THEY have their plans, they have been moving towards them and are now obvious to all who will snap out of the spell (or abandon their willful ignorance as you say).
We have been playing catch up. No doubt. But plans aside, they won't succeed. Humans have a plan too - even if most of us don't know it. The increase in planetary frequencies is shedding illusions (externally and Internally) and so simultaneously we will drop many of the assumptions we've accepted (already happening) and I think begin to remember who we are. Much bigger than we've been told.
Dangerous times, no doubt. Many more people will leave, no doubt. But this is not a time to be in fear (low, easy to control frequency). This is the time to stand up, own your life and choices and do what you know if right. They only succeed in shadow and they are increasingly being seen.
Oh, my heavenly days, it is time to take it back! Thank you so much for all the sources that you are sharing with us.
I went from data geek at NASA in the Apollo days, to hippie back-to-the-land dropout in the West Kootenay, helper to the millwrights at Kootenay Forest Products (long gone now, of course) and then to building in Nelson. In the early '80s I innocently thought that mortgages meant land and improvements, and the talk about financialization and things like derivatives meant nothing to me. And the crash in '84 that sent me back to working in the world of DC data consulting was just a chance thing.
Then I began to understand things a little better, working inside the Federal Regulation world, and saw that the economy and money are completely unhinged, totally removed from any reality, and I gave up. Raised my kids, put some away, and now live in quite genteel poverty (for this neighborhood - I'm really quite comfortable). Knowing that everything I have is dependent on the Bad Guys' plans and permission, and could be gone later today.
And there's nothing I can do about it but watch my six and stay prepared to have water, food and ammo for a few weeks if it all goes south. And now you suggest that there might just be something that folks like us could do? I'll be following all your links when I get back from Mass, and am grateful, if cautious. Heads down, synchronize our watches, be ready.
War, pure & simple. Fascinating that laws in most jurisdictions have been changed over the decades so that no individual can have autonomy. And multi-layered control has been put in place. So their last steps are to degrade people's health so resistance becomes ever more problematic.
Joanie Higgs: The problem is that there is no "we". People don't agree or get along very well. I just watched "The Milagro Beanfield War" again. Great movie. Better book by John Nichols.
Check it out if you wish to see what we are up against. The soundtrack is great and won an Oscar that year,
This sounds like a great recommendation. I've tried to make things happen with groups in my area and it doesn't work very well. I will definitely watch this, or read the book, or both.
Joanie Higgs: The book and movie will cheer you up and help give you faith in humanity. Robert Redford directed the film (which lost money of course). But it is a beautiful film made in Truchas (Trout), New Mexico which, oddly enough, after the film became exactly what the movie and book warn about. Oh, life.
Our town of Healdsburg, CA was just like Milagro. A nice quiet close knit farming community in paradise. And then the rich discovered our town.
Linden: The Marinites also have the rights to all the clean water coming from Lake Sonoma behind Warm Springs Dam. We in Healdsburg, have to use dirty Russian River water.
I am sorry this happened to your hometown. That, plus the result in Truchas, doesn't give one much "faith" but oh, well, I guess that's the value of good fiction (smile).
Joanie Higgs: Below is a link to the Mill District Project/Development which is almost finished. The development is high end and is on the land of the old lumber mill a few blocks south of our home:
Local politicians are groomed very early by statists, usually Democrats, to grow the power and learn the game. Then they get promoted up the political ladder.
I got an email about a year ago from the DNC, discussing how alarmed they were about America-1st patriots running for local gov't positions, and that it was a thorn in their side that threatened the "recruit, groom, corrupt, move up the ladder" strategy.
One important point. We have no real problems. All our problems are of poor governance. This isn’t necessarily true everywhere. But in North America it is. We have cheap energy, tons of water, a semi educated populace. We have every natural resource. Canada has ready and easy access to a giant market to the south. Where China was unstoppable was it has cheap labour. Robotics changes all that. We can make anything cheaper now than China. The only thing holding us back is dingbats! Dingbats to the right, dingbats to the left. At no time in history has the future been so bright. Provided we let it be.
