There are two models to account for this, one from Orwell, the other from Huxley. If you believe the common people are saintly, then the demon is a centralized cabal - that's Orwell. If on the other hand, you proceed from the common people being lazy and disinterested in politics, they create their own demise - or Huxley's perspective. The tech world has never forced a single thing on us, we have taken the bait we were offered for the sake of our convenience. Only after swallowing did we notice the hook.

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The tech world has created a net, the internet, and it’s succeeding in catching us all in it.

The thing is, they’re not getting our informed consent. We’re being tricked and corralled into it. So it’s not with our informed consent.

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The internet is what is saving us. No internet and Queen Hillary would be finishing her second term right now. No internet, no social media and we are done. I am a conservative and I live in the same region Elizabeth lives. I thought I was alone. The only rational person left in the world!! Maybe that is a slight exaggeration. But not too far off. Now we are a force. We know each other. We share information. I love the new Journalism. An idea is thrown out, someone else has seen it 1000 miles away. Then someone else has too. Someone posts a theory about it. Someone else has one or two facts that add to the theory. In a month collective wisdom has inched close to the truth. And the MSM has been left far behind. The Internet is their giant mistake. They thought they could control it like they do the MSM. None counted on the strength of committed individuals standing up and sharing their own Intelligences.

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I'm not sure what I'd do without Substack. So much of the resistance to how the world is being plowed under is clustered here, & fighting. Now even if it was deep-sixed a new version of it, more dispersed, engaged, fiercer, more committed, & more 'aware', would take its place. So I sing its praises. It's keeping me sane. Plus, like Mystic William, I thought I was alone & discovered how many silent allies 'we' now have. That's not going away. This fight's not going away. Before I was discouraged so many bought the pandemic lie, & even now while accepting harm was done, don't believe the extent of it is what it is. But now I realize a vocal committed minority is better, it's a hard core of knowledge that is spreading out, planting seeds of resistance & faith that's sprouting & connecting in unforeseen ways.

It's natural to ask: how can this slow silent acquisition & plowing under of resource sectors & farmlands be truly reversed, when so much has been deployed to the hideous agenda? But it IS being reversed b/c its advance has largely stopped, & enough people now know so a myriad means of interference will continue &:escalate. Or how can our efforts roll back the control that uber-rich families have patiently built? Well, that control is provisional, & it does depend on our passive acquiescence, which is unlikely now to ever return. The resistance is happening on a plethora of fronts, & it's patently unpredictable.

And Substack is also connecting me with writers & artists, be they journeymen or apprentices, that are awakening another side of this, a side that's busy imagining & soon will be storytelling this emerging world into our consciousness. It's always a great time to be alive, of course, but it feels even truer now.

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LOVE your comment Mystic William!

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Thank you.

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I see the internet as a bunch of rooms. "They" direct us into smaller and smaller rooms. So, while it appears there are these conversations that go against "the agenda" the people who see the glitches are corralled into a small room, cordoned off where they can't make trouble. And "they" likely use what we say to refine their plans more effectively. It is surreal, imo. Of course there are trolls added in, possibly subtle ones, to further dampen any rebellion. I'm pretty sure I was herded here, along with others. And to a few other stacks that I read frequently or occasionally.

That said, here I am, reading this substack. When all my neighbors give me the stink eye when I express these opinions, where am I to go for conversation?

Well, Elizabeth is right about the hairdressers. I have yet to find a single one who was pro-vax, for instance. I don't know anyone in any of the other occupations very well. Sadly. I'm sure I'd fit in better there.

Same thing on X. Freedom of speech but not of reach is the buzzword of the current situation.

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But…Tucker and Joe Rogan etc reach millions every day. Tucker’s audience is probably greater than all the MSM put together. At one point Joe Rogan’s interview with Dr Malone had been listened to 11 million times! A 3 hour talking interview!! I don’t know what it is up to now. They are sequestering us in little rooms, but the webbiness of it all breaks apart the little rooms. The Tuckers, Rogans, McCulloughs, Dr Campbell etc, all overlap and reach into every ‘room’.

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I live in San Francisco Bay area. My hairdresser got the vax. It was get vaxed or lose clients. Sad.

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I love this!

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That's my take, the reptiles were arrogant and thought controlling the MSM, government, civil societies, education and churches was enough. The reptiles miscalculated.

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Re: "None counted on the strength of committed individuals standing up and sharing their own Intelligences." None? Really??? Its dual use military inspired and designed to do exactly what it's doing. The internet is not a giant mistake. It's a giant attractor and funnel. It makes opium look like toddler time.

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I don’t think the government realized the internet would allow an anti government group to coalesce and actually step outside those that run things.

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William, it often occurs to me that it should have worked that way. Unfortunately, I see the opposite. Instead of making people more flexible, more quickly willing to correct their various courses ( including voting habits ), the Internet seems to have made them more rigid, less creative, less pliable to change.

Look at the election results in Britain. How can it be that in the Internet age, Reform or something like it didn't win a smashing victory? It appears that most people who voted Labour hate Labour, have contempt for it, and have a lot of foreboding, but wanted to punish Tories more than they wanted to enact major change for the better.

I've wondered essentially the same thing about American politics. The politics of the 60s and 70s was exciting because anything might happen: an obscure Minnesota senator could get 37% of the vote in the New Hampshire primary, and the power of it to shock and destabilize could force one of the great powermaniacs who ever lived to withdraw his candidacy for presidential renomination. All the "experts" say that Robert Kennedy could not have won the nomination in 1968, which only means that they don't remember that year. Outrage, enthusiasm, and momentum fused together can create great and fast change.

