Elizabeth, I devour your writing as soon as I see it in my inbox. Thank you. As hard as it is to swallow much of the gritty reality (which I wouldn’t know much about, sans you) of what is going on, I am always left with a beacon of hope. I’m watching President Trump build this coalition and praying my heart out that he wins, and that all these good, smart people he has attracted will tear down the evil deep state. It’ll be a new world! Also: I would love to hear more about the supplements that saved your life.

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🙌 Amen to all of that!

I'd be really interested in the supplements, too!

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Me too. Please write a column Elizabeth about your supplement protocol.

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It's difficult to get on the health food bandwagon when you're 150 lbs. overweight. Diet rollercoaster rides eventually sap all hope of living a healthy lifestyle. Cutting out sugar, wheat, corn, flour, fruit juices, grapes, raisins, bananas, or anything that is highly or even minimally processed will cause fat to fall off the body in slabs. I'm not selling anything here, but I lost 150 lbs. in less than seven months doing no exercise or weightlifting whatsoever. I did it with the help of "Recovery From Food Addiction" (RFA) meetings which are now all over the country and online. FREE. it's a game changer. The weight stays off.

I did it eating a lot of fresh vegetables which are now being sprayed with Bill Gate's newest preservative which extend the shelf life for months. Needless to say, there is no government oversight or testing for safety. Even so, most people need to see some level of success before taking it to the next level.

The next level is supplements, but now they're also being taken over by Big Pharma so growing your own is the next logical step. I don't have a big spread of farmland so the next best option is to simply figure out what grows well where one lives (e.g. plants that thrive on neglect, drought tolerant, whatever's listed on your state's invasive species list, etc. ), and start planting along any and all walking trails, bike paths, even government maintained roadways, landscaped buildings etc. Anywhere that isn't going to be mowed over or trimmed periodically will do.

I'm not just doing this for my own food supply though because when the SHTF, it's far better that your neighbors have a way to forage for food as well rather than having them all show up at your door with their hands out. I can point across the street at the ever expanding grove of fruit trees, vegetables, etc. that look no different than any other unmanaged wild areas around here. No one has a clue that anything in my front yard is edible. A few things are considered superfoods.

I cut the cable over 20 years ago and was amazed at how easy it was to entertain myself. 500 channels of cable narcotics isn't really what I would consider entertainment anymore either. It sucks the life right from one's soul. The narrative is that you can't do much of anything because the government has made it practically and economically impossible. The corporate propaganda lulls us into believing that we need to spend vast amounts of our hard earned money on their gadgets and contraptions just to survive. It's all nonsense. It's the Beast system that creates scarcity

It is truly amazing how easy it is to simply toss one's biodegradable garbage into a pile along with any seeds one can find, in many cases they're already in one's food scraps. Just tossing the seeds from one spaghetti squash can produce enough food to feed dozens of people for days.

The problem is that all that salt and sugar people have been eating most of their lives makes naturally healthy food distasteful. I gave my neighbors a few papaya that are so sweet they can literally give me a hangover in less than 20 minutes. My neighbors couldn't eat it. They said it was too bland. They couldn't taste the sugar. That's deeply disturbing. Fifty years ago, the average American consumed 2. 5 lbs. of sugar a year. Today it's well over 125 lbs. a year.

The AMA, CDC. NIH, FDA, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association are all agnostic when it comes to the debilitating health consequences of consuming sugar. Anyone who has undergone a PT/PET scan should know that in order to get that radioactive dye to coalesce around cancerous cells or tumors, it needs to be blended with what they call "a delivery system". They blend it with blood glucose, i.e. SUGAR! Cancer cells uptake sugar at significantly higher rates than normal cells which is how they can get those pesky tumors to light up so easily.

Fenbendozol restricts the amount of sugar to cancerous cells which is how it works, but anyone with any rudimentary critical thinking skills will be able to figure out that one need only restrict one's sugar consumption to get the same results. Good luck getting anyone in the government, media, or Big Pharma to admit this though. Big Pharma can't without being taken to court. They have a fiduciary responsibility to their stakeholders to maximize profits and that ain't gonna happen by pointing out the obvious, and why should they when it is so unbelievably obvious???

Voting for Trump sends a message, but when the whole political system is irredeemably corrupt, placing one's faith in a political candidate isn't going to cut it. The government openly admits that there are at least five different groups actively seeking to assassinate Donald Trump. So he's obviously a threat to someone. When everyone in the media, the government and the corporate world are this rabidly opposed to a candidate, that's who needs to be voted into office. Even so, he was hamstringed the last time he was elected so I don't anticipate the government cooperating with him this time either.

