I remember when I was a child one of the ethnic stereotypes was that Mexicans were lazy. I'll bet now they are calling Americanos the lazy ones. Anyone out there seeing masses of Americans protesting anything? The silence has been deafening!

Thanks Elizabeth!

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And in the same vein, are your "rep's" enthusiastically standing and speaking out against this commie excrement being force-fed to us at every opportunity? Yeah, right, neither are mine.

Makes an accurate (although short) list of re-electable politicians.

Instead of gubmint using it's power to protect citizens, now their directing focused hellfire into citizen's homes. Pretty safe bet they're in no mood to discuss it further.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The vast difference between the huge, weekly almost, protests in Europe in 2020 - the "Covid Year" - and virtually none in the US astonished me. But "lazy" is not the cause; it's far worse. In my state a woman was arrested for attempting to organize a demonstration in the state capital in June 2020. The state's largest city then attempted - in early 2022 - to enforce a regime of total commercial site vaccine passports in the city. It was almost universally ignored by the city's largely African American and Hispanic business owners; police refused to enforce; the "executive order" was quietly rescinded two months in by the (African American) mayor who had been nationally praised for his "leadership". So, some mixed outcomes can be found.

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There were protests, but these were generally not covered by mainstream media, therefore people, including such as ourselves down here in EN's comments section, tend to assume they didn't happen (I tend to do it myself). Censorship works powerfully well— until one starts to question it. So I remind myself often to question it-- is it really true that there were no protests? I've got a few rally / demo speeches from 2021-2023 on my List of Transcripts, and many more to post.

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Thanks - yes - I said "virtually none" - that's qualitative - your additional context is very helpful. And broadening the (personal) epistemological framework adds more (personal) anxiety to the mix. 20+ years ago Jurgen Habermas spoke of the "new opacity". I have not been able to track that thought down, but it sure feels like THIS is what he meant or foresaw.

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Thanks for this. Re: The "new opacity"-- yes, that is exactly what it feels like to me, especially since 2020. It's so very weird.

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I think we should be aware that our host - Elizabeth - will likely not approve of the drift we have started at the top of the comments thread."Learned helplessness" I think, is her term. And indeed her last few posts are anything but "opaque". Struggle!

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A novel I'm happy to recommend always is Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which became the movie, Blade Runner. Dick's native territory was paranoia. ( My favorite novel of his is Time Out of Joint, which is maybe his masterpiece of paranoia and unreality. )

In Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? there is an appalling moment in which the reader is hit with the awareness that Android penetration is far greater than the main character, Rick Deckard, escaped Android hunter, had realized.

It feels as though we're in that kind of moment now. What I do not understand is why, with the Internet, we are. How can it have happened? It seems as though the Internet should have been close to a guarantor that it could not.

I look forward to reading the series.

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Absolutely. The media casts negatively any protests that run counter to state-sponsored ideology. They were largely responsible for neutralizing the Tea Party movement by using the outliers to stereotype the normies. The rallies I attended included concerned and intelligent citizens from every ethnic group, religious background, national origin, socioeconomic demographic.

Every year the media ignores the March For Life while giving favorable coverage to Pro-Abortion rallies. The list goes on and on, the purpose being to marginalize people who come together to challenge the ruling class.

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so true.

Lazy for sure, but also "weak and afraid"

They do not want to alert others to their "hysteria" or "insanity"

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Lazy Mexicans would be far preferable to the border-jumping, drunk-driving, job-stealing, child-raping Mexicans of today.

Can I have the 20th Century back now?

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I don't know about the whole 20th Century, but the 1950s (when I was born) are certainly unjustly maligned. People have to dare to answer "do you want to go back to the '50s" with 'yes!'.

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Either 1957 or 1987.

Either way, you'd be smack in the middle of a golden age for industrious normals.

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Great line. You put into words what we all feel.

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My privilege!

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I too thought where are the Americans marching in the streets when I saw those photos.

I don't think it's laziness- it's FEAR.

