The Great Taking
Willful ignorance of the existence and operation of evil is a luxury even the wealthy can no longer afford.
The underlying state of the economy threatens catastrophe beyond reason. Much worse than ‘08. During that time, the Great Recession I was talking to a childhood friend, a trader, about one of my brothers’ friends, who was running the Royal Bank, at the time the fifth biggest bank in the world. My friend was mad as a hatter, but he had two seats on the Stock Exchange and understood macro-finance way better than I did. I started three small businesses before I was 30 (desperate to get away from my terrifying parents) and I have an MBA, but derivatives? I feel like I’m in kindergarten
From Investopedia: Derivatives are financial contracts, set between two or more parties, that derive their value from an underlying asset, group of assets, or benchmark. A derivative can trade on an exchange or over-the-counter. Prices for derivatives derive from fluctuations in the underlying asset.
Our mutual pal had piled up the Royal Bank with so many derivatives that if it crashed, it would bring down the Canadian economy three times over. Derivatives are a way of hiding losses, you just shove them off your balance sheet and financialize them, based on what? It is super sleazy. It’s based on you. Me. Our labour and our property. The banks are betting if the house comes down for real, we will step up again and impoverish ourselves to save their bacon.
“In 2008, the notional amount of derivatives had reached ten times global GDP. Today it is one order of magnitude greater than the global GDP.” That means 100X.

David Rogers Webb, a man more experienced in global and regional finance you cannot find, has published a book called, The Great Taking. It is short and to the point and free. From a family of Midwest businessmen, company owners and engineers, he describes how a prosperous family had everything taken away by the financialization of the American economy. Generation by generation, everyone was broken. He set out to restore the family, and then to break down what happened to all of us. How was the most creative, ingenious, energetic, strong, independent country in the world systematically ruined? Webb made millions and managed billions in every sector of finance, first in the U.S., then the world. He explains what those in power are going to do when the bill comes due. Because they are spending money hand over fist and it’s all debt. Worldwide debt is catastrophic. And then, there are the derivatives.
You are the collateral
Basically land and resources are the collateral. Your house if you have a mortgage. And so is your pension plan, your 401K, your mutual fund, any stock or bond you hold.
Or do you hold them? You don’t. In fact, there is no such thing as a stock certificate anymore, that was erased during the 80’s financial debacles. Now they are digital. And they can confiscate them if the holding company goes bust.
Obama made all the titans whole, barring a few sacrifices, and immured those on a fixed income to gut their savings, learn to live smaller and smaller lives. The rest of us lost jobs, lost houses, lost everything, and, this is key, it was all blamed on us, on the “greed” of ordinary people just trying to build some capital and have a decent life. Not on the people who created the mess. Obama gave them all a pass, and for that, they saved his presidency. It was masterful propaganda and doomed his memory, once it comes out, to contempt. It was an act you could see Dick Cheney masterminding, not the proclaimed Lightbringer.
Since then, it has been all out war on the masses. Die, they suggest. Die faster. If you are old, die now. Might as well, we are withdrawing health care. Not sick yet? Here’s your fifth booster. Here’s some more chaos, have a war. Have another war. Look at the homeless! Your fault! You are greedy, pay more taxes. Their operatives divide us over ridiculous things, skin color or heritage. They make people’s sexuality which is private, public and shameful, paraded around, dangled in the faces of old ladies and toddlers. Make us fight about it. Coarsen everything. Teach kids the sky is falling and the world and its species are dying. Make them feel bad to be alive, make it so that some of the best young people are too guilty to have children. Subjugate strong, healthy, active men again and again and again. Shame them in every novel and movie. Train women into living alone with a bit of money without husbands or children but “brave”. Ukraine getting boring? Here’s some beheaded babies to distract you. Humanity is evil. Stop breeding. Stop living. DIE. We are complying.
We comply. We are dying faster. Americans’s life expectancy has slid, and if the U.S. life expectancy is falling, you can imagine what is happening in the rest of the world.
Former Blackrock trader - Ed Dowd - in an interview with James Delingpole earlier this week outlined the perilous state of the American workforce.
As of this spring, three hundred thousand dead, and three million are disabled from the experimental vaccine. Another 27,000,000 injured. And by injured he meant hospital visit, time taken off work injured. With luck that won’t progress to disabled, but the disabled chart is climbing steadily even though vaccine uptake crashed more than a year ago. We are experiencing medium-term effects of the shot, turbo cancers in the young, heart attacks in children.
Dowd and his team compiled the statistics using those from the Department of Labor and insurance companies. A full one-third of the American workforce has been harmed, which is to say, off work. Not only that but it was the critical workers, the employed, with careers who had life insurance, which made them trackable. Biden forced vaccination upon the most vital men and women in the culture, those with jobs and dreams, the family formers, the engine. Dowd crunched the numbers every which way and you can find the interview here, and his methodology and conclusions here.
