Sorry but I have to object. I watched Greers movie and have listened to Lou et al for a long time. I keep being left with a cliff hanger, 'things are about to come out' etc, all this secrecy, some legislator or other politician gets interested, so much information seems true - and then nothing happens. Little is actually disclosed. I actually have family that's served in the NatSec world and here's what they told me to keep in mind about all conspiracies: Consider how many people would need to be involved and how many people who would keep quiet and have to hide it and cooperate? If its really small, perhaps the theory is correct. But any theory that relies on dozens or hundreds of people to hide? Absurd - cuz that in and of itself is impossible.

I'm left not knowing what to think. I've seen and listened to a lot of the evidence these guys present - inside their reasoning and presentations it all make sense. But I really find it hard to believe that such massive, long running govt program would and could be effectively concealed. I'm not saying I don't believe in UAPs - I've seen one myself. That's not the claim being made. The claim is about this massive, black govt program that's been hidden for almost 80 years now with huge funding and phantasmagoric tech etc. I have a really hard time believing it's all been kept secret, given the scale and number of people supposedly involved.

Is it just me? How long can we say 'the revelations are just around the corner'? Cuz I've been hearing that for over a decade now...Be clear, I'm not saying this isn't true, I'm saying that over time I find it less compelling cuz nobody new comes forward. Why aren't there a dozen whistleblowers talking to congress?

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I kind of see the same.... because I am not blinded by the go of this world. That's actually what they will want in the end. Christians to be blamed for the world's problems. Ironic how when the god of this world was reshaping human minds through sublimination, Christians were always purported as crazy in Hollywood films. Along with the over billion dollars they spent in the 1950s to change schoolbooks to make it seem like evolution was fact. Slippery slope. They tried to kill God with evolution, but now slipping in the potential reality the UFO's now UAPs exist. Well, I was reborn not yesterday, but newly in Christ so I'm betting my salvation on Christ. Not trust in a system that has lied to us all along

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"Only Man Bears His Image: The Biblical, Catholic, & Scientific Case Against Aliens, UFO Deceptions, Sentient AI, and Other Sci-Fi Disguised Demons & Psyops Heralding the Antichrist"


This alien business is all BS. Elizabeth's standing has dropped a few pegs in my eyes.

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Evolution is a fact, son.

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Who told you that and based on what evidence? Adaptation, which is demonstrably factual, is not evolution but is often portrayed as such. Mutation generally gives rise to a less robust entity likely to be squeezed out of the gene pool over time.

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Giggling. Move along, adults are speaking, Natural selection is a proved fact. Of course, the progress we've made understanding genetics has added many factors into how epigenetic and other factors affect gene expression. You are used to debating morons who don't know the subject, Bruce. Go read Daniel Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Fyi, I'm a faithful Catholic and i have no problem with all of this. Dennett's book is a proof that there is no designer, in fact. There is zero artifact of design in the genetic/fossil record. It's not a tree, it's more like a bush actually. And the only 'fit' for the data is randomness, there is zero artifact of design in the record. This is a statistical fact that intelligent people will understand (perhaps its implications will evade you, if so, go take statistics at your community college). The genetic record would have to contain a non-random signal, but in fact it does not. The other mistake sophists make is that they can't conceive of how long 5 billion years actually is. Sell your BS elsewhere, Bruce.

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I’ll check that out. Thanks.

But be aware that resorting to ad hominems, insults, self-appointed superiority and arrogance simply reveal what those who might throw their lot in with you can be certain awaits them the instant they disagree with yourself. Good luck with that.

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Fact? That what us thought is known my our infantile knowledge at a given time. Like facts they purpotef were true with those neanderthal like mens. I really was reinforced my belief science is the study of what God has made when I discovered they had been lying to me us all along. The evolution chart is all based on flimsy theory that mostly have now been disproven. I go in the woods a lot. Today I looked at God's Creation. For example a Burdock bur perfectly designed mutually supported system. The Burdock needs animals to latch onto to spread it's seed I look at the wonder of Creation and how could anyone think it was norlt desigbed

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I treat idiots who say stupid things like idiots, Bruce. Don't say stupid crap and I won't treat you like an idiot. Good luck with being an idiot, I'm good over here.

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When people fight with the fervor of a flagellating monk over their cherished beliefs, they're no longer defending science, but their faith. Try using science rather than worshipping it.

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Blow me. There is zero doubt the theory of natural selection and evolution is correct. Zero.

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Interesting. I've always known it to be referred to as "the theory of evolution."

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However, there is a much stronger case for "micro-evolution" vs. "macro-evolution."

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Evolution cannot be proven and same for creation. God’s creation is too marvelous to believe in unguided and random process taking millions of years. Time is your enemy. Things break down over a short time.

It requires faith to believe in evolution and also creation. Believing in evolution is a foolish faith. In trying to prove or showing evidence for evolution, the goal post gets further away faster than finding evidence for evolution as we gain knowledge of the tremendous complexity of the natural world.

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I would say natural selection explains gradual changes over time, but I have to add that I loathe this absurd scientific hubris that relies on the falsity of “start the story now” and explains the gaping hole at the center of its equally impossible creation myth of big bangs and primordial soups as “god of the gaps.” Lol. I would kindly allow you your speculation, and admit it might very well be correct in the same way someone might accurately guess how many fingers I’m holding up behind my back, if you guys weren’t so hostile to the other ways men think and determined to stand atop human epistemology like the soulless petty tyrants you have so fully demonstrated yourselves to be. Welcome to the death of your sophistry. Enjoy the ride. Don’t take it personally.

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There are a growing number of Evolutionists who are now admitting that there just isn't enough time for evolution to take place on earth. Dawkins has notoriously admitted as much as well and postulated the "panspermia" theory which for those with more than a rudimentary affiliation with the bible might know comes right out of the book of Genesis. Even Richard Dawkins can't escape his own religious upbringing.

"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

5 And every plant of the field BEFORE IT WAS IN THE EARTH, and every herb of the field BEFORE it grew:" Gen. 2:4,5

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Nope, simply not true.

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ULTRA - the decoding of ENIGMA at Bletchley Park was kept secret for decades after the war. Hundreds were involved. Elements are still secret now as they have utility in modern cryptography 70 years later.

The Manhatten project was literally a secret super weapon again kept largely secret until its use despite thousands being involved.

But the assumption you make - that this is a well-kept secret - is demonstrably incorrect. There have been many, many apparent whistleblowers over decades the latest of which are Elonzo, the various pilots (Fravour) and Air Force Maj. David Grusch.

