The Deliberate Destruction of Post-War Generations
Drug and rock culture was invented by the elites, by the Olympians, by SRI, Tavistock and military intelligence.
This is the third in an August series about the loose association of monsters trying to affect one world government, or fascism with a smiley face. In this essay, I draw together the evidence that from the 60’s on, their goal was to break the children of three generations, (ending with gender reassignment surgery), destroy their minds, stunt their futures, ruin their families, attempt to persuade them that having children was bad, and that growth, prosperity and self-government was impossible, even destructive. From the Kennedy assassination onwards, a series of horrifying events was engineered to destabilize American culture and confidence. From military and hospital laboratories all over the US and Canada, psychiatrists ran experiments and devised actions to set community groups against each other, deliberately destroying civic peace. The environmental movement was created in these labs and seminar rooms, as was second wave feminism. All of it was anti-human, meant to draw down the population, and ensure that the rest were docile to the point of submission. Operation Paperclip, Operation Bluebird, Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra were and continue to be real, heavily funded, and weaponized against us.
I do not for a second imply that the art and music of that period, at least some of it, wasn’t genuine and the new spiritual disciplines weren’t valuable. But they were twisted and weaponized against us.
An engineered counter culture
The nicest person in my world asked me recently if a coven could use our ravine to celebrate Beltane. No, I exclaimed, absolutely not! And was surprised by my vehemence. I don’t particularly dislike or distrust Wicca, it is practiced all through the Pacific North West, in particular by eco-feminist witches, and I thought I saw it as harmless.
But apparently, I didn’t want it near me. And when questioning myself, I realized I didn’t want whatever these women might bring with them into my forest, where it might stay. Every religion has a version of the Tibetan bardo, Catholic purgatory, the lower astral, where monsters and demons live, hunting for vulnerable humans on which to prey. I’ve listened to enough Catholic exorcists to be very careful of invoking that particular world.
In fact, I loathe the occult. I think it’s frankly silly, intellectually empty and a waste of time, not to mention flatly evil. None of it, nothing, not one thing is provable, it’s all an attempt to gain unearned power through various nasty practices which end in nearly every case, in human sacrifice. Even Buddhism. One of my collector cousins had a Buddhist ceremonial skull, silver outlining eyes, nose hole, silvered teeth. Flip back the lid and you see a a hollowed-out hammered silver bowl fitted into the skull. “What’s it for?” I asked. “Drinking blood,” he said. And it was an 18th century artifact; not old. Christians gave up drinking blood at the Last Supper.
JFK’s brain is still missing, no doubt used in some ghastly rite practised by these ridiculous people. His assassination, it is thought, was an invocation of occult power, called Killing of the King.
It was necessary to ruin Christianity in order to effect a one world government. That fact is out front in their founding documents, and the men chosen to insinuate the ideas of One Worldism into the culture were, by the time they were in their 60’s, full-on practitioners of the Occult. People questioned last week’s identification of Aldous Huxley as the man who brought those ideas to America, seeding them in Los Angeles, in fact. And then a reader found Huxley saying that the population of the world must be drawn down.
I have zero doubt that Huxley started out on the side of the angels but once you sign on to depop, you have aligned yourself with evil. We have dozens of statements out there by various admired people. Read these and then tell me they aren’t trying to kill us. It is hardly a secret. The people that run the world think there are too many of us.
Huxley slipped the bounds of polite society – where he still ran propaganda campaigns that claimed he was against authority - as he embedded deeper into Children of the Sun, a Dionysian Egyptian cult that he propagated throughout California and the southwest.
Christianity is a simple faith. The seven virtues, connection with your God. Protestant Christianity flips over power again and again, as it asserts that connection between man and the divine is a direct relationship, intimate, not brokered by power-seeking priests. It is also an activist faith. You are your brother’s keeper. You see something wrong, you don’t turn away and pretend you are above it, you fix it. And therein lies self-respect, not in self-cherishing or suiting up in peaked hats in a ravine on May 1st to call in the four directions and various spirits in order to what?
One World Government and depopulation would cause so much pain, they knew Christians would oppose it. The faith had to be de-privileged, driven out of polite culture. Seen as primitive, déclassé. Deplorable. The more bloodthirsty religions and practices were promoted as superior.