There is nothing more burdensome to a family than someone who is perpetually ill. Everyone except the family sociopath, steps up. So that 27,000,000 is or will be leaning on two or three who are supporting that person. I personally feel that taking care of a family member is a sacred task, but let’s not discount how much of a drag on productivity that is. It is a way of winding us down, crippling our energy, ingenuity, creativity. They want us preoccupied. Because their next actions will be fully criminal.
The damage is in every western country. The developing world is much less vaccinated. They are less of a threat. They have less power, less agency, fewer skills. They are easier to control. So let’s flood the functioning countries with military-aged men, so that legitimate protest can be populated with those habituated to the protests of the middle east and Africa: violence fests. Believe me I was caught in a crowd scene in South Africa – it was bloody dangerous. I was picked up by the force of the crowd and thrown against a hoarding and my whole left side was bruised. And that crowd was happy. Imagine an angry crowd like that in the center of your city. It’s coming. They have brought in the crisis actors and those actors have been promised what you have. What happens when they can’t get the toys?
They know what’s coming.
They are busily folding America’s lands into their portfolios. As Biden’s teams of operatives range out to take 30% of the land from private owners or businesses, those lands will be, through a series of complex arrangements folded into portfolios and used for rent-seeking. The air, land and water, will be portioned out to us, via digital carbon allowances. Like social credit scores, those will be subtracted from your monthly allowance.
They cannot monetize the earth, water and air without CBDCs, vaccine passports, carbon allowances and social credit scores. And they can’t have those until they withdraw every means of life. Unless they collapse the economy. And they are prepared for it. For the past 25 years, the global financial cartels have been re-writing the laws under which they operate. If a politician notices (and most don’t because they don’t have the education) they ruin him in some way.
The principal thrust of their operations is to steal everything you have. You no longer fully own your stocks. No such thing as a piece of paper, it is all digital. And for the past twenty years, the following improvements have been made to everything in your portfolio, and that of any pensions, government or otherwise. If the fund that holds your stocks fails, you don’t get anything. Their creditors get it all. Webb explains:
“Essentially all securities “owned” by the public in custodial accounts, pension plans and investment funds are now encumbered as collateral underpinning the derivatives complex, which is so large that there is not enough of anything in the world to back it.
“It is now assured that in the implosion of “The Everything Bubble” collateral will be swept up on a vast scale. The plumbing to do this is in place. Legal certainty has been established that the collateral can be taken immediately and without judicial review, by entities described in court documents as “the protected class”. Even sophisticated professional investors, who were assured that their securities are “segregated” will not be protected.”
“Ownership of securities as property has been replaced with a new legal construct of a “security entitlement”, which is a contractual claim assuring a very weak position of the account provider becomes insolvent.”
In case you’re confused, you are not a ‘secured creditor’. You can read the rest here, including every national and international law and treaty that has been written and accepted and entered into law.
Who is the protected class? Who are the ‘secured creditors’? Essentially the men at the top of the World Economic Forum, and the families that own the New York Fed. These are specific people and specific families. They are not the faceless mass of the U.N. General Assembly or the US Congress or the UK Parliament. There are people who did this, and not many of them. Maybe 300 of them, who obey their leaders - who number, I am guessing, twelve. You can call them the Round Table – though they change their name for the sake of confusion often – and they operate out of England and the financial district. They are associated with Bilderberg, but the Bilderbergers, when summoned do the bidding of the Round Table. And yes, the Orsinis, the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers. The Gray Pope.
Years ago, I went to a Bush rally in a hangar on a military base south of me and he stood on a box, and told the people rallied, working and middle class, army, military, the people who make things, that earned good money, not the people in offices pushing paper for a multinational, real people with hard earned assets made from good paying jobs: “Help is On The Way”, he cried over and over. Every second paragraph and every time, universal cheers.
“Help Is On The Way,” cried Bush.
It wasn’t.
Says Webb:
“Bush gave a televised speech in a Texas warehouse, standing in front of what appeared to be shipping boxes stamped “Made in America”. The image was a fake backdrop and so it inadvertently symbolized the epic fraud that was then being perpetuated. I regularly called business people with insights into the real economy. Some ran industrial businesses. A bankruptcy attorney, who had been a friend since we were twelve was handing workouts for one of the biggest middle market lenders. Viewing their database of more than 2,000 middle market companies, he told me the commonality was that they were all shutting down U.S. manufacturing as quickly as possible and outsourcing to China. Tens of percentage points in gross profit could be picked up by doing so. It was about chasing short term profits; but then you’ve lost your industrial base and more.
The tax base was gutted, millions of families were thrown into financial chaos, the economy shrunk except for the finance industries and owners, home foreclosures shot up, and taxes on dividends and capital gains were cut. State and local governments were forced to raise taxes.
Their answer was to change the calculation of financial data, especially that of the DLQTFORE. The inflation rate doesn’t even count the price of food and energy, that is just the top end of the manipulation. Factor in energy and food, it’s more like 50%.