And 1968 was pre Internet!

So, why has the cyber Age been unable to drive the kind of change we need? How can it be that we have two such defective candidates for president? Of course, I will vote for Trump, but I don't take seriously the idea that if he wins, it will be the auguring of tumultuous change just ahead. He's very much like the Buzz Windrip character in Sinclair Lewis' novel, It Can't Happen Here, a brilliant demagogue who when he wins the presidency hasn't got the slightest idea what to do with it.

People have become so damned stultified. Everyone knows that DeSantis is a serious man. I disagree with those who say he ran a bad campaign. He should be the nominee. Yet, he couldn't shake the Cult of Trump, whose scores of millions of adherents cling to The Dear Leader as though it's still high school and he's The Prom King.

How could this have happened in the Internet era?

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The voting and share of seats in the UK is alarming...

See: https://thinkingcoalition.substack.com/p/the-really-interesting-2024-election

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Starmer will offend tens of millions. Conservatives will elect another feckless leader after Sunak. Even less charismatic. Labour somewhat stood up against the COVID debacle. Somewhat. More than almost any other National party other than Swedish Parties. They got that sort of right. But they will push the Islamification of Britain, and the transing of British children, and they will be gone reasonably shortly. They won’t last a term. And then? Nigel will be PM. He will do a good job.

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He seems to be a natural leader. I just do not understand the French, a common American befuddlement.

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And look at France today. How can these things happen?

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France is really, at its heart, Communist. The average Pierre is way to the left of the Democrat party. In a very real sense Melenchon winning is representative. The center left Macron etc coalitions thwarted the average leftist getting governmented hard, as be had been craving. Even LePen, ‘hard right’ isn’t. She is very left wing economically. She is anti immigration only. Nothing right about her.

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Another rational woman in Ontario…we are everywhere. I never used any social media ever until the insanity of 2020. It helped me connect to others who saw that THEY were trying to implement.

I read 1984 in high school in 1984. My gut told me that the book was a forecast of the future.

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South Park had a great episode based on blindly agreeing to terms of use.

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We’re caught aren’t we, what are we going to do?

They’ve given us ‘free’ access to the net, and we’re using email and electronic banking and what have you.

We’re caught in this net, so trusting at the beginning, and they’re data mining us, and we’re at their mercy.

Where’s the customer protection? If you’re not paying for a service that is now practically essential what protection can you have?

One would expect ‘our’ governments to protect us, but we’re discovering the corporations are above governments and are pulling the strings. The governments…and courts and institutions…have all been colonised by the servants of the ‘elites’ aka evil parasites.

It’s all so shocking… I’ve only woken up to this since Covid. The rug has been pulled out from underneath me, discovering the countries I always thought were the ‘good guys’, e.g. the Five Eyes, aren’t…

Suggest we need to look at the base of the heart of cards…go after the servants who have betrayed us, try and use the system somehow to bring them to account.

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It IS shocking, because we've been trained for so long to "trust" our masters... I say that with sarcasm. You are right, of course, a contract is not a contract when one party is withholding information! That's just not how things are done, unless you are a tyrant. I think EVERYONE is waking up now to the fact that our "leaders" in many countries are NOT our friends, but rather enemies, working for cowardly bosses who suck up all our wealth and in return slam our heads into the concrete... Time for a Whole Nuther Way for the Peeps. And we outnumber them, AND their minions, by billions.

To be clear: Your outrage is the appropriate response! I share it.

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What I find very amusing, in the US at least, is that the former hippies-- you know, the people who did not trust anyone over 30-- have been, at least in my experience, the most compliant of all. They trust the most at this point. Sad.

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Perhaps, but the "hippie" movement was infiltrated and disengaged by the CIA. I really doubt everything I hear about it-- I was a child, but alive then-- until there's some believable documentation. Maybe, maybe not. Y'know? I skate slowly and pay attention.

But that said, I do think that there are a LOT of people of that generation who DON'T trust, they simply learned to live their lives, but I see them in street protests, too! It's not all one big group...

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The Word Herder, it's a shocking thing to find 'our' governments are our enemy...

And that our institutions have been captured.

It's very confusing because we have had some protections in the past, but now governments have well and truly been colonised and turned upon us, including legal systems which operate in the best interests of powerful forces with deep pockets. How can the ordinary people find justice there.

We have to make our own court, the court of public opinion, try and spread the word at grass roots.

Surely more must be waking up now after the Covid debacle?

Are we under tyranny now? If so, let's get it out there in plain sight, so we know where we stand.

Personally I'm going after specific people who have betrayed the people, i.e. by imposing mandated medical interventions, the COVID-19 vaccinations.

It's interesting, because I have personal correspondence from the Australian Government that confirms "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf

But that didn't happen, there wasn't 'informed consent'. Instead millions of people, including children, were bullied into submitting to medical interventions against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people.

Millions of people were threatened with loss of their livelihood and participation in society if they refused to submit to the injections.

There is no valid consent. What is this going to mean when the penny drops?

And major culprits are the medical practitioners themselves, the ones who stuck the needles in the arms. They should have refused to collaborate with coercion and mandates, but they went along with it and trashed voluntary informed consent.

They must be held accountable.