At the same time, in the 50’s and 60’s, Operation Paperclip took flight. Operation Paperclip brought over Nazi scientists who were deep in human experimentation and, slightly less known, neck deep into the pursuit of power through the occult and occult objects. The Nazis were nuts for the Holy Grail, as endless “fun” movies have declared. They were folded into U.S. military intelligence, into Fort Detrick, and given free rein. MKUltra emerged from their various collaborations and went into orbit.
MKUltra’s primary goal was to create mind-controlled assassins. And in the process, learn how to control mass populations, starting sector by sector, region by region. They would use anything, even the occult, in order to do that. They wanted the power of God and that power would be used to manage us. The Killing of the King, Kennedy’s assassination, and the subsequent inability to find the real culprits, was also behaviorist in intent. Meant to create demoralization. We can kill the most beloved man on earth and get away with it. We can install a blithering evil moron in the Presidency and get away with it.
It is my opinion that, by setting depopulation as a goal, they literally opened the door to the lower astral and entire armies of demonic forces flooded in.
Here’s my thesis and I am certainly not alone in this: the hippie movement, the beat movement, the flower children, the big music festivals like Monterey Pop, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, the Byrds, the Mamas and Papas, were all dreamed up by Nazi scientists working with American military intelligence, the Tavistock clinic, SRI and the CIA to draw down the population by diverting the children of the middle and upper middle class to narcissism, losing themselves in their senses and drugs. It promoted anti-family, anti-science, anti-growth ideas. Later, it invented feminism, and unleashed it in order to destroy marriage and make having children unappealing. That whole trope in women’s conversation: “you have to take care of yourself. Stop giving yourself to others”, and so on, was invented specifically in order to kill family life. Above all, this created aesthetic and “philosophy” by the time it plays out, promotes chaos, hate, rebellion, abjuration of adulthood and responsibility. In other words, today.
At Monterey Pop, which was the rehearsal for the widespread distribution of psychedelics, tabs of Purple Haze were given to anyone who wanted some by a legendary CIA contract agent named Coyote and someone from Florida called Peter Goodrich. Organized by John Phillips, the founder of the Mommas and Papas, Phillips was connected to Manson, Scientology, the Process Church of the Final Judgement, an offshoot of Huxley’s aristocratic Children of the Sun, (part of the Olympian’s favorite rite, the Order of the Golden Dawn), and military intelligence. The Tavistock Institute is said to have invented the base of rock music, in order to create trance states and introduced it through the Beatles and The Rolling Stones. (Jagger is flat-out Olympian.) Monterey Pop was the first incursion into the mind of others using music and drugs, the first attempt to mass rearrange the furniture in the mind and leave unnoticed. Many attendees at Taylor Swift’s Eras tour this summer are notoriously unable to remember much and they talk about it, trying to remember, on TikTok. Wonder why?
Bluebird. Twitter. Twitter’s military intelligence handlers. Get it?
The experiment was repeated at Woodstock, considered an even more perfect duplication of the Dionysian festivals of Egypt where the masses were literally stoned into submission, on bad acid, living in mud, abandoning themselves to literal pig-like behaviour, debased, without toilets, water, given over to their senses.
And, at the same time, in my opinion, MKUltra unleashed the torrent of murderers and serial killers from which we have suffered over the past 50 years. Nothing destabilizes a town, a county, a family like serial killers. The CIA and MKUltra’s test case, their test neighborhood, was Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles. Charles Manson was their most successful trial, but he was one of dozens of murderers created in their mental hospitals and military camps and loosed first on the flower children of the 60’s, then on the rest of us. The drugs and violence that lace America’s streets today were not created by us, they were engineered `to destroy us. Every family broken by losing a child or parent to drugs was broken by people we pay, whose lives we subsidize. And of course, Black neighborhoods were primary victims. Race war destabilized like no other. Last week a digital sleuth found that Antifa’s primary website address traced back to a military installation in Ohio.