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Your very last sentence. That's the one that is the scariest. .......All the truly, truly evil people that are already there, with their kickbacks, under the table deals, blackmail, and plots, all wanting us dead, so THEY get more $$€£¥₩$$.

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I would like to hear more about what crops you are growing!

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I'm in central Florida so this growing zone is 9b, but it's also possible to get things that grow in 8b up into 10 to grow here. Some things can acclimate over time after just a few generations. I grow the normal stuff most people like to grow like tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, collards, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, carrots, onions, garlic, etc. However, I don't have a green thumb so before I started growing that stuff, I sought out whatever I could find that grows well without much of any supervision.

I focused on tubers because they're usually easy to grow around here and they're also quite filling. I probably have close to a dozen different types of tubers growing and easily over a thousand pounds sitting in the ground ready to harvest whenever I need it. The main tubers are Cassava(yuca), Wild Winged yams (diascorea alata), name yams, boniata sweet potatoes, Hawaiian yams, Malanga lila, Malanga blanca, one other variety of Malanga that I've forgotten the name, and Jerusalem artichokes. There are a few other sweet potato varieties that I've forgotten their names. Many slips were grown from tubers bought at the grocery store. The larger tubers can reach weights over 100 to 150 lbs. in just a few years. The leaves on the sweet potatoes are also edible and quite tasty in a salad. I grow lots of turmeric and numerous varieties of ginger along with sugar cane which makes a tasty homemade ginger ale.

There are about seven or eight varieties of spinach grown. Two varieties of Mexican tree spinach, longevity spinach, Ceylon Spinach, Brazilian spinach, Mushroom/cucumber spinach, and a couple others that I can't remember their names.

I grow heirloom tomatoes, but I also have Everglades tomatoes which are prolific most of the year and self seed every year. The same goes for the yard long beans and Seminole pumpkins.

There are about five Surinam cherry trees now as well as about a dozen everbearing mulberry trees. One was purchased at a local nursery and the rest were grown from cuttings. Another quite large mulberry tree is also grown from cuttings and a Pakistani variety. The only other fruit trees are a couple peach trees, two pear trees, an orange, clementine, and a black sapote (persimmon). I tried growing dates, but with no real lasting success. I've got about three or four different varieties of fig, but none of them have produced anything all that sweet yet. This is my second year growing papaya, and plan on having at least three or four dozen productive trees by next summer.

Lastly, there are about half a dozen varieties of bananas and whatever I'm lacking in nutrition I make up for with Moringa trees which are a superfood. I also grow lots of Mexican sunflowers and Canna lilies to amend the soil. Most of what I grow and propagate is from cuttings.

I built half a dozen hoop houses to hold enough of everything to replant the next spring in case there is a heavy frost that kills everything.

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One point of concern is the use of PayPal. Ever since they briefly tried to fine users, that is debit their accounts without permission, for statements PayPal deemed unworthy, I have not used it. I cancelled my acct. The same people run this company today and until they overhaul management and prove that they are on the side of free speech, I will never be a customer again.

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yep, the "misinformation" thing is still part of Paypal's terms of use.

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Yes, a few years ago my husband bought a subscription to a newsletter as a gift for me. PayPal was used. They didn’t seem the newsletter appropriate ( was kind of a prepper letter) & refused to put the payment through. They then contacted my husband & wanted information on me like dob etc. He refused, said it was none of their business. So they froze our PayPal account. He asked them to close it & they refused. So we’re on a list. Never use it.

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The Bible says the years of a man are 120. I want them all also.

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The Bible says a lot of things with many interpretations.


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You are making an absurd projection about what you want to see in Trump. We know quite clearly from his previous administration that he is pretty much a 90s era Democrat. We know that he was quite willing to keep growing the federal leviathan (the "one-time" COVID stimulus that is now part of every baseline budget in DC). The one thing he didn't do that all other conventional politicians/presidents do - more WAR!!! So it is perfectly fair to give him that. But nothing like a coherent policy that accords with your dreams.

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If you don’t vote Trump, America will never vote again and America will die and President Xi will be the new totalitarian ruler. Klaus Schwab and his WEF have stated that China’s way is best. I choose death over tyranny. May God have mercy on America and those that love him. This is a war of evil against God. I hope you see the light before we are destroyed.

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We don't elect tyrants. You want to solve this country's problems? You better start electing people other than standard-issue Republicans and Democrats to Congress. But messianic thinking doesn't grok that and politics ain't religion.

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Turn off your television. It makes you more clear-thinking and able to discern the truth.

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That is completely unAmerican talk! You will vote for politicians just like you buy consumer products - all based on advertising that appeals to your emotions (and fear above all others).

