Oct 5·edited Oct 5

From X, dated 10/2/24 From a rescuer in Asheville and other disasters: Private rescuers are turned away from disaster sites because they are not government "preferred vendors." He said it's all about the money.

Ryan Tyre 🇺🇸


If you are wondering why citizens are being turned away that are coming to help NC and TN - you'll want to hear my experience as someone who has been doing this as a private citizen for almost a decade.

I was able to get into, and out of Asheville. We brought food, water, fuel and other supplies as well as helped people affected by the floods, but there are reasons why they are not allowing outside help.

I cannot confirm the reasons why in NC, but i can tell you the reasons in other storms i have worked - i'll explain below.

Let me share with you the first disaster area that i finally realized that this was all about money.

In the FL Keys with Hurricane Irma, after Texas got hit with Harvey, we finished our efforts in Texas and were the first citizen team to make it to Key Largo.

The federal agencies had US1 shut down just South of Key Largo and wouldn't let anyone in or out, even though the road was okay to pass.

We explained to them that we had boats, Jet skis, food, water, chainsaws and fuel to bring these people.

They didn't care and wouldn't let us in.

It was night by that point and you rarely saw the lights of vehicles in the distance on the individual keys, meaning the emergency response teams from FEMA weren't even working, it was all quiet.

We decided that we would go in anyways.

We filled up the boats and jet skis with all that we could reasonably carry and went by water, around all their BS blockades and around their law enforcement presence on the water.

It was 87 miles by water to get to our first stop, Cudjoe Key and Sugarloaf Key.

When we arrived there we were greeted by a homeowner (for privacy, I won't name him, though we have video) who was elated to see us and all the supplies we brought, his house was in shambles.

We started offloading supplies on the shoreline and helping to get them into what was left of his house.

During that process, he explained to us that FEMA had set up a command center at a local high school on the island, but that they weren't doing anything to help the residents, not even bringing them WATER!

Instead, he explained that they were driving around using a loudspeaker, telling people to stay in their homes. They weren't even helping the home owners with supplies.

I was skeptical at first while he was telling me all of this, but then he said something that broke my heart....

He told us that the people of the keys were all in despair, because they had just seen, weeks before, the overwhelming support for Texas with Hurricane Harvey, by the citizens of this country. He, and his neighbors on all of the keys, felt like Americans had forgotten about them completely, because at this point, FIVE DAYS after landfall, all they had seen was FEMA, and they were of NO HELP.

The residents were cut off from the outside world, no cellular, no internet, no way to contact anyone or hear of any efforts to try to help them.

The ONLY communication they had was from a local radio station on Sugarloaf Key, that was broadcasting on AM to the surrounding keys.

The man, after hearing that there were citizens trying to bring them help, but being refused entry by federal law enforcement was visibly upset. He, and his neighbors, really thought the country had abandoned them.

He insisted that we get into his waterlogged truck and that he would take us to that radio station so that we could go live on air, to tell the citizens trapped in the Keys that we, the American people, were there to help and that the government was trying to stop our efforts.

And that is exactly what we did.

After that, we were determined to help as many people as we could, but we were met with red tape throughout the whole process and time we were in the keys.

We finally we able to talk some authorities to let us down to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon towards the end of Boot Key. This was the same hotel where state and local authorities were staging their personnel and they were happy to see us.

I was able to coordinate several trucks full of supplies to be brought down to the EOC in Marathon. I was privy to the EOC meeting, BUT was informed in that meeting, that all of the semi trucks full of food, water and hygiene supplies were to be turned around and not allowed to be offloaded for distribution by the EOC.

THE REASON they gave us, was that these donations were not from companies on their "preferred vendors list" and that they would not accept them or give them to the residents of the keys impacted by the storm.

It was at that point that I realized, this is ALL ABOUT MONEY.

These 'preferred vendors" are getting part of the money being released by the state and federal govt for each disaster. In turn, some of the "vendors" make it on the list because a friend gets them on the list, and in return for getting ridiculously outlandish amounts of compensation for the services they render, they give kickbacks.

So accepting outside donations, even though they are on location and can help people NOW, they would rather let people suffer so they can get their kickbacks.

