And that article and more is why I am subscribed. I can feel your truth deep in my soul. I also believe that 10 or 12 yrs ago, there were alternative news sites that got me started questioning the supposed facts spewed by the MSM. Now, I am questioning, sadly, some of those alt news sites and believe they have been compromised. I won't say which, because some truth is still there, but the substack journalists I subscribe to are so razor sharp in their insight. Their ability to pull out the lies and nail them to the wall is worded in a way that I feel but can't come close to expressing as they do. I am in love again with reading the truth as it should be told and that is, never compromising or backing down and calling out cowards for what they are! Thank You Elizabeth, you are one of a few who inspire me once again. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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I say trust the authors who have lost lots of friends in the last four years! (Which I think is the case in the present instance.) Lost lots of money may count, as well. "Razor sharp" is rather more vague and shifting; subject to deceit, etc.

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Well said, Rose. Completely agree.

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It has always been such, the lure of the ‘alternative’ same fish is caught- in the end

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What about the Medieval Warm Period? 950 to 1250AD. Was this caused by two stroke motorcycles, leaf blowers, chain saws, and string trimmers, or was there some other man made product that caused two crop growing seasons instead of one? When it was over, people starved and froze to death. I merely pointed out that there was a period of warm temps that lasted for centuries to some women from DC and they looked at me like I was truly insane. They started it. We had a nice warm day in October, and rather than enjoy it, we had to be sad. I think you would have to accept the global warming insanity to date them.

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Data? Who needs any stinking data?

There is a well-known quote "if you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything."

That is what the climate clowns have been doing. Literally selecting and editing data to produce the result they want.

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I always liked the articles saying 'such and such' a country is experiencing warming at twice the rate of the planet. The next week an article saying the same about another country. Over time, they've claimed that just about every country is warming at twice the rate of the planet. Now how could that be? (sarc)

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It's all about timeframes. Look up what happened the next interval (year, decade, whatever) to the country that had 2x the 'warming' in the prior interval. They generally drop back where they were, or further. Caused by natural variability in the data.

It's all about torturing the data -- cherry-picking the data that give you the result you want. It's pretty easy, really, once you give up integrity.

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Ditto: Roman warm period, Mayan warm period, and 50% of the Holocene...warmer than the current period. But none of this UNEP / WEF scam is based on anything other than the tired, age old quest for power and control.

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Yeah, the data is bs to start with. I think it was 1966 when we drove down to the extremely ironically named Dulles International Airport to see the SST. Not the Concorde. We drove for miles and miles in what seemed like a cornstalk tunnel to get there. It was virtually the middle of nowhere. Almost all of it was dirt. Now almost all of it is developed and paved. And, the biggest part of the recent development is data centers with massive HVAC systems to keep the place from overheating. Anyone with common sense would expect the average temp to increase due to the significant change in the environment brought on by development. Where does our data come from? The airports. I don’t think we have seen that .5F increase since 1966. No significant change. We have been saving the Bay since then also. The last I heard it was worse than it ever was. Another scam.

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The 'urban heat island effect' is a biggy, but not as 'big' as bovine political flatus or the paid for play MSM. Sigh.

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Did the millions of buffalos (inhabiting the plains before we killed them off) not fart?

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You need to learn the difference between politically correct farts and politically incorrect farts. Obviously, buffalo farts have magical properties.

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The millions of buffalo had to be killed off to fill the plains with billions of migrants .instead .Their farting is climate friendly ,as it is in Africa

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"Data from the airports". Exactly!

Highest temperature in 2022 in the UK was from an RAF base. But the Met Office don't mention that!

The truth must out in the end.

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Climate is cyclical. Fossil records show that. NOT data from the past 100 years.

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The Medieval Warm Period (850-1250) is not shown on their hockey stick graph. Nor is the later Little Ice Age, when the Thames used to freeze over and they had fairs on the ice.

Instead their graph shows a gradual decline from 1000 (when the graph starts) until about 1850, at which point it shoots upwards. In that way they have obscured both the warm and cold periods, both of which were caused by nature.

It's flagrant, but if you try and point this out to green fanatics, they just look the other way. They just believe.

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I call for 2-stroke dirt bikes, but that's just me and most would say that is ridiculous, and it is.

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Well I own two. I think I will start them today, if it stops snowing.

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I'm nearly 80 with a bad knee and artificial shoulders. I can't ride a bike any more, and they don't have room for 2 grandbabies. But if you can, more power to you! It can be the solution for many.

