Another fantastic article Elizabeth. You've cut to the heart of the matter as always. I'm guessing by your description of the "glorious socialist paradise" in which you're living, it's most likely BC. :) Even if that's not true, there is certainly a whole lot of nutty government there.

Speaking of resignations, does anyone remember that wave of C class resignations at major companies that happened about 1.5 years ago?

Unfortunately, I believe the resignations we're seeing are creating a vacuum that will be filled by even worse people.

Kind of like this:

Matt 12:43-45

43When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ On its return, it finds the house vacant, swept clean, and put in order. 45Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there; and the final plight of that man is worse than the first. So will it be with this wicked generation.”

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Or, as has been posited lately by some faith leaders, that we were once a continent of people whose foundations were Christian, and flawed and fallen as we were, our constitutions and community standards sought to speak to Christian values. This was considered so until roughly 60 years ago when these two nations of US and Canada which sought (however poorly) to honour God, slowly began turning away. Have these nations, once considered to be faith-based, now become the wicked generation? Now empty and vacant, are we reaping the whirlwind of an indwelling of "seven other spirits more wicked?" Just a thought. Idk.

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2Thessalonians2:1-4 Describes the "falling away" of many, many people before the son of perdition (Satan) can be revealed for who and what he is. Verses 3&4: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

Millions of people in western civilization have enjoyed the blessing of God without ever acknowledging His Providence. Now that the forces of Satan have been loosed, those millions are trapped like rats in the humanist\materialist paradigm. They are completely ignorant of spiritual reality and therefore easily deceived. How else could a person of high IQ come to believe that the biological verities of male and female are not real but rather 'social constructs?' This spiritual, supernatural clambake is just beginning to boil. Stay cozy.

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Well stated.

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My deceased father in law was a Disciples of Christ pastor. I’m sure he is rolling in the grave. That denomination has gone woke. Those of us that do believe need to remain ever faithful. Stand tall and strong.

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I cannot express how profound this Substack essay is.

Take a lap around and inside Corporate America and what you just wrote fits like a perfectly made key to expose their nonsense.

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Thank you. Never have I been more certain I am in my right mind. Family doubters be damned.

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This is what happens when we slide into a Post-Christian world - and we have. For centuries we lived off the interest and the principle of Christian values, and they have now evaporated. The last fumes just wafted away.

On our continent with the foundation of Christianity, sin is not mentioned - even within the walls of many churches, y'know the very place where sin is to be named and shunned.

Thus, we no longer know what sin is, so how will we ever repent if we don't know what to repent of?

How can we make reparations if we don't know there is a need for reparation?

How may we embrace gratitude if we assume all the myriad blessings we have around us are our due?

Heavenly Father, rise up from among us those who will loudly and boldly preach the Word of God, name our sins, call us to humility and repentance, and turn our hearts to you. Open our ears, our minds, and our hearts. In Jesus' name we pray.

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Another amazing read . Can't believe I look so forward to your observations and research I read a tremendous amount of articles and do research with others but instinctively I know you are telling the truth bless you


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oh thank you - I really super appreciate that.

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And I appreciate your writing and I pass it along may your day be blessed

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Thanks Elizabeth. Without a complete revolt I don’t think much will change. Most folks are placated by the scraps tossed their way. The “other” political party or politician is no better than current. The elitists/wizards have control of the levers. The curtain has been pulled back to reveal everything and most amble along head down chin on chest. I don’t want to get involved. They may block me on Facebook OMG!

I agree with you. The Administrative State is dealing with extreme fear. I have extreme fear too. I truly believe a hot war is in play and will be enough of a distraction for the Patriot Act to be fully implemented and aggressively enforced. This will give the ruling class a chance to get rid of the detractors and scare all the sheep back into total submission. BLM, Antifa, SPLC, LGBTQ+ etc etc current tools of distraction will be sent to the Gulag along with the likes of you and me. After all enemies of the state have to be controlled!

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Recent study of the fall of the Romanov dynasty where the military eventually turned against the royal family gives me a ray of hope. Sadly the Bolsheviks ended up in power due to funding and support of the western banking cabal however, a popular uprising could see our soldiers turning their rifles away from the people and towards the fools who trying to put us down. It will get ugly and who knows, what follows could be even worse but, we must stand strong and fight to mitigate our ruin and to stay our swan song and final epilogue.

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We cannot know what is going to happen, but your part is essential to God’s plan for redemption. I love that phrase. The future won’t work until everyone pitches in.