See for example my substack article: Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/coercion-intimidation-and-mandates

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You said it, you’ve got the picture. Remember (from reading, lol) all the struggles for the People to have some semblance of rights in the US, since the beginning? How the People had to struggle for many many years, fighting wars for the Wealthy to get wealthier, while they toiled away, even children, in factories and hard labor situations, with no labor law, no right to even sleeping enough… We worked hard, the American People, for long long years, and yet, we began fighting wars for hegemony from the beginning, starting with slaughtering most of the Native Peoples, especially after the American Revolution… We’ve lied to from the get go. Fed crumbs from the Wealthy’s table, and told to “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.” All the while, there have been the SAME people behind all the nastiness, the hegemony, the subversion of Natural Law, not just in the USA but in all the Five Eyes, via the SAME people all along, and going back in time at LEAST to the time of Jesus… The “Black Nobility.” Ha, “noble” isn’t a word I’d use for them. Read about them, and listen to this audio only…

Frances Leader has done MUCH work on these people, and knows much about them, she was my teacher, since I found her here on SS. She’s brilliant. Get HER on the radio!! Here’s a podcast of her speaking on JermWarfare, and then her page is “Uncensored,” here on Substack… Cheers! I think we’re all of the same sort of mindset…


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The corporations are all creations of the state. What you are discerning is the interconnection, and the mutual back-scratching. It started before WWII and has grown steadily since.

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You are onto the thing, and I don't disagree with you, except that you're not stepping back quite far enough to see the really big picture... I took me until "Covid" to see all this, and I'm still learning! Anyway, it's my understanding that it started WAY before WWII. Try... the ROMANS, lol. Corporations are creations of the Vastly Wealthy, and the State is, too. Ever heard of the Crown Corporation? The "Black Nobility"? Now you're getting to the meat of the matter...

I strongly recommend a page on SS called "Uncensored" written by a terrific and long-time researcher on a par with this excellent reporter, Elizabeth Nickson, writer of this page...

Frances Leader... LOTS of posts about the "Black Nobility," and here's a voice-only interview she gave on "Jerm Warfare," some few months ago...


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What is ‘the state’ exactly?

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The institution that has a monopoly on coercion and that operates the legal system.

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We are only as "caught" as we choose to be.

One simple solution for everyone is to use cash whenever possible. Eschew the so called "convenience" of credit/debit cards and use actual cash. Stop banking online and on your phone. Visit your bank. Or even better, move your money from one of the big banks to a local credit union. Visit farmers markets. Pay in cash. Buy your meat from local farms, if that's an option. Start growing some of your own vegetables.

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Waking up is hard to do, pun intended! It is a shock to the system. I can not talk to anyone other than my wife who after her shock dozen years ago who broke down and cried uncontrollably understands what is going on as best as anyone can. It is best to spoon feed someone but in my case everything came out at once as if it was someone else inside me blurting this all out. Stage two is unlearning everything else in life you have learned and start from scratch.This takes a whole lot of time and effort . Wading through the mine fields of info and disinfo and finding the first person you feel you can trust is key. For me, like many it was David Icke. From there you listen to others who he has used and others that use him and off you go. At some point you have to go with your gutted take a stand but also be flexible enough to admit you took a wrong turn as will happen for sure. It is very tough when friends and family ignore your warnings or worse, down you but that is very common and should not be taken personally. Hang in there as the new history of what really was and is now is both frightening and rewarding . My goal I always say is to not leave this planet ignorant and use that knowledge of what to do when it's time to go to not get coerced into returning.

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I’ve known about the Media and misinformation since the 80’s. I’ve seen and identified RINO’s since Bush Jr. But I had no true idea of how the Alphabet’s were ruling us to the degree they are. It was/is required that we pull our own asses out of the fire. Seriously God through “Revival” is who will save us. It is our seeking Him that will lead us out of “Egypt.” Pray for discernment.

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Please don’t take this any other way than I type it: Be thankful that you’ve only been e exposed to this for a handful of years. Many of us have been living in a world where we were unable to unsee the corruption on get anyone to pay attention for many years. For some this has been on going for decades. Accountability left the building in the US officially on 9.11. 2001. What's happened since has spread throughout the western world and reaches completion in the Not so distant future.

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In the meantime That0neGuy what are you going to do about it?

Pushback in any way?

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The more appropriate question to ask might be ‘what have you done for the past quarter century to push back?’, to which my answer might be something like I’ve done everything in my power short of bankruptcy and jail time. This includes working within the system and in opposition as an outlaw. What’s that adage ‘that which we resist, persists’?

This is a multigenerational plan spanning hundreds of years.

So as of late I’ve been taking a position of enjoying the show, always the provocateur, though… hoping maybe someday the one who possesses all the traits to effect real change comes along into my sphere of influence yet knowing in my heart the only hero is in the mirror, and that no one is coming to save us.

Bleak? Perhaps.

Honest? You betcha.

There’s always hope though.

What about you?

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Jul 6
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Why should we have low expectations?

You think everyone should resign themselves to enslavement?

I’d rather pursue accountability from those officers in government who have betrayed us.

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How do you think you can get accountability? Voting for the politicians that shun accountability themselves?

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Jul 7Edited
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The desire for power knows no limits - because those who want power are a black hole; its never enough. Why? Because they are disconnected from the Source of Life. So are corporations and the money system and institutions as collective energy-suckers. The masses have no idea how much they are despised by our parasitical overlords as mere flies to be swatted.

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Jul 7Edited
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Blaming the victim? We "should have known"?

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Re “blindly agreeing to terms of use”

This was raised in a podcast with Ahmad Malik and lawyer Anna de Buisseret: https://docmalik.com/186-law-freedom/


Ahmad Malik: And what about all these contracts? Like, you know, when you're on your computer or your phone and it says update this and then this electronic, you know, new thing comes up that they want you to sign or accept and you scroll through it and it's like tons and tons of paragraphs and tiny,

tiny lettering and it's like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the floor down you go, the smaller print and you're just like, I'll just accept it. What's that all about?