Last week I wrote about the Country Party, the invention of the idea of the Opposition. The opposition these days is considered “extreme right-wing”, deplorables, rednecks, truckers, hicks, etc., but in fact, in opposition lies the critical ingredient to both democracy and prosperity. It is where the ideas and energy are sited. In most of human history, elite tyranny dominated. But when they didn’t, when things were opened, humanity thrived.
St. John Bolingbroke was much studied by the American founders because his ideas of the Country Party and the Opposition created the thrust used to codify the Glorious Revolution. The result was explosive growth, prosperity and massive advances in every sector from the arts to engineering to science.
The Glorious Revolution points the way out of this. Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson’s masterful Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty explains what happened, when the opposition, the real one, not the Uniparty, clawed back power:
“England was unique among nations when it made the breakthrough to sustained economic growth in the seventeenth century. Major economic changes were preceded by a political revolution that brought a distinct set of economic and political institutions, much more inclusive than those of any previous society.
“The Glorious Revolution limited the power of the king and the executive(read the Cabal), and relocated to Parliament the power to determine economic institutions. At the same time, it opened up the political system to a broad cross section of society, who were able to exert considerable influence over the way the state functioned.
“As a consequence, economic institutions also started becoming more inclusive. Neither slavery nor the severe economic restrictions of the feudal medieval period, such as serfdom, existed in England at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Nevertheless, there were many restrictions on economic activities people could engage in. Both the domestic and international economy were choked by monopolies. The state engaged in arbitrary taxation and manipulated the legal system. Most land was caught in archaic forms of property rights that made it impossible to sell and risky to invest in.
We are experiencing all of the above restrictions now.
This changed after the Glorious Revolution. The government adopted a set of economic institutions and impelled the engines of prosperity, paving the way for the Industrial Revolution.
“First and foremost, the Industrial Revolution depended on major … technological advances exploiting the knowledge base that had accumulated in Europe during the past centuries. It was a radical break from the past, made possible by scientific inquiry and the talents of a number of unique individuals. The full force of this revolution came from the market that created profitable opportunities for technologies to be developed and applied. It was the inclusive nature of markets that allowed people to allocate their talents to the right lines of business. It also relied on education and skills, for it was the relatively high levels of education, at least by the standards of the time, that enabled the emergence of entrepreneurs with the vision to employ new technologies for their businesses and to find workers.”
It was the inclusive nature of markets that allowed people to allocate their talents to the right lines of business.
Doesn’t that sound better than early death and perpetual mayhem? All it takes is for each of us to step up and demand it.
“It steadfastly enforced property rights, including patents granting property rights for ideas, thereby providing a major stimulus to innovation. It protected law and order. Historically unprecedented was the application of English law to all citizens. Arbitrary taxation ceased, and monopolies were abolished almost completely. The English state aggressively promoted mercantile activities and worked to promote domestic industry, not only by removing barriers to the expansion of industrial activity but also by lending the full power of the English navy to defend mercantile interests. By rationalizing property rights, it facilitated the construction of infrastructure, particularly roads, canals, and later railways, that would prove to be crucial for industrial growth.”
monopolies were abolished almost completely
We are living the opposite of this right now. Everything that the Glorious Revolution gave has been taken away.
It’s time to take it back.
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THEY have their plans, they have been moving towards them and are now obvious to all who will snap out of the spell (or abandon their willful ignorance as you say).
We have been playing catch up. No doubt. But plans aside, they won't succeed. Humans have a plan too - even if most of us don't know it. The increase in planetary frequencies is shedding illusions (externally and Internally) and so simultaneously we will drop many of the assumptions we've accepted (already happening) and I think begin to remember who we are. Much bigger than we've been told.
Dangerous times, no doubt. Many more people will leave, no doubt. But this is not a time to be in fear (low, easy to control frequency). This is the time to stand up, own your life and choices and do what you know if right. They only succeed in shadow and they are increasingly being seen.
Thank you.
Oh, my heavenly days, it is time to take it back! Thank you so much for all the sources that you are sharing with us.
I went from data geek at NASA in the Apollo days, to hippie back-to-the-land dropout in the West Kootenay, helper to the millwrights at Kootenay Forest Products (long gone now, of course) and then to building in Nelson. In the early '80s I innocently thought that mortgages meant land and improvements, and the talk about financialization and things like derivatives meant nothing to me. And the crash in '84 that sent me back to working in the world of DC data consulting was just a chance thing.
Then I began to understand things a little better, working inside the Federal Regulation world, and saw that the economy and money are completely unhinged, totally removed from any reality, and I gave up. Raised my kids, put some away, and now live in quite genteel poverty (for this neighborhood - I'm really quite comfortable). Knowing that everything I have is dependent on the Bad Guys' plans and permission, and could be gone later today.
And there's nothing I can do about it but watch my six and stay prepared to have water, food and ammo for a few weeks if it all goes south. And now you suggest that there might just be something that folks like us could do? I'll be following all your links when I get back from Mass, and am grateful, if cautious. Heads down, synchronize our watches, be ready.