Outstanding and brilliant. When I come back from my short hiatus, this will be the first piece I publish. It is so devastatingly on point. I've been intending to write about your work for months since I agent told me about you, and I started reading you. I couldn't believe I had not heard of you before. You're amazing. Thank you.

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You are amazing too, thank you.

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Excellent piece. This is not Science, it is a religious cult that requires faith. The goal is to destroy Western Civilization.

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As you and I strive, with paltry reassurance, to inspire sensible thought and noble intentions, let's not lose hope, nor forget that words sometimes have an effect. Great essay.

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Thank you

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Um, the space which surrounds earth, and through which earth travels 24/7, is a balmy 450 degrees BELOW ZERO. It’s not global warming we should be worried about.....

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They want us to believe they can stop “climate change” when they can’t even stop spam email and scam telemarketers. Climate change: spring, summer, fall, winter. The earth’s orbit around the sun, the fact that it “wobbles” on it axis, the ocean currents, the moon’s gravitational pull, volcanoes, and solar flares/activity all have more effect on our weather than mankind has had or ever will have. Ask your resident Marxist climate alarmist what melted the glaciers that covered North America BEFORE there were planes, trains, coal plants and cow farts...And if CO2 is such a problem, why aren’t the “climate change” fanatics demanding that catalytic converters be banned?!!! Since catalytic converters, mandated at huge cost for every vehicle, emit CO2! Hint: because this whole thing is a hoax.

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I don’t understand the term stakeholder. It doesn’t seem to be like shareholder. How does one become a stakeholder? Pontificate and declare? Am I, a provincial American a stakeholder of anything? I feel more like a stake.

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It is made up so that consumers and interest groups can affect the direction of private corporations.

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It seems to me that all this "consensus" nonsense in science is nothing more than an attempt to shut down anyone who disagrees with the purveyors of this twaddle. I once was a high school science teacher and everything is in flux, everything. If not, then why is their so much research done in such a wide variety of fields? My answer is that were searching for MORE than what we know now.

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Elizabeth, deeply grateful for your relentless effort to sound the alarm. Glad to know Michael Walsh is part of the team. Keep going...the citizen army of resistance continues to grow.

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30 trillion? We would have to burn up the remaining fossil energy to build the green utopia, which would be vastly less energy per capita, with no fossil energy left to maintain the infrastructure of the green utopia, the utopia gradually feeding on itself until there is nothing left.

Heating the average house in Minnesota with electricity would cost well in excess of a $1000mnth, probably $7000 October to April. You would have to reduce the house size by a factor of about 4, while rebuilding for vastly improved efficiency.

The whole thing is likely a quadrillion dollars on the way to history's dumpster.

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I’m not as disturbed by climate drama as I am by the infantilism that’s rife and noted by yourself. How many people do you know that can think for them? Willing to live on the fringe of fashion? Will happily go against the Joneses? (Enter the dumbing down movement of “inner child” work…..just in time for “authority “ to decide what’s best for you). Cut out the dirty root and the house of cards tumble.

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Another GREAT commentary!

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“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” — Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations.

What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?... In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? - Maurice Strong

Maurice Strong organized the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 and established the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which provided the "science" behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) "theory" of climate change. What few people realize is that IPCC is mostly a fake scientific body which was established to provided scientific legitimacy for what is perhaps the greatest and most costly scientific fraud in the history of mankind...CO2-driven global warming. In the process, a clean and odourless natural gas that feeds the planet through photosynthesis has been turned into a pollutant that must be controlled and reduced despite the fact CO2 is already very low at ~400ppm compared to atmosphereic concentrations in the geological past. Furthermore, carbon dioxide plays no measurable in global warming or cooling.

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Of course it is! Obama brought it with him, Communism I mean!

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Indeed and even the word communist does not fully describe it.

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Yes it is.

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