Anna de Buisseret: I would argue that a lot of those are unfair contract terms because you have no choice. It's not a fair contract there. You haven't got equal bargaining power. You've just been told that you have to sign this or you won't get the service and there's no negotiation of any of the terms.

So if that went to court, it's called a blue pencil test. What a judge would do is take a blue pencil and scrub out all of the unreasonable clauses that shouldn't be in there in the first place. But you're right. You know, the initial contract, everyone just signs it.


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When one asks why and how, the answer I see is Satan. Lucifer himself, who controls this ‘game’, is it. When you know your enemy, you can fight to win, not just fight to survive. Those 13 families sold their souls. Literally.

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Way more than 13 families, but still, a tiny cabal of people so psychopathic and evil, it boggles the mind.

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Yes, yes. How many people actually read the Terms of Use? I do. And when I do I decide I will not Agree. Yet, when I tell someone what I read concerning the Terms and ask them if they read them or if they just Agreed, they tell me they did not read them and they just shrug their shoulders, like "whatever" and show no concern. People put the noose around their own neck.

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Yes, but it's not quite that simple. The "terms of use" are EVERYWHERE, on everything we want to use, they are SO LONG and TEDIOUS that most people just can't stand reading them-- This is deliberate, of course. And they know exactly what they're doing, these corporate entities. Consider this: Your parents sign you up to be a SLAVE, unknowingly, on the day of your birth. Your name, whenever you see it written in ALL CAPS, such as MARY SMITH, on your driver license, on your bank accounts, on your car title, your deed to your home, if you own one, on everything "legal" or even your accounts for electricity and internet usage, etc etc etc, including your BIRTH CERTIFICATE, makes you an unwitting party to your legal status as a CORPORATION. Whenever you see ANY name in all caps, that entity, either a company, or a person, is legally regarded as a CORPORATION. Because we don't get this information, which literally means we are slaves to the STATE, this "agreement" is not a binding contract, since we are not informed of that which we are agreeing to... We aren't even told that we're agreeing to be SLAVES of the STATE of the CORPORATION... It's all a big pack of LIES to "legally" enslave us, but since we are SOVEREIGN HUMANS, we can say NO. Full disclosure. How can a contract be valid, when one of the parties doesn't know what they're agreeing to, or even that they're agreeing to anything? Anytime you are asked for your Social Security number, you're agreeing that you're a slave. If you see your name in ALL CAPS, you're agreeing that you're a slave. This is to me, very childish, trickery by means of pretending a contract can be valid without full disclosure. But that's what most of us living in the Five Eyes have.

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Still, without the internet, none of us would be talking to each other right now. We would only know what the MSM told us. The 'one world order' ideology is collapsing specifically because we can all communicate with each other. The elites, try as they might, can't limit what we see, read, and hear. Not yet, anyway.

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Without the internet I wouldn't even know there are other people who see what I see. I gave up the electric jew twenty years ago and don't discuss any of this with people in general, I might as well try to talk to a fence post.

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Further to my comment about ‘them’ not getting our informed consent…

In a podcast with Ahmad Malik, Jacob Nordangard suggests ‘they’ need our approval to do what they’re doing, i.e. installing a one world government. See their discussion here: https://docmalik.com/156-rockefeller-controlling-the-game/

The discussion goes for nearly three hours and is well worth listening to…and listening to again…lots of interesting info and ideas.

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The amusing bit is that reducing humanity as proposed also reduces the wealth that can be controlled. It is a self-defeating strategy, but lots of humans have delusions of grandeur.

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Yes, and especially those who have most of the wealth... ;)

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The Filthy Rich cabal that is behind this global genocide of "Covid," and behind many others, see my post above, turned the USA and everyone in it, and everyone in the Five Eyes, if not the whole world, into "Corporations." Did we know about this, on the DAY WE WERE BORN? Uh, no. And do most people know about it, ever? Uh, no. So that's no effing contract, since there is not disclosure of terms! Just FYI, anytime you see your name written in ALL CAPS, ie, "JOHN DOE"-- that's legal code for CORPORATION. We have to break out of this, by declaring ourselves to be Sovereign Humans, not slaves of the Crown Corporation or any other ENTITY, unless you choose to consider yourself a slave to God, or something like that, and that would be YOUR CHOICE, knowing what you're agreeing to!!!

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Very astute. Unfortunately, only few people make this connection and no one else cares. I’m soon to be in my 9th decade so I was educated to read books (fancy that!) and discuss uncensored ideas. Public education is nothing but pablum and indoctrination. I love my progeny, but I cannot save them. Pity.

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One model accounts for it: the human ego does not mature for around 40 years. Cut short natural lifespans, and the mean maturity of a given society reduces accordingly. Very few egos under 40 begin to grasp the basic essential facts of reality. Humanity, globally, at present, is in mid-late teens. The rest is (largely) futile verbiage. The cabal is inherited wealth and privilege whose mean maturity is around 7-11 years old - intellectually and emotionally.

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Sadly humans collectively (that word!) are proving *them* right. We are sheep-like, ant-like, in our conscientious “do the right thing” parts of our brain.

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How cleanly you cut with your knife. Your last sentence exquisitely excised the darkest mass of it all. What’s that about the fault is not in the stars but in us. Human beings have a darkness in us that wants things to be easy or as you say for the “sake of our convenience”. No one did this thing to us. We did it to ourselves. We didn’t use our critical thinking skills to see where all this convenience could lead. We took the bait even if our eyes were closed when we took that first bite. Makes me think of the apple in Genesis. Our folly in taking that bite of APPLE is leading us to our demise. And we didn’t know until we swallowed, as you say. Some people still aren’t aware of how we are being cannibalized by the cabal.