Unfortunately the poor governance is our fault. While we had our noses to the grindstone working, raising familiies, and enjoying our freedoms the ones we elected to represent us that we trusted (and believed) to look out for our interests were not just failing us but purposely enriching themselves at our expense. We MUST get back involved in the processes, starting at every local level until we can get it back under control. It will be long and difficult but as Elizabeth said, we have some super smart people here.
yes, exactly. I keep thinking of my great aunt and uncle who virtually ran Vancouver via their charitable enterprises - hundreds of them over the years, and they were not unusual, but part of a large cohort all of whom were profoundly knowledgable and engaged. Not rich. Comfortable. They would never have let that city become a money-laundering center.
"These are specific people and specific families. They are not the faceless mass of the U.N. General Assembly or the US Congress or the UK Parliament. There are people who did this, and not many of them. Maybe 300 of them, who obey their leaders - who number, I am guessing, twelve. You can call them the Round Table – though they change their name for the sake of confusion often – and they operate out of England and the financial district. They are associated with Bilderberg, but the Bilderbergers, when summoned do the bidding of the Round Table. And yes, the Orsinis, the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers. The Gray Pope."
This paragraph for me is absolutely critical in winning this total war against humanity in which we find ourselves. Sun Tzu in The Art of War written in the 5th century BC stated that "...we may say that to know yourself and to know your enemy, you will gain victory a hundred times out of a hundred." Most Canadians do not know themselves having been weaponized, disarmed and neutralized with a steady diet of lies, propaganda and false history over the past hundreds years or more...not to mentioned weakened with poisonous food, water, air and Big Pharma drugs and injections. As for our true enemies, they are few in number, largely unknown to most people and operate from behind the curtain pulling the strings of agents such as Biden, Trudeau, Gates and Klaus installed into the highest offices in the land.
We cringe when we gracefully and with extreme caution urge folks to get at least some of their wealth out of the markets. They smile and say, "We have a great Financial Advisor." So clueless. Maybe greed, as they see their numbers going up. We tell them it's only numbers if it's on paper. If you can't hold it, it isn't real.
The dirty secrets! The derivative holders take all. Isn't it in quadrillions now?
The orders of magnitude of evil is as incomprehensible as those numbers.
One of the great primary purposes of Dodd-Frank was to put all derivatives on an exchange, like the CFTC. An exchange that guarantees both side of a trade, insured, with transparency.
But... Year after year, the Swaps and Derivatives Assn goes before the Senate Banking Committee and asks for an extension of the deadline, because transparency is the last thing they want.
They're not just the "protected class", they are the parasite class.
Yes, indeed! I asked a banker guy that's been working in the banks for 30+ years if he had heard about what was happening in the Repo market. He said he didn't know about Repo Markets. Hard to believe he wasn't gaslighting me.
If we are the collateral to all debt, like good slaves we could work harder. Or, like the living, we could laugh at the cabal for their gullibility. The man who owns the land is the man standing on the land.
"Main Street" economy is private capital investment growth within; "Wall Street" economy is making bets on whether the Main Street company's stock goes up.... or down. It ain't healthy for the Deplorables.
Out here in flyover we understand the problems and are thankfully away from the population centers that are a great danger.
Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse blog, has done a masterful explanation of the fork in the road, transforming the focus of the economy from Main Street to Wall St...One real, one fake. Hollow, fragile, parasitic. Privatize the gains, socialize the losses.
There are many games of expression concerning the explanation of a countries debt ranging from double speak, or just plain talking about two difference methods of accounting. Then least we not forget my personal fav.... omission. . Examples often include Social Security payments due into the future, then you get a bigger number for shock value. The number method I presented was more in line with how we look at our personal balance sheets. Overall I agree that there is a difference in actual line item numbers. For instance the CNBC quotes $659 billion and the Tax Foundation page, source of my data states $711 billion. Another slight of hand that is played is using the "budget" term. I remember how Clinton had a 'budget reserve" but the check book was still in red ink!.