After what happened on J6, I don't imagine there are too many of us that are willing to get killed or lose everything because we did a street protest.

This war will have to be won with non-violent, peaceful resistance (think Gandhi and India) and guerilla actions like the first American Revolution.

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These pieces, regardless of what you think about or where you stand on any other issues, or whether you think of your self as part of the left or right, or one of the parties (NDP, Liberal, Conservative, Republican (MAGA or other), Democrat, Green, Independent) or above it all, are by far the most important issue of the moment. Wars in Ukraine or Gaza? The Southern Border (Canadian or US)? Global Warming or just weather? They all hinge on the next election in the myriad countries holding them this year. One-day, picture ID, citizens only!

Bring it on Elizabeth, and may God Bless you and us all!

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But you know that states with Democrat controlled legislatures or a Democrat who is Governor won't allow such laws to come into existence.

So, it seems to me that this is a long term war, and that the first step should be local, taking legislatures and electing Governors. But how is that to be done if things are already rigged?

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If I had a fool-proof strategy, or even good tactics, my comment would have been quite different!

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We are in deep sh*t.

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True, that. Been in deep shit a long, long time. Evidence seems to suggest that the current deep shits aren't nearly as clever as the ones who set the game up, though, so there's hope.

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Well, I wish I could agree, but there is strength in numbers, for ill as well as for good, and there are so many more of them than there used to be.

I'm almost 72. Say what you will about Boomers ( with whom I have nothing in common except chronology ) we were raised by saner people in saner times. And of our parents, Silent Generation and Greatest Generation, they were by and large brighter and better human beings than the Boomers.

What's happened is that most of two generations, and much of a third, have died, and the people who have taken their place seem to know less and less and less, think less and less and less, and have crummier and crummier, and even crummier, standards.

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it's unfortunate. when one is in deep shit and knows it, one tries to get out and it will make him stronger to effect the effort necessary. When one is in deep shit and doesn't know it. One stays in the shit motionlessly. That's what 99% of americans have been doing.

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Hey... Mitch McConnell told Trump in August of 2020 that he has to fund his own candidates for Senate; he purposely withheld MILLIONS of Senate PAC funds from candidates in AZ, AK, NV, and NH. Funny how Mar-A-Lago was raided shortly thereafter...

Why? Because he is married to the Asian based Foremost Group(shipping and shipbuilding) and his is brother-in-law manages EDG Capital, another Asian based entity.

All of our so called leaders are paid by China and Trump and MAGA along with Bolsonaro, Khan, and Orban disrupt this. They are trying to put many of these in jail.

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McConnell is indeed a P.O.S.

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...and works for the CCP.

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difference between republicans and democrats are unimportant as are the differences in the results of one or the other being in "control". They dominate the system together because they are both controlled by the people printing fake money after having stolen almost all and currently stealing the rest. We need to turn off the federal reserve, invalidate all of these debts and make anybody who's unhappy about it have to come and ask nicely if they can't get something. I'm pretty sure they all have a big stock of gold metal which they only cheated to acquire. Fight club scenario is called for. back to zero. We'll already be in bad enough shape being a country filled with people who don't know how to do anythng useful. If we don't do that, then we're a country full of people who don't know how to do anything and allegedly owe far more than we're worth to criminals who laugh at us either way.

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People do not vote counterintuitively. After two years of Biden and his regime of democrat communists undercutting Americans in so many ways, everyone believed the red wave was coming and Republicans would have taken commanding leads in the house and senate in the 2022 midterms. But they lost the senate in questionable fashion, and barely took the house. How was this even possible? As I said, people do not vote for more of the same when it negatively impacts them. The obvious answer, as you concluded in your article, was the election was stolen again, and certain “regime friendly” candidates were fraudulently placed in office.

