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I identified so much with what you said about having ignorant friends. If you try to talk to them about what is really undermining society, they say OMG! You don’t really believe that do you! And then get bored as you try to explain yourself. It is a lonely place to be. I want to talk to my sister because she should know better, our parents didn’t raise us as stupid fools but she takes antidepressants and is numb and unaffected by anything. I feel like we are all in a plane that we know is about to crash but everyone else is drinking and eating and staring at the little tvs on their seats while we look out the windows in horror.

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Your comment about antidepressants made me think about some of the same-age (mid-70s) women I know who are in reasonably good health but who seem to have become slow on "the uptake" in recent years. They look at me kind of vaguely when I try to engage them as I've done for years, but now I deduce a glimmer of hatred in their eyes and mouth upturning to a sneer. I've never hidden my politics but I think what's happened is these women realize that they're on the losing side BIG TIME and are deadening themselves to the pain.

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Average pharma drugs taken daily by someone in their mid 70s is 10-12. I know someone mid 60s taking NINETEEN!! They are all messed. Anyone taking 10 Big Pharma a day is not themselves.

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That is indeed frightening, but don’t doubt the veracity of these stats. Same age, take nothing. This recent physical, my integrative doc signed me up for a stress test. I just finished hiking at 5-9,000 ft elevation, and did 2 hours of strenuous yard work without getting winded. I cancelled the test and won’t be taking any of big pharma’s “goodies.” Starting to wonder whether the good doc took too many of those “jabbies.”

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The answer is don't get old. I give this advice to all young people. if you have neuropathy in feet or hands you will take anything to be able to put you feet down in a normal walk. Alas, I ahve not taken my own advice and cannot afford servants.

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I am finding getting old a lot less fun than I had hoped. There are some perks. I get to leave early without offending people. That’s a big perk for me.

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Hahaha! That’s a great plus!

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@Ronald L Montgomery (ron)

Shit, if I had the courage of my convictions, I'd be dead now.

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Holy crap! I’m 72 and take five a day, but three are for a back injury and nerve damage. I thought that was a lot! If the injury hadn’t happened, I doubt I’d be taking anything except the occasional anti-inflammatory.

The only woman I know who is on absolutely nothing, desperately needs to be on something, lol. Rage addict narcissist, my non-professional diagnosis/opinion.

Our modern civilisation seems to require it. Maybe I’m the one who needs to take weird antidepressants...

19 a day! Wowwwww

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Severe chronic health requires Pharma drugs & vaccines to “cure & heal” the World.

Treating symptoms…..Managing symptoms…..keeps the patient sick and Pharmaphrenics Rich & Wealthy… (Global Pharma Cartel).

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Your comment is spot-on. Trying to talk to some of these women is like talking to a doll. They just stare and stare and nothing comes out.

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The comments about television are spot on too. The worst (in the UK where I live) are the tv drama serials. They all conform to a formulaic scriptwriter’s tick-box: Non white person traduced but eventually revealed to be a surprisingly decent sort – Tick....Middle class white person eventually revealed to have a sinister dark side – Tick...Gay Couple included – Tick.... An integral part of any storyline is that ‘lgbt’ people are abundant and everywhere. They are bound to be nice as well. Curiously though there is another box to be ticked: there needs to be some graphic depiction of violence especially towards attractive young women (by white men of course). https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/non-binary-sibling-is-entertaining

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You've never lived in Italy, I take it?

I once knew a British Barbie Doll. She was a dancer, singer and actress, however not quite talented enough to gain any traction in the British film or TV or music industry.

She emigrated to Italy where, after a couple of years, became a sought after triple-threat and VERY FAMOUS.

That was the 80's.

Fast forward.

My mother has a cable subscription to Rai Italia. She cranks her TV audio to 38 decibels due to deafness. (She finally succumbed, at age 91, to a hearing test. Her hearing aids arrive on Friday. 👏👏👏)

Anyway, I listen to her Italian TV station from where ever I am in the house. (Can't be helped. I'm not deaf.)

It's been 40 years: NOTHING HAS CHANGED in Italy, since I ran screaming from there in 1984.

It's all still UTTER CRAP.

Anyone with a shred of moxie and the slimmest of talent can still "make it" in Italy. (Especially if you speak Italian with a foreign accent. 😂😂😂😂)

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It's the blinking too.

Remember Chatty Cathy?


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And those are the better ones. There are others...

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Great metaphor. That is exactly how I feel every day of my life, “we are all in a plane that we know is about to crash but everyone else is drinking and eating and staring at the little tvs on their seats while we look out the windows in horror.” America the sheepeople.

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Interestingly you've just described what Jesus said to His apostles when they wanted to know how we would know when the end was coming. That there would be clear signs of all sorts of doom but people would be carrying on as if nothing is happening. Very interesting...God Bless.

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Heather Boylen: My sister is a spoiled brat who loves the US Navy and Medicine Inc. She quit talking to me years ago.

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You should be grateful.

I am. 😉

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I’m sorry to hear that Timmy. I love my sister, she is so smart and funny but I honestly think the antidepressants have made her numb. If I try to talk to her about current events, she will either change the subject, ignore it, or say she tries to not listen to the news. Nothing will change if most Americans are on this kind of medication because it makes people so blah. How do we shake them out of it?

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Heather Boylen: My sister hasn't been the same since she had chemotherapy. Those drugs change people. I agree with you about drugs changing a person's character. I don't know the solution.

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Should we not all love the US Navy? They have saved civilization as we know it several times in last 100 years. Of course I am terribly biased being the father of a daughter who graduated from the US Naval Academy. Go Navy beat Army!

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Ronald L. Montgomery: I had two uncles in the US Navy and a good friend's son graduated from the Naval Academy near the head of his class. He flew F-18s off of carriers and flew many combat missions in the Middle East. He flies for Delta now.

All of the wars since 9/11 have turned me off of the military. As for the US Navy, the lies about the Gulf of Tonkin and the horrible way the US Navy treated the sailors of the USS Liberty helped to turn me against the Navy brass.

There are good people in the US Navy and bad ones just like any other huge government organization.

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And the USS Forrestall.

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Mystic William: Wasn't John McCain on the USS Forrestall? He did a hot start on the deck and all hell broke loose. McCain abandoned ship and would have been court martialled if not for his Admiral Daddy.

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Yeah. I have read that too.

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Same here in the little country up Northern Europe called Norway. Priceless!

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(Dreamscape #9)

Borgette Symposium,

San Francisco,

July 4, 2024

All invitees will be flown there free!

Host: K. Kennedy

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