This meeting solidified my resolve to help these people, regardless of what the greedy officials wanted, we were going to feed the lower keys that were being neglected.

I diverted ALL SEMI TRUCKS to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon and filled the entire first floor with pallets upon pallets of food, water and essential supplies and created a food pantry for residents to come and get anything, and however much they needed.

From local state troopers to the homeless, all were given wheel barrels and free reign to get anything they needed.

We also delivered supplies down to Big Pine Key. We helped establish the tent city on Big Pine Key. Big companies like Titos Vodka and Whelen just kept bringing trucks full of everything that was needed. When FEMA FINALLY started handing out boxes of canned goods (limited to one per household), we were filing cars full of food and supplies for people and pets.

There is so much more to the story in the Keys and further from there in other storms we worked- the common theme though, is that the federal government always tries to keep citizens from helping and the local authorities, the ones that live and work in the area are always happy to have outside help.

I call out to Elon Musk and anyone else who can monetarily help people like myself and those that work with me, who have the knowledge and the will to help those devastated by these disasters.

Help us side step the red tape and get the people the relief they need.

We are willing, and we are many, and we are ready.

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Excellent, on -the-scene report that speaks volumes on the corruption that infests our disgusting government. I will share your account widely. Ordinary people find it difficult to accept the venality of the bureaucrats who now run America’s government.

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EVERYONE - print this/save as a PDF because Liz Nickson will be disappeared soon, she knows too much.

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Thank you for sharing…

A stronger resistance needs to be taken against FEMA… and that is through the local Sheriffs, their citizens and the governor of the state.

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God bless you for your tireless service to those in need. ❤️🤍💙

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Ah yes grift and graft! That is the way of the world now. Everybody wants to get “theirs”. When you let gov’t grow as large as ours is now, this is what you get!

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Speaking of the absurd, please remove that silly AI generated image of Donald Trump wading through floodwater from your post. I enjoy reading what you have to say, but spreading fake pictures doesn't bolster your credibility.

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Yes, please remove the AI generated image of Donald Trump. It weakens an otherwise excellent essay.

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How do you know it is AI generated?

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Seriously. The second I saw it I was like, "why is she using AI-generated b.s. in her article?"

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It always amuses me how some people enjoy telling others how to design and edit their creative endeavor while doing contributing nothing their own selves.

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Using "please" isn't telling, it's asking.

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Yeah like PLEASE F*ck off is so much nicer. If all anyone saw there was an AI image, they missed the plot. There is actually a meaning behind it. Unfortunately the image of PRESIDENT DJT triggers some people so badly that they lose all common sense abilities.

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I fully support Trump, but I also believe the AI image should be removed. If I were to share this excellent post with my family or friends to help them see the truth, the AI image might give them a reason to dismiss the entire article more easily. Hope that makes sense—just my two cents.

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I took fully support Trump and was wondering why his right hand looked odd if it is in fact AI.

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I used to laugh at what others termed DJT Syndrome, but I must admit that I continue to see what appears to be just that and it in the most unlikely circumstances no less.

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It's TDS "Trump Derangement Syndrome." And you probably have KDS, "Kamala Derangement Syndrome" and don't see the irony.

I think both are elitist puppet clowns.

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You either didn't read this article or it was above your level of comprehension if you did.

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When you make assumptions like this, you sound/are no better than the knee-jerk wokies. Try to "do better" as they like to say - lol.

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My new favorite phrase that I learned from a "woke" know it all, kind of like you....rage farming...

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Agree! Critics Anon for so many that contribute nothing.

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We have to look at the hands, Trump’s right hand in this picture. I’m also wondering whether AI is marked by abnormal clarity, as opposed to a slight graininess in what is real.

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It's AI generated. Have fun trying to break that down. LOL.

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Yes, I know it’s AI generated. I was pointing out what makes that apparent. There are clues, and you can indeed “break that down.”