If the contents of the article are true, then there is no secret. The public are simply manipulated towards failing to discuss, believe or act due to fear of ridicule given how the issue has been portrayed in the media. It is a taboo subject in polite company. The overton window on this is so strong that expressing ‘belief’ could indeed be career limiting (“hey, it’s the UFO guy!”) - though this now appears to be changing.

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Ridiculous commentary. The Enigma and Manhattan projects were not illicit projects hidden from POTUS/PM etc., based on alien tech and running a vast illicit business empire. And no, the evidence is not there for all of those claims, not even close. I have followed all of this closely for years, listened to the whistleblowers. I'm told one day they are heroes, the next they are doing disinformation for the DoD. There are a handful but there cases never seem to get beyond the talking stage. I also did not claim the contents of the article aren't true. Sigh. I need an actual official reveal at some point - or can you go on speculation forever?

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a) Your original point that “Consider how many people would need to be involved and how many people who would keep quiet and have to hide it and cooperate?” is moot as if UAP/NHI are real it has simply not been kept secret. Many have come forward over decades.

b) Nobody claimed that ULTRA and Manhattan were “illicit projects hidden from POTUS/PM etc., based on alien tech and running a vast illicit business empire.” they are instead examples of well-kept state secrets.

c) “I need an actual official reveal at some point” We have former presidents, generals, senators, CIA heads, pilots and spooks coming forward. I think a lot of people are just don’t recognise that they are in the denial phase frankly:

We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don't know what it is and it isn't ours...

— Marco Rubio

US Senator (R)

7/16/2020 | Fox News

I think some of the phenomena we’re seeing continues to be unexplained and might... constitute a different form of life.

— John Brennan

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

12/16/2020 | Podcast

Usually we have multiple sensors picking up these things... There are a lot more sightings than have been made public... Objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or in satellite imagery, that engage in actions that... we don't have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom... Technologies that we don’t have and, frankly, that we are not capable of defending against.

— John Ratcliffe

Director National Intelligence

3/22/2021 | Fox News

So it's not us, that's one thing we know. I could say that with very high degree of confidence in part because of the positions I held in the department...

— Christopher Mellon

Dep. Asst. Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

5/16/2021 | 60 Minutes

There is footage and records of objects in the skies. We don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern.

— Barack Obama

US President (D)

5/19/2021 | Late Late Show with James Corden

There are things flying around out there that we haven’t fully identified yet.

— Bill Clinton

US President (D)

6/8/2021 | Live with Kelly and Mark

That leaves aliens, which we presume it probably is. Although I don't wanna go too far here.

— Ben Rhodes

Deputy National Security Adviser

6/30/2021 | Podcast

We were able to identify one reported UAP with high confidence. In that case, we identified the object as a large, deflating balloon. The other [143] remain unexplained... Most of the UAP reported probably do represent physical objects given that a majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors, to include radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation.

We currently lack data to indicate any UAP are part of a foreign collection program or indicative of a major technological advancement by a potential adversary... Some UAP observations could be attributable to developments and classified programs by U.S. entities. We were unable to confirm, however, that these systems accounted for any of the [144] UAP reports we collected.

— Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena 2021

6/25/2021 | Report to Congress

We hope it’s not an adversary here on Earth that has that kind of technology. But it’s something.

— Bill Nelson

NASA Administrator

10/19/2021 | UVA Center for Politics

There’s always the question of ‘is there something else that we simply do not understand, that might come extraterrestrially?’

— Avril Haines

Director of National Intelligence

11/16/2021 | Washington Post

It's clear that the majority, that many of the observations that we have are physical objects from the sensor data... We haven't had a collision. We have had at least 11 near misses.

— Scott Bray

Deputy Director Navy Intelligence

5/17/2022 | Congressional hearings

There are so many of us now on the intel committee and armed services that we're going to stand by the service members who documented this stuff. They have video. They have radar. They have heat sensors. They have everything.

— Kirsten Gillibrand

US Senator (D)

Committee on Armed Services

8/26/2022 | Twitter

UAP continue to represent a hazard to flight safety and pose a possible adversary collection threat. Since the publication of the ODNI preliminary assessment in June 2021, UAP reporting has increased, partially due to a concentrated effort to destigmatize the topic of UAP and instead recognize the potential risks that it poses as both a safety of flight hazard and potential adversarial activity. Whereas there were previously 144 UAP reports covered during the 17 years of UAP reporting included in the ODNI preliminary assessment on UAP, there have been 247 more UAP reports during the 17 months since.

— Office of the Director of National Intelligence

In 2019, the UAPTF director tasked me to identify all Special Access Programs & Controlled Access Programs (SAPs/CAPs) we needed to satisfy our congressionally mandated mission. At the time, due to my extensive executive-level intelligence support duties, I was cleared to literally all relevant compartments and in a position of extreme trust in both my military and civilian capacities. I was informed, in the course of my official duties, of a multi decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access to those additional read-on’s. I made the decision based on the data I collected, to report this information to my superiors and multiple Inspectors General, and in effect become a whistleblower.

— David Grusch

National Geospatial Intelligence Agency Officer

7/26/23 | Testimony to Congress

We’ve also been notified by multiple credible sources that information on UAPs has also been withheld from Congress, which if true, is a violation of laws requiring full notification to the legislative branch... It is an outrage the House didn’t work with us on our UAP proposal for a review board. This means declassification of UAP records will be up to the same entities that have blocked and obfuscated their disclosure for decades. We will keep working to change the status quo.

— Chuck Schumer

US Senator (D)

Senate Majority Leader

12/13/2023 | Senate floor speech

I have met with pilots...they are not conspiratorial, they are not crazy, and they tell me stories that they've seen things that you wouldn't believe. Am I a believer? No, I can't say I am. But I have met with people, serious people, that say there are some really strange things flying around out there.

— Donald Trump

US President (R)

6/14/2024 | Podcast

There are things that cannot be explained... I don't know what the explanation is for those unexplainable things, but I will say there are phenomena that have been witnessed by multiple people that are just inexplicable by any kind of science, the science available to us.

— Gen. H.R. McMaster

National Security Advisor, Lt. General

9/6/2024 | Bill Maher

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Stop it. Your initial comment was ridiculous and poorly argued, and you missed my point. Move along now, thanks.

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An actual official release from whom, the current regime?