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I think the main thing to be done is to divorce the terms 'climate change' and 'global warming' from the term 'geoengineering'. People that have read Elizabeth's well written post realize that mankind barely affects CO2 and 'climate change'. Conversely, mankind is 100% responsible for 'geoengineering', which is negatively affecting every living organism on the planet in one way or another. Much more at https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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💯💯💯💯💯👍👍👍 very important distinction to be made as public as possible. Especially with the epic levels of nanopathology occurring in individuals globally, from all the nanoparticles pollutants purposely poured into the environment, along with toxicants.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I keep trying, nobody that I am...

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I would go as far as saying that CO2 is one one of the few things that humans add to the environment which is a positive. Pulses of CO2 from volcanos has benefitted plant life on earth for over a billion years. Synthetic chemicals, not so much.

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IKR, it doesn't get anymore backwards than 'banning' CO2 while promoting and exporting Round up and GMO. You literally couldn't hate the planet any more than this!

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Yeah I agree. If you're talking about 'climate change' you're willingly losing. That's their made up thing. Any time you're dignifying it with a response, they're playing you. I want to talk DIRECTLY about the specific people and the specific things that they're doing from behind this made up non-problem. They are spraying shit on us on a near daily basis and have been for years now. The entire Midwest was under a brown cloud for all of June. All the arguments presented here rebutting this scam are valid, but they are also 20 years old and haven't changed anyone's mind. Because the point isn't truth or science it's stalling and misdirection. So stop falling for all the hand waving and let's start watching and talking loudly about what the other hand is doing.

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Elizabeth, A righteous post. Thanks. Just a quick comment about word length, which you brought up in your article. I’ve also been told many times that the longer a piece — irrespective of the quality of the writing (and putting to one side the countless variables that anyone might use to assess that)—the less likely people are likely to read it. Perhaps to some extent that is true. However as a freelancer I’ve been putting my stuff out there for almost ten years. Whilst I generally get very good to excellent reactions from readers, there’s always someone out there that’ll repeat that old shibboleth about word count, and kvetch about the length of my feature length articles (usually anywhere between 4-6K words). But I stick to my guns for any number of reasons. The best way to explain where I’m coming (not that I’m feeling the necessity to explain to you as I expect you already get it), is to quote Aldous Huxley. I have a feeling this might resonate with you if you’re not already familiar with it: 👇👀

🗣️ ‘…However elegant and memorable, brevity can never, in the nature of things, do justice to all the facts of a complex situation. On such a theme one can be brief only by omission and simplification. Omission and simplification help us to understand—but help us, in many cases, to understand the wrong thing; for our comprehension may be only of the abbreviator's neatly formulated notions, not of the vast, ramifying reality from which these notions have been so arbitrarily abstracted.’

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'Climate Science' is the same as Covid 'Vax Science'! Absolute manipulative nonsense!

....................and still thousands of our friends, relatives and neighbours of, those that think are 'Covid Victims' - with (supposed) 'Long Covid', fail to realise that the 'EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION' (called Covid vaccine) is the most likely cause of all of these ill health consequences. Thousands of VAX DEATHS and perhaps millions of permanent or semi-permanent life-changing vax-related health issues, and with an unquantifiably reduced 'Life Expectancy' caused by these poisonous injections.

New Years resolution = Things we have to achieve during 2024;

1. Stop Big Pharma killing (CULLING) humanity with their deadly injections that they call VACCINES!

2. Stop the recently re-opened Wuhan Institute labs from experimenting with viruses to maximise their deadly impact upon HUMANS.

3. Destroy the intentions of the World Economic Forum to Control us by INJECTIONS ('Vaccines'), enslaving us by Genetic modification achieved by the mRNA they pretend is useful for defeating diseases.

4. Disband the Corrupt World Health Organisation which we 'terminated' on the 30th November 2023.

5a. Reintroduce LIABILITY into the pharmaceutical marketplace by determining that all drug and medicine makers have to accept ALL legal responsibility for their products.

5b. Back-date LIABILITY to 2020 so that the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, etc, have to sufficiently compensate those that suffered health impact related to Big Pharma's dirty and frequently DEADLY injections that were intended to reduce the World's population.

6. Arrest and prosecute those all involved in the planning, creation and release of the Covid Scamdemic and remove these evil murdering 'animals' from our once wonderful planet.

7. Arrest and prosecute all involved in manufacturing the DEADLY injections they pretended were a "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" cure for the man-made Covid disease. They too must be exterminated for their crimes against humanity!

