The Woke Marxist Agenda to Destabilize Kids' Health
Fat Positivity, Insulin Resistance, and above all, hatred of whitey

If I were a kid today I’d be out scouting the neighborhood for a home school or church to take me in as long and teach me latin and math and give me a reading list as long as I didn’t have to have someone’s jiggly bits pushed in my face or be shown diagrams of sexual positions, and asked ceaselessly about my food intake, my BMI measured (25 states mandate this) and no doubt entirely invasive questions about my family and father and weird uncles and so on. It would be like living in a perpetual inquisition, danger everywhere, with no privacy in any area of one’s life, with every sentence and expression evaluated on whether I am being a good member of the inclusive collective and will step aside so someone less privileged can have a chance.
But I am not nine and therefore spared all that, but God in heaven I feel sorry for them. Schools have stepped up to take the place of the at-home mother who had a relationship with her kids strong enough so that their emotional needs were being met and they didn’t have to stuff food down their throats for a relief from the ceaseless pressure to conform, and severe emotional loneliness from the absence of a family system.
Instead of your mind, the dominant focus seems to be your body, and at the most vulnerable time in your life. I know they think they are raising good little socialist citizens, who are acutely aware of the struggles of the less fortunate, but add in the bullying of Middle School and little wonder 49% of kids are overweight or obese, and the rest stuffing their feelings 24/7. Great for the food pushers, sucks for the medical system.

Virginia Sole-Smith who is the anointed high priestess of Fat Positivity Culture, has been pushing fat is AOK and in fact, possibly superior to thin-ness, which she never fails to excoriate, for the New York Times, Slate and Science and various other high-end publications for 20 years. Her latest book Fat Talk, which sits on the NYTimes bestseller list is about raising fat children, or not fat children, it’s kindof confusing. Ok, to be fat, but not obese, but you can’t put obese kids on a diet because that will make them fatter, and besides everyone is criticizing them and that has to stop.
Every leftie cliché is brought out of the barn and groomed within an inch of its life. White privilege, thin white privileged women, BIPOC exclusion, thin privilege in sport, entertainment, business, and so on, a system systematically prejudiced against fat people.
Basically, however, Sole-Smith is staking her ground and that is that ‘small fat’, which is how she defines herself, is normal and we should adjust our eyes to see pudgy tummies as “something to aim for” – as she states in her last chapter called “How to Have The Fat Talk”. We have to start “reclaiming (sic) fatness as a perfectly good way to have a body.”
She suggests we say, “Isn’t it cool that bodies come in different shapes and sizes?” OR “You look great – is ‘fat’ (sic) something you’re worrying about right now?” (I cannot imagine saying this to anybody)
She cites the well known study with regard to over-weight that the somewhat overweight are more likely to live longer than those of ideal weight, which makes evolutionary sense. She challenges the BMI, and picks apart in some detail the study of weight, the selling of weight loss and the endless exhortation to be healthier and skinnier and more muscled and so on.
She wants us all to relax. I’m down with that. Pretty much everyone I know worries about their weight, restricts their food, especially sugar, and more often than not every meal is accompanied with a series of internal shoulds and should nots. And of course, guilt.
When she told her daughter that she thought her tummy at the age of 40 was “always going to be fat”, her daughter replied:
“Some tummies just get to grow up to be fat”. Sole-Smith tweeted this and it went viral. Especially with fat people who feel they have been bullied into a defensive crouch.
By whom or what? White Supremacy.
Apparently we all see black girls who are fat less likely to read at the right level and black boys who are fat as less able at math. Black girls who develop early are immediately sexualized. The other sexed have equally difficult problems, recent immigrants with different “food stories” - all, every single one of them, are bullied ceaselessly with micro-aggressions from the super culture, oh wait, I am sorry, white supremacy.
Let’s inject a little wisdom into this emotional free for all of guilt, aggression, blame, resentment and frankly, hate. Because Sole-Smith does an excellent line in hate. She pretty much hates anyone who is lucky enough to be within normal weight range because they have “thin privilege”. For example she gets a huge kick out of this poor bek\nighted creature who put her seven year old on a restrictive diet and then boasted about it in Vogue. With pictures. Did she ever get beat up. (One had to roll around laughing for a while here).
Her writing is a grating litany of complaint and accusation of meanness and cruelty. There is virtually no context other than carefully chosen studies to show fat is not a problem. Really. Mostly, it is just studies about how teachers, doctors, employers and anyone in a position of authority commit endless microagressions against the over-weight and restrict their access to power and money and atheletic achievement. And this makes kids even fatter. Diets make kids fatter. Bullying makes kids fatter. This latter, that sports should be revisioned to allow fat ballet dancers or skaters or cyclists was particularly amusing.
So I shall provide context for her and her many many readers.
Around 1970, the provision of food began to change and mightily. Boomers on their European tours - the first where a multitude could afford to travel - brought back cuisine to the New World and the abundance of food skyrocketed. Lower down on the socioeconomic scale fast food joints flooded neighborhoods and cities, and more and more cheap abundant food became available on every corner. Food corps gamed taste, making combinations irresistible to unsophisticated palates. The sugar manufacturers lobbied the FDA to make fat evil and carbs the food of choice. This has all been carefully documented by the New York Times, Harpers, the Atlantic.
