The Green New Deal is A Communist Plot
Complete with camps, impoverishment, hated leaders and catastrophic misery.
Commies have always been after the wealth of America. It is their plum, their Holy Grail, their much-lusted-after crowning achievement. From the ruined universities of Europe, they flooded to the New World after WW2, determined to get some of her lovely money. Communists are always money hungry, starved in fact, ravenous for cash, but they never figure out how it is created. So they steal it by insinuating themselves into the bureaucracy and public sector unions, there to shake down the culture, no matter what. They don’t give a damn about the people they putatively serve. Citizens are meatsuits to be exploited for benefits and raises. Communists steal the wealth of every country they take over and then they destroy that country, its history, its culture, its families and youth. Whether you call it by its polite name “socialism” or its real name which is demonic and unknown, the forces of death and evil, Communism, Leninism, Maoism, what it leaves in its wake is devastation. Lucifer. Baal. Satan.
All that Chinese art lost. Russian literature, the greatest in the known world, gone, the cultures that produced the work, destroyed. One hundred million dead.
I spent last weekend plus a couple of days buried in Michael Walsh’s collection of essays Against The Great Reset. It is a dense read, which actually made me smarter, for which I am always grateful. Every aspect of the globalist plan is taken apart by some of the greater thinkers of today and I found myself saying, “look, if they trash us, like they trashed China and Russia and are killing Europe so that there is no transcendent art coming from the cradle of western civ, but the ghastly Satanic fashion world, and porky Oligarchical self-indulgence, someday, buried in the desert in a clay jar, someone will find this book and be able to rebuild our world”.

Because all the principles that formed the way we live, created the safety and abundance and love we in the middle-class west have managed to build in the face of chaos and disruption and war and terrible leaders, are buried in this book.
These essays should be taught in school starting in Grade 10, set against the meandering obfuscation of Marx’s followers who bellow their hate and violence from the academy and turn out shrieking deformed children who cannot put together an adult marriage or career. Walsh’s final essay alone could save an entire city full of lost children calling themselves artists and trying to find a way onto the public purse.
I am not sure, but none of Walsh’s essayists seem much au fait with the life of an ordinary businessman. They are thinkers, researchers and writers. With the exception of Conrad Black, who frankly spent his business life at the tippy top of the tree, none seems to fully grasp the plight of the people who make our world possible today, right now. I can. I have an MBA. I started three companies before I was 30, and I am from twenty generations of New World businessmen. Not politicians, not intellectuals or “public servants”, men (and women) who built the towns and infrastructure of the US and Canada, canals, bridges, churches, schools, hospitals, water systems. The kind of people who create the grounds for culture. Normal good people.
Without which, nothing.
That kind of person today is held in a thousand thousand chains wrought by climate change. Because despite the fact that the theory is shot full of holes, bureaucrats have woven every action of a free man or woman into ten thousand climate-related regulations and I do not exaggerate the number. Climate-related regulation is built in layers, starting at the local level and moving through another four or five. Which means if you can get it through the local level, and that will cost you almost everything you have, if someone wants to challenge you at the regional level, you are toast. Regulations have been written and put in place that means Regional trumps Local and so on, up the chain.
The result? Stasis.
And at every turn, stakeholders. Which is to say people whose actions are not held to account and are not invested in anything but your failure. Whose aim is grifting on your energy. They are, literally, paid by the state and the very rich, to destroy you.
These regulations and the stakeholders the administrative state allowed, even created, are the reason for our economic malaise where all growth, all of it, comes from borrowed money and betting on that borrowed money via financialization. The collateral being us meatsuits, our children and our resources, swiftly being locked up by plutocrats.
Globally, we are at a ratio of 350% debt to GDP. And they plan to borrow another $30 trillion to create a “green-energy economy”.
Outside the fraught, crime-ridden mega-cities, this system is so powerful, we are participating in de-development, a deliberate, slow-moving destruction of local economies and cultures.
And in Europe, the lie of climate change has created catastrophic energy prices, a shortage of fertilizer, persistent predictions of food shortages and a populace so desperate people are choosing between food and heat.
That is entirely, 100%, on the Great Reset, The Green New Deal and the utter lie of Climate Change. We are, as a civilization spell-struck and held in a gelid amber, passive and unable to act. We are caught in a demonic lie.