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The nihilistic tag is pure projection. The woke religion is a nihilistic religion of the self. Check out some of the libs of tic toc videos that demonstrate the screaming, vacuous, self certainty of some of the morally degenerate left.

I re read Dostoyevsky’s “Notes from the underground” and there are some fascinating allegories with the protagonist and the authoritarian woke media/government organs.

Ps. Two thumbs up for Gilcrist and our lovely Elizabeth.

Keep your chin up everyone.

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Great commentary, I hadn't seen such a reference to them using nihilism like they do fascism, racism, xenophobia, ad nauseam. Doesn't make any sense at all, as with every other "ism", they are the nihilists. Nice ending about them huddling to be rescued, they truly are a pathetic bunch. Yet they've wrested control. I've never been religious, but what I see is better explained as satanic, or alien shape-shifters than anything more pedestrian. Those on the wrong side of the culture wars are unreachable and insane, yet effective and often successful in society. People like Zuckerberg, Bancel, Bourla, Fauci, Birx, Trudeau, etc. are exactly what you'd observe if someone sold their soul to the devil for earthly rewards. Oh well, as Sir John Glubb noted in "The Fate of Empilres", our decline is just another instance of the recurring pattern we always see throughout human history.

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Hey, Fox Narratives is down 1/3 of its viewership. A nice result.

Keep up the good work, Liz!

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Green energy policies have added maybe $700 a month to the cost of a one bedroom rental unit. It takes over two years to get approval for a rental building in Victoria. Then, another year after initial approval to final approval. That adds another sum. Maybe $300? So rents in theory could be $1000 a month less. That is $1000 that could go to piano lessons, hockey gear. Private school? And so on. Then Justin let in ONE MILLION people last year into Canada. All unvetted. Canada builds various amounts of housing each year. But 275,000 units is a reasonable average. One million people require 350,000 or so housing units. So we need about 600,000 for this year alone. Do that for three years and we will be nearly a million housing units short. A million! You want to see upward price pressure on rents? You have not seen anything yet.

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Restrictive zoning policies create housing shortages. Salt Spring could easily add 5000 housing units. It would still be largely uninhabited.

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yep, I knew glimmerings of this but not all - thank you for the data - I needed that clarity on this topic. Writing about it for pipeline next week.

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Wow. I woke up today not knowing how to spell Nihilist and now I are one! Please keep writing, don't let the nincompoops drown us out.

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Not reading or watching mainstreamnews these days - I had NO idea I was being tagged a nihilist! LOL! Seriously , if not so sad and stupid - it would be funny. The left seems to ALWAYS accuse the conservatives and the Christians of exactly what THEY ARE or are DOING. THis tag is no exception.

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Every civilization eventually reaches the point where it evolves a 'mandarinate' to regulate the unruly but productive society it sits above in self-appointed splendor. It's seldom successfully removed or replaced without violence. This seems likely the main reason for the West's accelerating decline. Meanwhile the globalist cult is helping it along, giving it a roadmap & timetable of institutional failure. Their prognosis literally seeks the immiseration of what culturally currently exists in the West, so what comes after (if anything) can be 100% left brain centered, designed & implemented by them. Heaven help us.

Tucker correctly judges this push as just plain evil. The proliferating & accelerating resignations is an encouraging sign.

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The only difference being our ability to communicate with each other across distance, which requires all the attempts at censorship. Hard to measure the strength of the refusal but it is strong, and despite the crappiness of education, most people are educated far beyond former “peasantries”. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

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Thank you,again.Anger is palpable. Love anger these days-esp-when directed towards the insane.

Remember when parents told you to "Cut it out!"-and it stung-but you knew you were lazy and or greedy.This is how to approach those still in a stupor about the "current things."

This just came "over the wire":Not sure which is worse bold face Evil or Disney-esque fairy tale-warpedness.


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Idiots, we need more babies, esp from educated privileged parents, because they have the energy and brains we need. Thx.

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The bureaucratic expert class live in a clueless alternate universe. I spent 40 years as a bldg. maintenance engineer repairing and maintaining the infrastructure of commercial buildings. I can honestly say that most of the paper shuffling experts looked on us as uneducated rubes with a toolbox. They watched us fix everything and treated us like we knew nothing.

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Oh, I know. The egos are titanic, the work they do that of scurrying mice. And the stench - I can spot them at 500 yards.

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Thank you for this. I am studying McGilchrist now, Jordan Peterson interview is excellent.

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yes, he was on Unherd as well, I've ordered his new book.

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Your post covers multiple key/core issues. Including mention of the island economy I recognize as home too. Howdy, neighbor! :)

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