I really want to hear more about energy weapons setting fires and any documentation of this crime. I have become suspicious about the origins of the plague of fires in recent years and the link to Green Agenda capitalism/ consolidation of wealth schemes makes sense to me.

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CERN can trigger winds and earthquakes. Massive multinationals have wanted Lahaina for decades, and Hawaiians have been holding out. Lots of super suspicious reporters.

..Shots of energy beams hitting…early days. We don’t know, but somehow we know.

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I keep reading more and more references to CERN, geoengineering and climate manipulation. Fascinating but deeply disturbing when the reality of millions of people , just trying to live their lives are being subjected to terror by these means. No one is safe from this - can it ever be stopped? I wonder.

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CERN is trying to open a portal to another world. They are well and truly dark lords. I do think they cause earthquakes. At a minimum. I have heard they can start storms.

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Interesting times? This is getting a little TOO interesting!😬

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"millions of people just trying to live their lives." Indeed.

A little piece of land, a home, a garden, a family. It's that simple - and 60 yrs ago it was do-able.

"Colonization" worked in North America. A beautiful, integrated, interconnected infrastructure that worked.

Flaws? Absolutely. But it actually worked.

Did we lack gratitude for this infrastructure that was effective: housing, employment, transportation, technology, foodstuffs, marketplaces, industry, communication, community standards and more?

And yet there are those with incredible power and diabolical planning who have been, and are, deliberately trying to take it all down.

"millions of people just trying to live their lives."

Each of us has a sovereign birthright.

To live out our lives as we see fit.

Leave us the foxtrot alone.

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Aug 14, 2023
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I am kindof against anything that says Jews are behind all evil. All the various ethnic groups are represented, including the jews

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Aug 12, 2023Edited
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Excellent evaluation of the advancement of the digital world in Ukraine

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Aug 13, 2023
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Volodymyr is a thieving oligarch and master propagandist. He tailors his message to the particular audience from whom he seeks some favor. Imagine what he knows about Biden, Hunter & the entire "son-of-a-bitch" Burisma episode and much, much more.

Zelensky is simply leveraging Iran's military assistance to Russia (weapons and training) to get more help from Israel--intel, for now. Zelensky is a talented chameleon, not an Israeli operative.

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In 1997 director Wim Wenders released a movie about weapons in space entitled, "The End Of Violence." It is an intriguing, well-written & acted story. Bill Pullman plays one of his best parts. But for some reason the box-office take after its release was abysmal. (EDIT: They SAY it was abysmal. I have no way of knowing for sure.) I've watched the movie three times over the years since its release. What's happening now is what Wenders portrayed as near-future. The NSA creeps haven't started firing on us yet, but they are drawing a bead. Here's the wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_End_of_Violence

EDIT #2 DIRECTED ENERGY: https://youtu.be/AuX-w2-5qOY

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Agree. It's hard to document "proof," but it all feels contrived, not organic, little isolated stabs of pain that are then cited all together to "show a pattern," according to them. It seems practically ALL contexts outside the chosen fear disaster examples are simply ignored.

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Well put…

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Anyone who has been around cows, seen them and their calfs up close, would know that slaughtering tens of thousands of them in furtherance of a fraud, is a kind of evil akin to pedophilia. The shocking destruction of innocent life. The destruction of people.

Why haven't the arsonists been caught and exposed? Maui is one of Nature's most beautiful places on earth. Why has no one emerged to take these people on? Extra legal guerrilla warfare. I mean, if Nancy Pelosi can stage a fake insurrection in broad daylight on live tv....

How can the willful destruction of precious natural resources be tolerated? Why aren't more people screaming bloody murder?!

Is the human race doomed by our own fat complacency???

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People still trust the media, and they are either stupid or bought. My old editor at the Globe, brilliant woman, dumb as a rock regarding what is going on.

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I still have trouble comprehending how that can be.

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I know. But she has been conditioned. She believes authorities, trusts them, and she is rewarded for it.

