Thank you for your eloquent rage. You speak for so many.

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I saved a twitter article from September 10, 2022. The article said: "An eleven year old girl was found at the border by patrol was taken to medical. They found 22 semen samples in her.

Semen samples only last 24 hours on a victim.

This is what open borders facilitate."

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Dear G_d.

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But … how could you forget the famous Canuck c-vid epithet, Alternative Fringe Minority, launched at us by our frothing-at-the-mouth pm.

My car carries the sticker in the back window:

Proud Member of the Alternative Fringe Minority.

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My car has the sticker “SueBonnie.ca

Look up that website!

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Has this gone anywhere?

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"Eloquent rage" is a spot on summation! Love it!

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Hard truth. The Atlantic is pure trash.

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Ah - but such a distinguished history - co-founded by RW Emerson 160+ years ago. I guess that's a good emblem of the ruling class trajectory.

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Of course if Emerson were alive today he’d have blue hair and pretend to be a woman so may not be a lot of change really.

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Both of America's major political parties began as anti-federalist and have become as federalist as possible.

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The Crown was founded a millennia+ ago, and is vastly more emblematic.

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Totally brilliant....except you forgot one thing,,,,,taking God out of the public square and rendering him to some back alley. Removing all that God represents from the public equation makes all of the evils noted possible. Remember, when there is no God all evils are possible. Pax

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RE: the war on Christianity, someone posted this statement and link at another website:

"When homosexual conduct between two men in private was legalized in the 1970s, in violation of God's law, the criminalization of Christianity was set in motion. We will find no compromise between these two extremes." https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/decriminalization-sodomy-united-states/2014-11

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Actually, the war on Christianity has been with us forever (think fall of Satan and Christ establishing his Church). This latest round started in the late 1700s and really got going during the French Revolution/enlightenment. Think of all the evils that have happened since then as the Church waned in authority. The problems of today got a huge boost after WWII and continues to run its course to this very day. That's the bad news....the good news is that this cycle of evil is almost done. Unfortunately, the bridge between evil times to a new period of "Light" usually requires a lot of pain. Read Catholic prophecy if you want an idea. Pax

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I understand what you say. The Bolsheviks made Christianity a capital crime in Russia. These Bolsheviks now, here in the USA, will do no less if they get the chance. Almighty God, His Christ and His Holy Spirit cause these latter day Bolsheviks to foam and froth with bloodlust and blasphemy. Our days are good and evil, great and terrible. We live in a drama of extreme paradox! For those with ears to hear and eyes to see it is an excellent and most fortunate time to be alive!

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I agree with what you are saying. But I really don’t want to be here. It’s so twisted and evil and getting worse by the day. Wait til Tribulation is underway. I want no part of the beast system they are creating. God help us all. 🙏🙌

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Hey MizKathy. I believe the Old Testament examples of Daniel in the lion's den and Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego in the fiery furnace are meant to encourage us now in this New Testament world. Christ-man Jesus will NEVER leave us or forsake us. He is with us now, right now, not by might, not by power, but by His Holy Spirit. The LORD knows what we are thinking and understands how to keep us from being harmed by the troubles we've created for ourselves. There is a lot of comfort in remembering what Jesus said just before His trial: "Be of good courage. I have overcome the world." There ain't nuthin' these evil bastards can throw at us that the Christ of God has not already cast down. Jesus has taken care of the really hard parts. Our mission is to keep the Faith. Christ-man Jesus is "the author and finisher of Faith." Hang tough and keep on truckin'.

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Thank you Oaf. I really needed to be reminded that Christ has told us this! I just feel we are so boxed in on every level by Satan’s minions. It’s going to get really ugly. But the Bible has told us this to warn us. I’ll try to hang in there. I’ll never give in to Satan. God bless brother in Christ! 🙏🙌🙏

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Absolutely! There is no halfway. I don't care who you love, but don't try to fit a square peg into a round hole.

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Yes, this is was the beginning. Make the connection, any way will lead you.