Since the Fed now buys everyone's debt it is offered, there is no longer a reason to worry about anything but inflation, which will be accelerating here just as it did in the Wiemar Republic.
Food for thought....there is a rub. Federal Reserve is owned privately. So what happens when the owners decide they have acquired enough debt to foreclose? The ugly secret of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act is in the interest. Say Treasury borrows $100. thus now owes Fed Reserve $106 (interest may vary). Is there enough cash to pay back $106 with only the $100 borrowed? The dirty secret is there is never enough to pay the debt both principal and interest. Maybe that's why all the elected leaders do is spend? Historically when President Kennedy for instance, and those before him, issued "government money" outside of the "interest scheme" bad things happened!
The Fed could only foreclose on themselves since they don't hold collateral on the debt they issue. Federal Reserve Notes and treasury paper is printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. FRNs are sold to the Fed at the cost of production and lent back to the government at face value plus interest. Treasury paper is sold to the Fed in return for FRNs to circulate and electronic debt to fund the government. President Kennedy issued Silver Certificates on his own authority, not the government's.
But what is "Treasury paper" if but not interest bearing bonds?
Were not the Kennedy Silver Certificates issued, a non interest bearing instruments that transfers power from the Federal Reserve and back the United States Treasury, who for the most part of it's history issued the currency of the nation interest free until 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act.
The "holding of collateral" rebuttal is off base, as my original point was not to argue per se. Some insightful reading on the subject of "government issued currency" vs a "private group" is as follows.
Barbara Villers or A History of Monetary Crimes by Alexander Del Mar, M.E.
Babylons Banksters & Financial Vipers of Venice by Joseph P. Farrell
In closing I must ask about the differentiation between the President and "the governments" authority. How is does that division other than stated in the U. S. Constitution?
So in the end as of today you and I both owe at least $100,247 as a citizen and $259,103 as a tax payer, shouldn't we be more accusative with those who claim to spend on "our behalf"?
However, for hyperinflation is to occurr, the velocity of money must increase and become rapid, and it's not there yet. Nobody can figure out why... But we do have serious deflationary pressures on the system, and that's impairing the increase in velocity. It's a mess.
I am not even going to attempt to try and add any facts to this great output but I will send this link to a concise tutorial by the great truth seeker and radio host ( now recently shuttered due to finances or lack there of) Michael Rivero . His show was called What Really Happened. His piece is called "All Wars Are Banker Wars" and was put out in 2013. If we had a legitimate education system it would be mandatory listening .
I always feel the need to reiterate what I believe is behind all of what we are faced with here and in the rest of the world and have been for millennia. That is an unimagined evil presence that has been talked about for almost as long. The Gnostics wrote about as the parasitic ones who created this false reality known today as the matrix . A bad copy of the real paradise called Earth. In some other dimension is the original and perhaps another version of us is enjoying what has been stolen from us. Of course many other cultures through out time have their own versions of what the Gnostics identified . I would recommend to anyone who is unfamiliar with the author Nathanial Gillis who wrote a book , among many others, called "Hunting demons through the ages" He was recently on the very fine program hosted by Richard Willet on The great David Ickes Iconic network. The entire mess we are in only made sense to me when it was explained by David Icke in his book "The biggest Secret"Then and only then did I begin to understand why our Distopian world has been allowed to be as it has been since the beginning. Thanks again to Elizabeth for another fine posting!
"Time to take it back." Yes. But that's an active, not a passive phrase. Voting harder won't do it. Our supposed "opposition" party can't even decide on a leader due to the ongoing fights between donor pools, bribery pools; none of the give a damn about the people they are hired and paid to represent. That no one represents the people is obvious in the rise of populism across the entire world; it drove Brexit, it drives Trump. And the elites simply cannot have this. I see no way out that is not extra-judicial. Do you? Really? The clock is ticking... down.
