There were a few 4-person bands in the 50s pop scene, but it was rare. And there usually wasn't a drummer. Led Zeppelin explained they were breaking up after their drummer died, not so much out of grief but b/c he realky created & set the beat for the songs. A replacement drummer would never work, Plant claimed.

So it was usually 3 guitarists & 1 drummer, 1 or usually 2 of the guitarists singing. It did have a very different feel. And a hair style adopted by all 4. It didn't feel 'managed', it was like the band created their band appearance, music genre, their own written songs, & the performance style. It all felt new, & the guys in each band were in their early 20s.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

I appreciate very much what you’re doing here, even though my views are in many ways strongly at odds with yours. Personally, psychedelics have both opened my mind and strengthened my capacity to reject falsehoods. I would argue that it is never the drug that will cripple the user, but inadequate usage. Which certainly was common practice in the sixties, I am under no illusions there.

Anyway, many thanks!

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I am 65 now and as I look back upon the events in history, my hindsight is 20/20. Somewhere along the line in the recent past it clicked in my oft overloaded nogen that the destruction to "build back better" has been and is deliberate. The question that remains unanswered for me is, why? Are they (the infamous 'they') not also destroying themselves in the process? Do they believe they are immune to the poisons they spew? Do they think that when net-zero is accomplished they'll somehow be able to breathe without oxygen? Do they think that they'll have health and live indefinite lives after they destroy all natural (re)sources and meld themselves with self-assembling nanotechnology and implanted brain chips? In the end they will have power and control over nothing. But I guess that's the point - to destroy and control what's left. Though, if they continue on the current path there will be nothing left, and it will be they who will be the victims of their own destruction; they're just unable to see that.

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Also if you look into opportunity zones you can see very clear evidence into the way drugs are used to control the population. I have had a lot of moments on acid where I thought I was going to figure out the meaning of life, but it never happened, not until I finally realized that Jesus Christ died for my sins, and all of my years of searching were in vain until that particular moment. I learned the hard way, through articles like this one, and digging into the creation of money, then tracing the families back that created the money. I had to find the existence of Satan before I was able to know god. I really hope it’s not that way for everyone, but whatever works!!

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I do not for a second think that you went to far on this article. I also question what to far means exactly in reference to previous posts? To far doesnt imply that you are wrong, and if you’ve gone to far in the way of feelings, then the feelings hurt are not feelings of importance, if they would stand in the way of truth. Blunt honesty should always come before feelings, sugar coating things is lying, it is also weakness. I applaud your article keep pushing. There’s a lot of evil, small minded people out there that would love to see you loose your soul to what they so deviously pass off as art. Keep up the good work, thank you for the time you spent putting this information together, it definitely helped me with some questions I had.

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Elizabeth, I think you have gone too far on that one. I definitely would not give you 100%.

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Thank you. They were pushing drugs into China in 1723. So that is at least 300 years of experience using drugs to control a population. I feel they have created the illusion “ they want to kill us “ so we defend our life not our body. They can’t have our Soul but they have most of our minds and bodies. I think the science they are into is way more advanced than they let us know. That makes it a lot harder to comprehend what they are doing to us.

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Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I refuse to accept the notion that the "Boomer" generation is somehow contaminated or have been used more than any other generation. On the contrary, we were at the forefront of a revolution of consciousness that is still underway.

Bleating victimization plays into the plans of the dark side. Sorry, you're just flat out wrong!

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Portland, Oregon is full of NonParticipatingCharacters! The politicians running the place are NPCs! These sociopaths ARE keeping Portland weird. Anyone who wants to see what a community of NPCs looks like, come visit Portland. For that matter, San Francisco is another west coast option I can recommend.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

Liked the article. But I have to push-back on one of your ideas:

" it’s all an attempt to gain unearned power through various nasty practices which end in nearly every case, in human sacrifice. Even Buddhism. "

That is a pretty broad brush, painting all Buddhism, that way. Buddhism in 2500 years has morphed into thousands of sects, everything from a-religious practitioners of deep meditation, to worshipers of the Buddha, to blood-drinkers apparently. I think you would have a pretty hard time finding a sect that actually committed human sacrifice. The entire huge branch of Theravaden buddhism that I am personally a practitioner of, has absolutely no focus on any sort of unearned power, unless you think working to purify one's mind of negativities results in some sort of unearned power. The essence of buddhism is not harming any being and purifying the mind. Obviously some sects have gone far beyond that. My meditative practice cured me of severe depression of 14 years standing and more than a dozen other severe mental-emotional conditions that prevented me from participating positively in life. That is certainly power but definitely not unearned. It was earned through in total, months of hard work on the meditation cushion. Please read through this website (www.dhamma.org) before you defame Buddhism in general, again. If you want to refer to a particular blood drinking sect, I suppose you can but it has no bearing on Buddhism in general.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Masks in all their forms are a sign of NPC. I avoid these people. I would offer help except there is no chance of turning that light back on. Sad and scary.

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The disguised snake in the garden of modernism is the depopulation agenda. Elizabeth's link to statements made by familiar, popular figures is eye-opening, frightening. This notion of the utter necessity of depopulation is akin to our modern original sin. It turns good people into their opposite. "We have dozens of statements out there by various admired people. Read these and then tell me they aren’t trying to kill us. It is hardly a secret."

Truly horrific.


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Aug 23, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov documented the active measures by the communists in the USSR against the U.S. post WWII but never did I imagine how deep and wide was the conspiracy from within. This is truly hard to believe unless one takes a look at the unrecognizable world we live in today. I wonder, does the marxist concept of useful idiots still hold or are we all, in some fashion, the useful idiots of these behaviorists in the intelligence community?

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I suspect I'll be re-reading this astonishing dive into Hades in the coming months. I wish I could talk to Bowie on this, get his take on the guided 'counter-culture', of which he was a huge sceptic. But that aside, Nickson's quoting Arendt's surprise at how banal Eichmann was, that evokes for me the pandemic leaders - Trudeau, Ardern (the frozen rictus smile), et al.

I see the 33' Clipper this weekend, to buy, & in which God willing I'll escape the coming Pandemos 2.0. 😵‍💫

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A few days ago, we visited an historic schoolhouse where eighth-grade tests from 1928 were on display. It was kind of shocking to witness what our predecessors were expected to learn, and humbling. There's no way that anyone in the education field doesn't understand the implications of what's been cast aside, and why.

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That is some serious deep bullshit right there. 90% of us "Boomers" were mainly interested in rebelling against the authoritarian regime/culture of the previous generation, their absurd politics, protesting against the war, saving the environment and occasionally getting loaded/laid.

Funny how "Peace & Freedom" is trending again. This time with the rednecks. Who would've thunk it?

IMO, this effort to pin the downfall of western civilization on the post WWII generation is just another [DS] khazarian distraction.

Yes, there is some evil shit going on but don't blame it on us, we're the ones who pointed it out in the first place and continue to do so.

So, keep supporting the fear machine and go get your booster shots!

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