When I was growing up as a white supremacist, embedded in a neighborhood of white privilege, before all our communities were broken by forced immigration and vulture capitalism, we all, despite our relative wealth, ate the dullest food you can imagine. Simple, basic, and not a lot of it: fish sticks, hamburgers, a hunk of roast beef or lamb once in a while, canned vegetables, ice cream once a week, no pop, like ever. Mac and cheese. Spaghetti and meatballs. Roast chicken. That’s it. No Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, fusion, Korean, Mexican. Out for dinner once a month. Maybe. Abstemious.
Add to this, the entire culture was Stoic. Suck it up buttercup was pretty much the solution to everything. Life was not fair. Your duty was to make it more fair. That’s was it. That is the entire ethic of white supremacy. You didn’t eat a lot because that was not good for a) you or b)your tribe on whom your survival was based. It meant you were cheating, taking more of scarce common resources. That was not OK. This wasn’t stated or even conscious, but it was hard-wired.
My ever so privileged tribe left the Levant around 30,000 years ago, hived off to the Mongol Steppes, then migrated north to Scandinavia, thence to northern Scotland, and then to Ireland. Pretty much starved all the way. For 30,000 years. Constant famines. Dying by the side of the trail, absorbed into the peat moss. Etc. Like that. Around 500 BC they moved to the Midlands and bred out those who were lactose intolerant. To this day I can live on milk and cheese and meat. Wild greens. Salt. Bread. Their diet.
Then, after 1500 years of breeding and starving in the Midlands, a strike of lightning: the Industrial Revolution leading inevitably to industrial food and abundance. For 300 years afterwards there wasn’t famine for us, but there was pioneering and starving to the point of having to eat squirrel and tree bark, wars and rationing. Then, for the first time, EVER, the massive cohort of boomers got into the job market, started to make money, fall in love, date and party, food got spectacular.
And everyone got fat. Genes taught to horde any excess bloomed into layers and layers of fat around every torso and butt. This is not a moral issue. This is genetic. For every “race” or ethnic grouping.
That’s it. The end. Period. Every one of us has this history embedded in our genetic structure, one way or another. It is a bitch. It means a constant war against your appetite and genetic history which is shrieking EAT EAT! It’s only the left that makes it into a crime. We are hardwired to see fat as dangerous to collective survival, and deep down, we know it’s just not healthy. Near everyone is fat and everyone worries about it.
My white privileged clan developed stoicism as the primary survival tool because it worked. For 30,000 years, it made it possible to survive anything. Today, white culture or rather, the dominant culture filled with people of every race and color still uses stoicism to succeed in every profession or activity. There is no escaping it. Indulge the weakest part of you and you are doomed to failure.
It’s only the left that has made emotional blackmail the determinant survival tool.
Sole-Smith is so popular in the fat positivity space that every single school system will base another raft of policies on her work. Tens of thousands of people will be hired to somehow thread the needle of her dictats, that fat is perfectly good way to have a body, that women of color running to fat is perfectly healthy and normal, and that bigness is not a danger signal but in fact, not only normal but superior because big children have not succumbed to the wiles of whiteness.
And of course the system embraces this stinking thinking.
Look, Madam Sole-Smith. Insulin resistance and obesity are the second most common reason for cancer and heart disease. Your complicated book which indicts “white” culture of “aggressing” people into fatness, teaches children they are the victim of what everyone else thinks. That humans by necessity walk around wittering with fear and guilt of how they think people are thinking. And that’s ok.
It disempowers them, makes them think they are weak, that they can’t decide, be rational, make their own decisions. Above all it ruins their health. If the 45% of children who are now obese or overweight believe this nonsense, they are buying a future of terrible health and a terrible old age.
Tomorrow Peter Attia releases his new book on how not to die horribly. As he pointed out in this interview, obesity is the second cause of cancer
Cancer blooms in late middle age. Smoking is the first cause, obesity/insulin resistance is the second, and it is a major factor in every single other disease. Heat disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimers which is called diabetes 3. For cancer, obesity is a propagation issue, cancer thrives on excess and is super-charged by inflammation. There are twenty cancers for which your risk is a factor of 2X if you are obese. It is why it is a precursor of end stage kidney disease, erectile dysfunction, damage to large and mid-sized blood vessels like the aorta and the carotid arteries. Overweight more often than not leads to insulin resistance which is a chronic issue which over time leads to the damage of most tissues. End stage glycoceration (sic - Attia) means damage all round, it starts the cascade of ischemia or lack of blood flow to small organs.
Sole-Smith is right in that some fat is healthier than none, we were evolved to carry around stored calories in case of famine, but any celebration at all of obesity or even “small fat” is dead wrong. She is 40. When she is 70, carrying around an extra 40 or 50 pounds is going to be a misery for her joints, her heart, her brain.
Losing weight is hell on wheels for everyone. Maybe some whites, with a cultural history of measured abstinence have some small advantage. But the hate for a habit that served well, is wrong-headed in the extreme.
Finally, the book panders to the make-money-thru-victimhood industry. Like every other leftist on the planet, Sole-Smith is selling death.
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Do you remember, back in the "70's? "Fat is a Feminist Issue"? My decidedly slim GF at the time thought I should be paying more attention.
What a trick... criminalize a behavior/situation we all struggle with and blame/guilt trip the super class. Just like climate. I'm waiting for the nincompoops to arrest us for lightning strikes on our property. Madness. But... and there is always a big butt (sorry)... we are on to them. As ever, your writing is surgical. Your understanding is outstanding. You are a gift.