I might have this inscribed on my office wall, it's classic, timeless.

"Never missed a meal, anxiety curbed by privilege so entrenched they can’t even imagine. Thin, carefully enhanced thirty year old women, the cynicism of a bored aristocrat bleeding from their voices, that vocal fry drawling, knowing it all, having seen it all, never having left their Ivy colleges, their leafy suburbs, never going without anything, much less a desperately needed holiday, rent money, food, dentistry for their kids. My fingers itch to slap them."

PS: sorry to not subscribe, no-money pensioner here. Will buy you a coffee...

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I agree! - that was very good. ... but? - have they really reached the "humiliation" point yet? I am not sure. I did see a vid with Steve A Smith - ESPN sports+ commentator where he genuinely came off as furious to discover how much he had been taken in and lied to by "the Democrats" - Van Jones (CNN) is harder to read - has said similar things recently but he may have only judged that quickly switching sides is strategic.

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When all is said and done, they still voted for Kamala and in 2028 they'll vote blue, no matter who, again. All sound and fury, meaning absolutely nothing.

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Since when is such despair a wining strategy JB808? Despair is the surest way to guarantee losing.

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Despair? I'm not despairing, merely stating a fact. We won and we will continue to win, as long as democrats stick to THEIR absurd strategy of recognizing what they're doing wrong, yet doing it anyway. Doing that will guarantee their losing, don't you think?

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The very meaning of “yellow dog Democrats “—there’s a reason that description has been around for so long. They would vote for a yellow dog if it was nominated as a Democrat.

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I recently watched a podcast of Van Jones, with Chris Cizzilia(?) and he seemed actually humbled by Trump slapping down the "fundamental transformation" for a season. I watched this, remembering that he once worked for Obama and is probably as slick, or slicker than he is.

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If you've been seeing Van Jones long enough he's quite easy to read. He's as transparent as glass and has been switching sides all along to try and cover his ugly ass.

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I remember when Van was a commie.

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He probably still is.

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His crying on demand is so uncalled for, get a grip, dude. 😭

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I don't think they have. Their protection and entitlement is a 3 foot thick wall they won't know is gone until they wake up impacted by change that, for once, is noticeably adverse to them.

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We are overdue for a poltical earthquake.

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Foreshocks have happened in Canada, France, Germany,and UK. and come to think of it, here with the humiliating defeat of the Biden-Harris puppets of the Deep State cabal.

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Those 2 individuals, along with the Galloways of the world, are the smart being discussed. They have NO WAY to understand or even observe the ACTUAL world...and yet are the type whose very existence IS the Chattering Class. Its absurd. And particularly gross.

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Best line in whole article!!! I picked up on that one too!!

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"...clearly IQ has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with wisdom..."

Or competence. Go to 100% electric vehicles in the US without increasing generating capacity? Or in Canada without addressing cold-weather performance of EV batteries? Who let these folks outdoors without adult minders?

You're 100% correct, Elizabeth, "the center will not hold." The good thing is that we can do just fine without that center, and we're rising up to take it all back and clean up the mess that they've left.

And remember, don't feed the trolls, and by all means continue to watch your 6 o'clock!

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There is, always has been, a massive gap between intelligence and common-sense capabilities.

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Yup...the richest acquaintance of mine works hard & thinks even harder, a multi-millionaire farmer. Oh, btw....he had to repeat Grade 9. IQ is as much a curse as a blessing, at least, that's my excuse.

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BUT ELECTRIC VEHICLES WERE NEVER MEANT TO WORK!! China and its agents, its useful idiots, sold us the CO2 scare to fail, to crash and to bankrupt our energy supplies, burning trillions on TULIPS so we cannot fight an industrial war. It's the biggest hoax of our lifetimes. THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS.

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Michael Crichton shone the light on the scam 30 years ago

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For the benefit of those Substack patrons who may not be aware of this interesting tale –

Twenty-one years ago, the Commonwealth Club of California invited the acclaimed scientist-novelist, Michael Crichton (1942-2008), to deliver a speech as part of the Club’s centennial series of lectures. It was left to Crichton to choose the topic, but the subject he chose ended up causing quite a disturbance. His topic was on what he considered to be the most important issue facing mankind - the pitfalls of embracing environmentalism as a religious belief system and that distinguishing fantasy from reality was our most important challenge.