The Lord God is subtle but He’s not malicious - Einstein
We have based hundreds of thousands of decisions and trillions of dollars on something where the truth has not yet been established.
Here is the state of the debate among scientists.
For physicist Steven Koonin, Under Secretary for Science during the Obama administration, the debate isn’t about little things, it is about the fundamental ideas underpinning the entire debate.
His sometime colleague, Dr. William Happer, is a scientist’s scientist, who has served in many pinnacle positions in the scientific world. He is a professor emeritus at Princeton, a nuclear physicist, with 200 published papers, mostly focused on the thermal radiation interaction with atoms and nuclei, which is essentially what happens with supposed climate change: the interaction of thermal radiation from the earth with water molecules, CO2 and methane in our atmosphere. He chaired the Jason Committee, including overseeing the genome project. Worked with many top decision makers in the world.
“Real scientists believe that there is objective proof out there. that doesn’t have anything to do with humans. It is there whether humans are there to observe it or not. It is absolute. The Congress or Parliament can’t repeal gravity or the flow of electrical charges interacting. That is very different from much of human life. Which is a social thing, decisions are made because people agree.
“Climate is doing things that it has always done and continues to do and has nothing to do with people. There is a small effect from greenhouse gasses, but it is very trivial.
“What Einstein meant when he said, “the Lord is subtle, but not malicious”, that the realities of science and the way the world works is really hard to understand, but if you keep working at it, eventually you will understand it.
“Reality is out there. If you are honest about it, you’ll figure out what it is and it’ll be good for humanity. Work with it, and make it work for humanity.
“If it’s consensus, it’s not science.
“When someone says consensus science, he is either a fool or propagandist.”
“Right now it’s like savage witchdoctors. All the witchdoctors agree, so therefore it must be true.”
Happer says the mistake we have made is so basic as to be fundamental.
Climate Change needs a Red Blue Team
The heart of the debate lies in how much feedback amplifies direct effects. And CO2 is not big enough to substantially change the climate. Happer’s main research was founded in feedback. “Nature is full of feedback. Feedbacks in nature all try to prevent change. This is known as Le Chatelier’s principle and it has been accepted for 100 years.
“But feedbacks in nature with climate are somehow supposed to be strongly positive.
“I can’t think of another system like that. There is no observational evidence to support it. Nature continues to point out that feedback is close to zero.”
In point of fact, the climate has been warming 1/10 of a degree per decade for the last few decades as we emerged from the Little Ice Age. In the 1970’s, Happer points out, he watched ice floes come down the Hudson River. “You could almost walk from Manhattan to New Jersey, the ice was so thick.”
The temperature is unlikely to rise more than that for next five thousand years.
Climate Change has not been tested. It has not been subjected to rigorous review. “It has been reviewing itself,” says Happer. It has not been fairly debated, it has never received any rigorous fact-checking, activists have built a cobweb of assumptions and cherry picking and lies.
All our malaise, even and including the Ukraine conflict, which our corrupt leaders think will help them evade prosecution for their many crimes, can be set at the door of this flagrant outrageous lie. Thousands of perverted incentives have colluded to create an imaginary threat that serves leaders and screws the public.
Climate Science Needs a Red Blue Team
Within the US Department of Defence, innovations like the F-15, the most effective fighter plane in human history, receive rigorous debate over many months, even years, where every conceivable argument is brought for and against something upon which billions will be spent. This is called a Red Blue Team exercise.
Estimates to create a green energy economy start at $30 Trillion.
Climate Science hasn’t had even one day of such vetting. Behind the scenes, scientists are still debating its most basic assumptions.
Consensus does not exist in science. There is absolute truth and there is nothing else.
The Lord God is subtle but he is not malicious.
We have based the future and the fate of eight billion people on a malicious lie.
You can watch Dr. Happer’s entire interview here. The Frontier Center for Public Policy did a great job.
Outstanding and brilliant. When I come back from my short hiatus, this will be the first piece I publish. It is so devastatingly on point. I've been intending to write about your work for months since I agent told me about you, and I started reading you. I couldn't believe I had not heard of you before. You're amazing. Thank you.
Excellent piece. This is not Science, it is a religious cult that requires faith. The goal is to destroy Western Civilization.