Do you remember, back in the "70's? "Fat is a Feminist Issue"? My decidedly slim GF at the time thought I should be paying more attention.

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What a trick... criminalize a behavior/situation we all struggle with and blame/guilt trip the super class. Just like climate. I'm waiting for the nincompoops to arrest us for lightning strikes on our property. Madness. But... and there is always a big butt (sorry)... we are on to them. As ever, your writing is surgical. Your understanding is outstanding. You are a gift.

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'severe emotional loneliness from the absence of a family system.'

Once again the left proves that whatever they have to offer is far worse than the imperfect system they seek to replace.

And the kids know unconsciously that the culture telling them that they come first is a lie. They know their life's stability, indeed, their very existence hangs by a thread of adult self gratification. That they live in an 'Empire of Lies'. No wonder they are eating for comfort instead of fuel.

And all these tatts. Skin marring, skin obscuring tatts. Hiding their pure self and expressing their psychic pain. What a twofer.

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I’m sorry but fat is bad. What athletes besides sumo wrestlers are fat? Our country needs to get outside and run around. Second is to boycott the McDonald’s garbage food and eat healthy. And last fat is not beautiful, especially the rolling pounds that jiggle when you move. Hate me if you want but America has become a nation of fat and obese weak men and women.

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Why sorry?

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Victimized by their own sloth,greed and selfishness all because whitey... Applaud the eugenicists here for another brilliant work of art. Enrich the fast food industry and the “health care” system during the productive years and then let diabetes and cancer cull the herd to abbreviate the social security burden in the end.

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"She is 40. When she is 70, carrying around an extra 40 or 50 pounds is going to be a misery for her joints, her heart, her brain." good. the just "desserts" of a mean fat girl, if you've ever been bullied by them you know what i mean.

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WASP here. Born in 1959. We didn’t overeat because the food was TERRIBLE. You ate due to hunger not enjoyment. My parents seemed to hate food, the way they cooked it. I was delighted by the cafeteria at College!! So many choices of tasty food!! The sugar barons are a criminal enterprise and should be sued like big tobacco. I am fat and happy but sure wish I was thinner!!

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I was born in 1952 on an organic farm. We raised livestock like cattle, pigs, chickens. We grew their food and and had big gardens for our use. We worked from sunup to sunset and ate three meals a day. We didn't know what a snack was. Us kids were hungry so we ate nearly everything. We knew what was edible in the woods and roadside and gathered morel mushrooms, apples, cherries, asparagus, lambs quarters, and other edibles that most people call weeds. I am greatful for my heritage of eating health giving foods. Now we have denatured and poisonous factory foods that are full of chemicals that cause weight gain and illnesses. It's a sad state of affairs that has been pushed on our population to keep us sick and stupid. Now we think we have to take synthetic chemicals called medicine to stay healthy. It's no wonder we are a nation of fat people.

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Getting thin and remaining thin takes work, sacrifice, and discipline, all of which is lacking among a good portion of the population.

Unable to get a good job / career, blame capitalism and the corporations vs re-tooling, going to college, etc.

Unable to obey the law, blame the police and your upbringing vs exercising self-restraint and concern for your fellow man.

Unable to get thin and maintain physical fitness, blame society and the “power” structures vs working out, denying yourself certain foods, and having self-control.

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One flaw in that "better to be a little fat, you're less likely to die young" study is that CANCER patients were in it. Need I mention that one of the side effects of fighting off cancer is weight loss?

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Bravo. Splendid, as usual.

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I was visiting an elderly relative in the temporary physical rehab unit of a nursing home several years ago. She shared a room with and incredibly obese woman who looked to be about 40-50 years old. I don’t remember why the woman was there, but I do remember they had a contraption that reminded me of a mini crane that was used to move the woman from the bed to the portable toilet or wheel chair. Whenever I see a young obese adult, I can’t help but think that mini crane is in their future. Our bodies can be abused for only so long, before they give out.

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Lifts are to protect the workers from back injuries... and sadly many of the PSWs are also fat and prone to back injuries...

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I see little kids under 10 who are, frankly, fat beyond belief and I believe that this obesity problem, besides genetics for some, is do the increasingly sedentary life in vogue. The author of this article is correct that this woman is "selling death" and victimhood.

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Being of Northern European heritage, Irish/English, the genes are tough to fight. I think I can look at food and gain weight. Am I overweight? yeah a little. Been a battle all my life. I will fight the battle though. Years ago I did a couple of rounds of diet pills. Lost 30lbs a month each time. Why does the medical profession push pharmaceuticals for everything so hard but abhor the use of a pill called Fastin? We can get "medical weed" hahaha that makes you eat more but not something that makes you eat less. The irony oh the irony. I stopped taking Statins after dealing with side effect for far to long. Cholestorol levels actually dropped a little and all blood chemistry remains good. Ultrasound and other images shows no buildup of plaque detrimental for a guy of 69! Hmmm

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Oh good grief...

The inmates are truly running the asylum

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Celebrating fatness is just more of a piece with celebrating every other form of rejecting personal responsibility. Affirmative Action celebrating refusal to study. Abortion celebrating refusal to prevent unwanted pregnancy. A Debt Ceiling bill to celebrate refusal to spend responsibly.

It’s Boomers all the way down.

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Yes it is

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The minute Obama hijacked our medical system, and the minute the rest of the anglosphere nationalized healthcare, fat people - suddenly choosing to be unhealthy on our dime - should have been kicked out of gov medical care and disenfranchised. The inherent conflict of interest should be recognized and ameliorated: be as fat as you want, but we’re not paying the bill for your choices.

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Yes fat people are not as very unhealthy, heart disease, diabetes etc

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