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Well, she may have been a dinosaur who found the business of producing news as beneath her level of intellect-- plebeian and boring. I don't think the public in general really knows how news becomes news--how this becomes a story and not that. How editors/ publishers consider factors re what goes in and what stays out based on a variety of factors which have nothing to do with newsworthiness. People who have worked in the media, like you, Elizabeth, read stories differently, see what's missing, notice the timing of a story, the angle, the lack of sources, or see how weak or extrapolated they are. When did "people familiar with the matter" become a thing? I counted that collective/anonymous/vague attribution FIVE times in an early NYTimes story on Trump and "Russia collusion" that resulted in a Pulitzers for the reporters who wrote it. (And now we know, THEY GOT IT WRONG. Has the Pulitzer org ever revoked awards?)

I remember, in All the President's Men, the Woodward & Bernstein book about breaking Watergate, Editor in Chief Ben Bradlee famously saying in the film version, "You haven't got it" and wouldn't let the story go to print until they could name two sources. I call it "smoking gun" journalism, and it has gotten much worse with electronic communications, the internet, the mad rush to publish first in a universe monetized by clicks and page views.

I think some people are simply not curious, or remain deliberately clueless because it serves the media to keep them that way. If I were a middle school administrator, I would want a course offered to 7th or 8th graders which teaches them how to be good consumers of news. It would be a fun course, and it would serve them forever if properly taught. I would make them follow an on-going news story in two different news media, say, tv and print. Or, cable tv (MSNBC) and the Wall Street Journal. I think they'd be shocked by the difference. When I worked in the media, I would actually call up AP reporters and ask them questions. They were usually happy for the call, because their editor made them edit for space considerations.

What do you think, Elizabeth. Am I dreaming? Am I a dinosaur, too?

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I have a daughter who is in the news business and I am profoundly shocked by the crap that comes out of her bureau. Her corporation killed people with holding back of vaxx dangers and they are being sued for it, rightly. She used to be super sharp. I do not know what happened. It seemed to be a progressive narrowing of acceptability, and an increase in allowed hate and criticism of normals. A new media is being born right in front of our eyes. Most legacy media is shrinking by the year.

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Thank you for calling out Lomborg. Anyone who says 'Climate change is real' does not know what they are talking about, and it's about time they were called on it. The age-old term has been revised/repurposed to mean that literally any weather 'anomaly' can now be said to be anthropomorphic in origin. As it stands, 'climate change' cannot be measured - as global temperature sets can be. So where is the science in that, Mr. Lomborg?

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I tried to follow the science but it just wasn't there. Then I followed the money and that's where I found the science.

Awake at the wheel (Ron C.)

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Again, I can't thank you enough for putting all this out. Just want to assure people listening here that directed energy weapons are REAL. They have been used for decades to manipulate the weather, start massive fires and target many individuals for various reasons. The world is , and always has been run by Psycopaths . They in turn are controlled by "others" to do their bidding. The climate hoax is one of ,if not the biggest threat to the planets ecosystem . I would suggest to all to listen to David Ickes latest dot connector on the green agenda and its inversion of all that is logical.

Thanks again Elizabeth, Ron C

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When someone states that they "want to assure people listening here that ..." it suggests that this writer comes from a position of first-hand knowledge and authority.

Not doubting your statement about energy weapons, but curious minds wish to know the root of the authoritative statement. Thanks.

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Check out the work of Dane Wigington: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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Started. Omfg. I want to write about it, but …. It really in the conspiracy area.

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I thought so as well for a long time and stayed away, But then.... Chem trails? The 'wild' fires? And starting at once? In areas where future plans would have been prevented but then presto! land was cleared off, with a stroke of disastrous luck?

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Two military bases on Maui, one working with DEW. Lots of suspicion - lots of video. A developing situation.

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My weather app now has daily "Severe Weather" alerts. The "risk" may be a "1" (presumably on a 10 scale), but the app has to mention "severe" weather every day. It reminds me of Laurel's comment to Hardy: "Certainly a lot of weather we're having lately." Idiocy.

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It is NOT Capitalism that is the issue, it is and always will be GREED ! And that happens to all of the other countries.

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You are right. This is fascism not capitalism. They just call it what they need to to shut us up.