7b. Stop Pfizer from trying to 'avoid prosecution for mass-murder by claiming false BANKRUPTCY to avoid justice and their LIABILITY for the DEATHS and injuries their DEADLY injected poisons caused.

8. Arrest and prosecute all Politicians and other influencers of the Covid & Vax scams, as they are party to the mass murder of millions who were encouraged to accept the DEADLY injections. The same deadly fate must apply to these accomplices.

9. Arrest and prosecute all media personnel and those who advertised the DEADLY injections as "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" medicines. The same fate will apply to these insane participators of genocide.

10. Ensure the now Corrupt organisations that assisted in promoting the Vax Genocide upon humanity. These include organisations such as The US FDA, CDC, The United Nations, any remaining members of the, now defunct, World Health Organisation. the BBC and many other culpable persons, organisation heads, politicians and all others who participated in the worst example of genocide ever witnessed on our planet.

This list is just the beginning of our intentions to free our planet from the evil clutches of those that mean us to be SLAVES, and that have been manifesting their plans over the past century and beyond!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Good start Mick, but BSL4 labs in the US are the main concern. You need to add “Shut down the USG” to your list, and add the Canadian government as well, so go with “Shut down all North American Governments” maybe.

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Yes Mick! All you have to do to see the problem is ask who profits from it. This seems to be the question nobody asks. It is the elephant in every room. We are in a war that nobody seems to comprehend. They wander around mindlessly their glazed eyes lacked on their little idiot boxes and NEVER look up to see what is happening in the real world. Best wishes to you in the New Year.

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Nonsense. The Covid vaccines went through all the same testing and vetting that every other vaccine does, and the technology wasn't new. That is all well documented.

But unfortunately, thanks to all the misinformation like this, I know several people who are now avoiding ALL vaccines, even tetanus, polio, whooping cough, etc., and dying unnecessarily from those diseases.

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"Nonsense. The Covid vaccines went through all the same testing and vetting that every other vaccine does"

In order for the Covid vaccines to have gone through the same testing and vetting that other "vaccines" do, one would have to go back at least ten years, the average time it takes to run the trials and get approval. That means someone way back in the day knew about "Covid." In fact, the planning of the Covid event goes back to the early 2000's. with patents filed and investment scenarios proffered.

You haven't done your homework. NO vaccine has ever been proven to be safe and effective. In fact, the incidents of the "diseases" these vaccines claim to prevent have skyrocketed after the vaccine has been introduced. Which, by the way, is compelling evidence that the ailments you listed are NOT the result of some virus that no one has been able to prove actually exists using the standard protocols of isolation used to prove the existence of toxins that actually do create illness. No, if virology were to do that it would be instantly exposed as the vodoo it actually is. In fact, that is what happened back in the late fifties. It had been exposed as a fraud and it wasn't until River's protocols (basically a list of excuses for why you can't find what you are looking for) introduced that virology came back into favor. It had to be because Rockefeller allopathic medicine needed a villain to pedal its poisons to an unwitting population.

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I didn't know it was possible to squeeze that much misinformation into one paragraph. You are obviously not a medical researcher nor do you know any. Facebook doesn't count. I have several medical researchers among family and friends and get up to date info from them, and I have an extensive science background although I do not work at that now. I'm sure you mean well, but spreading nonsense isn't helpful.

1. Small pox has been wiped out worldwide through vaccine. Many, many other diseases have been reduced considerably because of vaccines. Clinical trials show this without a doubt.

2. No vaccine takes 10 years to develop. It can take a few months. There are 3 levels of trials: animal (safety & effectiveness), human (safety & effectiveness), and human (establish the most effective dosages). Then the paperwork goes to the NIH for approval. That normally takes 3-5 years because of huge backup. Trump asked the NIH to "clear the decks" and look at the Covid vaccines ahead of everything else, because we needed then right away, not in 5 years. They did. Hence, we got the vaccines in less than a year. But no shortcuts were taken, except cutting in line in the approval process. We got the swine flu vaccine the same way back in the 70's.

3. Many, many vaccines are very effective, which is why you don't hear of babies dying of diptheria and whooping cough and other killers of previous centuries. Polio is rare now because its injectable vaccine (but not the oral vaccine) is nearly 100% effective. I grew up with several kids who had polio. Look for one now.

4. Vaccines vary in tested effectiveness from 40% to about 98%. Clinical trials. The seasonal flu is about 40% effective because of guesswork as to which strains will be prominent. Measles, mumps, rubella, and their ilk are about 65-80% effective, dependent on the person's immune system. Covid vaccines are about 78-96% effective in preventing Covid infections and even more effective in preventing death.