Totally. 100%. I think at this point it is almost certain we will have populists in power in the US and Canuckistan by 2025. The ruination between now and then will be so spectacular even the deep state will want Trump back. Then it’s a 10-15 year mop up operation. I am sticking to that.
I am amazed at how such opportunities exist now. First things first though. The medical mal-model must be destroyed. The damage to the human body being perpetrated on us by pharma is beyond belief. A buddy is on 19 different pharma products a day. He has to be, he says. His doctor told him to. The average 60+ year old is on 12 poisons. Get all of society off this stuff and watch vitality be restored. The vac is a wild card. How much we have been hurt no one knows yet. But it is really bad. I was out for dinner with my three sons and my wife. Not a prescription between us. No vaccines either, other than some childhood ones. Very rare nowadays.
As I recall, there was an honest woman working as a economic\financial advisor to PresBillClinton. When Clinton asked her for input on the then-new idea of 'financial derivatives' she advised him that it would be a catastrophic mistake leading to all sorts of terrible problems. Clinton fired her. I don't remember the woman's name but I sure someone here will recall. Ol'Bill is dirty, dirty, dirty.
1688/9. I'd forgotten how much the Glorious Revolution changed England, and laid a foundation for development. It's amazing to review that. The monarch's arbitrary power was curtailed. At the time that was the norm, so changing that was a big deal. Real political power shifted to Parliament, which was opened to the middle classes, meaning laws started to reflect not only necessary mercantile concerns, but also the concept of citizens' rights, as in 1689's 'Bill of Rights'.
It's fascinating that our current globalization is not about modernization, it's the inverse of the Glorious Revolution, in effect a gradual re-feudalizing of first world societies and economies by rolling back the changes of that revolution. Citizens' economic rights are being taken away piecemeal. I was shocked at how laws governing citizens' ostensible wealth held in equity markets have been re-written to make it accessible to cover monumental losses in derivatives markets.
"The banks are betting if the house comes down for real, we will step up again and impoverish ourselves to save their bacon."
We don't have a choice. It's called bail-ins and it's the law in the US and, I believe, every Western nation. Like you said in the article, they're framing laws and regulations to impoverish us all. We will be serfs to their "glory".
Great article. Elizabeth Nickson could teach a college course on the issues in this substack.
"State and local governments were forced to raise taxes." Is the only sentence I take issue with. State and local governments could have cut spending instead. But they never do.
I remember TARP well. The House of Representatives voted down TARP almost unanimously and then a day or two later, passed TARP even though Americans were against TARP by 80% or more.
Oh, my Congressman did a quick Step-and-Fetchit around that fact.
Thanks for the article. It is depressing. The solution mentioned is sound but families have been broken by the Covid Con Crap and lousy economy.
THEY have their plans, they have been moving towards them and are now obvious to all who will snap out of the spell (or abandon their willful ignorance as you say).
We have been playing catch up. No doubt. But plans aside, they won't succeed. Humans have a plan too - even if most of us don't know it. The increase in planetary frequencies is shedding illusions (externally and Internally) and so simultaneously we will drop many of the assumptions we've accepted (already happening) and I think begin to remember who we are. Much bigger than we've been told.
Dangerous times, no doubt. Many more people will leave, no doubt. But this is not a time to be in fear (low, easy to control frequency). This is the time to stand up, own your life and choices and do what you know if right. They only succeed in shadow and they are increasingly being seen.
Thank you.
I agree
Oh, my heavenly days, it is time to take it back! Thank you so much for all the sources that you are sharing with us.
I went from data geek at NASA in the Apollo days, to hippie back-to-the-land dropout in the West Kootenay, helper to the millwrights at Kootenay Forest Products (long gone now, of course) and then to building in Nelson. In the early '80s I innocently thought that mortgages meant land and improvements, and the talk about financialization and things like derivatives meant nothing to me. And the crash in '84 that sent me back to working in the world of DC data consulting was just a chance thing.
