Christina Bobb Knocks it Out of the Park
The 2020 Election was Stolen by a Criminal Gang Embedded at Every Level of Government
One has to admire the brilliant highjacking of the American election process. It was multi-level, using hundreds, if not thousands of tactics, and planned down to the last compromised County Councillor and State Elections Official. Laws were ignored, ridden over, broken, transduced and corrupted into worthless paper.
For every Republican election worker in the field, there are 100 Democrat activists.
Last week Christina Bobb, one time OAN anchor, former Marine and Judge Advocate, now President Trump’s attorney, released her book describing what happened after the 2020 steal. Bobb covered the election on the day, and in the weeks afterwards travelled ceaselessly, reporting on the aftermath. At one juncture she started raising money to fund investigations. She flew politicians to the Arizona audit and followed every court appearance. Her book is an exciting, infuriating, massively valuable account of what happened.
Compounding the confusion, which was the over-arching tactic, is the fact that those being stolen from, the Republican Party, were better at obstructing investigations than even the devil himself, Mark Elias of Perkins Coie. In fact, wherever you see a Perkins Coie lawyer at an audit, and seventy turned up at the Arizona audit, you can be sure that there will be the stench of brimstone. Coie should write a how-to book, he is a genius, a field General who would not be out of place on a real battlefield. And by his side, Republicans busily stealing from themselves.
The corruption began decades ago, but after Trump’s election, which threatened the administrative state, the establishment left and the private companies that feed off the government, it went metastatic.
The template was already set. In every swing state and especially in pivot counties, over the years, a closed circle of corruption has been set up. That circle of elected officials, bureaucrats and private donors, decides who will win, and manipulates votes to make it happen. It is The Machine and it feeds off public money, money that is increased in every election cycle, because that’s the deal. Every private company that provides services to a city or township in a precinct is almost certainly in on it and must be viewed with suspicion.
This of course, was uncovered by Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes, another two heroes, in The Parallel Election, A Blueprint for Deception. Stenstrom and Hoopes were official poll watchers in Delaware, Penn, a pivot county. They were barred from observing the process, as was every Republican. Even a court order to permit them into the counting room was refused. The steal was so well organized that every single election officer and clerk was involved.
The rot reaches into Red States and local elections. Even school board seats are being stolen.
"in our local school board election, we saw people voting who don't live here. We had overwhelming support, and a 'nobody' got elected!"
In Arizona, we have an audio of a largely Republican Board of Election Supervisors meeting fretting that if they didn’t fight the audit with everything they had, their own elections would have been called into question, and it is clear from their panicked tones, that they were already fully compromised.
In Georgia where there was no audit, just a lazy recount, both Republican Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger, stood on shaky ground. Kemp has been credibly accused by the Giant Goddess Stacey Abrams, of preventing 50,000 blacks from voting, those absent votes allowing him to squeak through his last election. If I were Elias I would have sent in some smarmy fellow in a $2500 suit years ago, showing him just how he could win, hurrah, sign on here, these voting machines, this software. Here’s the people you hire.
Plus, if you are caught we have a plan for that too.
Bobb is careful but she makes it clear that Kemp is suspect. Bobb also, usefully, describes the process of each loss in each of the swing states, including New Mexico and Nevada, by those who attempted to challenge the fraud. She details the elision of law, the failure of public servants to hew to any ethical standard. And above all she describes the passivity and fear of the courts. Elected or appointed, every official folded, in Bobb’s phrase, like a cheap lawn chair.
I’ve written about the steal here, here and here. But to recap, I’ve described how the corrupted machines worked, how moving faked ballots without chain of custody into the process worked, and how the scammers harvested ballots using those who had never voted, showing that in some counties more than 100% of eligible voters voted. And much more. All this evidence was ignored by the courts. All this evidence was ignored by officials hired or elected to supervise the election process.
The only state that received anything like an audit was Arizona and that was interrupted, obstructed and cut short. Throughout the count, Republican leaders denied access and flouted court rules, throwing roadblock after roadblock before the volunteers. For their 2022 reelection, each of them, Attorney General, Senator and Governor was primaried and lost. Arizonans knew what happened.
Here are the initial results reported by Senator Karen Fann, President of the Arizona Senate.
“The records, including the ballots, the county turned over to us are a mess and we can’t be confident that at least some of them have not been tampered with.
“The auditors had completed their initial inventory and found that the records were sloppily maintained. The precincts were out of order and mixed together. Chain-of-custody documents were incomplete and, in some cases, missing all together. Evidence seals on the ballot boxes had been cut with no record of who accessed the ballots. Lastly … machine databases had been intentionally deleted, and the Senate wanted to know why.