Crichton (himself an agnostic) argued how environmentalism had been remapped into a twenty-first century template of the ancient Judaeo-Christian beliefs of Original Sin, atonement for guilt, and the quest for salvation by returning to the Garden of Eden paradise. He declared that environmentalism had become “the religion of choice for urban atheists”. He then went on to advocate for an apolitical environmental movement based in objective science. The audience reaction at the Commonwealth Club that night was not good. It was as if Crichton had defecated on the high altar of the church of environmentalism. He was never invited back again.

For anyone who has not heard of Crichton’s controversial speech and wishes to read the transcript, it can be found here:


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Didn't about the speech. I did read his AGW novel.

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Unfortunately, he was wrong about the FDA basing decisions on Science. Another captured agency, as we all know. And, I don't believe his comments about DDT. Rachel Carson was right.

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And he had an untimely death.

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Lapun, that's really interesting.

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in which of his books?

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I believe it was called "A Case of Fear", it was great and highly footnoted.

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"State of Fear", published 2004. Great novel.

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The author's note explains how it started... plane trip with famous people yammering about global warming. Being a scientist, Crichton asked for the underlying data. Nobody has any. The longer that went on without data, the more he became convinced it was a sham. He investigated, learned the use of fear game, and wrote "State of Fear."

Most entertaining red pill I've taken, and one of my first.

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Mrs Bucket, you have absolutely nailed it! So many of the absurdities that now afflict the West - and the U.S. in particular - can be explained by the fact that all roads lead to Beijing. The two millennia of Imperial China’s manipulation and subjugation of its neighbours left the people who now run the Middle Kingdom in a far smarter state than the useful idiots who think they are in charge in Western countries. To redress China’s Century of Humiliation, the objective of the CCP has always been to destabilise and then collapse China’s Western adversaries by inducing in them states of internal social and political chaos - and in that they have mightily succeeded. The amazing thing is that so few American so-called ‘leaders’ cannot see that. The CIA was created after WW2 to defend the American hegemony, but whatever the CIA is, it is certainly not ‘intelligent’. The problem might lie in the institutions of ‘learning’ from which the U.S. ruling classes recruit their talent.

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I'd say the WEF sold the climate chaos to the world, and China took advantage of it because they're... opportunistic.

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It's the other way around, the WEF is a tool of the UN and China, always has been. No one at the WEF has an IQ above tinsel, they are being played.

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Oh boo hoo, our poor widdle elite got tricked by big bad china

Give me a fucking break. China just sells the elite what they want based on their own insane delusions. China is a secondary (but still important) issue. We have people divorced from reality ruling over us presently.

All of these crazy ideas come from within our own nations. Even it China is (intelligently) twisting the knife.

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To be more precise - all those crazy ideas come from within our own universities. The people who run the PRC then just use the massive financial resources of China to lubricate the chaos that then flows from academia.

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I've come to think that all "government jobs" are just employment schemes for the sub-100 IQ crowd who can't make it in the real world. Same with the local road crews. Had a random conversation with someone who had a relative in concrete. They told the city/state that they could make the roads last more than three years. The city/ state passed.

It's all about keeping stupid people employed.

Note: not saying all people who work in government are stupid and incompetent, but many seem to be that way.

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Wisdom is the knowledge one learns from the “School of Hard Knocks” such as “street smarts”, or the “smarts” of native cultures to survive in harmony with Nature. An IQ test was invented by “elite” psychopaths to identify prospective candidates whom they wish to entice into their fold. Would you rather have the practical wisdom of how to plant a garden or the “high IQ” of a mathematician who spends his time writing formula to prove how many atoms dance on the head of a pin?

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Can't recall the philosopher responsible but...."the best knowledge comes thro' experience, but all wisdom comes from suffering." I guess you have to hurt before you smarten up.

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I agree; it's suffering that plays a major role in the development of wisdom. No pain, no gain.

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In part, wisdom comes from suffering and remains prominent in ones life longer in proportion to the level of suffering.

School yard version: no pain, no gain.

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Will Rogers

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The whole electric car thing was not stupidity. They are not stupid. They don’t want us going anywhere, or even having a car. Notice how expensive they are? They want us in their open air prisons. 15 minute cities. What better way to achieve that then take away the ice engine. It was actually pretty smart.