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There's an obvious synthesis: the people are taught to be lazy and disinterested in politics -- and when they do show interest they're first discouraged and then squashed.

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But very dangerously, it may go deeper. With all that I have learned in my 33 years as a Christian and watching the Elites with supreme skepticism all that time, I do not believe for a second the events of the last few years were what they appear to be. That is- The Elite's have, 'Slipped Up' and the World is becoming aware of their machinations. Consider the recent farce of a debate-

There is evidence suggesting that Biden had ‘Body Doubles’ that used those spectacularly realistic masks that are now available to the public (and that the CIA retired in the 1970’s because they had ‘something better’.) I’ve learned enough about Black World technology to know that most of what the public considers Science Fiction exists and is in use. Why not use any available means to hide Biden’s decrepitude?

It seems to me that this farce was no accident. Forces we don’t see wanted us to see THIS. For the last few years, even before the Jab, the behavior of our rulers has become increasingly more open, more brazen and more obviously not in our best interest.

That may all be by design.

In the 1940’s, the Occultist Alice Bailey wrote a (Channeled) book called- ‘The Externalization of the Hierarchy’. The most important thing said in it was that there would be not one New World Order, but TWO. The first was designed to fail. It was made to get the public to rage against it and bring the world into chaos. During that chaos, her ‘Christ’ would appear and bring order again to the world and he would then forge the 2nd NWO, which would be her true Occult Utopia.

A few years ago on the 'State of the Nation' website, they received a post by a contractor, claiming to work for a Billionare in New Zealand, who said this guy told him that not only was 'The Jab' intentionally harmful, but that that fact being released was *PART OF THE PLAN*. They WANT the world to go berzerk with rage and revolt, blaming the 'Elites' we see and destroying them.


Interestingly enough, this dovetails almost perfectly with God’s Word. For millenia now, we have been ruled by ‘Mystery Babylon’, the Elites who generationally have ruled since the fall of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of languages (and created the entire system of symbols they have used to secretly communicate ever since. Check out the excellent 'Vigilant Citizen' website if you want to learn more about that Bunny Hole.)

Right now, and for generations, Mystery Babylon has been riding The Beast, which has been a major power in helping her rule. However, Scripture tells us that at some point, that Beast will shuck her off of his back and she will be destroyed.

After that, The Beast will take direct control, and prepare the World for his ultimate war against Jesus Christ. Being the major reason why the Elites were ‘beaten’, certainly would give this figure a major leg up, when it came to gaining the trust and admiration of the world.

Even if I’m totally wrong, we take this outing of the Elite’s rule for what it seems to be at our peril.

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This is one of the most interesting comments I've read on Substack (I clicked on the link you gave). Obviously I don't know if it is true but it is at least plausible, a first NWO that is designed to fail, with a 2nd NWO to come in after societal rebellion/collapse.

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We must remember that we're dealing with people who have spent generations, people who have spent their entire LIVES, looking into ways to manipulate others.

If I remember correctly, there was a meeting of elites on Jekyll Island back in 1913, where they discussed possible plans to scare we plebes into shell-shocked obedience. Disasters, wars, resource shortages, diseases and even Alien Invasions were discussed. These monsters know their game very, very well.

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Yes, I agree, I'm of the same thinking. They've planned well, but the DEVIL is literally in the details. They've already fucked up a bunch of little things that have been noticed. The phrase "Thank God for that" comes to mind... ;)

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They are monsters but they aren't omnipotent and omniscient even if they think they are. Narcissistic psychopaths make mistakes too.

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Hopefully, but they are so many years ahead of us, and I do believe they have a lot of technology they do not share with us. Look at the fire in Maui. there were a lot of things going on that we cannot understand

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I think the Nasties' abilities are FAR LESS powerful than they want us to think.

And I think you're onto what's what. They not only want us to revolt in a RAGE, which of course is a state of mind that is extremely KNEE-JERK thinking... They want us to have a world war and kill each other, so they don't get blamed, and don't have to pay for it, but can actually PROFIT from it. Except these kinds of plans ALWAYS fail. Maybe not for a while, but they ALWAYS fail.

The problem with psychopaths is that since they really don't understand the rest of us, and since they are INSANE, they make a lot of mistakes. Yes, they do succeed in many hideous things, but they make enough mistakes for at least some of us to figure it out (we're not all of us stupid "talking cows"), and that is where they always fail... Because they are so pompously sure that WE are all idiots, and that they are brilliant and can trick us, they forget that some of us are pretty fucking sharp, and they make mistakes that OUT themselves. By their greedy desire to kill us all and then have the planet all to themselves (you know they'd then end up killing each other, too, lol), they out themselves. It's only a matter of time -- and whatever unfortunates are suffering and killed in that time-- before we stop them, and hopefully, THIS TIME, we wipe them off the face of the Earth. They are so long inbred to maintain control and psychopathy, that they ALL need to go. I have finally come to this conclusion, after resisting that idea on the basis of Love, but Tough Love is a thing, too. I don't see any way for them to be salvaged. No torture, but... Lethal Injection seems about right.

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If you haven't seen it already, I think you would enjoy Ahmad Malik's chat with Jacob Nordangard...


And on vax issues, here's my recent discussion on TNT Radio: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/tnt-interview-discussing-bird-fluh5n1

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Ah, thanks much!

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Sounds like the Book of Revelation to a T. I'm a believer and am watching for our rapture, after which the s#*t really hits the fan...

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Have been sharing vigilant citizen sit for a year. Most won't look at it

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To their loss. If we don't understand the symbology used, the easier we are to decieve.