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people still like Trump after he killed the economy dead with lockdowns at the orders of the bankers to whom he is indebted till the end of time. He left Fauci more power than he had himself, killing people with a fake vaccine to prevent "transmission" of a fake "pathogenic virus". Maybe you should go read the summary of the 1946 Nobel winning "experiment" of Mr. Stanley with his tobacco plants and their fake mosaic "virus". That's why 8 billion doofuses are scared of things that don't exist. Scared enough to want to hurt people who aren't scared. These copious brainwashed unthinking doofuses deserve what happens to them. But they need to leave me alone.

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I am very surprised to read your response and find it hard to believe after all you’ve likely read in substack articles over the past many years that you could honestly believe for even a second that Trump was anything more than a patsie in a plan to bury him and his Presidency, primarily because of the threat he posed to the bureaucracy. Trump knew next to nothing about the inner workings and alliances of Washington DC and they used it against him and us. He depended on people that ultimately betrayed him because they had ulterior agendas.

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what is your point? You seem to be saying that Trump was a chump, and that anything bad which happened to him is other people's fault cause they were mean to him? Whether he's a fool or a psychopath, what exactly is the difference? It does seem that a president needs to do what he's told if he wants to keep his brain inside of his skull. Mr. Reagan was shot in the chest by a man who'd had dinner at the home of the vice president 2 days earlier.

So what was the point of Trump becoming president if he only meant to be a yes man? I suggest that "they" wanted him to and since he'd borrowed money from them that he could never pay back that he was in no position to say no. The only thing about Mr. Trump which is clear is that he's a deeply wounded narcissist, as his own lawyer has said.

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... and then, there's Argentina's Javier Milei who now has slashed inflation, for example, which even the global MSM have to acknowledge ... "Viva la liberated, caracho!" he told the stunned WEF 'forum' ... : https://vivevans.substack.com/p/davos-hah-take-that-viva-la-libertad

If the Argentinians can vote him in, if he can do this - why not we in the 'rich, powerful' west?

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Little too early to be celebrating Milei. He seems to see nothing wrong with the genocide that is happening in the Middle East

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The only people who are under threat of genocide in the Middle East are Israelis, and you damned well know it but for reasons I do not wish to understand would prefer to proffer untruths.

As Solzhenitsyn said, "Live not by lies."

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There is no genocide happening in the Middle East. That is nothing but Hamas propaganda.

How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers

The evidence is in their own poorly fabricated figures


DARVO: Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender

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Excellent piece Elizabeth. Glad to see you are not the least bit afraid to call out the GOPe and it's professional political class in DC who are just as eager to feed at the "globalism funded pig trough" there as the leftists are. The Republican party, as a fighting force for making America great again, has been dead for some time. My Senator is Susan Collins. She is what I call a "wet finger" politician. She wets a finger and holds it up to see which way the wind is blowing. Not a principled bone in her body. There are lots more just like her in the GOPe. She is always interest only in winning the next election and fattening her own pockets. How can a politician come to have a net worth in excess of 10 million dollars.........on a $170,000 salary? Easy answer. She and many of our Republican pros are in on every trick that can be used by politicians in DC to enhance their political power and personal wealth.

The Founders, to my way of thinking, never intended there to be "Government Inc" in DC fully controlling the entire nation. State's rights be damned today. I think the Founders saw holding any federal office to be community service, not a path to power and wealth. I am sure they would be horrified to see this. I think the only real answer is to amend the constitution to make it so that a person can only hold one term in political office in their lifetime. No possibility of reelection. Lobbying should be a crime. Spending money in DC to influence favors from the political class is a crime against America. The money needs to be taken out of politics. I of course know that nothing like this will happen in my lifetime.

For now the real conservatives in America need to either take total control of the Republican party, throwing the GOPe into the nearest dumpster......or go out and start our own party. I think there are a number of democrats who are not feeling real good about the status quo too so a new party might gain a lot of supporters across the land. The voting scam is a crime against America and has to be put down before we can make progress in a good direction. I am not sure how this might happen. At the rate we are seeing America go down the toilet and good people are harmed in the process, Civil War II is not out of the question by a long shot. The 2nd amendment was put in there exactly in case we had to face what we are facing today, tyranny from DC and many state capitals.