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Your point is well taken overall, but the psychological framing of UAPs is without question part of the government's playbook on this topic, such alone should give you pause

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Are any of you capable of reading what I actually said? I've seen a freaking UAP - I'm not a 'doubter' about UAPs. My comments were specifically about a massive, hidden criminal operation. I see lots of shards of evidence and leads and a few whistleblowers (who some of are controlled opposition - that's what the same people tell me) - and that's where I've been for over ten years. I keep hearing the same story over and over but there is never a great reveal nor any real progress on dealing with any of it.

Stop pretending I doubt UAPs. Have a real conversation.

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Perfectly stated. Thank-you.

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agreed, aliens and cold fusion, always just around the corner....

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Boy, it's just about right on schedule.

"Lights, camera, and action! Cue the aliens."

It doesnt really matter either way, it will be manipulated if true, or used as manipulation if not. All to control the public.🤔😐🤨

The only way that stops, is by following none, be your own leader, in your local community, and make that community strong. And then when either aliens or your government come at you, your ready, for whatever.

BTJMO 🤷‍♀️

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I didn't say that. I've seen a UAP personally. I do not doubt their existence. My questions come about the massive, criminal enterprise running that Greer et al refer to. And note I didn't say it's not true. What I said was that I keep hearing the same story and then am left waiting for a big reveal that never comes. I'm very careful in my commentary, others should try to do the same.

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"Consider how many people would need to be involved and how many people who would keep quiet and have to hide it and cooperate? If its really small, perhaps the theory is correct. But any theory that relies on dozens or hundreds of people to hide? Absurd - cuz that in and of itself is impossible."

This is exactly the reason why I am so skeptical of "conspiracy theories" which would require that hundreds or thousands of people MUST remain completely silent and complicit in order to hide the truth. For instance, the Apollo 13 moon landing which is bruited about to be a complete fake. Or the Sandy Hook massacre of school children and teachers by Adam Lanza which, according to some, did not occur at all.

Is there any government or agency which is so powerful that it can shut down all conversation about anything? Just totally steer it into the dark hole of silence? Commandeer and control the narrative so completely that no one, absolutely no one, will speak out with a different viewpoint? I doubt it. As I said, I am skeptical. In the case of the moon landing, I find it possible that everything was staged but if that is the case, why has no one ever broken silence? Why has there not been irrefutable evidence brought out by someone who actually worked on the project, to the point where it could not be ignored or buried? In the Sandy Hook "conspiracy", I do not doubt for a moment that this event actually occurred, regardless of what adherents of Alex Jones might produce as evidence to the contrary.

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"Is there any government or agency which is so powerful that it can shut down all conversation about anything? "

It is NOT a single entity ! The deep state has operatives, plants, cooperatives, functionoids across all gov. agencies. The people in the Civil Service are there to make the grade, get paid, do the work and get the pension and bonuses, few are there to make things "right" though some might want too.

You are not dealing with a single entity here. It is a dispersed amorphous fog relying on patriotism and the real necessity of keeping secrets and following the rules of your security clearance in order to exert its threats and control. The hierarchy exists and is probably intertwined with the militarists and corporatists....they go together like bread and butter. They fear one thing. Exposure. And that is slowly unfolding now.

It is inevitable. It is unstoppable. Whatever they do to stop or delay this only makes things worse. They have earned their predicament after decades of lies and threats.

There WILL be investigations and there WILL be prosecutions.

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When? I've been hearing this for decades now? This is the entire point of my question, no to debate the 'facts' on offer. I've seen a freaking UAP. I am convinced many of the facts shared are true. But I have not seen enough evidence of the broader, criminal enterprise that Greer speaks off, run by the govt and a shadowy cabal.

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I understand and belong to the "When" club myself since I first read Major Kehoe's book on UFO's at the Arlington branch of the Cranston public library, in 1959, when I was 12 years old. It has always been in the back of my mind, all these years. One by one, the disinformation and smear campaigns fell away. I did not believe Roswell occurred when I first heard about it (remember, it was the brilliant Stanton Friedman who revived interest in the story long after it had been successfully buried) but realized, by the third "explanation" about parachuted crash dummies, that all was not what it seemed.

I was convinced that Bob Lazar was some kind of con artist, except, as time passed and with the patient investigations of a Las Vegas TV journalist, it turned out that much, if not all, of what he was saying is true.

But then came the NY Times front page article of 2017 and it was at that moment, along with related revelations, that it might become possible for the inevitable disclosure to occur. I was 70 that year, it has been a long wait.

The congressional hearings of July 2023, with two courageous Navy pilots and a Pentagon upper level employee with the right clearances and a lot of guts, dared give sworn testimony, in congress, that much of which we had heard about or speculated on, for decades, was true.

The answer you seek to "when", is SOON.

The charade cannot be maintained, and people will be prosecuted, charged with treason and likely serve time in jail for their part in this disgrace.

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Exactly. Conspiracy hypotheses always founder on this point, but it never seems to stop their creators. Of course, the granddaddy of them all is JFK assassination conspiracy hypotheses. As an example, possibly a hundred people would have to have maintained flawless silence for over sixty years for a CIA hit on JFK to have been the truth of what happened. No one would have failed in the mechanics of the assassination itself, or in the elimination of Oswald, and in sixty years, no one would have murmured a word? Spoken with a journalist for the blockbuster book of several centuries? No one would have left a memoir to be published after the person's death?

Ask anyone who has ever worked in the visible federal government how easy it is to squelch leaks to reporters. This, the biggest story since The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, could have been suppressed successfully? Absurd.

Another huge problem anyone should approach the phenomenon of conspiracy hypotheses in full awareness of is the extremely high probability that there are still men and women with consciences. Not everyone is corrupt, not everyone is for sale, not everyone breaks oaths.

In commenting on Kennedy assassination conspiracy madness, former Watergate conspirator Charles Colson would point out that there were six to ten men at most who were aware of the Nixon coverup, yet it was impossible to keep the conspiracy quiet.

All of this is important because the degree to which we keep our rationality is the extent to which we have a right to be taken seriously by serious people.

Everyone knows the hardy rumor that NASA faked the moon landings. Here's an announcement: I thought of the idea in December, 1970, while I was on my way to take a final exam in English at Batts Hall on the UT - Austin campus, that is, I thought it would be hilarious if I could start a rumor, possibly by writing letters to the editors of the half dozen major newspapers in Texas, claiming that a ( nonexistent ) brother - in - law of mine who was an electrical engineer at NASA had had two beers too many one Friday evening in the summer of 1970 and confessed to me that the whole Apollo program had been a hoax. I remember that as I kept walking to take my final, it came to me that trying to start such a rumor would be a waste of time because no one would believe such a ridiculous story.