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Go DJT, RFK, Vance and SAVE THIS GOD GIVEN FREE COUNTRY or die under tyranny and that is fact. Ignorant people do not know history, politics of other countries nor who created this Earth. I’ll be dead soon but I love my wonderful free America. I was a teacher for 40 years and I did not realize what the evil politicians were doing the last 70 years. They sold their souls to Satan and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire

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Vance is connected to the Silicon Valley transhumanist movement. Then there is this.., https://www.bitchute.com/video/4JBKJetkbc2Z/

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Vote Vance. Or PRESIDENT Xi of China. That is your choice. Don’t believe one little article like listening to the main stream media. Vance is now with and under Trump’s and RFK’ thinking. Get Smart today and think about the future of civilization . Xi has trained 3000 soldiers to rule us under the Communist WEF. Wake Up

Think Nazi Germany. That is what the Dems want . Satan is their guide. Almighty God is Trump’s guide. Where do you want to spend eternity? You better search out that question. I’m going to Heaven with the God who made this Earth, me, and all of us. Are you for God or for Satan. Satan rules Evil . Think hard

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Shiva4president.com, the only anti-Zionist running. If you want an Israel first ultra-Zionist, vote Trump.

Zionists hate goyim. Perhaps you are an Israel first goyim-hating Zionist.

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"Almighty God is Trump’s guide."

Damn, you can't argue with a delusion like that.

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Interesting claim about Vance Kenneth. Everything I hear out of Vance is pretty common sense on how to return our nation to normalcy. Do you have any article, interview or video of him suggesting we use AI or genetic manipulation to alter the human race? The video you attached of someone interpreting a man claiming Trump is Messiah b/c his ear was pierced by a bullet has no correlation to the Hebrew text in Exodus 21. Completely different context. What was your point in posting that?

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The original Hebrew text interprets Elohim as plural, not singular for God according to Maro Biglino. Paul Anthony Wallis calls the Elohim the powerful ones.

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Vance is connected to Peter Theil and the antihuman agenda. DYOR.

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Many Rabbis think Trump is their Messia. They all cite different texts or interpretations. Trump himself believes he is their chosen one. He is totally Israel first and favors antisemitism laws. If you want an Israel first President, Trump is your guy.

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Shut up!!! Vote for Almighty God who is good. People who love God who made them do not hate or kill. Killing is EVIL EVIL and those that hate are evil. The eternal lake of Fire is real and very hot. Hate means you have sold your soul to Satan. I don’t want anyone to spend eternity with Satan. Get educated about God and love for all God’s creation. If you hate, Satan is within you

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God ain't on the ballot honey, and commanding people to shut up isn't much of a way to be persuasive.

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Shiva4president.com, the only anti-Zionist running as an independent.

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Decent people don't run for office anymore because the MSM eviscerates them and harasses the families and neighbors.

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“I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.”

― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Written long before there was any kind of MSM in this country.

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Personally I would prefer someone more conservative than Trump. I'm from the typical 90s era Democrat family with union member parents. But oh how my understanding of the world has changed with the rapid information seen through the internet and my own personal coming to faith. It doesn't matter the party, there are deviant schemes in both groups. Bottom line is, Trump has demonstrated his love of country and has connected to the common people more than any president I have seen come into office in my lifetime. JFK to me was also a patriot and his famous statement, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" is the embodiment of how to love your neighbor. I wholeheartedly support Trump in all his flaws and past administration snafus because he's NOT perfect as only God is. The team he is assembling doesn't fully align with my beliefs on abortion and environmental concepts, however, I do believe there will be balance among them. Trump has been anti-regulation which I believe will reign in any possible Green New Deal type energy ideas RFK Jr. might go after but I see RFK Jr as being more interested in the direct health decline due to pharma interventions and agriculture poisoning. Vance comes with boots on the ground experience having served in the military and working his way up from a broken home. He is relatable and understanding of the common people as well. Elon has been pressured by agencies in our government to comply as Meta and Google have and yet he did not cave or take away freedom of speech on his platform. He too has shown patriotism and as an immigrant to boot. This team by far is our only hope for restoration of our country's former glory. God is my first hope but not everyone honors Him in this country so ultimately it is God Who's will be done but from a non religious standpoint, Trump is the right candidate regardless of the trope that he's the "Right's Messiah."

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I agree that Trump is preferable to Harris, but that is damning with faint praise, not to mention sure to be a long term disappointment to those with messianic fantasies.

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I would urge you to read this 4 part series by Francis O’Neill and follow Vanessa Beeley if you believe that Trump does not perpetuate war:


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I fear we're being given the herded choices. Zionism wins either way. Absent any legislation which has to pass bought Congress, little will change. Even attempting to enforce immigration law will bring the lawfare. I hold out hope for Trump but yeah I'm not expecting much. Israel is escalating and Ukraine wants to really start hitting Russia with US-guided weapons (Ukranians aren't firing these missiles no matter how it's presented). Wars that Trump didn't stop still percolate and Iran is even further antagonized.

