"Trump knows our economy is chained by a million leftist lies put in place by grifters looking for a safe berth in the government. He knows the corporate oligarchy plans to imprison human creativity, and cull us for energy. He knows when economic growth is prevented, crime flares, criminal cartels invade, and they steal everything not nailed down"

Brilliant dissection of the left and their poisonous infectious ideology, but Elizabeth, Trump is a part of this system. The system is a binary control grid, and we're being led straight into hell by conforming ourselves and thoughts to it.


The media - both news and entertainment - have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.

Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer (we fight amongst ourselves while they decimate our support systems and establish totalitarian control). The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.

(Instead of you taking control of the system or working to prepare for the worst (growing a garden, digging a well, strengthening your community, gathering supplies, and becoming resilient) you hold out hope for a politician to sweep in and solve your problems for you. There is only one place this lack of action can take us. Power corrupts and Washington DC is as corrupt as they come.)

They know that politicization (pitting us at each other throats regardless of relationship status - neighbor, co-worker, friend, family) is so effective at manipulating us because most emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.

These are extremely damaging and misfortunate exploits of human nature. Worse, these exploits are as easy to activate as flipping a light switch for the majority of the population - and they are currently being employed to their maximum effect.


The trick they pulled was in convincing us that we cast our vote (energy, yes it is energy) to someone else so that they then can take care of the maintenance of our republic, meanwhile we get to go on and have a bar-b-que because then we've essentially outsourced our civics to someone we pay and trust to take control of the affair of government.

Well those jobs are brimming with power, money, and temptation. What do you think will happen next?

We're here because we collectively failed to be the watchmen on the tower. We wanted our freedom from the job so we sold it to the highest liar (not always but in many cases, that is exactly what we did). You DO NOT KNOW these people in most cases, most often you only know what they say to get your 'volt'. That's an incentive to tell you whatever you want to hear.

Trump went warp speed and defends the poison to this day. Takes credit for it even. What else is there to know that needs knowing?

"Voting" got us into this, it sure as hell isn't going to get us out. Make plans to secure your own future (build and strengthen your community, get to know your neighbors, gather supplies, grow a garden, stop relying on a big-box retailer, DIG A WELL [immediately - water is your most important resource hands down], do everything humanly possible to become self-sufficient and resilient), and stop waiting for some snake-in-the-grass politician to do it for you.

A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country [aka pocketbook]. —Tex Guinan

Turn your heart toward God and prudently prepare.

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Excellent commentary! I can not add anything to make this better.

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TriTorch - YES!!!

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No outsider will ever -ever - be allowed near the levers of power; do you not understand?

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Then it's time to go after the insiders with a vengeance.

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agreed, suckstack has removed my ability to 'like'.....

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I too, have been unable to 'like' any comments on substack for several months. However, when I use a different computer, I do not have that problem. After noting that many others were having this problem, it seems that it is a browser issue, not a substack issue.

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It's based on your operating system and browser. If you're using an older version of Chrome Substack has (deliberately) suspended voting with a depreciation regiment. Chrome 109 (and who knows what other browser versions) stops voting to entice you to upgrade to their newest panopticon control system.

I cannot upvote either becuase I will not update to their latest surveillance iteration

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Thank-you so much for explaining that. No one with a similar problem has offered an explanation. When I use my apple laptop with a Mac operating system & a Safari browser, I am able to use the 'like' feature without any problem. However, when I'm using my chrome laptop with its chrome browser, I am unable to use the 'like' feature. Now I know why.

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Agree- I have no problem with the like button on my iPad. I also access substack through the app.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

I went to Springfield OH to do some citizen journalism in my home state this past Wednesday. Springfield was a city of about 58,000. 75% white, 18% black, 7% were Asian, native American, latino, etc. 20,000 Haitians were dumped on this city in just a few years raising its population to 78,000. Now, roughly 25% of Springfield are Haitian, largely non-English speaking, many of them bringing cultural and religious practices that strike fear in the hearts of residents, and driving up costs for citizens there. Media is suppressing this through mockery, "fact-checking," outright denial, and now that the Gov. has sent in the troops (and 2.5 million more for "services"), the word "martial law" keeps coming to mind. The congregation of Haitians I saw on Wednesday were all men, and not looking as I would have expected from an impoverished country. These men were muscular, and I wouldn't have even seen them if I hadn't taken a wrong turn on a small street that dead-ended in a parking lot with Haitians going in and out a building called the Machinist Club. I'm going there again today to scout out what's up with the police patrols. Haitians have been dropped in other small Ohio towns as well -- the ones we used to think of moving to in order to escape the big cities.