Because it would have required thousands of people to keep perfect silence about such an effort: first of all, the NASA astronauts, the most driven competitive, no - bullshit men in the world, for whom integrity was everything; their families; hundreds of NASA space scientists, aeronautical engineers, computer programmers, and mathematicians; and finally, the thousands of sailors who served on Naval destroyers which were sent to pull our capsules which had returned to Earth, human cargo alive and well, out of the ocean. All together, at least 10,000 people would have had to be in on it.

And again, none of them would have had any honor? None of them would have made an inadvertent admission? And none would have left a memoir?

If you have any sanity, try to imagine Wehrner von Braun and his colleagues, who had been obsessed with space travel since childhood, going along with such a thing.

( There is a close link between the space obsessiveness of some of the early rocketeers and sex worship of "the gods." Google the following: Jack Parsons rocket scientist ).

Why is it important that conspiracy hypotheses be lanced as ruthlessly as a doctor would go after a large cyst? Because irrationality breeds irrationality. I'm 72, and couldn't have imagined I'd live to see an intellectual and moral dolt such as Darryl Cooper have the following he has, and that millions of young men for the most part would have bought into what is intellectual garbage.

When I deal with these people in comments sections, I have never had a bad experience. Unlike JFK assassination conspiracy maniacs, the people I've encountered who see Cooper as an important intellectual have been civilized, but they all say the same thing: I and people like me who know about World War II have believed a false narrative. My response to this again involves numbers of people, not something as obvious as the tens of millions or so who died because Hitler lived, but the several hundred correspondents who were embedded with the military and who covered the war every day for six years. Did they all just make it up as they went along to serve an agreed upon narrative which would portray Hitler as a bad guy when actually he wasn't all that bad, while Churchill was? Again, it's a numbers problem: none of those hundreds of people had any integrity? Lee Miller really is not taking a bath in Hitler's bathtub the day he died? It was all faked?

Conspiracy obsession doesn't just destroy minds, it destroys societies.

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Remainder of comment ignored after the first several sentences.

The world of 1963 is not now. The information and interconnections are too great now to rely on pathetic inferences that the "secret" could not possibly have been kept. The coincidences too many, the gullibility of the patsy Oswald too obvious as was his look of utter astonishment when a reporter called out asking if he had shot John Kennedy. The clumsiness of his Italian rifle, the appearance of detailed bios about the "assassin" (notice, they did not say "alleged" assassin) Oswald around the world soon after the assassination, these things cannot be written off.

Oh no, there is no mere "theory" here, it was all quite clever, quite real.

Just like the UFO phenomena whose details are now verified and no longer in doutbt- hypersonic speed, no heat signature, impossible maneuvers, obvious using technologies beyond anything we have. Who would dare reveal the secret of the propulsion systems, if known, and risk our enemies learning of it ?

The secret is kept !

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I tend to agree. In 1963, it would have been fairly simple for the CIA, FBI, and other branches of the Deep State to lean on and threaten the media which consisted of a few TV and radio stations and newspapers of note. The only other ones in existence at that time reached the level of "respectability" of the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Today, as soon as an event occurs, there are literally thousands, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of investigators (armchair or serious) who will dig into every single dark corner of said event. There is no way for the State (or anyone else) to control and shut down (up) all those, except to destroy and eliminate the Internet, which cannot be done without causing major disruption to economies and governments worldwide.

If (big if), DARPA created the Internet and turned it loose on the world, then it has a problem. It cannot be shut down, yet it cannot be allowed to continue without restriction of some sort. We see this in the discussion about "free speech". How far can someone go without crossing societal "red lines"?

The truth is that the more information a person has, the better informed his decisions become. With this knowledge, we should welcome more and better means of dispensing that information rather than trying to control and restrict it.

"You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free." -- John 8:32

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Thanks for proving you're not a person to be taken seriously.

Human nature doesn't change. You must be very young to think that only with the Internet could such things be found out. It's actually more the opposite. The Internet is the greatest conveyor and encourager of idiocy in history, as your vacuous comment proves.

William Reeves, in his book "A Question of Character," points to the probability that because of gossip, Kennedy's infidelities were known to millions of Americans. I know my mother, my school principal, and my fifth grade teacher were among them.

Oswald does not have a look of astonishment on his face at any time during the remaining forty eight hours of his life. What he does have on his face in almost every photo is a smirk. This was noticed by everyone at the time. Look at his mugshot photos taken shortly after midnight on November 23. You see insolence and deep self satisfaction in his countenance.

You just make up lies, don't you?

When the reporter asked him that question, Oswald blandly replied, "No sir, no one has said that to me yet."

Classic psychopathy. Psychopaths do have their feral gifts, but especially when they are young, they have not figured a lot out about other people. Oswald's answer is exactly what you'd expect to get from a psychopath who thought he was putting one over on people: look confused, mild, don't get angry, adopt a what am I doing here? attitude. THAT will throw them off!

A non - psychopath, also, a not guilty man in those circumstances, having been asked that questioned, would have been likely to have screamed at the reporter, "No, G*ddamnit, I did not!!

You see nearly identical behavior in Ted Bundy. His friend, the crime reporter, Ann Rule, asked him bluntly one day, "Ted, did you kill all those girls?"

Bundy, mildly: "There's no evidence there, there's just no evidence.''

Now, to your other "distortions:"

The rifle worked quite well. Others were able to replicate the approximate time it would have taken Oswald easily, many have beaten it. Ballistics tests have shown it was the only rifle in the world which could have fired those bullets. And Oswald had used the same rifle eight months earlier when he tried to kill Major General Edwin Walker.

There were not "detailed bios" of Oswald which swept around the world in the hours after the assassination. What was known was that he had been born in New Orleans, deserted the Marines and defected to Russia in 1959, that he had a Russian wife and two toddlers, that he was the only Texas Schoolbook Depository Building employee who had disappeared after the shooting, and that he was suspected of having killed Officer Tippit, as well.

Is that your idea of a "detailed biography?"

As for the UFOs, read Diana Pasulka's books. She's a serious scholar who believes that UAP are real. She also appears to agree with Jacques Vallee and, it turns out, quite a few other science and tech types, who think that UAP are not physical phenomena, but diabolical deceptions.

I think it costs seven bucks to buy a month's access to the Substack which Rod Dreher writes, Rod Dreher's Diary. Go ahead, plunk down the seven dollars. In his archives over the last year you'll find articles about UAP, Diana Pasulka, Jacques Vallee, and creepiest of all, the fact that many of the Silicon Valley maniacs welcome AI because they believe it will foster human/intergalactic alien contact.