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"...clearly IQ has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with wisdom..." neither does education...

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I could give a 45 minute off the cuff lecture about how ridiculous the notion is that we will all be driving electric cars by 2035. There are the obvious things, but then there are things like our parkades aren’t designed for vehicles that are all 30% heavier at least. Watch a video of a lithium battery failing. It shoots out gas in incredible volumes until it hits a spark and explodes - then burns like a torch at 2,000 degrees. The heat destroys the integrity of concrete. Not insurable. Or fast charging - if you reduce charging time from 2 hours to 5 minutes then you need to get 240 times more power to each charging device. The power infrastructure doesn’t exist for that and would be crazy expensive - even if there enough power available - which there isn’t. Forget rare earth metals and cobalt - there isn’t enough copper to wire all those electric motors. I could go on - but you get the point.

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It has taken me decades to see clearly what I saw clearly as a boy. The injustice I saw in the world as a child led me to write to North Vietnam and China trying to see if their world was better. (I was only 13 and 14). My pains brought an investigation by the RCMP of my family, my father, my father's job...I remember the intimidation of the RCMP, their implied threats, at the front door of the house (I was terrified, and my brothers and mother shocked and worried (they had no idea of what I had been up to)...and yet my father (who had been tortured by the Gestapo in WWII, and knew what REAL bullies can do) knew the RCMP were all-Canadians wet noodles, who are what you need in peace-time. My father stood there and LAUGHED at the RCMP's threats. When he was shown the letters I had written, he shocked them by saying I should write more, and then asked them what right they had to open letters of Her Majesty's mail? But it is worse now, as Elizabeth Nickson points out. The softness and kindness of Canada is gone now - my parents never locked their door in Ottawa in those days - and my father, were he alive, would know that laughing at the RCMP is no longer the correct response. As Elizabeth Nickson notes, the cabal behind the Victoria Nulands of this world, start wars, encourage wars and seem to enjoy destroying countries, lives, families and cultures of different peoples that are of no threat to them.

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Yes, the RCMP members of today don't have God the way people generally did in the past. I was brought up Catholic (69 years old), but my father took us out of the church when I was 13 over the birth control issue & other issues he saw with religion.

It wasn't until this grotesque psy-op of the last four years that I realized how much of the religious teaching me & others of my generation had absorbed. This generation doesn't have it. They are morally bankrupt, for the most part.

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Ironist, that's a great post. Bottom line, what we're staring in the face is COMMUNISM. It's back, big time.

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IMO it is Fascism…

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Perhaps Andreesen did suffer from a sort of amnesia by losing connection with the attitudes and culture of his upbringing…but I really don’t think so. He became the type of person he needed to become to succeed in the tech environment. Any remaining farm-boy-Wisconsin-ism was shoved aside. You may come from a blue collar family but if you go to work in an office where suits are required, you wear one.

What’s gross is the “we didn’t see this coming” dishonesty. They all saw it coming. It’s Andreesen’s way of straddling his buddies while moving ahead in the current situation. It’s akin to the multitude of essays on Substack attempting to school the democrats on why they lost. Their leadership knew exactly what it was doing when pushing ideas that most Americans hate, but they thought they had the money and the power of the media to get what they wanted despite it.

Excellent essay.

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I think that Andreesen was being honest when he said he did not see it coming.

A back story: I have RINO friend who took the C0VID vaxx. Smart guy, has done well in life. Retired. When it came out that the vaxx would not prevent transmission or infection, I talked to him about it. He said with all certainty that they never said it would stop infection or transmission, just keep you from dying in the hospital. I told him I could send him videos of various people claiming that it kept you from getting sick.

There was a very long pause. He finally said, "I believe you, but I don't remember them saying that."

Their minds protect them from information that is contrary to what they want to believe.

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I’ve had the same conversations with people who somehow don’t remember that people sent out invitations to weddings with the notation that only the vaxxed could attend. They wouldn’t have done that if it were a hospitalization concern.

I don’t know Andreesen and you may be right. It’s possible he’s being totally honest. I just have a hard time believing people that intelligent above a certain age and in his leadership position didn’t get it. People grinding out the 9 to 5 often miss things because there isn’t enough time in the day. But I’ll give Andreesen credit for at least saying what others are clearly thinking.