We have a generation that that does not know God

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And hobbling the Catholic Church by installing a South American Jesuit who openly endorses liberation theology, who aligns with the Sachs and Soros global goals, and who repeatedly indicates his disdain for traditional Catholic teaching. Lord, spare us.

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More than 1 generation. Closer to 3 or 4, plus the one coming up.

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All that love and acceptance has let the Devil in through the front door.

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Nailed it.

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Nicholas Campbell: God saved Cain after Cain murdered his brother Abel. Why? Your last sentence is nonsensical.

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Dude,,,,,,cut back on the weed...it's addled your brain. I'll explain things so even an old stoner like yourself can understand. God's presence sets boundaries and a way to live so as to enter Heaven. He sets the standard as to what is good and what is bad/evil...etc. The lack of God enables evil (aka Satan) to run amuck. We have seen this repeated throughout the ages. Without God in the public square a moral compass is no longer present. Man (under Satan's influence) makes up his rules as he goes along. Everything becomes relative,,,,,thus all types of evil are possible. So it is your comment that is nonsensical. Pax

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All of that would be true if God had written it himself instead of leaving it to wannabe gods.

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Are you suggesting,(by your comment), that Mr. Campbell is thinking of himself as “a wannabe God(s)”?

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Anyone who is not a god who tries to appear as one to others is a wannabe god.

Human history is replete with inferiors striving to control superiors fraudulently.

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Care to expand?

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Which part do you not understand?

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Unless I am missing part of the thread....your comment isn't tracking

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Nicholas Campbell: Why did God tell no one to hurt Cain? Why did God say that He would visit 7 times the punishment that God would give Cain on any man who hurt Cain?

I know the answer. You only know insults and hide behind Satan.

Answer my question!

Or go away.

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You're the silly little man who keeps on coming back for more. You seem to be stuck on one obscure story from the bible to prove some non-point. Not a winning strategy. I invite you to frolic amongst the rolling hills of the Nebraska prairie and leave the adults to more serious issues. Pax

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NC: Answer my question or go away. LAST Chance.

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Nicholas C: So murder, fratricide, is relative (no pun intended)? One more personal insult to me and I'm done with you.

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TT…Ha! Ha! “Take your toys and go home”…these ‘commenters’ here “just don’t play by your rules”! 🙄😜

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Frontera Lupita: Some 'commenters' (bots) use old cliches and don't know how to have a discussion.

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Dude we were done a long time ago....and if the observations/comments sting look in the mirror....there is the person to be annoyed with. Simply stated, bring up your game. Level 1 thinking is so 60s. Pax

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Maybe if Trump gets back in he'll finally get around to jailing Hillary Clinton like he promised back in 2016. As if.

Donald Warp-speed Father of the C-19 Vaccine Trump is one of them. He doesn't walk his talk. Never has. Never will.

Both sides of the American uniparty is corrupt to the core. Only a dissolution of the federal government can save America now.

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It has been said that Trump is the worst president, except for all the others.

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It takes a lot of doing to be worse than Lincoln.

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May I present Woodrow Wilson for your review?

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What kind of review do you want me to do?

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You misspelled Bidumb.

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You misspelled Bidumb.

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I've never heard of it.

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You must have been the misspeller all along.

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Trump is not part of the uniparty. He, and the MAGA movement he represents, are the destroyers of the uniparty. All you have to look at is who wants Trump shut down/bankrupted/in jail...It's all the supervillains in the world. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and that's why I'm voting for Trump.

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That is the SCRIPT. Smart people see that this is a school play.

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OK, medialwoman, vote for Trump. Remember 2020, though: A vote for Trump is a vote for Biden.

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He could have sealed the border in 7 - 10 days by using the Armed Forces, of which he was Commander - in - Chief.

Then, there was his recent attempt to persuade us to make nice with Budweiser so he could raise money.

The people's tribune.