I'm pretty sure that Fr Carlos Martins, who is as universally respected as a Catholic priest, especially one who is an exorcist, can ever be has spoken about the possible UAP/demons interactions. Probably Paul Kingsnorth, a former wiccan who is now Eastern Orthodox, has written about it in his Substack, The Lord of Misrule. If it wouldn't break you, another seven dollars to him would enable you to root around in his archives.

What Dreher, Kingsnorth, and so many of the rest of us have in common is our sense that evil does seem to have been loosed upon us in ways which were not so thirty years ago.

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I’m reading along in this post and am suddenly confronted by the assertion that Christians who believe UAP phenomena are diabolical deceptions are backward and primitive. That doesn’t seem to me an accurate description of people like Dreher and Kingsnorth and many others. Actually, I’m more skeptical about the idea that top deep-staters (or whatever you want to call them) are hiding knowledge that would greatly benefit humanity by eliminating poverty, pollution, curing cancer, etc. I’m sure they have secrets they won’t divulge, but the idea that they have super advanced technology that would transform the world into a near state of heaven on earth is on a par with transhumanists’ crazy belief that human progress will result in the achievement of immortality.

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Whether Jimserac is right or not is irrelevant to this truth--there is no good reason for you to sneer at him for his beliefs. From what I can see, he is honestly and earnestly seeking truth about these matters and, because of this, it is important that his voice be heard clearly. To throw insults at him because he does not agree with your "theory" is an arrogant posture.

I encourage you to stop. After all, because you do not have an absolute lock on the truth, you might very well be wrong.

Selah! Pause. Consider.

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Oh, yeah, that guy. I don't think he's honest. He says that Oswald looked “astonished,” which is ridiculous. He's in love with his fantasy.

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Who is Jimserac?

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Be clear - when you don't read a comment but comment on it? Your the a-hole, Jim.

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Well said. But as I've made clear, I've seen a UAP and do not doubt their existence (could be aliens, could be secret mil/govt). You brought up the JFK assassination and this is quite different from the UAP issue for me. I've read the best books on the subject, Case Closed by Gerald Posner and Reclaiming History by Bugliosi, and a couple of awful BS books that I won't mention.

Most people commenting on the JFK assassination literally know nothing factual about the state of the investigations into it. I'll just bullet a few facts that confound all their BS.

1. The "magic bullet" theory, and hence the "two gunman" theory was debunked thoroughly by the early '90s. There is zero doubt that Oswald owned the rifle used, and that he made the shots that killed Kennedy. The bullet trajectories weren't odd, there was nothing magical about any of it. I'm linking a video below in which Posner reviews this evidence very carefully. Consider that guys like Roger Stone still talks about the gun and bullet - he was using that argument in the '80s, lmfao. Anyone starting with the presumption that Oswald didn't do the shooting with that gun is an idiot. Ignorant. Lazy. Stupid. Dishonest.

- He bought the gun via mail order, it was a mil surplus Italian rifle with a scope. It's a 'low end' sniper rifle, and the shots he made were not challenging. Once the proper timing of shots was calculated, sharpshooters easily recreate Oswald's shots. And Oswald had a great shooting score in the Marines.

- He used that same gun to try to assassinate the head of the John Birch Society 6 mos earlier.

- He filmed himself brandishing it. He loved shooting it and would go to a range to practice.

Be clear, the facts on this issue are not in question among serious people. That means any claim about a Mossad shooter or any other gunmen are nonsense. You are left with explaining why the Mossad or the CIA hired Oswald to do so. And of course, there is ZERO evidence of any connection between Oswald and the Mossad.

2. The Warren Commission report redactions - Are you aware that the entire Warren Report is actually public? There are redactions but there are no held back pages. We went through all this in the '90s and Congress forced its release. Go read it, if you think you can infer a context of govt conspiracy from the rest, and that it's just hidden in the redactions, you're a moron. The doc doesn't read like that and the redactions do no make sense in context to contain that.

Govt commission reports are often classified in some ways. Wanna know why? Cuz they aren't LE agencies and the findings aren't arrived at via a court where the accused and witnesses have lots of protection. Govt reports often contain claims about people and events that can be quite damaging to people without the benefit of a trial or legal defense. This is commonly done and not unique to the Warren Commission report. I believe we will find out the following:

1. The FBI and CIA knew more about Oswald than we realize - and why not? He defected to the USSR and then was thrown out by the them. Ion Pacepa, the former head of the Romanian Secret Policy and the highest level defector to the U.S. claimed in two books he wrote that the KGB told him Oswald was a Soviet agent ordered to kill Kennedy. Oswald's visit to the Mexican Soviet consulate in the runup to the assassination is at the perfect time to support this theory. Pacepa claims that Kruschev changed his mind at the last moment but Oswald was not reachable in time. Of course our CIA likely has a book on Oswald. That was likely held back to protect 'sources and methods'.

2. I think the big reveal will be twofold. One, very unflattering information about JFK's personal life and relationships. And that the USSR had something to do with this.

I'll bet 10,000 dollars to anyone here that the Warren Commission report contains no evidence that "the CIA killed JFK". Also, you can ignore Tucker's commentary on the subject. He didn't name names nor any specific fact. Just some anonymous claim with no deets. Uh, that's the standard of proof now? Be clear, Tucker has not read the above books, never interviewed those authors and hasn't read the Warren Commission Report - but he's 'certain'. I am a fan of Tucker but his uncritical approach to these subjects simply isn't journalism. He checks no facts/claims, and doesn't have opposing views on to debate. Accordingly, he's not a trustworthy source. Still love him but he's a polemicist.

Listen to someone who dedicated over a decade doing serious investigative journalism on this subject. If you do so, you will never believe the various theorists running their mouths. https://youtu.be/e-6VeCIvLSo?si=JUKAosh_oYrPT9NA

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I agree with almost all of this. My disagreement is with the idea of a Soviet/Cuban hit. Oswald was such a dork he couldn't be relied on for anything. I do think it's possible that when he was in Mexico City, the officials at the Cuban Embassy, realizing they had a nut bag on their hands, might have tried to encourage him to think along those lines, but with no expectation that he would do anything about it.

I'm delighted when I discover someone else who has read the Posner and Bugliosi books. They're the gold standard, but we are a nation of irrationalists, as you know. Irrational people find the cult which feels right to them, and that's it. You cannot reason with them.

