“Dan Crenshaw”

Eye Patch McCain

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Great piece of personalization with the perspective. The best writers let readers see who they are as people which gives substance to the perspective.

The one positive I see in this whole mess of attempting to establish and still continuing to establish top-down control by the elite is that it has ignited for many our own critical thinking skills. It has taken a while because in decades past it was a slow creep of control much like bringing water slowly to a boil to cook a frog. Trump's threat to this forced them to ramp the effort manifold and the nonsense stimulated critical thinking in many in which it had lain dormant.

Society is now permanently split into critical thinkers vs emotional thinkers. It is the 'long-COVID' no one anticipated. This is positive.

Writers like yourself are a catalyst to the emergence of this aspect of society that only severe trauma inflicted by the elites causes to rise to prominence.

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I hate being a pessimist but if you think things are on the way to ruin....it is already too late. The dismantling of our way of life has been going on since the 1960s. Unfortunately, folks since this time have actively participated in the bamboozle. Personally, I believe that it literally started when God was kicked out of the classroom/public square. Without God anything is possible...there are no objective standards. Continuing, evil is patient - thus 60+ years to get where we are today is no big deal. You know that there is no way of avoiding what is to come by the way society reacted to Covid. We had the information of this strain of SARS (natural or manufactured didn't matter); we had the information of how deadly the Jab could be (mRNA has never worked); we knew that ALL pandemics eventually "burn out"; we knew that the key to better outcomes was via natural means and better habits; the list goes on an on. AND YET, we totally wimped out...we embraced the fear and were cowed into ruin. Even knowing that we were played and what can be done in the future to help ourselves - I still see IDIOTS driving in cars alone with masks on....heck when I go the doctors office is see the staff with masks. Are you kidding me??? Regardless, we name the names of the criminals and they still walk around free continuing their criminal enterprise. So excuse me if I think things are pretty bad. (BTW I haven't even addressed the financial evil that is robbing us). We are living the saying "hard times make hard men; hard men make good times; good times makes weak men; weak men create hard times". Guess where we are. All I can suggest is 1. Get right with God 2. Get Healthy 3. Get your house in order 4. Try to help your family as best you can. 5 And, find like-minded people who you can help you resist the the coming evil. Pax

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Absolutely essential stuff here, Elizabeth. Wonderful work.

The sheer volume of blatant lies, murders, misrepresentations, tearing-down of our society, all the evil living right next door to us, commies and "commie lite" continually force-fed to "Muricans does one thing very effectively.

It cements in my mind what my next duty is. My perpetual duty is to protect and assist my friends and family, my recently acquired duty is to do anything and everything to blow this shit storm back in the faces of the humanoid scum that perpetuates it. By any means possible, verbally, physically, whatever it takes to reverse the commie fast-track we're on.

It's not violence, it's self defense in the most absolute form. We are, and clearly have been, under siege for decades and we better assume a siege mentality to deal with it.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

Crenshaw's an interesting one. He came saying the right thing, and all of the sudden turned into the most vile Rino possible. It could only be one or more of several things.

He was an infiltrator.

He ran into a lobbyist that had enough $$ to convert him to their religion of lies.

He got to drinking or drugging too much and ended up in an Epstein style blackmail situation.

He joined the church of satan.

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Yep. I live in MN where we walk in to vote and show our ID's which are not allowed, sign a little yellow slip to get a ballot, fill out the ballot, and run it through a machine. They didn't verify my identity and I didn't sign the ballot: what is the purpose? I know, I know....

Out in my precinct of 5K people our vote really doesn't matter, but in our Twin Cities; like all of our large metro areas? I have no trust.

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I saw this coming a very long time ago and the frustration with my fellow man is maddening. The haughtiness my Canadian relatives displayed when Trump was running told me all I needed to know about how ignorant they were about the world and about politics, etc. They held themselves above Americans in some weird way (I’m now American) as well. I wondered if it was jealousy but now realize they are extremely naive! All I can say now is people get what they deserve and Stupid is as stupid does.

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Yours is the best summary of where we are and how we got here that I've read in a long time. https://www.fff.org/explore-freedom/article/hamiltons-betrayal/

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The objective of such all-pervasive corruption? It allows the elite to conduct a coup d'etat, installing a preferred 'leader'.