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Indeed, we're in a time when all we have been taught no longer serves us well. So much of what we see qualifies as Absurdistan.

The old world is crumbling, and it is our appointed task to build a new one.

This is a great time to be alive for those of us who are not interested in comfort or stasis, and who have a preternatural ability to sleep through the night when we don't know what the next morning will bring.

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You're a force of nature, one of the few truth-seekers doing deep dives in this crucial chess piece in globalist cultural immolation. Your opening points are salient: let's drop the sky is falling routine already (agreed); election steals are fixable; even those ostensibly benefitting know it's happening (& increasingly don't want it). Muchas gracias.

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In Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, our new white liberal female Democrat County Executive came up with the bright idea to have 5 ballot boxes scattered through the county for our upcoming May primary.

She came up with this innovative idea all on her own. /s

These are mail-in ballots. The kind you just stick in any old mailbox. Or give to the mailman to take.

Thank goodness the county's Republican Committee just filed a lawsuit because "Ms. Progressive" just violated every election law.

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If I may digress to your previous article on the electronic voting machines( especially Dominion). At the time when this ocurred in the 2020 election my instincts felt someting was wrong. At the time when I spoke up I was called a right wing nut job , anti-vaxxer , anti-semite and conspirathy theorist

Over time many of the people who called me an anti-vaxxer have died rather suddenly , while other detractors are dying one organ at a time.

I was shocked when FOX lost the law suit put forward by Dominion and was shocked at it's amount but over the last 4 or 5 years I have gained insite to how these money -laundering schemes work from the Lagarde and Von der layen cases in the EU . Ukraine money laundering scheme was really where I really earned a MBA in smelling these out.

I believe Mr. Murdoch was delighted that he was forced to pay 500 million dollars to Dominion which is controlled by Mr. Soros.

Sores kept 10-15% of the money for the launderring fee, the Judge received 1% for rubber stamping this absurd amount and Mr. Murdoch got not ony a tax deduction of 500 million but has at least 400 million in washed money. A win win situation for all.

Liz a great article, love your anger, passion and determination.

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As a reporter I learned that breaks in patterns often indicated the existence of a story.

I saw a real break on election night 2020. Trump was clearly winning when I went to bed and he'd effectively lost the next morning.

That, combined with the suppression of the laptop story, leads me to believe that something very suspicious happened in 2020.

That widespread view accounts at least partly for Biden's low poll numbers.

His presidency gives off an odor of illegitimacy.

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I remember reading a magazine called “International Wildlife” in my early teens. This would have been around 1970 or 1971.

One particular article I read was about how the world needed to be divided into zones and the largest zone, I am thinking 80%, would be off limits except for scientists or elites. And of course the population would need to be lowered to around one billion.

Wish I could find the article.

So this environmental movement has been on the works for over 50 years.

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Really excellent. It's not an easy mix - taking a hard look at where we are and remaining positive and action-oriented. Brilliant piece.

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"...that weird girl in New Zealand.."


The Jabaconda, WEF appointee, socialist PM Jacinda Ardern is now appointed by the current WEF appointee, capital corporatist and newly minted PM Christopher Luxon as the Queen of Misinformation.

And still a majority of NZzzz doze and sleep in a state of social and political narcosis.

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I was just reading this: https://ia904703.us.archive.org/34/items/pdfy-eQ-GW5bGFH1vHYJH/The%20Treason%20Of%20Rockefeller%20Standard%20Oil%20%28Exxon%29%20During%20World%20War%20II.pdf

Gives me the idea that in 1945 the gestapo started to mutate into CIA and Mossad. I'm not sure whether that makes me an anti-semite, an anti-american or an anti-german. If I"m said to be the first, I have a good excuse: I'm jewish, so I wouldn't be an anti-semite I'd be a "self-hating jew". So far that's not a prisonable offense. I would think it will be shortly, and with a definition which might be surprising.

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