Then I began to understand things a little better, working inside the Federal Regulation world, and saw that the economy and money are completely unhinged, totally removed from any reality, and I gave up. Raised my kids, put some away, and now live in quite genteel poverty (for this neighborhood - I'm really quite comfortable). Knowing that everything I have is dependent on the Bad Guys' plans and permission, and could be gone later today.
And there's nothing I can do about it but watch my six and stay prepared to have water, food and ammo for a few weeks if it all goes south. And now you suggest that there might just be something that folks like us could do? I'll be following all your links when I get back from Mass, and am grateful, if cautious. Heads down, synchronize our watches, be ready.
what a great comment.
Yes. With all formerly "democratic" institutions now utterly captured, I beg to know by what mechanism we can "do" anything to turn this all around.
War, pure & simple. Fascinating that laws in most jurisdictions have been changed over the decades so that no individual can have autonomy. And multi-layered control has been put in place. So their last steps are to degrade people's health so resistance becomes ever more problematic.
I fear you're right.
Joanie Higgs: The problem is that there is no "we". People don't agree or get along very well. I just watched "The Milagro Beanfield War" again. Great movie. Better book by John Nichols.
Check it out if you wish to see what we are up against. The soundtrack is great and won an Oscar that year,
Loved that film!
This sounds like a great recommendation. I've tried to make things happen with groups in my area and it doesn't work very well. I will definitely watch this, or read the book, or both.
Joanie Higgs: The book and movie will cheer you up and help give you faith in humanity. Robert Redford directed the film (which lost money of course). But it is a beautiful film made in Truchas (Trout), New Mexico which, oddly enough, after the film became exactly what the movie and book warn about. Oh, life.
Our town of Healdsburg, CA was just like Milagro. A nice quiet close knit farming community in paradise. And then the rich discovered our town.
Used to live in rural Sonoma County. Lovely. Down to earth people. Then the Marinites invaded. My sympathies.
Linden: The Marinites also have the rights to all the clean water coming from Lake Sonoma behind Warm Springs Dam. We in Healdsburg, have to use dirty Russian River water.
I am sorry this happened to your hometown. That, plus the result in Truchas, doesn't give one much "faith" but oh, well, I guess that's the value of good fiction (smile).
Joanie Higgs: Below is a link to the Mill District Project/Development which is almost finished. The development is high end and is on the land of the old lumber mill a few blocks south of our home:
What a load of crap, eh? It's like the difference between an old hand-built, wooden ship and a monster "floating gin palace" yacht.
Joanie Higgs: Yeah. The rich folk like "authentic". "A town where there are homes people care about and take care of."
Sure, and then the millionaires buy the old homes, tear them down, and put up their mansions.
The city council likes the tax money from the tourists and the rich new homeowners.
That's exactly how it works, alright... lather, rinse, repeat.
Local politicians are groomed very early by statists, usually Democrats, to grow the power and learn the game. Then they get promoted up the political ladder.
I got an email about a year ago from the DNC, discussing how alarmed they were about America-1st patriots running for local gov't positions, and that it was a thorn in their side that threatened the "recruit, groom, corrupt, move up the ladder" strategy.
Linden: Fascinating! Thanks for the info.
One important point. We have no real problems. All our problems are of poor governance. This isn’t necessarily true everywhere. But in North America it is. We have cheap energy, tons of water, a semi educated populace. We have every natural resource. Canada has ready and easy access to a giant market to the south. Where China was unstoppable was it has cheap labour. Robotics changes all that. We can make anything cheaper now than China. The only thing holding us back is dingbats! Dingbats to the right, dingbats to the left. At no time in history has the future been so bright. Provided we let it be.
Plus people are super smart when they are allowed to be, and ingenious af.
That is so true.