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When the police cam of a woman in Ohio eating a cat in a driveway emerged, I noted many comments on the stories wanting to believe this was 'starvation' though the video was of a heavyset woman.

None seemed to recognize the spiritual darkness or demonic evil of voodoo that is being IMPORTED from Haiti.

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There is zero question in my mind that all of this is planned by hidden-hand dark nobility. I see that the agenda is to take down America, destroy our way of life and our deeply-held mythologies.

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What they have planned for all of our cities. Massive demographic shift in San Diego, where I live, in a very short time, as well.

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Planned & executed in cities & also smaller communities around the country. Except for places like Martha’s Vineyard of course. Evidently it took the independent media reporting on the Springfield illegal Haitian immigrant crisis to get the Governor’s & America’s attention. Because Trump. Americans can vote for Trump & responsibly prepare for their own survival at the same time. Nobody I know expects Trump to fix all our problems, but his leadership could give us the time & space to get on a path of peace, free speech, law & order & prosperity. An opportunity. Right now we’re headed for war with Russia, courtesy of Biden-Harris ( Blinkin, CIA, et Al). For now we’re stuck with a binary choice, however Trump welcoming voices like Kennedy into his administration is maybe a start to changing that.

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Alabama towns, too.

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Remember they needed a cataclysmic phony worldwide pandemic as cover to steal 2020. They will need something even bigger to steal 2024. And don’t think they don’t know it. Be afraid. But be awake.

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Sep 14Liked by elizabeth nickson

You so nailed it!

“We have elevated the worst people to power, and Kamala Harris, the most repellent woman in public life, who got into power by trading her body and lying about her race, is the exemplar.”

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Sep 14Liked by elizabeth nickson

Thank you for this. I am encouraged, and yet have this nagging feeling that the evil that is the Democrat party will never go away quietly if they lose. They will find more and more creative ways to destroy. Pray, and wake as many up as you can!

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It’ll alway be a battle between good & evil. We live in a fallen world. As Trump said “Fight! “

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I fear what will happen if the Left steals another election. We the People won’t stand for much more nonsense. The Left, who apparently abhor guns, will use everything at their disposal to shut us up! Then what??

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When the people tolerated the covid lockdowns and lies I lost all hope in the people . . .

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Looking back, I think you are right. The gov’t successfully got the American people to give up their jobs, shutter their businesses, and forego being able to provide food and shelter for their children, for as long as the gov’t deemed necessary. When Americans were willing to do all that, the gov’t realized they won. The American spirit of individual freedom vanished and was replaced with a wimpy “I will do whatever you say, O Government Leadership, if you’ll just take away this horrible killing plague and get us back to Normal.”

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You lost all hope in The People. That is a good start on your journey toward personal freedom. Please continue.

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The Left actually doesn't hate guns. They only hate Anyone who isn't Left having one. It's a pretend move. Historically, they bully the population to get you to give up your guns and when you do... the Left and the criminals are the only ones with the guns... which is exactly what they intended. History shows that when a Country's People disarm... within 10 years... the genocides begin. The Second Amendment and an armed populace is the main reason this Country still exists.

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Sure the communists don’t want their enemies to have weapons. But their friends neither. As a doctrine, any practice of self defense, individual or group, is as much a threat to a communist regime as the practice of religion. Self defense validates the will of the individual. Under communism, there can be no individuals.”

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While I agree that they don't want their enemies to have weapons. They do, however, want their "friends" (useful idiots) to be armed (until they are no longer needed) since this is their army (Antifa, BLM) used to devolve and destroy the communities they're targeting. Like the "mostly peaceful" riots that occurred in Seattle, Portland and Chicago a few years ago. That's a good point for people to remember... "Self defense validates the will of the individual." This is why the 2nd Amendment has been under so much attack.

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We the People! Unfortunately, I cannot put into writing the disgust and contempt I have for this phrase.

Patti, what do you mean you won't stand for much more of this nonsense? What, exactly, are you going to do about it? Vote for Trump? Yeah, that'll fix everything. It'll turn centuries of policy around 180 degrees and get us headed back where we belong.