5. Viruses exist and can be seen with electron microscopes and clinical tests. They are not "unproven." NO disease has "skyrocketed" after the introduction of a vaccine for it. NONE. Every one has drastically been reduced, some to near 0.

6. Development of technology of these vaccines was not a conspiracy. It's been used for other lesser known successful vaccines. The reason it was used for the Covid vaccines was that so much was needed in a big HURRY for the whole world. Vaccines are traditionally grown in egg culture, which takes a whole lot of eggs and months to produce in small amounts. There wasn't time. The Covid vaccines could be produced in laboratories without egg culture, so it was MUCH quicker. You can't suddenly create billions of eggs for vaccine production. That would take several years.

7. Facebook and conspiracy theory websites are not good sources of medical research information. Nor are people on Facebook who say they are "vaccine experts." My SIL exposed more than 110 of them, and only one was actually a doctor (an obstetrician who'd had his license revoked, no virology espertise). They were ALL lying and just making up BS. Medical licenses are public records.

8. VAERS is also not a souce of "proof" of anything. It's a source of information for researchers who are looking for possible side effects, but nothing on it is "PROVEN." YOU can get on VAERS and report that you had a mumps vaccine and your big toe fell off 6 months later, and they will list it. People report wild things on there that further research debunks. But it gives doctors an early warning to check on Possibilities. Correlation is not the same and Causation. You have listened to too many graduates of the Facebook School of Medicine. Best wishes.

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So because one or two (supposedly) helped they are therefore all good? Some Pharma’s help, but they’re not all good. Your argumentation is not reasonable. “Polio worked! Therefore the new never before workable mRNA vaccines will therefore work.” As far as people dropping like flies? Is it not happening? Or was it always happening? I know of about 30-50 people seriously hurt by the vax. I don’t know anyone hurt by a vax before this. Although in retrospect some of this might have been happening all along. But, for example, I have never met anyone who took a vax and their arm began to atrophy. But I have met two from this vax. I won’t get into the early onset dementia I am seeing.

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The Smallpox Vaxx did not wipe out Smallpox. It made it worse in many cases. They kept re-vaxxing people for it. Kathy most likely works for DHS, and may be a man..

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Seek out Michael Yeadon former vice pres of Pfizer. Next, read ANY study purporting to have isolated a virus, any virus. What you will find in the methodology section is quite alarming. Virologists routinely skip the purification process after centrifugal banding. In other words, a particular band will contain particles of a certain density. In order to properly isolate the particle you are looking for you must filter the band until you have only the particle of interest. Virologists never do this. They move straight to culture. How can they possibly be sure they are looking at one thing when so many other things are present? All of the so called electron microscope images of a virus are CGI or something else not identified. They can't claim to be looking at a virus when they have never properly isolated it. Virtually all genetic sequencing of any virus is en silico. In other words, the result of an algorithm.

Next, check out the work of drs. Sam (Samantha) and Mark Bailey.

Vaccine effectiveness is measured by antigen response. Antigens are non specific. No one has any idea what they are reacting to. Much of what you say is from the perspective of allopathic practitioners. I don't trust anything those guys say.

And lastly, how can anyone prove someone DIDN'T get sick because they took a vaccine? Good luck with that one. Polio and smallpox disappeared not because of a vaccine, but because of public sanitation. They were on the way out when the vaccines were introduced. If you have done any reading at all you would know this. In fact, in the case of smallpox, the incidence of that disease increased until the vaccine was discontinued. Stop listening to hacks and do your own research!!

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Not worth wasting your time with someone who doesn't have a clue after 4 years.

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Tragic. I am so sorry to hear of all your friends dying from whooping cough and then dying (again) from polio! Because they now are avoiding vaccinations. This must be very difficult for you.

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I’m 100% substack now for news and information. I’ve weeded out numerous subscriptions on my journey here and have about 10 left I trust. Some are crap and others, like this one, are gems worth the time to slowly read, ponder and digest. I’ve studied the Climate Scam for over a decade and you nailed the key highlights! Thank you for your efforts to spread the truth!

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There isn't much to add to this than to declare that what you have described and documented is...evil. Sourced in evil, drenched in evil, surrounded in evil. Motivated by evil, resulting in evil. Who, I wonder, is behind this evil? Who is it that is such pure evil?

I have a name for him, but I will not say it.

Do not be on the side of evil in these days.