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I don't think it has anything to do with being intelligent or his age or leadership abilities. I think it's more about non-conformity and questioning the narrative. Some people realize that if they go along with things, life will be smoother for them. Even if it is morally wrong, or even questionable to do so.

Andreesen is a smart guy from a business standpoint. Does that mean he's smart in other aspects? IDK. Elon Musk is a good example. He had kids with Grimes. She's crazy. Yet he's apparently smart and successful.

Another anecdote: many blacks, especially in America, are wary of the government and did NOT get vaxxed. They also use cash. They're wary, and wary might be a better attribute than trusting and intelligent.

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meryl nass did a classic piece on the cogdis https://merylnass.substack.com/p/ghoulishly-clever-psyop-pits-our

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Selective memory.

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Spot on!

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They won’t go easy. Like the brain trust that flew into bitter rage that Musk called them out on regarding the Continuing Resolution. Elizabeth Warren lied her way into two (2) Ivy League schools and lied her way to a lucrative public sector forever job! Starting out with little and currently in a decade in congress has amassed a small fortune of some $60 millions and counting. Her senior counterpart Senator Ed “to a battle of wits he comes unarmed” Markey has quietly amassed his own fortune, and doesn’t even live in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, prior to politics he drove an ice cream truck well earning the moniker of “Mr. Frosty!” Here in New Hampshire we have elected Jake Sullivan wife to congress, she is the absolute definition of “carpet bagger.” Our senator’s are pair of brain dead old hags who ran the state into the ground and want the “live free or die” motto removed from our license plates. “It scares the children.” These two imbeciles would get children killed at a school crossing. But sooner or later it will come to going forward or staying stuck in neutral. It’s the X,Y and Z turn now. As a totally disgusted baby boomer and one of the 1% who heard my country calling and joined the Marine Corps when all around me were running the other way, I say good luck, fair winds and following seas to the next generations. You truly cannot do worse. Our generation can’t be swallowed by the python of dementia and jab related deaths quickly enough. Earths future remains in the balance. Go kids go!

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The X, Y & Z generations have been injected with a poison that ensures their lifelong disability & early death. Many of them would have been future leaders. The world is hobbled.

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There is hope for Gen Z (13 - mid 20’s I think. ) I had an opportunity to see & hear Sean McDowell ( a Christian Apologist & professor at Biola U. In CA) recently. Check out his podcasts & website.

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Great post! Thank you for your service.

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As a fellow veteran (USARMY), thank you for your service. And I am heartily tired of crony capitalism myself. It is a fact that most Congress critters are there to enrich themselves - far above any service they do to the nation.

The wealthy, in general, are behaving badly. Openly condescending and contemptuous of their less well off fellow citizens. This is not acceptable and the issue is beyond political party now. I truly believe the soul of our country is at stake.



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We few, we happy few!

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Brings to mind one of my favorite David Mamet quotes: "In order to continue their illogical arguments, modern liberals must pretend not to know things."

Thank you for this.

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I know someone who managed some of the C0VID trials for Pfi$er. She still believes that the reactions to the vaxx are "rare and mild" and if someone did die, well, it's because they should not have been given it in the first place because of some pre-existing condition. Also, if they didn't vaxx, they would be dead from C0VID, because it's fatal.

*this is from someone who had C0VID early, got a Moderna vaxx and keeps getting sick now*

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it's called cognitive dissonance. I have a rich sister and stanford graduated bro-in-law that have it in spades... no, they are NOT able to see it yet - they voted for Harris of course. Their status and money depend on them continuing to be blind to it!

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Bryce...you may have just got crossed off your sis' Christmas card list....or maybe that's already happened. They will see it some day, but it will be tearful.

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not yet, they're actually good people - for libs. They footed the bill for a huge fam thanksgiving 3 day bear lake trip, paid for all the cabins for 60 people, and most of us disagree with their politics! And they know it, so there's hope...

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Dec 21Edited

My fav Mamet quote: “Inspiration is the momentary feeling of stupidity.” I don’t think the left will ever experience a moment of inspiration, they take such pride in being smarter than everyone else.

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When in fact they are all STUPID

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Wow. Put it all on the table. Great rant . I mean than with the most respect

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Ditto to Mark’s compliments- this is an amazing honest rant and I want to memorize it to quote you when in the company of the 70% (of which I am proud to be a member of).