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I love Vigilant Citizen too. Their e-book is incredible. Whoever writes the articles for the site has a sly sense of humor too.

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For those interested, Vigilant Citizen, and it's sister site, Vigilant Links, is super interesting and HIGHLY recommended.

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Wow! You’ve said what few others understand, that the great DECEPTION is that when the people revolt and cry out against our current world (mystery harlot) the world will be ready to welcome someone to “save” them. The false messiah who will use the groundwork of the harlot to rule for his 3.5 years. Brenda Weltner does a great job explaining this on her channel.

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Thank you. I've suffered for the insight God's given me over the decades, but if it is for the welfare of others and Jesus Christ gets the glory, I can live with it.

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The Alice Bailey comment is really interesting. Very plausible.

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The fact that you signaled 33 right at the start tells us all we need to know. LOL.

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Y'know, I thought about that even before I wrote it. But what the heck else could I do? Lie? July 1991, was when I became a Christian, can't change the past.

But if it makes you feel any better, I was born November 1970, Friday the 13th, shortly after Midnight.

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LOL. I was just kidding.

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I was fairly sure that was the case. But you KNOW like I do, I'm sure, that there will always be those who take the slightest possibility of occult workings like Gospel Truth.

In a way, I can't blame them, the Deceptions are numerous and deep, but we have to constantly check ourselves to make sure that our *Founded* Paranoia doesn't become UNfounded.

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I couldn't get the like to work, but "like" and I agree.

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You’re right! I was always suspicious about these people who have always controlled the world suddenly being so stupid!!!

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Agree. That is why we're in panic Plan B with the mass migration of people into all nations. It's to blend and destroy the cultures in order to create a biological uniculture. This was not supposed to happen yet since all of their ducks are not in a row. The house of cards is easily flicked away with this being the most apparent move.

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Cloward Piven strategy; overwhelm the system to collapse it.

Glenn Beck was talking about that... IDK, 20 years ago?

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Also, the Selective Service is adding the following to the draft: illegal immigrants and transgendered people. They are doing this in order to draft young women 18-25. FTM is a biological female. https://www.sss.gov/register/who-needs-to-register/

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I don't believe that Women should be in War, Ever. Though they should learn how to fight and protect themselves. There are always situations where no choice is given.

However, so many Feminists being against the draft does reveal their utter hypocrisy, which more & more needs to be exposed.

As to the Illegal Immigrants... Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist that I am, I could see that being used to have an armed force that is more willing to obey our masters. They haven't assimilated into our Country, so they have no loyalty to it and would make a nice Counter-Force for any American Soliders who refuse to fire on civilians.

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I am a novice farmer and looked into extension classes to learn more. I took a webinar that was hosted by the local land grant institution (University of Nevada, Reno) and the amount of bullshit coming out of there is just mind melting. The “professors” who were teaching the class were almost all fat foreign nationals with thick accents who were obviously shills for their corporate sponsors. The lecture on beef was basically, “grassfed is bad and dangerous, consumers will only buy cornfed, and oh yeah grassfed beef does have more omega 3s, but you should be eating fish instead”. The failure of rural America, I am sure, has may pressure points from environmentalists and land use tards. However, the USDA, Cargill, John Deere, Monsanto (Rockefeller pretty sure) are all making sure that farmers are the livestock. They want farmers and ranchers to produce all the goods with above sales price levels of capital costs so that the land will slowly slip out of ownership into the hands of developers and mega corporations. If you are farming #2 corn you will go out of business because it is rigged. If you are producing any kind of commodity crop you will go out of business. Plant pasture instead, get some cows, sheep and goats and find some customers. Dig into the average profit per acre and the crop insurance price per bushel and you will see our whole agricultural system is anti-human. It creates suicidal debt ridden farmers and ranchers and creates below production cost commodities that can be turned into processed food. We are sick because of the USDA. Every department in the government is the opposite of its name. The USDA is the United States Department of Anti-Agriculture. Read Wendell Berry’s “Unsettling of America.”

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And Wendell Berry is a national treasure.

As the name of the movie that came out some time back... "It's All A Rich Man's Trick."

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Don’t try farming in California

We have plenty of water, but they just ship it all around the state and sell it out of state

They won’t build water storage, even though the projects are in a queue —

Many farmers are changing out crops because they can’t afford the labor cost and so they go to highly mechanized operations and crops

Just look on your canned or bagged labels and every piece of fruit or vegetable has to have a producer label somewhere that shows the country of origin— Then you’ll see where your food comes from

But we gotta keep paying for that high-speed rail that will never be built and never be finished and never be what was promised

All the while AG Companies are moving their operations to Mexico building de salinization plants as far as the eye can see And calling it produced in Mexico by US DA standards🤣🤣🤣

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Every American should have this realization and be WIDE AWAKE with it: The PLAN of the Nasties, the Globalist Psychopaths that are attacking us, is to DESTROY AMERICA. Once we can all get this clearly understood in our minds, we will STOP them. But it’s hard to believe, and it’s very, very censored. But look around you, peeps. It’s what’s for breakfast. Let’s skip that poison and try for LUNCH.

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You know... I have had legal authority over people as an NCO in the Army and I NEVER used it; never ask someone to do something you will not do first.

The people that actually enjoy power are evil.

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I have a first cousin who forty years ago was a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ. He married a fellow missionary, whose father was a multimillionaire. Now, he stands plainly revealed as a sociopath. I won't go into details, but he's a little Hitler if one ever existed. He's done things to helpless people which are shocking in their viciousness.