A fellow named Fred Litwin has begun a YouTube channel with, at this time, not many videos uploaded. It's called “On the Trail of Delusion.” He's one of the few former conspiracy believers who has been overwhelmed by sanity. There's a Facebook group, Fair Play for JFK. Most of the members are CTers, which makes their constant demolishing at the hands of the sane minority, most of whom are ex military, all the more satisfying.

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Greer is right , we lost 1 if not 3 century of development in the name of not upsetting Aerospace investment world order. By fair estimate from nuclear physicist 1/5 of all technological knowledge is occulted in the name of nat sec. The latest round of funding are giving us experimental work done in the 60s . . . They know the science.

The obstacle to progress is the new "Thucydides Trap" : how you stop a faster than light first strike. Once they solve this , they will go forward. Do the thought experiment for yourself but keep in mind you don't have the full corpus of science.

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I am sorry but I must disagree with your reasoning. Your question, "Why aren't there a dozen whistleblowers talking to Congress?" This question presumes that Congress and/or the American press are interested in the truth. The public is conditioned to believe this and that whistle blowers have someone to come forward to. This is not the true.

A better question might be, "If whistle blowers come forward, who could they tell?"

For example, Patrick Knowlton, a grand jury witness, who had been intimidated by the FBI came forward with solid evidence that a Deputy White House counsel was murdered and the murder was covered-up by Congress (left & right), the FBI, the American press, and the honorable Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. The public would not know this because in the US, if it is not reported, it did not happen. If you think I am making this up, see:


There are other reasons to doubt the UAPs and UFOs. One reason to be skeptical is that the book by Elizondo was promoted as a "#1 New York Times bestseller"

This is the same NY Times that continues to say Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and that 19 terrorist hijackers with box cutters brought down World Trade Center Building 7. It is absurd to rely on the NY Times for information.

I recommend we improve our critical thinking skills by studying the Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression by David Martin here: https://www.dcdave.com/article3/991228.html

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Yeah, those planes hijacked by Muslims who hate Jews, Christians and the United States were actually not planes but UFO's flown by beings from a galaxy far away.

I'm out of psychedelic drugs so yours will do just fine.

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It's how they do it, over and over. Think of the hundreds of thousands of knowingly complicit useful idiots. They exist now and always have,

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Sorry, Joanie. All the COVID lies have already been exposed. Congressional reps and POTUS candidates discuss it. There are many scientists who've given us the truth. All in a matter of months from the initial deceptions. Whistleblowers and all kinds of documents. State laws changing on the vax etc. COVID govt corruption not being kept secret proves my point, it doesn't damage it. Think

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"Sorry" for what? I was responding to someone else's comment.

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It’s just you. If you read more about conspiracies, you will see how much of our world is propped up by them and enforced by murder. If you knew someone you loved could be killed, you would probably keep your mouth shut. Look up the Franklin Pedophile Scandal for starters. That’s what changed my entire perspective on our government.

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You speak like a child. Funniest? The "scandal" you cite was thoroughly investigated and the accusers got their day in court. A grand jury - made up of our peers - rejected the entire set of claims as a hoax. The false accusers were indicted on perjury charges. But you pretend you have better facts and a clearer POV than the people who actually evaluated all the evidence. Be clear - what you cite proves what a loon you are, not how correct the claims of Greer et al are. And also be clear that my claims are careful and fact based. I do not reject the claims, rather I've been left at a 'cliff hanger' for years not, awaiting some actual real disclosure and official action but it never happens. After a while one starts to question the premise. My position is reasoned and careful. You? You're a maniac and do not know it.

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Re: "I really find it hard to believe that such massive, long running govt program would and could be effectively concealed."

The government is really good at delegating and getting people to focus on what's in front of them. One of our neighbors worked at area 51. He worked on gps tech and his team got the accuracy down from over 20 feet to within 3 feet. He could tell us only so much, but he did tell us that he was flown in and out every day and knew absolutely nothing about what was going on anywhere else. The only other tidbit of information he knew was that from one end to the other, the lake bed varied less than 5 inches. For all practical intents and purposes it was perfectly flat.

I love telling these stories because so many people are completely unware of what's really going on. I grew up watching rocket launches from Vandenburg Air Force Base. It wasn't until I was probably at least 8 or 9 before I saw one make it downrange to the Kwajalein atoll. The media immediately sought out a quote from one of the contractors who was asked what targets they thought they could hit with any accuracy. He replied, "We could probably hit Los Angeles."(a two hour drive by car), and most likely by scudding it somewhere into the LA basin. Up until that point, I was sure that the whole point of these launches was just to blow them up. Sometimes they blew up on the launch pad. This was AFTER we supposedly sent people to the moon and back. With all that government money rushing into our little town, nobody could have cared less if we had or not.

They built a launch pad for the Space Shuttle, but as soon as it was built, they discovered that they built it too close to a mountain which wouldn't allow the million and a half gallons of water that is dumped on the pad enough room to escape. They were told to build it next to this mountain to prevent people in Lompoc from complaining about the horrendous noise. Fortunately, the Challenger exploded which provided them with a narrative for scrapping that program. The cost was somewhere around 400 billion. Oops.

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Not impossible.

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I was disappointed to see you blame the "Boogeyman" of the morally bankrupt monsters who run the world into ruin and pain, the "religious fundamentalists". Seeing you've read Vallee and by extension possibly John Keel I would add Vallee's "UFOs: the psychic solution" out of print but I got a free PDF from either archive.org or PDFdrive, not such which. Without regurgitating volumes of research and recorded experiences these aren't just "men in metal ships".

I second the motion that advanced technologies already exist and are being withheld to milk every last drop of wealth and pain out of the earth.

One last thought: whoever controls whatever walks down that gangplank on the fateful day, whether human or non, they will essentially be 'god'. And the 'gods' with a small 'g' historically have an appetite for human sacrifice, again and again.

I love what you write and thanks for an essential service to raise awareness of the evil that has humanity captive, but please don't fall for the "religion is bad" meme that's infected so many today. What has it brought us? Human life as a disposable commodity. Thanks again.

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Ms. Nickson, your superficial approach to this matter raises serious concerns about the veracity of your work. You read a book and briefly examined Greer. Notably, Elizondo’s security clearance is held by a military contractor. Greer has a history of flipping his script throughout his career. (For instance, when Greer was heavily invested in CE5, my wife attended his exclusive event in Scottsdale and left with the impression that he was a con artist.)

