eventually succeed there.". The evidence of a burgeoning population of a low information populace is graphically evidenced by the mobs of pro-Palestinian demonstrators siding with a HAMAS / IDF cease fire. All these thousands of low-information people in our country forget that the Gaza Palestinians over whelming voted for HAMAS leadership; and. worse they ignore the savagery of HAMAS including the flaying of a pregnant women's abdomen exposing her uterus, slapping her when she rose up her head to see the child, killing the unborn baby, and then killing the woman. This horrible act act perfectly frames Lindsay's idea that this crowd of low-information people are ignoring the facts and thus support evil. If thousands of Americans (and especially those from our most prestigious Ivy league universities) who support the Palestinians and by proxy the HAMAS savages chanting "From the river to the sea" this dramatically shows we as a nation are indeed in great threat of being taken over by a Communist revolution.
Happy Thanksgiving David ! Hope you have a joyous holiday season. May the Lord bless you an keep you and your family. We are truly graced as a country to be able to have differing views without resorting to violence and death.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Ron. We are blessed to live in a country where we can openly disagree and make our opinions known without the fear of government retaliation. I firmly believe in the statement, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.“
Dave thank you for your gracious remarks; and, i too would defend to death your rights to differ with me or anyone. Time alone will tell the right or wrong of our positions. I probably not be around to see it; so let me know later.
I unfortunately agree with James Lindsay's quote in your recent post, to whit: "Communism advances by controlling the framing of issues with low-information people. If a society has too many manipulable, low information people in it, a Communist revolution will eventually succeed there.". The evidence of a burgeoning population of a low information populace is graphically evidenced by the mobs of pro-Palestinian demonstrators siding with a HAMAS / IDF cease fire. All these thousands of low-information people in our country forget that the Gaza Palestinians over whelming voted for HAMAS leadership; and. worse they ignore the savagery of HAMAS including the flaying of a pregnant women's abdomen exposing her uterus, slapping her when she rose up her head to see the child, killing the unborn baby, and then killing the woman. This horrible act act perfectly frames Lindsay's idea that this crowd of low-information people are ignoring the facts and thus support evil. If thousands of Americans (and especially those from our most prestigious Ivy league universities) who support the Palestinians and by proxy the HAMAS savages chanting "From the river to the sea" this dramatically shows we as a nation are indeed in great threat of being taken over by a Communist revolution.
You bought the main stream propaganda of the IDF? You sir, are the low-information person you speak of.
Happy Thanksgiving David ! Hope you have a joyous holiday season. May the Lord bless you an keep you and your family. We are truly graced as a country to be able to have differing views without resorting to violence and death.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Ron. We are blessed to live in a country where we can openly disagree and make our opinions known without the fear of government retaliation. I firmly believe in the statement, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.“
Dave thank you for your gracious remarks; and, i too would defend to death your rights to differ with me or anyone. Time alone will tell the right or wrong of our positions. I probably not be around to see it; so let me know later.