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Indeed. Fauci was, to a greater or lesser extent, lurking in the shadows for decades. Trump gave Fauci what the latter surely hoped would be his final crusade and crowning glory. And Trump remains proud of it (his ego won't let him do otherwise) to this day! Unless there is justice and a true and honest reckoning for Fauci I'm not sure I can ever forgive Trump, regardless of how disruptive of the Deep State he might appear to be.

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Feb 17, 2024
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Thank you, yes to all.

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I love the fire in yer belly on this one. The reckoning is overdue for these smug bastards.

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I used to subscribe, but now I despise, The Atlantic. Symbolizes everything wrong, just as you said. thank you.

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Yep. The Atlantic used to be worth reading, no more, it's garbage.

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That is why it has become a primary source for NPR.

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Feb 17, 2024
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Lucky you - it WAS good!!! I grew up with it - parents always subscribed.

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Love. This. Brutal takedown of the protected class. Cuts like a knife. Brilliant and complete, Ms. Nickson.

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Great summary of the lying DS Rat Bastard's playbook.

I believe We the People are the news now. We need to continue to share the Truth by whatever means we have available, We also need to peacefully non-comply with all of their bullsit.

1st time I have read your work. I enjoyed it please keep it up.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I get the weirdest most infuriating feeling of disconnect when I hear or read the Left's fears on Trump potentially going after, charging and jailing his political opponents. My mind has to buffer and reset. In all of their accusations of a future dystopian Trump presidency, do they ever once address the current dystopian situation that they have themselves created. Their dystopian Trump future is our present under the Biden administration, and even during Trump's term as the Swamp/Deep State/Establishment fought him tooth and nail at every turn. They attacked him, lied to him, and impeached him. They censored him and the rest of America and all the Social Platforms. They have instilled fear in our work places with their Vax mandates and DEI policies that have divided us all. We don't dare speak up, or make an off color joke lest we get reported by our neighbor or co-worker for Wrong Speak. We saw what SAN tried to do to Substack just a few weeks ago via The Atlantic.

The Bill of Rights is under attack, not by Trump, but by those currently in power, not only in our Gvt but in the Corporations. The MIC, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the most traitorous of all back stabbers to American Citizens, our News sources and the Journalists that work for them. (not all, but most) It's all one big propaganda machine. Pay attention, watch and read multiple sources, and you can see it is all scripted. Say the same thing seven times and it will stick? The witness against Fani Willis was, Disgruntled, disgruntled, dis... Ah, you get my point. Here is the script, here are your talking points, now spread the news. Our potential future with Trump is not Fascism. Fascism is our present state.

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Here’s the first rule of successful deception: Always accuse others of what you yourself are actually doing.

That way you land the first strike and those you have accused are already on the defensive. Works like a charm!

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I strike at thee with fury and Projection.

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It's confession by projection.

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Elizabeth you speak/write for me and everyone I know. Incidentally that’s a lot of people.

Thank you.

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How they treat you is how you identify both you and them. By speaking your mind you flush them out. They self-identify as sociopaths because they don't know any better, they only feel threatened and have little psychotic incidents. This is what Trump did. He said things to flush out the elites. The few who have a little longer view are not in your face but manipulate behind the scenes. The long-game! But, if one looks carefully, they expose themselves as well.

The closer you are to hitting the target, the more reactive they become. Pat yourself on the back, you have excellent aim. What strikes fear the most is the skill to articulate, expose them and take their power away through commonsense. You are effective and winning the minds of many.

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Such a perfect assessment. The Atlantic is a scourge (and Mrs. Apple was friends with Gislaine Maxwell.) History is rhyming. In the late 1970s, it was Esquire running the same hit pieces on Reagan. Four decades later and the bureaucracy establishment and media lickspittles are nurturing a level of hatred, resentment and lust for power that’s exponentially more toxic. These cockroaches may never die but they’re still just cockroaches.

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Addicted in Absurdistan. I read your missives two or three times send them to everyone I know and mope all day wishing I had said that.

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Truth, Madam. And in the North Wing of our psychiatric hospital, aka Canada, Trudeau, Freeland, and Guilbault are equally bad. I've ordered a scale model of a farm tractor with a slogan button!

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