It appears that you have not conducted independent research on the phenomenon that goes back to the early 1940s. You have also failed to acknowledge the contributions of individuals such as Kehoe, Ruppelt, Dolan, and Marler. While those who have conducted extensive research on UFOs/UAPs without government support may have theories and opinions, they are unable to draw definitive conclusions due to pervasive government obfuscation for over 70 years. However, individuals like Elizondo and Mellon, who are deeply entrenched in government circles, are presumed to be trustworthy.

Regrettably, I am deeply disappointed. I had previously regarded you as a reliable source, but now I find myself asking if you are a limited hangout.

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Agreed. This column was very disappointing. Reading this, I found myself wondering...what if the "primitive" Christians are right, and getting this incredibly advanced technology involves making literal deals with devils?

And isn't Elizondo buddies with the likes of the Podesta brothers and James Clapper? That alone is enough for me to be very very wary of him.

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Rod Dreher's new book , "Living in Wonder" apparently goes into this side of the equation. What is less believable? Aliens, or demons?

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Just pre-ordered. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the heads-up.

As an aside, there were five known saints (and I am certain many others) known for the gift of bilocation: Francis Xavier, Anthony of Padua, John Bosco, Martin de Porres, and more recently, Padre Pio. They were situated in one place, yet were seen ministering to others in other places, sometimes a continent away.

Many Christians have experienced miraculous unexplained healings. Many have had deeply mystical experiences that have instantly transformed them.

There is the very well-documented miracle of the sun seen by 20,000 at Fatima in 1917.

There is the incredible genius of musical composition, art and architecture throughout recorded history: people whose minds were not polluted by junk culture, technological stimulus, and worship of self. As one pundit put it, they sat around having visions. That can be available to us were we to simplify our lives, and meditate more deeply on a transcendent God.

We, as humans, so caught up in the world, worldly things, and self, have barely begun to grasp the immensity of an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God, creator of the universe - and us. Considered the greatest theologian and spiritual writer, Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century said at the end of his life: “I cannot go on. All that I have written seems to me like straw compared to what I have seen and what has been revealed to me.” The immensity of an infinite God - and a finite human - overwhelmed him.

We must be very wary of travelling down some rabbit holes of the last century, thus discarding religion - and perhaps even God - and be open to theological examination of phenomena - and this needs to include the existence of demons, the original shapeshifters.

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In 2019, my wife and I started investigating UFOs. After about three years, we decided to call it a day. We met almost everyone in the field or read their books.

Here is what we discovered:

1. UFOs are real. People see strange things, and some people even get abducted. It’s not fair to say that everyone is lying or crazy.

2. Either governments are really good at hiding evidence, or there’s no physical evidence to be found.

3. Because of 1 and 2, investigators either become record keepers who stop looking for meaning, or they are waiting for someone to “disclose” the truth. A small group of people find an explanation in “the other,” that is, spiritual realities.

4. The most logical explanation for UFOs is found in a careful study of the Christian Bible and the early traditions of the Church. But few people are willing to go down this path because they might be judged as too old-fashioned or not smart enough. Or maybe they just don’t have a guide to help them find the answers that are staring them in the face.

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Start with the old philosophical question, "Why is there something instead of nothing?" If you really absorb that gigantic oddity, you won't be so quick to scuttle Christianity. If Christianity weird and inexplicable, so is everything else, including our very existence. So what's the big deal about that?

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Many whistleblowers equate aliens with demons.

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The talk in Aerospace backchannels is there are Pentagon brass who warn the UAP and “Skinwalker Ranch” pursuits are treading in demonic biblical end times stuff and won’t have anything to do with it.

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Diana Pasulka's books are about UAP and the demonic. She's a scholar, and careful, but she takes Jacques Vallee, a nonChristian who believes in the reality of UAP and that they do not mean us well, seriously.

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By the end of her second book, Padulka was no longer a skeptic, and veered hard into the emerging patented government “insider” narratives, throwing in a lot of parapsychology gobbledygook chapters to boot. It’s like she was either threatened or bought off, but either way her books are another UAP narrative dead end.

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I haven't read them. Rod Dreher tends to be like a 15 year old boy in his enthusiasms. I was going on the basis of his recommendation, and should know better by now.

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I read DP’s first book and was fascinated, however, several sections seemed incongruous. In the end, many serious researchers—including Valle, Hynek, and Marden—focus on the “spiritual” dimension of UFOlogy, rather than the nuts and bolts of interstellar spacecraft. (If you want to go deep into the rabbit hole, listen to a conversation between Eric Weinstein and Hal Putoff!)

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Right…. Primitive Christians, hardly.

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Really ? Open your mind ! Walk out of the trap you are in.

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Not called "Absurdistan" for no reason, you know.

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Jesus Christ is Lord of Heaven and Earth! Everything is subservient to Him!

Primitive Christians… hardly. Satan will be crushed under Christian’s feet…. Romans 16:20

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The thermodynamics of converting water to hydrogen and oxygen and then using this to power a vehicle are energy intensive with great energy loss in the process. It is also a very slow process to use electrolysis to extract hydrogen and the flow rate needed to power a vehicle at an acceptable speed or with enough torque is non-existent. The TikTok video is a scam. The reason fossil fuels work is that the energy has been stored using sunlight millions of years ago and we do not have to use much energy to extract what is there. They are a cheap source of energy. Water requires far more energy in than the hydrogen/oxygen energy output on recombination can produce. That is the physics/chemistry and thermodynamics of this that cannot be violated.

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I'm pretty sure "fossil fuels" is a misnomer. These "energy" sources aren't from plants. Nothing fossil about them.

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Would it be fair to add "based on our current knowledge and understanding?"

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With my science background, the answer is "NO". The energy pathway is always downhill from more to less. Far, far more energy is in fossil fuels than the energy used to extract it and turn it into power useful to replace man or animal power. The term entropy applies here. Significantly more energy is needed to split water than you get back when you recombine it back to water. Some is lost as heat but a great deal is lost in the mechanical process of separating into component hydrogen/oxygen, transferring where you want it to be and then lost in the recombining step in mechanics and heat issues once again. There is simply no way around this.

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All I want is for the powers that be to leave us alone and let us decide where we want to go...if you like electric get one, if you like gas, get one..if this new technology is viable and you like it, get it!! Just quit with the control...we are ruled and regulated to death. I think everything should be a choice...medicine, vaccines, on and on..once we are free of the control, the BS will sort itself out.

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The First Law of Thermodynamics. In a closed system, energy stays constant, it cannot be created or destroyed. No free energy lunches.

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...and energy dissipates into entropy i.e., the energy inherent in the kinetic movement of particles and photons(light).