Every single fact listed above contravenes the law and throws the election into question.
“The county remained non-compliant with a lawful legislative subpoena. The subpoena demanded production of the routers, administrative passwords, and splunk logs associated with the machines used for the November 3, 2020 election. Splunk logs are “a software mainly used for searching, monitoring, and examining machine-generated Big Data through a web-style interface. Splunk performs capturing, indexing, and correlating the real-time data in a searchable container from which it can produce graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards, and visualizations.” These logs would have given the auditors the real-time information of what was happening with each machine as it happened.”
The logs never turned up.
“But the administrative passwords to the voting machines were the real kicker. The county claimed they never had the administrative passwords to the voting machines! Only Dominion, the private company contracted to run the machines for the election, had access to the administrative portion of the machines, according to the county. Maricopa County turned over the administration of their elections to a private company, and didn’t maintain the ability to check their work.”
This is flagrantly illegal.
“The margin between Joe Biden and Donald Trump had been just 10,457 votes. Yet, the hearing showed that 74,243 mail-in ballots had been received by the county without any record of them ever having been mailed out. The county later claimed these were in-person early voters, which is why there was no record of the ballots having been mailed. 168,000 ballots were printed on non-secure paper that did not meet the county’s requirements. The auditors believed these were ballots printed at polling locations by the county, which would mean the county failed to comply with Arizona standards. 11,362 people were not on the November 7, 2020, voter rolls, but appeared on the December 4, 2020, voter rolls and were marked as having voted in the November 3, 2020, election. Almost 18,000 voters who voted in the election show as removed from the voter rolls soon after the election.”
Every single fact above contravened the law and meant that the election was not secure and therefore not certifiable.
In each swing state, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona, evidence was brought forward showing the election was stolen by many multiples of the ten or twenty thousand vote differential between Biden and Trump. Anyone who reads this book, cannot question those results. Bobb’s book is short and to the point, an easy read if you care about your children’s future. Half of the text is sourcing, and it is meticulous and again, overwhelming in the preponderance of evidence.
We sit at a hinge in history. We are facing nuclear conflict. The people in power are not only illegitimate and criminal, they are incompetent. They have forced an experimental gene shot on five billion people worldwide. Excess deaths and disabilities are still climbing. They have barred access to commonly held resources, choked energy supply and prices are unnecessarily skyrocketing, hurting the least privileged. They are deforming children and ruining their minds. They have caused or allowed the destruction of more than 100 food processing plants and are aggressively challenging nuclear powers abroad. They have stolen trillions of dollars and plan the heist of trillions more, through the faux climate crisis and the $130 Trillion Green New Deal.
And, now they are facing the Great Awakening, an educated, organized populace which grows by the day, sharply aware of each of their crimes and determined to stop them.
It’s us or them.

Nest week, I’ll show how Americans are fighting for 2024 election integrity. If you have been here a while, maybe think of an annual subscription? I’m the cheapest on Substack, and am probably one of the most experienced journalists here. I’ve written for nearly every reputable publisher in the US, UK and Canada. I was trained at Time Inc.. From here on in, I will do a weekly deep dive on current US issues, and every other week will publish an additional shorter piece on Canuckistan, republished from Michael Walsh’s I am Canadian, but have substantial American heritage, married an American, lived most of my adult life out of the country. Frankly I am so disgusted by Canada, Michael Walsh is virtually the only person who could persuade me to contemplate the disastrous wreck the Liberal party and the left have made of a country that once showed world-beating promise.
There's only one recourse for stopping the election fraud, and that's the Supreme Court.
Can someone get America-First Legal to file a suit challenging all the ’emergency’ ballot-mongering, on grounds that it violates the Constitutional Election Day and the principle of ‘One man, one vote’?
I think such a suit would get a welcome reception from the five more-or-less conservative Justices. But it has to be done right away!
Same-day paper voting; no mail-in ballotting.
Can freeloaders comment? if so.. I agree fully with you on this.
However, it is one thing to point out the problems, something else entirely to offer solutions that don't involve rope. After Obama stole the 2012 election I wrote the stuff that's now on my site describing the nature and source of the leftist fallacy and tried to get it published. Exactly nobody was interested then or now. Similarly, after the 2020 debacle I published "how to save the republic" on a teaparty site (see ) but drew zero interest.
Bottom line: it is possible to understand the enemy, it is possible to fix elections (see, and it is possible to chase Biden et al out of office without violence - but it does not look like anything will happen until it's either too late (WW3?) or we get a blood bath in the streets.