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What is even worse than the behavior of the Biden administration is the very distinct possibility that the United States Federal Government, or it's military, may have deployed their HAARP weapons on the United States citizens and caused this nasty little disaster - it is likely that HAARP is being used by the Deep State on a regular basis, and could be the reason that all of the climate change fascists say with such conviction 'Climate change is man-made." Because they are doing it with military weapons made for that purpose.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

Absolutely, I don't think it can be anymore obvious at this point. Hurricanes are well known to WEAKEN once they hit land not strengthen as Helene did. So many similarities here as w Lahaina which they still deny in face of all facts. We can go on and on as w E. Palestine, California fires and I also believe Sandy was MANMADE. I would love to hear Trump address this very pressing issue before they destroy it all. I envision a Wizard of Oz moment when they are annihilated live on TV when the literal curtain is pulled back. FYI Kamala's husband has financial interests in lithium mining.

You have done an outstanding job on this one Elizabeth bravo and thank you for validation of everything I believe is happening right now. My late husband's family owned a daycamp in Lake Lure. The movie Dirty Dancing was filmed there. We lived in Asheville in the early 80s and I can't imagine how my husband would have reacted to all this. The forests in those mtns are VIRGIN forests! It is a simply stunning area of our country.

Finding obnoxious ignorant naysayers in your comments when the truth and facts are so clearly in our face is just unacceptable. Let them suffer w the rest of the left their consequences. I can't read your next article about how we're winning fast enough. One question, when will our side recognize the criminality and hold them ALL accountable? Thank you again Elizabeth.

PS Virginia has shut down the Blue Ridge Parkway INDEFINITELY! Can they be anymore obvious? Also, the Blue Ridge Mtn range are the oldest ones in our country.

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This always sounds like conspiracy theory, but what is conspiracy theory today becomes tomorrow's truth.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

A sample of my inbox this AM:

This is a tiny view of what WW III looks like...

What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XlLjFMXTKY

Guess the Government Didn’t Anticipate Alexa Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud

“THE GOVERNMENT USED CLOUD-SEEDING TO CREATE HURRICANE HELENE IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION THAT WOULD HAVE TO BE PAID-OUT.” - ALEXA https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/guess-the-government-didnt-anticipate?publication_id=1658626&post_id=149830155&isFreemail=true&r=iun8d&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

‘Kids on Pills’ — The Long-Term Impacts of Medicating Children https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/10/05/kids-on-pills.aspx?ui=18bef7888b79704d5fa0c70ad4c89fe0822ed196a3312d76161539340a34853c&sd=20220107&cid_source=prnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20241005&foDate=true&mid=DM1639978&rid=133957540

Moderna offered to pay 12–18-year-old kids a few thousand bucks to be C19 injection guinea pigs. https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/shocker-moderna-brings-the-entire?publication_id=1032096&post_id=149838997&isFreemail=true&r=iun8d&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Proof that the covid-19 vaccine causes mental illness by Dr. Vernon Coleman https://expose-news.com/2024/10/05/covid-vaccine-causes-mental-illness/

Vaxxed 3 | Authorized To Kill | Children's Health Defense | https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/vaxxed-3-authorized-to-kill/vaxxed-3-authorized-to-kill/

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Another informative substack is Mark Crispin Miller's "Died Suddenly" weekly posts:


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Ethics have gone out the window. The world is now reflecting that choice.

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Everything you write about here I have known for a long time, because my jury isn't out on 9/11. I knew exactly who did it within a day or 2 and the reasons within a few years (I keep finding new reasons - that particular false flag destroyed a lot of evidence and people who knew things). I am still amazed that any journalist worth their salt has not figured it out. I don't say this to insult you because your work is stellar, for the most part, but if one can't grasp the BIG opening of the gates of hell (9/11) you might not understand that everything afterwards flows from that.

Re: MKUltra, that's what they practiced/used on us during the Covid "live exercise" (Mike Pompeo's words). The luciferians have a code where they have to tell us what they are doing to us before they do it, that's why all the predictive programming, I guess.

But if you believe that Trump - an elite himself - or Elon - ditto - is here to "save" us and not just after their own personal gain, I might have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you. I'd say before accepting any billionaire with a shit-ton of power, maybe take time to see how many steps ahead they have planned. Maybe do research into Elon's "neurolink" project - about as WEF as it gets.