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here is what plagues me the most: all of modern life and it’s subsequent standard of living rests on a foundation of cheap energy. this is the main reason for so much wealth creation and innovation of the last 200 years. this seems fairly obvious even to a casual observer.

now, even if the catastrophic predictions are true, all of the climate based restrictions have resulted in next to nothing regarding global emissions. global oil use continues to rise year after year. the goals stated by the UN of 50% emission reduction by 2030 and net zero by 2050 are beyond laughable. I could go on forever, but U get it…

my main point is this: the powers that be are not acting like a catastrophe is really imminent. this all seems like a global conspiracy to create artificial scarcity in order to control who gets capital and who doesn’t. taken to it’s logical conclusion, this will create of new world of Neoliberal serfdom where all of the wealth will be at the top and inequality will revert back to where it has always been for the last 5000 years. I can’t see any other outcome, but again, I’m prone to catastrophic thinking.

but one thing is still true…it doesn’t have to be this way.

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So many questions...what about weather control?? We know they're doing it..no way they'll admit it, but many think these HUGE catastrophes were done on purpose. Anyone living in BC when the big flood that cut the coast off from the interior remembers. BC seems to be a bunch of woke idiots and sleepers, with the awake sprinkled in for good measure. How could all roads and bridges simultaneously be taken out at once? How did the water buildup grow so large without the powers that be, that seem to watch every move we make, how did they miss it? These floods have happened before...I only saw pictures of the devastation, heard stories of nobody being allowed to help, when they so obviously could have, but the local authorities were worried about safety???? They blocked all access to the public, all we got were videos from fake news media.. Come on!

HAWAII?? What happened there? I have my thoughts.

Acapulco Mexico????? Whipped out by a hurricane with virtually no rain, that came out of nowhere??? Monitoring it as sort of a nothingburger, then BOOM! Quebec 100+ forest fires igniting simultaneously??? This is weather control!

Next...we know that concrete jungles create heat...the powers that be are buying up huge swaths of land and slowly forcing everyone into the Uban areas...what's that about? I have my thoughts. We will be in a poison concrete jungle if there are no trees and plant life available to absorbe the carbon dioxide...they are telling us we are polluters and it's true if they get what they want. In their wet dreams, after they have us crowded into skyscrapers with thousands of people stuffed into little 250 sq ft units...what are their plans for all the rural areas? Even farming is now 7 levels deep, crowded with hydroponics, nothing growing naturally. Beef is on the chopping block (for the plebs) we'll eat bugs for our protein, that they have decided we need so little of to survive. In everything I know to be true...you can survive without EVER consuming another carb in your life..fruit and veggies are carbs...along with all the other crap..processed foods loaded with sugar that they have addicted a large portion of the population too.. 2 things you will die without is fat and protein.(water too but thats not food)..meat is their target for that reason alone. Nothing to do with cow farts. All the talk about red meat killing people is a joke. Back to my rant...what plans do they have for all the extra land? They're gonna kill off 3/4 of the population, and the rest will be stuffed into towers with no greenery or beauty..forced to eat bugs and GMO poison F&V..we'll all be sick and on forced medications, and when we can't take it anymore, the govt sponsored MAID will help us out, and make room for the next pleb to move in. Meanwhile, they will languish in huge estates with rivers and lakes, and nature all around, eating wagyu beef and foie Gras and using the natural resources denied to the plebs for their happy lives. Jetting around using the oil and gas they told us we have to stop using to save the planet...they didn't mean save the planet for us..they mean if we don't use it, they have unlimited availability for themselves...are we really gonna walk into this with eyes wide open??? REALLY???

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I am very angry about geoengineering. It is mindblowingly stupid.

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We see it very clearly from our house in North Saanich. Plane after plane laying down a grid, which slowly spreads and becomes cloud cover. I can’t recall the last time I saw a once normal scenario. That of clouds blowing in from the horizon. I also see now types of clouds I’ve never seen.

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My wife is always on me to eat more veggies. Just to play around I said, almost without thinking, ‘I don’t eat Frankenfoods’, referring to vegetables. She said ‘oh stop that’. I said ‘I am serious. I see wild apples. Wild oranges. Wild mangoes (in Mexico). Every seen a wild cauliflower, or a wild broccoli? Maybe a wild potato. But anything remotely looking like anything we see in the produce section of Save-on?’ I said it just to be mischievous. But it got me thinking. None of these are natural. We eat these as if they are super healthy. Meat, fruit, honey, raw sugar, eggs. All those are natural.