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Reading this mesmerizing piece, I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or hit my head, so I will just applaud and let it soak in.

The analogy of the evil Ukraine war gals is nearly rapturous.

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"The analogy of the evil Ukraine war gals is nearly rapturous."

a very hearty YES!

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They’re going to get poked a lot in HELL.

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In places they will not enjoy.

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Reading Elizabeth Nickson's work is like putting on those special glasses that enable colorblind people to see colors. It's jolting and beautiful.

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I tried in vain to come up with an apt description of how I felt reading Ms Nickson’s piece…you’ve come the closest (so far)…thank you!

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This we felt like a FAFO moment for the whole of govt. Because of real journalists( like you and so many others and even just regular people) the power of the Internet decimated the MSM.

We all could see what was hidden before! Real time evaluation of what was in the CR revealed to the public in that 1500+page vehicle shared the millions of times and laid bare for the voter to see!. Then Elon sharing not just"his" thoughts but the thoughts and voices of millions that voted for just this kind of change! ( He just had the money access and reach we don't and boy did the politicians on both sides HATE THAT!!)

Don't get me wrong, they still raped us, but it was more of a Bill Cosby rape than a serial killer rape we've become accustomed to.

They are losing their grip on the power that comes from controlling the narrative and they know it. ( Why else budget billions of our money into censoring us?) The"threat" of primarying them scares them to death ( we've turned their own weapons against them!!) They SHOULD be scared. We the People have rediscovered our power with the help of the Internet and journalists like you.

We can see you now ( politicians)and the dirty deals you make and what you really stand for, the curtain has been pulled back. Most importantly we will KNOW if you thwart our President's agenda....OUR agenda... and you will be out of your job before you know it.

For far too long We the People have tolerated you believing you rule us. YOU are there to do

OUR bidding, not your own.

The power of the independent journalist cannot be denied any longer. It will be the death of the old way of doing business and the path back to what they founders imagined this country to be. Freedom of speech is the first amendment for a reason.

Thank you for your good works and the thousands like you. And for your audiences that read and think and are speaking up. All of us together may just be able to right this ship. 🙏❤️

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"It’s the ignorance that annoys me most. It appears that not one member of the Atlantic staff or in fact, any left-of-centre-public intellectual preening on Youtube, MSNBC, any of the Alphabets, the New York Times, the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal, NPR, knows anything about the hundreds of thousands of missing migrant children. They know nothing about the 100,000,000 Americans walking around with incipient vaccine-caused myocarditis, they know nothing about the Pfizer trials that were kept secret, especially the miscarriage and infertility data. They know nothing about election theft which is wholesale hand-over-fist looting of the public interest. They know nothing about migrant crime where in Auburn, Colorado this week police found an American couple in their 60’s, bound and gagged in their apartment by Venezuelan gangs. They know nothing about green energy causing elderly women not able to pay to heat their homes in the winter - the incidence of which is tearing up the British public at the moment. They know nothing about the outright persecution of rural workers who feed them, they know nothing about the wholesale confiscation of property rights in America to the point where government owns 40% of all land and tightly controls the rest, taking orders from the Ivy-League staffed NGO’s funded by the clever rich to destroy rural activity because “climate change” and “Sixth Great Extinction”, two more bonkers madnesses it would be hard to find.

This is the stupidest intelligentsia since the Regency. Which prefaced the loss of America, and let’s call that the dumbest economic decision made in the last 2,000 years."

To say that this essay, these musings are brilliant would not be enough. they are fffffffffffffffffffffiiiiiiiing beyond brilliant and spot on. Never has words been so actually wonderfully put together to see what has happened to this ffffffffffffed up society and societies. .

I know you are a lady; I know you are female; but wtf you have more testosterone , more cojones, way more cojones that 95% of the humans' out there. Gigantic cojones.

Sensational; I am breathless with admiration. Love , love , love this.

Keep on, keeping on.


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Absolutely spot-on!