In any case, I do appreciate you putting a lot of this stuff together that many of us have known for years, it is helpful and sort of a relief that so many more people get it. I have been languishing in the desert of knowledge and being called a conspiracy theorist since 2001. It has been a tough road.

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Revelation of the Method https://michaelhoffman.substack.com/

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"All this said, the rejection is global, growing, unstoppable and titanic."

THIS is the thing the media tries desperately to block, cover up, deny, disavow.

But bits and pieces manage to sneak through, turn up as reader postings on social media, or otherwise break through the cardboard curtain of denial.

The election in Austria, trends in Italy, France, Germany, the stolen election in Brazil, the imminent civil war in Venezuela, the new leader of Argentina, and many other examples across the world, all point to a gathering storm of opposition against the Globalist Techno-Fascists and their dreams of world control.

Waiting expectantly for Wed. posting.

With thanks, and a tip of the hat, to Elizabeth !!

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What you posted on Kamala is pure gold. I didn't know her mother worked at Lady Davis Institute but I suspected it was something exactly like that, at McGill. The key to Kamala is hidden in Montreal where nobody thinks to look. Kamala also attended F.A.C.E.- absolutely a school grooming kids with special abilities for future careers in the NWO system. There is a tunnel in the basement leading to McGill right next door.

Kamala with her superficial charm shows every sign of being one of those MKed kids.


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Yes, that piece of information could explain K's insanity. Beta kitten programming that's not holding anymore?

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I think Beta Kitten nails it. Sexual seduction is exactly what she's all about (And if you are into astrology which I have found to be extremely accurate as a personality profiling tool, a friend of mine looked into her chart which shows a woman who constantly uses sex to ascend in work and public life, and has little else going for her, intellect-wise.)

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Oct 6·edited 23 hrs ago

Thank you Ann. I too have thought what was really up w her and knew it had to be something deep like this. It makes total sense including the 'services' she offered on her way up would indicate a background of SA. Anyone who dismissed that Yuri Bezmenov video was a fool, all as he predicted.

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Yuri Bezmenov video?

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“My personal jury is out on 9/11”

“Out” regarding which aspect?

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I ask that question too. How can anyone be open and aware of all that is going on, and not see how 9/11 is key to all that is currently happening?

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Agreed. 21 years ago I applauded GWB II for taking a strong stand and I parroted the many neocon justifications to argue why I supported this action. It didn't take long to realize I was socially engineered to accept the evil our country was perpetrating around the globe in collusion with Israel and their Mossad henchmen. This is and has always been about the scramble for scarce resources and globalist Oligarch enrichment and citizen enslavement. The scales have dropped from my eyes, but it took research, diligence and a willingness to question to get me to the truth. Am I just but a key board warrior venting my spleen, not if I can help it. At my age the best I can do is prepare and promote the truth to help others understand. I am finding more people who are seeking me out for more information and to simply talk. they know we are will be needed when the chaos gets really wild and the left is acting like rabid dogs.

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MOSSAD is merely an extension of our own CIA. Can we really stop making Israel and the Jews scapegoats for hate and everything else???

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Extension, no, collaborative yes, especially when it suits one of the other. Mossad plays by it's own rules and the CIA and the majority of our politicians turn their eyes whenever Mossad is operating within our borders and protects them through cover ups everywhere. I think the Zionists, Israeli's and the Jews all have done their best to reinforce the stereotypes of their tribe, They are not scapegoats nor are they victims. Since Israel appeared on the map following WWII they have been the major problem in the Middle East. That doe snot mean I back Islamic terrorism, I don't, but Israeli perpetrates plenty of terrorism that gets swept under the carpet. Don't believe me? start doing more research.

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Yep, that sure would indicate partial blindness.

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On the part of whom?

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On the part of those seeing that we have been lied to about the plandemic and global warming, that satanism, child sacrifice etc. are very real, but not realizing that 9/11 was a crucial trigger for what has been happening since and was as deep state operation, not Osama b.L.'s brainchild or responsibility.

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Thanks for your clarification and I agree.

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I don't see how it is "key" to all but just another huge part of the puzzle.

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My jury is out too for the simple reason it is just too hard to imagine someone like Laura Bush being brought into the amount of evil that would be necessary to do such a thing, can’t picture that of W either

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Look into the work of Cathy O’Brien to disillusion yourself of just what our “leaders” true characters are. We’d all be so much smarter if television went by the wayside.