Unfortunately the poor governance is our fault. While we had our noses to the grindstone working, raising familiies, and enjoying our freedoms the ones we elected to represent us that we trusted (and believed) to look out for our interests were not just failing us but purposely enriching themselves at our expense. We MUST get back involved in the processes, starting at every local level until we can get it back under control. It will be long and difficult but as Elizabeth said, we have some super smart people here.
yes, exactly. I keep thinking of my great aunt and uncle who virtually ran Vancouver via their charitable enterprises - hundreds of them over the years, and they were not unusual, but part of a large cohort all of whom were profoundly knowledgable and engaged. Not rich. Comfortable. They would never have let that city become a money-laundering center.
Mystic William: My Dad used to always say, "Our problems are man-made. Man can fix them."
"These are specific people and specific families. They are not the faceless mass of the U.N. General Assembly or the US Congress or the UK Parliament. There are people who did this, and not many of them. Maybe 300 of them, who obey their leaders - who number, I am guessing, twelve. You can call them the Round Table – though they change their name for the sake of confusion often – and they operate out of England and the financial district. They are associated with Bilderberg, but the Bilderbergers, when summoned do the bidding of the Round Table. And yes, the Orsinis, the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers. The Gray Pope."
This paragraph for me is absolutely critical in winning this total war against humanity in which we find ourselves. Sun Tzu in The Art of War written in the 5th century BC stated that "...we may say that to know yourself and to know your enemy, you will gain victory a hundred times out of a hundred." Most Canadians do not know themselves having been weaponized, disarmed and neutralized with a steady diet of lies, propaganda and false history over the past hundreds years or more...not to mentioned weakened with poisonous food, water, air and Big Pharma drugs and injections. As for our true enemies, they are few in number, largely unknown to most people and operate from behind the curtain pulling the strings of agents such as Biden, Trudeau, Gates and Klaus installed into the highest offices in the land.
We cringe when we gracefully and with extreme caution urge folks to get at least some of their wealth out of the markets. They smile and say, "We have a great Financial Advisor." So clueless. Maybe greed, as they see their numbers going up. We tell them it's only numbers if it's on paper. If you can't hold it, it isn't real.
The dirty secrets! The derivative holders take all. Isn't it in quadrillions now?
The orders of magnitude of evil is as incomprehensible as those numbers.
And The People wept.
One of the great primary purposes of Dodd-Frank was to put all derivatives on an exchange, like the CFTC. An exchange that guarantees both side of a trade, insured, with transparency.
But... Year after year, the Swaps and Derivatives Assn goes before the Senate Banking Committee and asks for an extension of the deadline, because transparency is the last thing they want.
They're not just the "protected class", they are the parasite class.
Yes, indeed! I asked a banker guy that's been working in the banks for 30+ years if he had heard about what was happening in the Repo market. He said he didn't know about Repo Markets. Hard to believe he wasn't gaslighting me.
If we are the collateral to all debt, like good slaves we could work harder. Or, like the living, we could laugh at the cabal for their gullibility. The man who owns the land is the man standing on the land.
John Visher:... And the man who can keep the land.
Need to go back to allodial title, instead of fee simple. "NO superior landlord", and mean gov't indoctrination centers ("schools"), & local gov't.
Allodial title. Correct
"Main Street" economy is private capital investment growth within; "Wall Street" economy is making bets on whether the Main Street company's stock goes up.... or down. It ain't healthy for the Deplorables.
Out here in flyover we understand the problems and are thankfully away from the population centers that are a great danger.
Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse blog, has done a masterful explanation of the fork in the road, transforming the focus of the economy from Main Street to Wall St...One real, one fake. Hollow, fragile, parasitic. Privatize the gains, socialize the losses.
Sundance has been my first read of the day since 2012.
Not discounting in anyway the above material, however never stated simply in the media is:
U S Government 2023 Expense
Soc. Sec $1,300,000,000,000.00
Medicare $846,000,000,000.00
Medicad $616,000,000,000.00
Interest on debt $711,000,000,000.00
Military Spending (Defense!) $727,000,000,000.00
Total Outgo $4,200,000,000,000.00
Tax Collections $4,400,000,000,000.00
Solvency $200,000,000,000.00
(number source
Remember this when your read headlines like
Of course taxes could be raised!