Solutions? The only format that could prevent the further metastasizing of this election cancer is: allowing only voting in person; on paper ballots; during a single 12-hour period; only after 2 pieces of approved ID & fingerprint record are presented. Plus there must be a quorum of citizens present observing, & a police presence. Plus there needs to be video coverage of every voting center for the 12 hours of voting. Last, Infractions by corrupt election bureaucrats need to be addressed, wrongdoers punished with a minimum 20-year sentence.

This would only work if the money machine in corrupt legislatures (routine bribes, kickbacks, blackmail, vote-buying, etc) is purged. That would take a Cromwell-like figure, with the arrest & trying of thousands of corrupt bureaucrats. Perhaps the death penalty is needed, swiftly applied. But the institutions are all compromised, corrupted, so it may not be possible without a revolution.

Corruption thrives in the context of centralization. So maybe one prerequisite is having smaller nations, ie. partition the federal nation into multiple smaller nations; some will clean up their institutions & have clean elections, most likely won't initially.

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Incredible read. I love that you connect a topical event to a historic timeless specific process.

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judge they are destroying evidence

don't believe what you claim


judge your inaction does not make sense

obey me just the same


judge they have committed grave offense

charges are very tame


judge their lawbreaking never relents

i do not see their blame


judge our case you won't let us present

these arguments are lame


judge this is corrupt jurisprudence

contempt would be a shame


judge your prejudice has no defense

yet look what i became


judge there's no justice in your presence

justice is in my name


judge they destroyed all the evidence

looks like we won this game


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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This almost seems to be impossible to overcome, but we cannot give up, ever.

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I’m afraid you’re right Elizabeth unfortunately that’s exactly where we are at this moment in time. The elites have exposed themselves and they’re not ashamed of it.

To them we Are the unwashed masses and their minions are right there with us. Like Ketanji Brown in the Supreme Court First Amendment case.

She’s asking Can you help me because (if we uphold the 1st amendment) then government will have no way to control the people.

Paraphrasing but in essence that exactly what she just said. Now I already knew that she couldn’t define a woman but I clearly thought, being a judge, that she could read.

And since she had to take the oath of office i imagined she had at least perused the Constitution. But now I have my doubts after that performance.

She has no idea that she, like us, is just another one of the unwashed masses.

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In the State of California, a group of citizens are fighting back against the theft of their birthright of freedom and prosperity by way of the New California project, under which we are emulating the State of West Virginia during the U.S. Civil war by ipetitioning the U.S. Congress to allow us to form the State of New California. A majority vote by the Congress is required for this to heppen.

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I’m pretty sure cities are loci of evil and destruction. The population density rewires our normal sociality and it transforms other humans from potential friends and collaborators into worthless mouths to feed and occupiers of subway space. We cannot hope to get anything truly good or beautiful from cities. Regeneration comes from God, it comes from the decomposition of waste when mixed appropriately with water, oxygen and Carboniferous material. Cities reduce the number of children being born (cities are no places for children), and must parasitize the countryside in order to grow its population. Vitality, nutrition, fertility, health and life are imported from the countryside into a city and then the city with its concrete and metal mandibles homogenizes everything into a toxic slurry which seeks to serve the corporate masters at every turn. Cities breed crime, rape, greed, insecurity and bad health. The more we are outside, in the sun, away from concrete and regulations, the more human we are. Run run run as fast as you can away from the mandibles of death. It will ruin you and your progeny if you don’t.

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UNIONIZED bureaucracy is what empowers crooked lawyers. There are now millions of anonymous bureaucrats: teachers, cops, firemen, dogcatchers, clerks, bailiffs, sheriffs, judges, etc, etc.

City, county, state & federal bureaucracy in the USA is a gigantic communist union. Lawyers and bureaucrats scratch each others' backs.

JFK's EO#10988 (1962) and LBJ's Great Society (1964) are the two Big Moves that communist lawfare lawyers have used to kill liberty, peace & prosperity.

Now they're doing mop-up: 1. the dot-com bubble. -- 2. 9-11. -- 3. 2008 housing bubble.

Next stop: CBDC. The 'elites' are crooked & incompetent. Their army is millions of bureaucrats.

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