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You’re kidding, right? Have you met them personally? My brother-in-law is tight with them. I can tell you that what you see on television is not an accurate depiction of pretty much anyone in that crowd. Not by a long shot.

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She’s a great actress….polished over decades…

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Yeah right a real Miss Priss. Ugh.

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She doesn't quite want to admit to herself who did it I guess.

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"Nobody honestly still believes Israel kills all these women, children, journalists, medical staff and humanitarian aid workers by accident. You either know they do it on purpose and you say so, or you know they do it on purpose but never admit it, to protect a political agenda." -- Caitlin Johnstone

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FEMA spent the money exactly as it was appropriated by Congress. If you are looking for malfeasance, start with your Congress-critter, particularly if they voted yes on the budget and appropriations. Stop with the insane belief that a change in the party holding the White House is going to have even the slightest effect on this.

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News flash: Our elected officials do not control all of government. Or very much of it, for that matter. The FBI, CIA, FTC, FDA, EPA and countless others spend money how THEY see fit. They should at least be under the purview of the executive branch (president), but even the president has less than full control.

References to the Deep State are describing a reality. Presidents come and go, the Deep State marches on, untouched.

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I spent 20 years working in Dept. of Defense, and bureaucrats are not intrepid risk takers, not even the Intel people. They are all creatures of the system and the system breeds timid but rigid conformists; those people know they will be there in government when the current round of political appointees are all long gone. They just want to collect their paychecks and move up the ranks, without doing too much to actually deserve promotion.

Congress-critters being re-elected at 95% is absolutely part of the Deep State - the unchanging, unaccountable system. It is a sad reality - which is why so many don't want to accept it.

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I don't disagree with most of what you wrote but there is a difference between the establishment Dem/Repub pols and the populists surrounding Trump. They made Trump into an outcast and now he means to rout out the institutional corruption that has poisoned our government. Vance is real. RFK Jr is real. Elon Musk is real. Tulsi Gabbard is real.

Do they have skeletons in the closet? Sure, who doesn't?

The important thing is these are Americans taking an honest stand against tyranny. The choice couldn't be clearer.

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Trump comes as close to commanding a majority of his party as AOC does hers.

I really don't care who you vote for president, just don't vote for the incumbent Congress-critter. Until we turn over at least half of the House, nothing will change.

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Trump is the tip of the spear. I see real integrity and human values among the people around him. The main lump of the R party goes along to get along. Oust McConnell, Graham and their ilk and watch the know-nothings flock to the banner of the new right.

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Trump is a lame duck from day 1 if he wins.

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I agree, at this point it doesn't really matter who is "elected" because the Deep State/Permanent Government/Administrative State will not be removed.

The office of president has already been diminished. Trump's own cabinet was actively working against him. And his legal counsel was working against him.

Congress has abdicated their duty by creating the Administrative State. They have no "real" oversight, but more importantly -- they don't want real oversight.

It's all down to local politics now. If things are to change its going to have to start at the local level. And states are going to have to push back against the federal government.

It will be hard for states to push back, even more so in conservative states, because they have all taken federal dollars at some point, and that will be used as a club to try and enforce federal control over state-run programs.

We're in for a lot of bad road, no matter what happens.

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Amen and Bravo Peebo! 👍

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Term limits (including their aids) is a small but necessary step. What they force on us they too should accept for themselves (o bummercare, etc).

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The late Gonzalo Lira believed that because the students who attend Ivy League schools worked their butts off to be admitted, they don’t rock the boat once there—they give their professors exactly what they expect. When the graduates go to work in government agencies, they take their orientation with them, eg., comply and color inside the lines. Don’t take excessive risks.

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Well said. They are also well paid, retire earlier than most and get a great pension!! Courtesy of you the taxpayer!!!

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The See 👁️ a has no governmental oversight.

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The alphabet agencies must be reformed.

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Oct 6·edited 16 hrs ago


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Thank you for speaking the truth!! Once you see it you cannot unsee it.

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Nothing will change until we stop thinking so highly of ourselves and our precious lives.