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You go gir,l you go!!! You are SO right! No one amongst my middle class "intelligent" friends has any idea of what is happening. They are blind and if I try to explain (at my book club supper :) just simple things like "RFK Jr is not a threat to our health, he's the reverse" (I know you don't like his environmental policies but he's good on vaccines) they think I'm mad and semi shun me or pity me or laugh at me and say they've just had their flu jabs.... it's so hard that I have sort of given up .. and they all think Trump is a lunatic, so well has the MSM spun the propaganda. Still, my sister in law recently agreed with me that the UK Labour Government is trying to destroy farmers and small businesses through Inheritance tax changes, so there is hope that I may open her eyes fully one day.... btw she reported that King Charles' Private secretary (with whom my brother Sir Ian Cheshire works) (my bro is a wonderful brilliant man but totally asleep as far as the psyop is concerned) said Charles and he were very upset with the BBC's reporting of Charlie's viait to Australia, as the crowds thronged en masse to welcome him but the BBC ONLY showed the few people protesting against his visit! So the Kings private secretary complained to the BBC. Fat lot of good that will do him, but it tells you King Charles IS A USEFUL WEF IDIOT (he is sincere in his beliefs and Im sure would NOT vote for global depopulation... but he will do his own bit for it unknowingly by probably dying soon from cancer I think because he took the jabs, which again shows he was duped by the environmental/COVID propaganda as much as the rest of us.... I hope he doesnt die but it doeant look good... anyway Elizabeth, you are on fire! Keep up the good work! With love, Caroline x

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We have lost an adult nephew to the vaxx, and the nephew's father was vaxx injured (as determined by his doctor) and died of cancer about a year and a half after that.

My husband told this to a co-worker who is retired and his wife. Co-worker is a chemist. He passionately declared that it is not possible, you can't die after a vaxx. And... they have both had seven shots, and they're fine. They. Are. FINE.

Many won't see. I have found that those who are generally non-conformist are the ones who have resisted at the start or have learned and are trying to repair their health.

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Charles would DEFINITELY vote for depopulation.

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Yes he might (like many people) agree we need to reduce world population but only by voluntary methods and naturally. I really do not think he believes in culling the population and certainly not in culling himself with cancer..

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I completely disagree. I have sat around dinner parties in a suburb of Victoria BC where people openly said humanity’s only choice is to cull the population. They looked grim (and incredibly stupid) saying it. As if a bunch of 70 year useless eaters would not be the first to be culled. I, of course, being the guy who in a crowded elevator when asked why I wasn’t masked said, and I have no idea where this came from, ‘I have leprosy. I am a leper. Its not bad. I’ve lost a few toes. But other than a few spots on my hands my fingers are still good. I got it in India but if I stay cold it tends to go dormant’. It was July. I said ‘when you say culled, you mean killed right? We should kill people?’ Everyone nodded grimly. I said ‘wouldn’t we be first? I mean if any people are useless eaters it has to be us, right?’ They were shocked. The world ‘needs our Intelligence’ they said. I argued in a post apocalyptic world we would be the first to be offed. We are useless. This shocked everyone. They actually thought Anthropology profs would be needed in a societal collapse. And not plumbers. To finish the elevator story, I then stretched my hands out to everyone in the elevator, with a goofy grin on my face, showing them my age spots/leprosy spots as everyone shrank into the walls.

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😆😆😆 "when you say culled, you mean killed right?" You are hilarious! God, I wish I could've been on that elevator.

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William...you are my kinda guy. Gonna remember the leprosy ruse for when I need it next time.

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I know someone who is also for depop. She is retired, and what one would probably call lower middle class. However, she plans on living as long as she can; other people can be sacrificed.


You can't reason with these people. There's something wrong with them.

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Depop away, as long as it doesn't interfere with me. I'm loving the senses of humor present here. I didn't expect to be laughing out loud on this thread, but here I am. "There's something wrong with them." 😆

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They're all, "Rules for thee, but not for me," people. They are the reason the world sucks.

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Nothing like Boomer logic. They don't know how loathed they are.

We can talk about class but generational theft is part of the problem as well. Those "spending our kid's inheritance" types will be the first to go in one way or another.

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I am not sure what your comment means. ‘Generational theft’ and ‘spending our kids’ inheritance’?