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I submit to you that had humanity not been first beaten down by climate fiction, the Plandemic would never have been possible.

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I see it that way too. The young especially were already demoralized. Add to that the constant carping on ‘there are no jobs, you’ll never own a house’. And so on. They are restricting these. The jobs and houses could appear tomorrow if the boot on our neck was removed.

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If the Democrats are allowed to keep restricting energy and raising inflaiton rates, it will be true. The goal of the globalists is that we all live in small apartments in cities. Easier to control. What is being built in your neck of the woods?

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Small to medium size apartments in high rise buildings. But....I build them!! So I can’t complain. Downtown living works for me. I have a moderate visual impairment. I work from home. I have two projects on the go. One across the street. One a block away. Everything I need is walkable. Commuting is a waste of two hours of my life. Every day. When I did that.

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Ideal for you. I'm glad. Not for everybody, and yet that's the leftist goal. Get everybody into small apartments, such as the USSR and China did. Theyc an control us better like that.

I'm a retired prepper who grows food in my yard. I need land.

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Elizabeth Nickson would possibly shrivel up and die living where I live. She lives in a beautiful spot. But for me, right now, it works. I need to plan for a no drive near future.

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Driving at night isn’t possible for me anymore.

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However i live in a ridiculously expensive area. That could drop about 40% in costs if I were running things. That 40% would go to piano lessons and hockey gear. Family outings. It is a huge waste of what should be disposable income.

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"Climate change" is an updated version of the ancient pagan belief that humans can affect the weather and that we must offer sacrifices to the climate god to escape his/her wrath.

Wokeism, of which the climate change cult is a part, is an attack on reason, an effort to drag us back into the darkness of pre-history.

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The only way for the world to escape the coming collapse of humanity caused by man made global warming is to throw a John Kerry or a Greta into a volcano once a month. The volcano Gods will probably be appeased very quickly and we will all be saved.

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Please start with Al Gore.

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Why stop with those two grifters when they are so many more to toss in the volcano?

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I think it will only take a few, before the grifters find a new grift.

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Probably so.

They don't know how to do anything else.

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We live in upside down times.

In order to preserve democracy, officials kill it.

In order to eliminate racism, government and the private sector enact racist DEI policies.

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Grifters gotta grift.

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John Kirsch: The children are being sacrificed on the altar of climate change. Do the parents get a free chicken dinner at KFC?

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Great Work!

An empirical question or two for the Warmmongers:

What is the Delta between the current Earth’s temperature and the optimal Earth’s temperature? Why is that optimal? Show your work.

Hint: The question calls for a number and a unit. “Poor Polar Bear Thingy (Impecunious Ursus Maritimus Resy) is not a number.

I don’t accept the Decepticons premises. Stay Red-Pilled my friends.

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Nice piece. May I suggest that you dig deep into The Club of Rome. All climate roads lead there. What took off in the 2000’s was envisioned and planned in the early 70’s. See the names of the industrialists and scientists involved and how their approach and influence has carried though to now

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Yes, if you read back, esp August, you will find some deep dives on the origins of this idiocy

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There have been eugenicists among us since Plato and Aristotle.

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No doubt. But they were too smart to go with climate change 😁

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"Why Is Everything So Stupid?"

Cloward-Piven; overload western systems and destroy the petro-dollar. It is happening.

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Climate change is real. Make no mistake about it. It has been happening for some four billion years and will continue until the end of time.

Every morning I wake up to cool temperatures. As the day goes on the climate warms up with the rising sun. I recently read an article that stated that this is the warmest winter in one hundred years. I guess that means the world was warmer one hundred years ago.

Logically the world had to be warmer when the dinosaurs walked this world yet they would have us believe that this warming cycle is a threat to all life. How foolish!

Call this political climate change what it is. It is another way for evil, powerful people to become rich. It is in effect a way of taxing the air that we breathe. It is far past time for people to wake up.

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Exactly. It is MANMADE climate change we are disputing. There are people who think we can change the climate by paying higher taxes.

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Elizabeth, thank you so much for this inciteful piece. Superbly done. I have been paying attention to Judith Curry for quite a number of years. I have been paying attention to you for the past say three years. I don't pay attention to a lot of people but you are on my list. Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hansen, Jordan Peterson, to name a few. I wouldn't call myself a climate denier. I have studied the issue some for the last 25 years or so. Michael Crichton got me started. Based on that study I would be more inclined to consider myself a climate "you gotta be shitting me" er.

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