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Sorry, I will continue to think highly of myself and my precious life. And of my wife's and my children's'. It's the federal government that I don't give a crap about.

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Love that you responded in this regard. LOVE IT!

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WTF does that mean?

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I don’t appreciate the vulgarity, but it means that in the situation in which we find ourselves, fronting forces that cannot be challenged, to win we have to be ready to die.

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I don't really care if you appreciate it or not it's used for emphasis. I'm saying it doesn't mean we need not think of highly our lives that should be one of the "whys" we should get involved. If I didn't think highly of my life I wouldn't care.

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There's a thing called Executive Order's that which conveniently are/were directed to shut down the previous administration's achievements. But suddenly this state of emergency doesn't have any merit.

I would believe that you're a good, self-preserving kinda man, that resembles common sense enough to understand who's buttering the bread and might have another perspective to that fact.

I agree with your introspect because that's allegedly your personal experience talking about how you decided to either proceed or not during the moment you might have realized a different perspective while serving that time regarding your professional credentials.

Regardless, I personally appreciate your points of view regarding your take on the situation including the apprehension that nothing is, can, or will challenge and revise anything about it.

Is that a fact or something else that you might know that would proliferate such a negative out look.

Is that same outlook regarding Harris for America when or if; that the "AOC" agenda would make better sense to You and the rest of America, apply to your own introspective perspective, because Americans cannot escape the facts of the matter and simply reinforced the subject matter of this report or essay or whatever we can make of it.

But I have to admit that every thing disclosed as known and would commonly be considered as fact, up to these mostly unknowns as they become fact or not. Time will tell over the next few months.

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Just like the change in party '"didn't have" when they cancelled 94 of Trump's immigration laws. Right.

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Agreed. 20 years ago it was Katrina that had a failed FEMA response, mostly impacting poor black people. Now with Helene it’s deja vu all over again, only this time it’s mostly poor white people that are being neglected by FEMA. Katrina happened under Republican rule (Bush), and Helene under Democrats (Biden), but both times it’s poor people of all ethnicities that get left behind. We have to unite and make a change…

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Congress does not read the bills that become policy, it's the lobbyists who write it and then tell the politicians in congress which way to vote for their next cash payment. Congress no longer has any role to play in governing this country. A change in the white house might be a start, but it depends on what we do to pressure the new regime to hold these people accountable. If not then history re-enacts the chaos of Rome in decline.

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And they get re-elected 95% of the time. If you won't talk about that as part of the problem - then you don't understand the problem at all.

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How does one spell ‘cheating?’

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It's much easier than that - just destroy the education system in the country so most voters are idiots.

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Who said I wouldn't? You? I disagree. The fact it was not stated in my comment should not be cause for you to suggest I don't understand. I understand quite well, perhaps better than you. The last thing needed is for those of similar mind to criticize others for not hitting points that most animate you. There are so many. It is the fact we are speaking openly about what the depth of the problem is and put in the effort to think of solutions and begin to act on them.

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"the new regime"

What is that? Do you mean a second Trump administration? The regime is Congress, much more than it is the executive.

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Our whole country has been sold to the highest bidder. Friend or Foe, matters not.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5


To @TheDemocrats

"This is my career suicide note, but it’s also a thank you from someone who is done with careerism. I’m a lifelong member of your party and I’m voting for Donald Trump. Why? It’s not just your industrial-scale censorship or your endless wars or the fact that you disenfranchised millions of Kennedy voters through lawfare. If that were all I had, it would be sufficient, in terms of conscience and rage, but there’s more to this story than anger. Your hatred and censorship has taught me to admire @realDonaldTrump and to love my fellow working-class Americans, and for that I thank you. . . . "

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Yeah I saw that yesterday. Wish every registered Democrat would read it.

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There is no hope for deep blues...they are a lost people.