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As a research scientist for 35 years in the field of earth science who has been fortunate to work with some of the best scientists in the field of ocean and atmospheric evolution, I concluded long ago that carbon dioxide plays no measurable role in climate change. Furthermore, CO2 is not a pollutant but a clean and odorless gas that feeds the planet through a process called photosynthesis. A war against CO2 is a war against life itself. And at just over 400 ppm in terms of atmospheric concentrations, it is low compared to the geological past when concentrations ranged up to several thousand ppm. And now as it turns out, I feel like I am at ground zero at my summer home on a small farm along the Miramichi River in northeastern New Brunswick in terms to weather manipulation. I have counted over 20 jets in one day alone spraying nanoparticles that create crisscrossing plumes that diffuse laterally and turn blue skies into a hazy grey color with high-level clouds that display geometric patterns that are not normal. And at night while lying in my bed I hear the almost incessant roar of jets and above the clouds on cloudy days. Keep in mind the nearest airport is a hundred miles away at Moncton and the Miramchi Valley has a small population on the order of 50,000 people. And this has gone on all summer long with an estimated more than 1000 flights over my farm. It is hard to imagine the magnitude of climate manipulation in this one small area with a small population.

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My God, that makes no sense.

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It makes sense if you are a demonic soul who wants to control the food supply by forcing people to use genetically modified seeds that have been developed to tolerate high levels of aluminum in soils contaminated by chemical spraying, And BTW Maui was sprayed for about ten years and there is a petition to stop this spraying. The documentary below describes the spraying program with excellent photos and videos of the actual spraying which are identical to the photos and videos I have taken in NB. The spraying is reducing organic agricultural production and killing the forests thereby providing the ideal conditions for the wild fires we see in Canada, Hawaii and around the world. I have observed a high number of young dead trees on my woodlot and this is confirmed by other woodlot owners in the area.

What in the World are They Spraying?" -



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The Green Agenda is totalitarian from Gorbachev onwards. Red Lies in Green Clothes. The Communist Origins of the Green Movement)

Torsten Mann, a young German author, living for medical reasons retired somewhere in Southern Germany, became known in 2007 when he published the book “Weltoktober. Wer plant die socialistische Weltregierung?” (World October. Who is Preparing the Socialist World Government?). In this book, Mann demonstrates that Mikhail Gorbachev's “Perestroika”, the break down of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet economy is anything but a proof of the victory of Western ideas over collectivism but in reality is the result of a long term communist plan, a consequence of the basic strategic turn that the communist leaders decided in the fifties after Stalin's death.

Mann founded this conclusion mainly on the analysis of testimonials from a series of Eastern secret service deserters, namely Mikhail Golenievski, Anatoly Golitsyn, Jan Sejna, Ladislav Bittman, Ion Pacepa, Victor Suvorov, Stanislaw Lunev, Yuri Bezmenov and Kanatjan Alibecov. These sources must certainly be exploited with precaution for some of these persons are suspected to be double agents. But other accessible official government documents as well as declarations of the Soviet Union's communist party and alleged dissenter's writings like especially Andrej Sakharov's “Manifesto” published in 1968 seem to confirm this point of view.

There is a direct link between Sakharov's “Manifesto” and Gorbachev's “Perestroika” policy in the eighties as well as in his green “Manifesto for the Earth” published after the end of his reign, Torsten Mann asserts in his recently published book on the communist origins of green ideology. Sakharov who received the peace Nobel Prize in 1975 was wrongly considered as dissenter in the West, Mann says. In order to justify his call for ending the Cold War by global governance, Sakharov introduced in his programmatic book already all types of ecological scares that became common arguments for a global environment and climate policy by redistribution of wealth and resources later on in the nineties. Long before the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created, Sakharov already focused on the growing greenhouse effect supposed to be caused by human made carbon dioxide (CO2). He subsequently pleaded for an eco-tax equivalent to 20 percent of the GDP in all wealthy countries. https://xyu.livejournal.com/785408.html

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Love the term "muggles." Perfect.