In an email a year ago, I asked him if he didn't understand that he had become evil? He was obviously amused by the question.

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A sad tale. Of course CC is just another control group to keep people from the true good news of redemption and relationship... I am not surprised. All religious institutions have been created by or infiltrated by "them."

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It's shocking what has happened to that organization. It wasn't perfect, but I think it did do good work. My cousin is an example of its inherent lack of depth.

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What’s sad and frustrating to me is that we basically need to be desperate and hopeless before any of us are moved to action. We all know deep down they are screwing us but we don’t do anything except watch Netflix and order from Amazon. As long as most of us are entertained and can afford cheap junk from China, nobody cares. At leasdt not enough to make a difference. I think about early Americans and how they were willing to put their lives on the line for freedom - they would be so disappointed in their offspring.

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I think about that all the time. Our forefathers led grueling lives of backbreaking toil without end, though, in the service of survival and carving something that was theirs out of the nothing that preceded it.

They would have fought with their fingernails and teeth to hang on to what they had.

Hardly a one of us today can even comprehend the ferocity and determination that a hardscrabble existence would entail and motivate a man, or woman, to give his or her life to preserve.

I think they'd be more astonished than disappointed at our collective willingness to avoid hardship even if it means surrendering liberty.

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Finally, the focus is on where it needs to be which is the hundreds of parasitic NGO’s which have embedded themselves invisibly like spike proteins in our existing political, economic, energy, community, healthcare, public safety, and sovereign systems.

Elizabeth, if we survive our Battle of Britain moment then let it be said that never have so many owed so much to so few; as you.

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If you are prone to asking questions, the first question to ask is: what is in it for me? The second question to ask before you answer the first is what is in it for them? The answer to the second question will be informative for answering the first question. Anyone who tries to avoid answering the second question by using platitudes, but most especially “for the greater good” or the “good of the country,” and the soup de jour, “the good of the planet” is a con man. The very wealthy have a highly refined method, well earned, but a method nonetheless of protecting their real and imagined goodness. Their view is: how will what I do, no matter what I do, reflect on my position? And they will do anything to maintain their position. And I do mean anything. Now that the wealthy and government have accommodated each other in order for both to maintain their positions and increase their leverage, you and I are tools, human resources, for their lust. (see your Human Resources Dept for a full description)

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Their "goodness" is actually hubris. They feel they are "superior." That's a telltale sign right there!

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You MUST consider the Freemasons, as they have infiltrated every walk of life with their Luciferian ideology!, even in the churches!......Their Bible contains NO mention of Jesus and claims that 'works' get you to the Great Lodge in the Sky!....I am not kidding!

Rockefeller, a mason, invented the term 'virus' shortly after he bought up 80% of big pharma (pharmekhea in the Bible means necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery) in 1902 to scare people into getting meds from big pharma.......they, Rockefeller's/Freemason's, are the gift that keeps on giving........

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Freemasonry is the main global command-system of the general luciferianism that is practiced by various groups, sects, and organizations. The top freemasons are the hub.

I didn't know that Rockefeller was a mason, but lodge membership is common throughout the world of billionaires and other 'elite' persons.

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More info kinda related


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Very true...........a really good fact filled documentary, as I am sure there are a bunch, is a recent one by Pastor Billy Crone, getalifemedia

Another Pastor does a real good breakdown on youtube as well, Mike Hoggard

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If you want to take a different sort of look at Freemasonry, check out the book Windswept House by Malachi Martin. It was written in the mid-90s and there are random phrases throughout the book that you'll hear in the news today.

BTW... it is based on real events, and Klaus Schwab makes an appearance.


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The book that has helped me the most on Freemasonry is by the late Purdue Prof William Whalen, "Christianity and American Freemasonry."

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The world's secret religion:


VERY long, but well worth the time.

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Yes, this is great and I have watched it before

Thanks for the refresher

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I will for sure watch that, thanks, Pastor Billy Crone, getalifemedia.com has a real good DVD series on Freemasons, also a great book is The Committee of 300 on world power structure.....The whole point to all this is Lucifer and his want to rule the world, he is NOT Omnipresent, only God is, so all these 'minions' like Freemasons, Kabbalists, DEI's, Wokes, Trans, Gays, religious denominations, sects, cults, Rockefellers/Rothchilds/Satanists and their worship of Lucifer, the Fish head cult (popes head gear) Dagon from 5000 years ago, Pergamos and their half man, half fish god, and don't forget the Cabots!

Blessings and Prayers for all here

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I would prefer they be sent somewhere underneath the pasture. Because that's where they want me.

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I pray for this. If these Godwannabees hearts cannot be softened that they receive what they wish for us.

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This perhaps the most articulate essay written on our current times.

Thank you

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See the book "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins (1988) for a deep dive into the sordid history of the AMA and the Rothschild/Rockefeller capture of the pharma racket nearly a century ago:

"The Rockefeller family themselves, like the Morgans, Schiffs and Warburgs, have faded into insignificance, but the mechanism created in their name roars along at full power, still maintaining all of the functions for which it was organized..."


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The firehose of money continues.

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Of course the so-called rich elites want drones. They want free workers that they can let die.

They want all of us broken and shattered and dependent upon them.

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As the great philosopher George Carlin said "It's a big club and you ain't in it"

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As Groucho Marx once said, "I wouldn't want to be a part of any club that admitted me."