If the US is 200 billion in the black, ie solvency of 200 Billion, then why is there atleast 1.7 Trillion dollar deficit?
Something doesn't add up; according to this article, outlays are (outgo) 6.1 Trillion.
There are many games of expression concerning the explanation of a countries debt ranging from double speak, or just plain talking about two difference methods of accounting. Then least we not forget my personal fav.... omission. . Examples often include Social Security payments due into the future, then you get a bigger number for shock value. The number method I presented was more in line with how we look at our personal balance sheets. Overall I agree that there is a difference in actual line item numbers. For instance the CNBC quotes $659 billion and the Tax Foundation page, source of my data states $711 billion. Another slight of hand that is played is using the "budget" term. I remember how Clinton had a 'budget reserve" but the check book was still in red ink!.
Since the Fed now buys everyone's debt it is offered, there is no longer a reason to worry about anything but inflation, which will be accelerating here just as it did in the Wiemar Republic.
Food for thought....there is a rub. Federal Reserve is owned privately. So what happens when the owners decide they have acquired enough debt to foreclose? The ugly secret of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act is in the interest. Say Treasury borrows $100. thus now owes Fed Reserve $106 (interest may vary). Is there enough cash to pay back $106 with only the $100 borrowed? The dirty secret is there is never enough to pay the debt both principal and interest. Maybe that's why all the elected leaders do is spend? Historically when President Kennedy for instance, and those before him, issued "government money" outside of the "interest scheme" bad things happened!
The Fed could only foreclose on themselves since they don't hold collateral on the debt they issue. Federal Reserve Notes and treasury paper is printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. FRNs are sold to the Fed at the cost of production and lent back to the government at face value plus interest. Treasury paper is sold to the Fed in return for FRNs to circulate and electronic debt to fund the government. President Kennedy issued Silver Certificates on his own authority, not the government's.
But what is "Treasury paper" if but not interest bearing bonds?
Were not the Kennedy Silver Certificates issued, a non interest bearing instruments that transfers power from the Federal Reserve and back the United States Treasury, who for the most part of it's history issued the currency of the nation interest free until 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act.
The "holding of collateral" rebuttal is off base, as my original point was not to argue per se. Some insightful reading on the subject of "government issued currency" vs a "private group" is as follows.
Barbara Villers or A History of Monetary Crimes by Alexander Del Mar, M.E.
Babylons Banksters & Financial Vipers of Venice by Joseph P. Farrell
In closing I must ask about the differentiation between the President and "the governments" authority. How is does that division other than stated in the U. S. Constitution?
So in the end as of today you and I both owe at least $100,247 as a citizen and $259,103 as a tax payer, shouldn't we be more accusative with those who claim to spend on "our behalf"?
Yes and no, depending on which question you want answered first.
No need. I apologize to Elizabeth Nickson as I took this beyond the scope of her post.
However, for hyperinflation is to occurr, the velocity of money must increase and become rapid, and it's not there yet. Nobody can figure out why... But we do have serious deflationary pressures on the system, and that's impairing the increase in velocity. It's a mess.
I doesn't matter what the velocity is if the goal is a bridge abutment.
I am not even going to attempt to try and add any facts to this great output but I will send this link to a concise tutorial by the great truth seeker and radio host ( now recently shuttered due to finances or lack there of) Michael Rivero . His show was called What Really Happened. His piece is called "All Wars Are Banker Wars" and was put out in 2013. If we had a legitimate education system it would be mandatory listening .