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So much red meat here. Where to start? I have a question for you. Could NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) be considered an offshoot of MKULTRA technology? A few decades back, I subscribed to an NLP training course on tape, believing it to be merely a tool for effective communication. I first gently practiced it on my toddler son with innocent suggestions i.e. to drink his milk and eat his peas, but the result even for such simple usage was almost scary its “effectiveness.” I pursued it no further. (To this day 20 years later, I can still get my son to reflexively say “We like milk” if I use the trigger phrase “Milk is good.”) I soon noticed NLP was deeply entrenched into TV news and advertising. Ever since, I’ve held what little I understand of NLP close only as to know it when I hear it. The media is fricking lousy with NLP suggestive language, particularly the pharmaceutical commercials. Beware.

Then there’s 9/11. I was a well behaved Bush-Cheney Republican in the ought years, staunchly defending the narrative of “Those evil Muslim highjackers” taking down those towers. I defended the official engineering case for the collapse of the Twin Towers till it was fixed in my mind. Then came Obama, and it began to dawn on many of us that the Bush clan, the Clinton’s, the Obamas, they were all in “The Club.” 9/11 unraveled for me when I woke to the fact we weren’t permitted to discuss Tower 7.

We could talk about the Twin Towers or the Pentagon all day long and suffer the “conspiracy theorist” insults. But Tower 7 talk was a bigger taboo than incest or cannibalism. The PTBs effed up with Tower 7. It wasn’t on fire. It wasn’t struck. It wasn’t flooded or undermined. It spontaneously imploded as if razed under professional demolition conditions. Whatever went wrong, the PTB’s panic was evident in their violent censorship of the issue, in my mind nullifying their Twin Towers story. Conclusion? It was likely an inside job.

On North Carolina, I can be brief. The Southeast Appalachian corridor is staring down the barrels of a Stalinist holodomor purge conveniently set on the back of a “natural” disaster. Not long ago, I laughed at “those chemtrail loonys.” Then came the verified reports of approved weather control patents, military weather tampering, wild “climate control” schemes out of the Gates Foundation, and firsthand account stories of cloud tampering.

Thank you for this (yet another) cathartic read. Your role in cancelling the media gaslighters for your readers is as healing as it is enlightening. Looking forward to Part 2.

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I believe I read just the other day that Neuro Linguistic Programming was the new term for MKU. It was on a SS video I believe can't recall which one.

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Michael Jackson was MK Ultraed to the max:).

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And you know this how?

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Just an educated hunch.

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Thought so

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Critics and nitpickers, try publishing something on your own instead of bringing down the truth tellers.

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Hi Elizabeth,

Have you ever considered that Donald J. Trump is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION?


p.s. If you are as professional, honest, and 'in pursuit. of the TRUTH' as you insist that you are, then please reply.

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Maybe so but I don’t see anyone else stepping up.

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There is no one to step up in America because it is ruled by the oligarchs of the Zion Imperial Empire, the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires rule, and they have all the spaces covered by their agents, a.k.a. puppets - the people have to step up and remove them all. There is no other way

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Oct 6·edited 23 hrs ago

Oh please ffs stop w the Zionist bullcrap. MOSSAD is an extension of our corrupt CIA, Israel and the Jews have nothing to do with it they are merely scapegoats for all of the above. For thousands of years I might add.

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Oh 'please ffs stop' with the refusal to understand that the true deep state globally are our monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, and they all fly the Lion of Judah in their coat of arms, amongst endless other signs and symbols that links them to the family lines that track back not just to the Roman Imperial Cult but across to the kingdom of Judah, the "lost 10 tribes" that were NEVER LOST.

And this bunch of ruling oligarchs are all the TRUE ZIONISTS making the End Times come true - remember the majority of Zionists in the world ARE NOT JEWS - I never used THAT LABEL - and you are DAFT to think that I was INFERRING IT - that's the PROPAGANDA used to SHUT DOWN criticism of the true EVIL which are our MONARCHIES, BANKERS, and BILLIONAIRES who are funding all of the ATTACKS on MANKIND - and they are all bloody Zionists, by bloodlines, by ideology, and by actions. WTF do you think the Zionist SECULAR leaders of Israel started the WARS in the Middle East with their FALSE FLAG on October 7th to create CONSENSUS for war - and the entire WESTERN WORLD is supporting them as they SET FIRE TO THE WORLD!!!