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Here is a weird thought…we are both individuals and also universal. Our minds work collectively and also individually. I could point out 100 examples proving this. Or at least pointing to it quite strongly. A significant portion of people are voluntarily ‘offing’ their genes from the gene pool. We will within 20 years have another baby boom, maybe less than 20 years too. Humanity will come back stronger than ever. But….stronger from a nature point of view might not be better, from a book smart POV. A significant portion of the world’s enlightened moderns are voluntarily removing themselves from the gene pool. Many of them are obviously weak and of poor genetic stock. How they degenerated so rapidly is a puzzle to me. The strong and vibrant and perhaps less effete will dominate. Interesting times.

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If they come back as common sense smarter, I'm all for it. If it's more of what people are raising now, the human race needs to go.

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Voluntary methods? Like assisted suicide?

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choosing to have less children.. I dont agree with any of this crap its all a psyop but lots of people like Charles have drunk the koolaid - the ostensible purpose hides the actual purpose always...

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Choosing to have less children means that your children will probably not have more and likely none. This leads to destruction of all societies. This will be because YOU modeled minimal children.

"Climate change" is a hoax. Within a year more and more people are going to discover that "Science" has been weaponized against them for the purpose of reducing population.

They will discover that these lies created the policies eveeryone is currently suffering under for the lust in the hearts of the "Leaders." They lust your food, your lands, your rights, your peace.

China is currently setting itself up to take over the lands of many nations utilizing the Belt and Road Project. They will bankrupt these nations and send their own population to live there. They believe that they are the Superior Race and are entitled to populate and rule the planet. Very "Hitlerian" of them.

Reconsider your position and understand that only the SUN controls our climate and it is getting ready to move into a Solar Minimum phase which will be extened for decades- causing extremes in weather systems which the Liars are currentlycalling climate change.

BTW, these Liars know about the Grand Solar Minimum being inbound.

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I agree with you. Im not modelling children minimalism. I have 3 boys (Im 62) and I would have had more if I could. I was just saying that I expect Charles thinks we should limit our childbearing etc etc. I agree with EVERYTHING you said except your description of me. Maybe I need to write more clearly! I would like lots of grandchildren.

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I'm looking forward to the Grand Solar Minimum. I can't wait for people to be complaining about the cold weather. I'll laugh and point and scream, "It's climate change!"

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"... policies everyone is currently suffering under for the lust in the hearts of the "Leader". They lust your food, your lands, your rights, your peace". Don't forget 'your money and your children.' I just finished watching on YT The Khazarian Mafia God Eaters Part 3. Especially after reading Elizabeth's post and comments I cannot suggest it any more highly. You all need to watch it. For me it answers all of the above.

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Environment is very different from climate change. He’s been in the forefront of environmental change with clean rivers, air, keeping lead out of children’s food water and air, toxic materials for decades. I believe he started the River Keepers program. We shouldn’t confuse the two, Caroline.

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Above, I shared an anecdote about my husbands retired co-worker. He is VERY liberal, and all in on climate change. He has also said many times that people should not be allowed to vote and the masses need to be told what to do.

Climate change is just a front for communism, which many liberals want, as long as THEY are in charge and are the ones telling people what to do.

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OMG. I was a liberal democrat for a long time. I got out, looked inside and —yes, they are communists, Marxist, whatever you call them and dangerous as hell.

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Calm down.

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How when these comments are just exasperating??? The man is an utter POS phony.

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I agree. Im with Elizabeth on the right approach to environmentalism

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Ive always been a fan of Charles (Elizabeth thinks hes evil - I dont) but who knows.. the world has gone maf

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I am with Lizzie. Charles is the worst type too. Stupid, evil, and wealthy.

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Spot on...he's a WEF lizard, a sanctimonious, condescending parasite.

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ps apologies for the typos

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Terrific essay. Thank you very much. I'm especially grateful that it was written by a woman. No man would get away with calling out the "educated", left-wing, cluster-B, "intelligencia" nut jobs.

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You go, girl!

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We love Elizabeth and JHK!

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Your posts are so brilliant and they reflect the thinking of rational, sane people all over the world. Thank you.

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Happy Christmas to you lady. Enjoy some rest and re-fuelling Elizabeth. Respect and gratitude for your work. Love from Bowen Island. You help keep me sane! (although some would challenge that).

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I was moved to become a paid subscriber after listening to a podcast you did with James Howard Kunstler. In this piece I think you have nailed it, hard. I barely recognize the US that I've lived in for 77 years. I hope that the incoming administration can cure some of the many ills laid on us by Obama's third term.

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