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The fundamental error in Brown's equations have given birth to a whole new type of physics that is beyond classified. Or so I've heard.

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What if the govt. gangsta's did or created something evil .. and have been trying to cover up ever since....... what if they still are?

Which scenario is more likely?

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Or brought into our plane of existence via 'the dark arts' etc. I agree completely.

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If this freaks ya out . You need to listen to theGOOGLE people when talking about quantum computer Qubits operations . in their own words :"it's going in an other dimension & coming back with an answer" i shit you not.

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Cooking the books is part of most government's MO.

I just emailed this to a friend who has lost three friends recently;

"Without wishing to dwell on our suspicions of Big Pharma corruption - particularly the overstated Scamdemic (Whitty has just admitted as much), I'll just add that various new illnesses and ailments have crept into our everyday language since Covid Vax magically appeared within a few months of the disease. Very suspicious, I think you'll agree?? In our world, Coronavirus was man-modified in laboratories, for deliberate release upon the world (in order to justify the enormous Profits made from useless DEADLY injections).

Fauci's Gain of Function Bio-weapon technology, is widely recognised as where Covid came from.

Since Covid & the useless but potentially DEADLY injections (called vaccines) appeared, we now frequently hear references to sudden ailments which can be fatal. 'Turbo-cancers' are a new post-Vax phenomenon, as are increasing post-vax 'blood clots' and post-vax neurological complications are now frequently spoken of.

Questioning 'Excess Deaths' is why Andrew Bridgen got sacked from Parliament - He wanted a Government Enquiry into 'Excess Deaths'. He was 'silenced'.

Because Big Pharma enjoy ZERO Culpability (LIABILITY) for vax and other medicine-related deaths, they cannot be held responsible. They cannot be sued. they have NO CULPABILITY! They cannot be questioned when they pretend their crap is "SAFE and EFFECTIVE".

Can anybody give a rational explanation or reason why the pharmaceutical industry enjoys ZERO LIABILITY?

We hope you both have a great week-end."

Unjabbed Mick (UK). (We're unjabbed and will live longer as a consequence).

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ZERO LIABILITY out of paying pensioners by demociding them . . . They deserve the gallows.

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Pre-meditated Mass-Murder by the Establishment! Unjabbed Mick (UK)

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At the moment, UAP's are a distraction. First priority should be a change of Administration and dismantling the deep state. Time enough after that to delve into this mystery. There is undoubtedly more going on than we are allowed to know, but defeating Harris is more important. The cadre of government people involved with UAP if it really exists, is obviously not the same group of dishonest incompetents that have presided over the numerous disasters of the last 4 years.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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Brilliant comment and spot-on.

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I commend Diana Pasulka's two books about the matter to everyone, and the ongoing writings of Rod Dreher and Paul Kingsnorth, both of whom have Substacks. The latter two are converts to Christianity who have written a lot about the withering of spirituality and its supplanting with something which is not good. Pasulka cites among others Jacques Vallee, who isn't a Christian, does believe UAP are real, and doesn't believe they wish us well in the slightest.

It is amazing that the writer of the Substack, as attuned as she is to the devilry which surrounds us, would call men and women who cavil about all this on spiritual grounds "religious fanatics." It isn't "religious fanaticism" for people to be extremely cautious in view of the fact that this is a Universe filled with angels but also with demons. Vallee seem to believe that UAP are likely to be demonic in nature.

Jesus isn't an early alien visitor to this world, He is the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, The Lord God made Incarnate, and any sloughing off of either him or his followers is an act of supreme foolishness. I agree with other commenters that we must keep on investigating, but it is amusing that all of these electrifying revelations which are supposed to be imminent never quite get made.

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An informed, thoughtful, and sane reply. Valee and Hynek were the only actual scientists to publish credible UFO/UAP analyses. Neither author ever concluded or even hinted of any “extraterrestrial” threats even though concluding that the phenomena are very real, potentially of a supernatural origin. But an entire industry popped up around the writings of Valee and Hynek featuring every sci fi hoax and gimmick ever concocted around the “Flying Saucer Threat.” Trust no one. The truth is out there.

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Both Vallee and Hynek concluded that there’s a “spiritual” nature to UFOs. Last time that I saw Vallee (late ‘21) he was working on a project to analyze presumed alien wreckage, looking for off-planet isotopes (a very nuts-and-bolts approach to UFOlogy), however, his film “Witness of Another World” was all about the “spooky” aspect of ETs.

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I’ve read their books too. Neither Valee nor Heynek “concluded” anything about the nature of the UFO phenomenon. They did, however, engage in much speculation on just about every known conjecture from the serious to the absurd. Interestingly, their “most likely” hypothesis referred to “the supernatural,” while their least likely referred to “extraterrestrials.” They strongly insinuated we’re looking at an unknown earthly phenomenon.

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Elizabeth, you are a seriously talented writer !

Thank you for expanding on this topic. Ignore the top few comments that are based on fear. Or the nay sayers of science who do not know what they do not know !

This is the age of disclosure and you are doing a great service, thank you.

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Over the decades of looking into the UFO issue, I find the whole 'the government is covering them up', to be pretty funny. The Hard Truth is that the forces behind these objects, being so obviously superior to humans, could have revealed themselves publicly *at any time.* If they chose to go public, no government on Earth could stop them.

Something else is going on.

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Elizondo is a spook for the CIA UAP psyop. The DS is planning a fake alien invasion in order for a Continuity of Government takeover. Dark Journalist on YouTube goes into this at depth.

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Bingo. Dark Journalist is right on.

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Lue Elizondo is a fraud , he almost burst laughing on Don jr show . . . Everyone knows its a sham.

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But… I do love Kash Patel

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Me too.

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"As Greer says, they have placed themselves above politicians and presidents and become an all-powerful global force, a fully evil global autocracy. Apparently they will kill and kill again to protect themselves."

This sounds like today's WEF + UN.

We know that Soros and Schwab were nazis in their late teens-early 20's during the WW2. We understand that the Nazi Party was involved with the occult and purportedly with ufo's too.

We know that these people were brought to the US after the war was over.

I cannot help but ask the question: is there a legitimate connection historically and today between these things?

Do we await the "4th Industrial Revolution" and its nirvana to discover it? Is the price of our liberty the release of this purported knowledge?

If the knowledge is there, it should not be. But if the knowledge is in their hands and it is legit, it will be.

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What if the govt. gangsta's did or created something evil .. and have been trying to cover up ever since....... what if they still are?

Which scenario is more likely?

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