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Jul 6Edited

I first heard the term "sustainable development" in the University of Limerick about 20 years ago at some 'big talk'. I'll never forget it, I knew it was bullshit because it kind of cast a spell on me...it was confusing. I asked the guy to explain it more and all I remember him clearly saying was "make sure your kids don't keep the tap running when brushing their teeth." (The same useful - but ambitious - idiot used to wear a replica Munster rugby jersey - even though he hails from Dublin, which is in Leinster; this was when the great game of rugby was corporatized and became professional. Now it's all pay to see and has killed all the old historic clubs in Limerick and other places around Ireland).

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If I see or hear “sustainable” I think of that meme that says, “l don’t think it means what you think it means.” 🧐 It should be a red flag for anyone paying attention.

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Right! Because there is no CLIMATE CRISIS. It's a TYRANNY crisis. Oncoming.

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I heard about "sustainability" from a new-age-ish lighting designer in Michigan in 1998 or so. At that point it was framed as a different way of saying "recycling" and being "eco-conscious."

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Yes, the Rockefeller Family has been at the crux of evil operations in the West, particularly in the 20th Century, when they funded, built, enabled, and eventually enforced the Total Feminism that dominates America, Canada, Britain, Australia/N.Z., and most of Western Europe. The cultures of those countries haven't had any authentically masculine element in four decades, at least. It shows.

Men are cowed and criminalized, and have learned to 'know their place', and the ones with daughters usually become lifelong confirmed feminists upon their child's birth. Our Luciferian governments have showered girls and their parents with every possible advantage, privilege, benefit, and empowerment possible since the Seventies. Now the corporations openly reject applications from males, white males especially. Don't bother trying is the message. We hate you and don't want you.

Women, OTOH, have not the slightest intention of backing off their feminist nations. Though personally often miserable, they desire power and authority over men, and are willing to trade the destruction of Western civilization for yet more personal and collective female power.

Even this useful article, 'How Rockefeller Created Feminism and Enslaved Humanity' must open immediately by expressing how wonderful and liberating 'First Wave' feminism was . . . until, sadly, that righteous movement was hijacked and blah blah blah.


It's just more cowardice. Just more telling yourselves what you want to hear. I lived in the Fifties, and women were NOT enslaved, not Oppressed, not miserable and in bondage. Women of particular merit could make it in virtually any field they wished. Yes, there was a general bias towards hiring males. That's so they could FORM FAMILIES and better civilization, duh. The massive bias towards hiring females DESTROYS families and civilization, except for the dysfunctional single-mother households, which the Regime greatly favors, especially in black areas.

First-wave feminism was a creation of Luciferian elements, principally the Rockefellers, because those families and their allies wish to recreate the old luciferian, pagan, blood-sacrificial systems and religions/cults that dominated the ancient world for millennia, long before Christianity and its religion of the FATHER and SON.

Notice what reaction the supposedly patriarchal world had to Christ Jesus, the epitome of masculinity. They tortured Him to death, then claimed they were on the right side of history.

'Since femaleness suffuses the created world, the pure male is cast out. He has no right to life'. -- 'Hurricane' Camille Paglia

Christ and Christianity are the opposite of the 'divine feminine' that all these neo-gnostic, Luciferian groups worship and serve.

Our Luciferian systems make war on men and little boys, because they most represent on Earth God the Father in heaven. The fallen angels and allies can't get at Him, so they target those made in His image.

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This article was very timely and gives me a lot to think about as you will see from what's going on near me.

I live in a small New York county of less than 100,000 people. Currently the county is holding an auction to sell off properties that have been foreclosed on because they didn't pay their taxes.

These properties are located in every town in the County. Most of them are worthless or worth very little as they are now, due to zoning laws and other constraints.

Some of them might be next door to neighboring properties where it would be a good deal for the owner to buy. I myself started looking at the catalog back in June when the county announced the sale.

Not a big deal, but there were a few listings in my town that piqued my interest so I would do a drive by and check them out.

Last week I was shocked to go to the online catalog (foolish people had started bidding on the first day, obvious amateurs) to find that a woman with an obvious Chinese name had put in bids on 110 out of 160 of the properties! I was shocked- it made no sense at all.

Why would anyone bid on a parcel that was less than 1/8 of an acre in a town where there is 3 acre zoning? Why would anyone bid on a parcel that is shown to be entirely landlocked?

Furthermore, there is no way on earth that one person can monitor all those listings as the auction goes down to the wire in the last few minutes. Talk to anyone who does auctions on Ebay as an example. Same theory.

So I first contacted the auction company to complain that the auction was rigged by this woman and that she was in violation of the terms of the contract we have to sign before being allowed to bid. The auction guy told me not to worry- because this same Chinese lady had done the same thing in another northern county and she only purchased 2 parcels! Clearly this a-hole was either deliberately obtuse or a moron.

Then I called my county tax office officials who were legally responsible for this auction. I told them that this auction as it stands now was possibly illegal and that it should be halted pending an investigation of this person who is bidding on all the properties. (the auction closes July 10). I explained that if nothing else, this woman was in clear violation of the terms of the auction and there could be a problem with any properties she did end up buying.

Not to bore you with all the frantic emails before the holiday weekend but here's how it stands. They are requiring the woman to put down a $10,000 deposit instead of $1000 that the rest of us must put up. They also claim that that they have the power to reject after the sale, any purchases that she made via the auction.

I have no idea what the hell is going on, but it sure doesn't pass the smell test. I have decided not to bother to bid on anything because all the prices have been jacked up because of this woman's bids.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas about this situation, I would love to hear them. New York, once the Empire State, has always been Rockefeller country.

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The way to a better world starts with the individuals. You must spend time reflecting on the lies that you have been told by the government, and the media. Once you discovered that the emperor has no close, then you must scream it from rooftops.

Only then people who value freedoms will march and demand total reform of our system.

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