I always feel the need to reiterate what I believe is behind all of what we are faced with here and in the rest of the world and have been for millennia. That is an unimagined evil presence that has been talked about for almost as long. The Gnostics wrote about as the parasitic ones who created this false reality known today as the matrix . A bad copy of the real paradise called Earth. In some other dimension is the original and perhaps another version of us is enjoying what has been stolen from us. Of course many other cultures through out time have their own versions of what the Gnostics identified . I would recommend to anyone who is unfamiliar with the author Nathanial Gillis who wrote a book , among many others, called "Hunting demons through the ages" He was recently on the very fine program hosted by Richard Willet on The great David Ickes Iconic network. The entire mess we are in only made sense to me when it was explained by David Icke in his book "The biggest Secret"Then and only then did I begin to understand why our Distopian world has been allowed to be as it has been since the beginning. Thanks again to Elizabeth for another fine posting!
"Time to take it back." Yes. But that's an active, not a passive phrase. Voting harder won't do it. Our supposed "opposition" party can't even decide on a leader due to the ongoing fights between donor pools, bribery pools; none of the give a damn about the people they are hired and paid to represent. That no one represents the people is obvious in the rise of populism across the entire world; it drove Brexit, it drives Trump. And the elites simply cannot have this. I see no way out that is not extra-judicial. Do you? Really? The clock is ticking... down.
Totally. 100%. I think at this point it is almost certain we will have populists in power in the US and Canuckistan by 2025. The ruination between now and then will be so spectacular even the deep state will want Trump back. Then it’s a 10-15 year mop up operation. I am sticking to that.
I admire your optimism and sincerely hope you are correct.
I am amazed at how such opportunities exist now. First things first though. The medical mal-model must be destroyed. The damage to the human body being perpetrated on us by pharma is beyond belief. A buddy is on 19 different pharma products a day. He has to be, he says. His doctor told him to. The average 60+ year old is on 12 poisons. Get all of society off this stuff and watch vitality be restored. The vac is a wild card. How much we have been hurt no one knows yet. But it is really bad. I was out for dinner with my three sons and my wife. Not a prescription between us. No vaccines either, other than some childhood ones. Very rare nowadays.
As I recall, there was an honest woman working as a economic\financial advisor to PresBillClinton. When Clinton asked her for input on the then-new idea of 'financial derivatives' she advised him that it would be a catastrophic mistake leading to all sorts of terrible problems. Clinton fired her. I don't remember the woman's name but I sure someone here will recall. Ol'Bill is dirty, dirty, dirty.
1688/9. I'd forgotten how much the Glorious Revolution changed England, and laid a foundation for development. It's amazing to review that. The monarch's arbitrary power was curtailed. At the time that was the norm, so changing that was a big deal. Real political power shifted to Parliament, which was opened to the middle classes, meaning laws started to reflect not only necessary mercantile concerns, but also the concept of citizens' rights, as in 1689's 'Bill of Rights'.
It's fascinating that our current globalization is not about modernization, it's the inverse of the Glorious Revolution, in effect a gradual re-feudalizing of first world societies and economies by rolling back the changes of that revolution. Citizens' economic rights are being taken away piecemeal. I was shocked at how laws governing citizens' ostensible wealth held in equity markets have been re-written to make it accessible to cover monumental losses in derivatives markets.
EXACTLY. And bloodless compared to the French.
Great post. Just upgraded my subscription.
"The banks are betting if the house comes down for real, we will step up again and impoverish ourselves to save their bacon."
We don't have a choice. It's called bail-ins and it's the law in the US and, I believe, every Western nation. Like you said in the article, they're framing laws and regulations to impoverish us all. We will be serfs to their "glory".
Great article. Elizabeth Nickson could teach a college course on the issues in this substack.
"State and local governments were forced to raise taxes." Is the only sentence I take issue with. State and local governments could have cut spending instead. But they never do.
I remember TARP well. The House of Representatives voted down TARP almost unanimously and then a day or two later, passed TARP even though Americans were against TARP by 80% or more.
Oh, my Congressman did a quick Step-and-Fetchit around that fact.
Thanks for the article. It is depressing. The solution mentioned is sound but families have been broken by the Covid Con Crap and lousy economy.