WAKE UP - It's a ZIONISTS WAR ON HUMANITY - and the Zionists at the TOP of all our nations are the true ENEMIES OF MANKIND - and they are the ENEMIES OF ALL JEWS too - because they get them KILLED as much as they get the rest of us killed too.

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I have read all of Frances's writings on them also Dr. John Coleman. Excellent doc on YT THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA THE GOD EATERS. The ZIONISTS you speak of are KM adept at stealing other's identities, ie. the Jews. Odd that you don't mention the HAMAS or HEZBOLLAH MUSLIM TERRORISTS who are hellbent on wiping Israel and the Jews off the face of the earth. Or their many brethren countries that don't want them either. Get real.

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I never denied that Monarchies, bankers, billionaires, were deep state. Perhaps you might research the KHAZARIAN MAFIA WHO PRETEND TO BE JEWS BUT ARE NOT, are they one and the same as the Zionists you speak of? YT has an excellent doc series on KM.

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And perhaps you might STOP MAKING PRESUMPTIONS about what I have, or have not RESEARCHED, and start asking QUESTIONS INSTEAD. I would warrant I have read more articles and books about the Khazarians than you have had hot meals in the last 3 months. Rather than rip up any more time talking to you about who are the Zionists and who are not, as I thought I had been fairly clear about it up above, here's a question for you.

Have you read Frances Leader's work?

Here is an excellent article she did earlier this year that points out the Jews role in all of this, which as I said above makes them useful idiots just as the Christians and Muslims have been as well - and I would also suggest you click on the her link to the Black Nobility linked in this article.


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The real point of the exercise is each of us is being called upon to "step up".

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Right. If they can sacrifice children and gain power, then we can save children and gain power from the opposite power source. If they can become death, destroyer of worlds, then we must become life, creator of worlds. If they insist on the triumph of darkness, then we must be prepared to meet them in the name of Aten, Ra, God, the giver of light. He will not abandon us. He is waiting to be summoned.

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She still doesn't even get 9/11, so it might take awhile for her to get Trump or Elon. Maybe when they reveal themselves. Then again, maybe not even then.

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In that case she cannot be who she claims to be, because it's not rocket science.

She has 30+ years in the game. If I, and countless others, can work it out, she can too. But she promotes Trump as the solution.

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Could be controlled oppo. Everything eventually reveals itself. Meanwhile she brings together well structured pieces of information. So, we can all be friends until ...

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I agree that she brings a lot of great commentary to the discussion, and a realistic assessment of the Deep State. While I may be guilty of being provocative, I am not being unfriendly. I just want a honest attempt at truth, which is what we all want.

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Setting aside the 9/11 evidence for LIHOP or MIHOP (and Griffin's books are an excellent starting point for the plausibility of these scenarios) here's what we can assert at a minimum:

1) Draft versions of the Patriot Act were created by the 90's, awaiting an opportunity for Congress to enact them.

2) Given Washington's foreign policy, clandestine or otherwise, sooner or later there would be a crisis that would provide the pretext necessary for enactment.

On this view, Washington merely had to position itself to act quickly once a suitable opportunity presented itself. No need to assume the risks of creating an emergency; a perverse foreign policy would in due course create it for them.

But what if Washington wanted things to happen at or by a particular time? That's where LIHOP and MIHOP theories come in, beginning with identifying the motives that would impel the Black Hats to undertake, in the first year of the Bush II administration, the risks of a conspiracy on the scale of 9/11.

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I think many have the thought cross their mind. Especially with the realization he endorses Israel's genocide and still has his son in law involved in the pursuit of the white house and Israel lobby cash in his pocket.

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FYI genocide is when you vow to "wipe Israel off the face of the earth" says HAMAS.

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Classical music enlivens the mind. Read books written before 1920. Get your family to church. Love your neighbors and get to know them.

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This stuff goes back a lot further than that (i.e., 9/11). The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (1995), The Ruby Ridge invasion/murders, and the mass murder and destruction of the evidence by burning and bulldozing the Branch Davidian compound, all were deep state operations pushing the boundaries to see what they could get away with. Each one of those events moved us closer to 9/11, and to where we are today.

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Yes, it all started decades ago. They brought the Nazis here after WW 2 under cover

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Or they just reunited national socialist brothers?

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