Meanwhile, the last thing we need is a parallel glass clad superstructure stretching for 170 kilometers. If The Line is our future, I want no part of it.

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Well, they will build it and people will try to live there. At least they are doing something rather than letting everything rot.

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The 'vulture capitalists' are not taking no for an answer. Killing the cows, very much like they killed the buffalo and destroyed the food source for the Indians. We are racing to the tipping point. The other side of this teeter totter is the abyss.

Personally as a veteran of the electricity and coal industry. I know that coal was mastered (for cleanliness) in the 1970s and managed very carefully, monitored closely in real time constantly in the power plants.

All that careful monitoring and innovation that made coal clean is of no avail because the plan is to cripple and undermine it anyway. The goal was never to make it clean. The goal is moved to obliteration.

The goal is no longer 'not in my backyard,' the goal now is 'no longer...'

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All to remove independence and self-determination. Now, they are just burning us out. Thank you.

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Love your stack and your thinking! You pull no punches, and aren’t afraid to travel down any intellectual path, with no worry of thought terminating clichés thrown your way. Umm, you seeing anybody? 😊

Excellent post on the wildfires. I converted an extra vehicle into a backroads camper this year, and have been seeking quiet in the deep forests on the few free nights a month (single dad). I’m astonished to see the forestry management policies, and how many shuttered roads and access points there are in national and state forests in my native NY/PA region!

There are so many ‘shredded’ tree lines, as if, the fallen trees have been rounded up, processed down to mulch, and laid in these long lines to dry. The exact opposite of a fire line, these would make kindling lines. I don’t recall seeing these a few years ago, and they would previously have hauled such material out, if they ever created it. I don’t ever remember seeing shredded tree material in a line anywhere.

In a PA state game lands yesterday, I could not follow any of the well graveled and marked roads, “Do Not Enter” over and over. There was one road remaining that circled the forest, every interior access road closed to motor vehicles, in a forest 20 miles wide with mountains and dozens of roads criss-crossing it. I eventually got plucky and moved a barrier, followed the road a few miles to find another kindling line. Walking on, I came to a 10’ fence, which I then followed for a few miles looking for an access. Signs “Hunt Safely” all along it. After half a day’s hike from the car, I came to the realization that this state game land, had been turned into a wildlife sanctuary with no human access. The animals trapped inside, the humans out.

I remember some failed suits by hunters in NY to reopen state forests and game lands to hunting, of course it wasn’t spun that way in the local press. More of, radical conservatives wish to hunt next to your child’s bedroom. There has been hundreds of closed roads and access to public land I have found these past few months, but this was the first time I had experienced it to this scale, the first actual ‘no humans allowed’ spread across hundreds of square miles. All public use land, probably scorched to ashes if they find a Bilderberg need.

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Oh my God. The roadless initiative has been around for decades, but was fought. Roads made it possible to fight fires better. The kindling line is truly diabolical.

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Indeed, a match made in hell. I read 'State of Fear' by Michael Crichton 20 years ago; environmentalists are absolutely evil. Conservationists/conservatives are not: we believe in using the earth's resources wisely, they worship Gaia.

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Climate change: I have tried to follow the science but could not find it. Then I followed the money and

found the science.

Ron C.

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https://stopthecrime.net/wp/ is a website people should check out. Debora Tavares has been doing research in all things mentioned here and a ton more. She has so much info but because of the subject matter it is sometimes hard to listen to. But these are the times we live in and it is not going away. An ex NSA intel expert whose name escapes me at the moment has himself been a target of directed energy weapons. There is much info regarding this subject and the actual people and address of where they work of the ones running this shit show. (military , CIA etc. all the usual suspects. I have listened to many accounts of victims horror stories. The technology is mind blowing.

Pun intended. Wm. Binney is the name that just came to me but there are thought to be millions around the world that are targeted.

Ron C.

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I love the concept you are introducing here about the vultures and their appeasers.

I have the same reservations about Lomborg and RFK Jr. On the one hand I can understand what motivates them, while on the other hand I am alarmed, because appeasement is enabling.

There can be no reasonable compromise with unrepentant evil.

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