The fact of the matter is that, before the ink was dry on the parchment on which this was scrawled, We the People were already scheming and plotting as to how to take over and grow the government so that they could exercise more control and power over others less fortunate. The fact is that We the People have enabled and demanded that government give us what we want--for decades and decades. We the People have voted into office, not the best of the best, but the least evil person who also happened to be the one promising us more largesse from the public purse.

And still we complain.

We the People. You make it sound as if only those who are opposed to the policies of the Left comprise this population. Yet, if you were to ask those who support the Left, they would be quick to assure you that they, perhaps only they, are We the People, and the Right which opposes them do not and cannot have any part in it.

Elizabeth mentioned slogans which people spout out because they have nothing better. We the People is nothing more than a slogan. Get over it.

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“We the people” is a mom standing before a school board calling them out for putting porn in the school library. “We the people” is a kid named Kyle standing guard in front of a local business with a long rifle to keep it from being burned to the ground. “We the people” is a substacker calling out the BS. I pity your surrendering cynicism.

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Cynical, yes. I admit that. Surrendering? Absolutely not. Surrendering is doing what you are told whether you want to or not. Whether you like it or not. Whether it is good for you or not. As Marcie mentioned above, giving in to the Covid regimen and orders, in which conservatives and the Right was as complicit as liberals and the Left.

I do not surrender. I do not comply. I do not fit in with "We, the People". I do not care what you think about that.

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All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

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They're narcissists and sociopaths who staunchly and delusionally maintain that their fellow humans are less than human so they can continue to perpetuate their delusions of superiority. They refer to their FELLOW HUMANS as "the vulgar ones". They exploit our future, our precious children, and market them as objects to be used. This is how debased they are--the pinnacle of sophistication for them is raping children. They think they can get away with it because they think they're invincible, and they are not. There is a special place in hell for these monsters and they will pay for all of it.

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Sep 14Liked by elizabeth nickson

There was a good reason for President Trump’s bringing out Operation Warp Speed. The pharmaceutical companies’ vaccines were not yet ready for the whole country. Operation Warp Speed “forced” them to use saline for their injections instead of the deadly c**t shot. Many lives will be saved because of this. Please, if you did not know this tell your friends. Operation Warp Speed was a saving grace for millions of unsuspecting people.

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Sep 14Liked by elizabeth nickson

Wow What a stretch. How did you come up with That!?

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Sep 14Liked by elizabeth nickson

I did not come up with this. President Trump himself made it known.

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He said they used “forced” saline injections?

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Is there any more info on the ABC whistleblower who alleges Harris got debate questions ahead of time? Why isn’t Substack exploding with this news? We need links, sources, not allegations.

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Saw it! Thanks! Although the link he provide for the Times (India Times?) article is mostly ads and I can’t find anything but an introductory paragraph. Nothing to back up what Childers claims in his piece. So no sources, essentially.

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Since you mention Google in the article, if there is interest in understanding just how much Google has actually been interfering in elections since 2012 by manipulating the data people see and have access to, check out the Joe Rogan podcast from last week with Robert Epstein. He has actually set up a system to monitor them in real time and has captured data that provides ALL the receipts. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Azu8XnZdxeA

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The kind of evil that doesn't realize that it's evil, is the worst kind of evil there is.

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I have a dream/ fantasy: the Unity party manages to win the election and Elizabeth Nickson becomes the new press secretary. The press briefings are posted live on X and become the most watched political serial in history. I know it's absurd, but it's so satisfying to imagine!

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Komala's earrings. I, too, from the start of the debate felt she was getting answers somewhere. She suddenly became person who could put a sentence together. For her, weird. I suspected something but I of course cold not prove it, myself. But electronic signals had to be sent through the air. I would think think the Republicans would be scanning for every possible frequency, wave lenght, vibration,and so on, coming into the room. Did they even try?

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Sep 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

How do BOTH would be Trump assassins appear in Blackrock commercials?


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absurd, right?

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My attorney says they are faked, but he’s a Trump hater

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You are the best writer. My favorite!

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Sep 15Liked by elizabeth nickson

Thanks for all your work, Elizabeth!

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Sep 14Liked by elizabeth nickson

Elizabeth, You write one of my favorite stacks. But you have a major, meaning-changing error in the fifth paragraph that I am sure you will want to fix. You say "make it less fair for just one person" but what you meant to say was "make it less UNFAIR for just one person". Love what you do and many thanks.

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