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Oh Trump was pushed around by the DC establishment - they had and have no interest in any kind of real peace. That's another problem with Trump - even when his instincts are right, he can't stick to them. Last person to whisper in his ear is the one with the final say. It kills me that people think he has principles.

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The media is has one purpose: TO KEEP THE POPULATION INDUCED WITH FEAR. This is literally their only goal - hence why this article states many benefits of NOT watching the news: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/you-are-not-your-thoughts

But regarding your subtitle that the legacy media spits out demons, you’re 100% correct. It’s known as the act of PHANTASMAGORIA and i mention that in this article: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/you-are-not-your-thoughts

Last but not least, Trump and RFK look to resemble the population that’s focused on freedom — and there is plenty of good that they’ve done, however, I think it’s the same strategy we’re seeing with Substack and The Free Press: 1) start off as freedom based 2) slowly convert to totalitarian: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/is-substack-still-the-platform-for

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Wonderfully perceptive article. Thank you, young lady. About twenty or so years ago my wife and I decided to turn off mainstream news entirely - talk radio and TV. To one of your points, about five or six months later, I noticed I was having "thoughts"; as in spontaneous thoughts not really related to anything in particular. Not sure what to make of this entertainment, I laughingly told my wife I seemed to be having "Bruce thoughts", whatever those were. Over the course of the next few months as these imaginative experiences increased in frequency, I realized how fully and completely my mind was captured by media. I had been convinced when cursing MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News every day, I was expressing my own independent thinking.

It hurt to be so sadly mistaken. Yes, I may have been expressing my own view much of the time, but only in restricted response to the limited Overton Window the pixilated black box allowed me to see, hear, and talk about. I realized at least 99.9% of my consciousness was embroiled in and constrained by whatever distraction or propaganda media chose to put in front of me. Nary an original thought of my own, ever. I thought I was this independent thinker verbally defending country, family, and friends. In fact, I was an uninformed stock animal in a thought-barn being force-fed self-defeating gibberish while being led to mind-controlled slaughter.

This was one of my most embarrassing life-realizations in a now, 73-year-old life. I was so perplexed at the time; I went to Thrift Books online store and got a 30th anniversary edition (1964-1994) of Marshall McLuhan's "Understanding Media". Talk about a blast form the past wake up call. Anyway, thanks again for the gift of your thoughts. Much appreciated.

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Wonderful post!

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60 Minutes could blow up the entire Deep State with one broadcast of the truth. Unfortunately, they ARE the Deep State.

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Not really. The Deep State is also Congress with incumbents getting re-elected at 95+% rate (and even when they are replaced it is usually by another party bot). Half of the country likes the bureaucracy as it exists - it does stuff they want. That isn't going away with one TV broadcast.

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mainstream news outlets exist for only one purpose to inform us of what they think we should know

not what we should know

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"What they think," No, what they want us to know.

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Beautifully written, powerful.

You embolden us !

Thank you.

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You're giving it far too much credit. The "mainstream" media is hardly mainstream any more. No one under the age about about sixty watches TV or cable news, let alone printed newspapers. Everyone else gets their information from podcasts and Substack.

What you call "mainstream" media is more accurately characterized as legacy media. As in, no longer relevant. All the legacy media seems to do is delight in their own echo chamber. And when they eventually cease to exist they'll be the last to know, wondering where everyone went, swept aside to the dustbin of history, and left without a clue. No one will care.

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Thank you for your clarity, courage, and faith. I trust you as one of those tuning-forks of Truth in a time of massive lies, delusion and despair (Neptune has been stuck at 29 degrees Pisces for what seems like ever). I am losing patience with formerly respected voices who pooh-pooh the miraculous Unity team of MAGA-MAHA. Those spiritual purists and naive idealists holding out for The Perfect while The Good slips away. Let us call them out as traitors, controlled opposition, purveyors of the Black Pill. Take that stench of defeat away from me!

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We support regenerative agriculture by buying raw milk, kefir, grass fed and finished beef, amazing bacon, eggs in bulk from truly free range chicken from the family that created Fed From The Farm in Sedalia, Missouri. They're fantastic. Working on resourcing our vegetables too. We want to get 100% away from supermarkets. Cook with real butter and lard. I take Methylene Blue from Loxahatchee Co-Op for detoxing. Where do you get your supplements?

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Excellent post!

I'm 70, relatively good health, and have taken supplements for 10 years now.

Curious about your personal supplements.

Oh yeah, unvaxxed, and never got the 'vid...

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There seems to be an issue with your buy me a coffee account.

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Incisive, as usual. Thanks for writing.

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