Thank you for calling out Lomborg. Anyone who says 'Climate change is real' does not know what they are talking about, and it's about time they were called on it. The age-old term has been revised/repurposed to mean that literally any weather 'anomaly' can now be said to be anthropomorphic in origin. As it stands, 'climate change' cannot…
Thank you for calling out Lomborg. Anyone who says 'Climate change is real' does not know what they are talking about, and it's about time they were called on it. The age-old term has been revised/repurposed to mean that literally any weather 'anomaly' can now be said to be anthropomorphic in origin. As it stands, 'climate change' cannot be measured - as global temperature sets can be. So where is the science in that, Mr. Lomborg?
Thank you for calling out Lomborg. Anyone who says 'Climate change is real' does not know what they are talking about, and it's about time they were called on it. The age-old term has been revised/repurposed to mean that literally any weather 'anomaly' can now be said to be anthropomorphic in origin. As it stands, 'climate change' cannot be measured - as global temperature sets can be. So where is the science in that, Mr. Lomborg?