In Laurel Canyon, in the 60’s, MKUltra was headquartered in a hidden military base in the canyon itself. Experiments on mental patients and prisoners were taking place in v bases, hospitals and institutes all over California, led by the Stanford Research Institute, probably one of the most powerful behaviorist centers. Many of the producers of the 60’s sound were sons and daughters of military intelligence, in fact, it is hard to find one rock star who was not. While this particular subproject has not been clinically unearthed, several books have been written that bring forth shocking coincidences and parallels. John Phillips of the Mommas and Papas, the grandfather of the movement, attended a series of elite military prep schools in DC suburbs including the US Naval Academy, and was in Cuba at the height of the Revolution. Equally Steven Stills and Jim Morrison’s fathers were deeply embedded in military intelligence at a very high level. The theory runs that the ethos and sound being sold in the music of the 60’s. was paid for and often composed by people working for the CIA, or in the case of the Beatles, Tavistock in the UK. It was then relentlessly promoted by massive entertainment companies that sold the music. People argue that the movement was co-opted by operations such as CoIntelPro, because it was anti-war and the war establishment would not have it, others advance the theory that “the entire youth culture of the 1960’s was created not as a grass-roots challenge to the status quo but as a cynical exercise in discrediting and marginalizing the budding anti-war movement and creating a fake opposition that could be easily controlled and led astray.”1
Still others claim their entire cultural movement was created to destroy the promise of America by infantilizing the boomers and following generations. I would go that far, myself, and my reading has been extensive.
Lookout Mountain Laboratory was located just off Wonderland Ave in Laurel Canyon on 2 1/2 acres and surrounded by electric fence. One hundred thousand square feet of floor space, sound stages, screening rooms, editing, animation studios, and of course advanced research and development labs. From there, it is thought, the CIA launched experiment after experiment on Laurel Canyon’s residents, triggering murder after strange death after “suicide”, as well as flooding the neighborhood with every kind of drug and occult practise. Cocaine became a pseudo-currency. During that decade, if you were white and lived in the Canyon, you had a one in four chance of ending up dead. David McGowan in Weird Scenes inside the Canyon lists and describes hundreds of deaths, many famous, many not, many associated with occult practices and drug use. Children dead of course, some associated with ritual. Ending of course with Mr. Helter Skelter, the Family of Charles Manson killing Sharon Tate and her friends just down Wonderland Road from Lookout Mountain Laboratory. Manson had been considered a genius musician by no less than Neil Young, John Phillips and Frank Zappa, courted and entertained by them. Manson had spent most of his life alternating between prison and mental hospitals, and is almost certainly a product of ‘programmed-to-kill’ experiments.
At the same time, the CIA unleashed LSD on the world. All through California’s hippie children locales, Augustus Owsley Stanley flooded the streets with high quality, inexpensive LSD. Even my senior academic cousins, a more strait-laced couple you’d be hard-pressed to find, took it with Owsley when they were in their first teaching positions at Berkeley. At Woodstock and Monterey Pop, tens of thousands of tabs of acid were provided by the CIA. Drugs were a foolproof way to destroy a generation’s will and strength. Today, human wreckage everywhere. Timothy O’Leary was a painfully obvious CIA asset. “The Oracle” was a San Francisco based publication with intelligence ties that specialized in pitching psychedelic occultism The Rolling Stones fell right in, Jagger at the time was in the Canyon, hip deep in two occult Crowley-influenced film projects with Kenneth Anger. Was it deliberate? Was it planned? Let’s put it that way, As McGowan’s whose collection of coincidents is damning, points out “‘The Eve of Destruction’ might as well have been written by the State Department. The song protests about nothing. It’s simply a “Thy Doom at Hand” song with no point.” Other than to suffocate legitimate protest and depress the young.
At the time in 1968, columnist Jack Anderson revealed that, “Experiments to control human behavior with science fiction devices are being conducted secretly at the Army’s high-fenced Harry Diamond Laboratories in Washington… Ultimately, human guinea pigs will be used to test the devices. Although a classified memorandum in our hands specifies the tests are for riot and civil disturbance control, the memo admits the general purpose is ‘short-time-span control of human behavior.’”
Even punk and new wave was kicked off by the Copelands, all of whom were neck-deep in covert practices and military intelligence, the patriarch a legend in Western Intelligence circles. As McGowan points out, all these acts were launched and promoted by major labels, mega corporations. They were programming, to turn an entire generation into self-indulgent naval gazers. Nothing more, nor less.
The following is their statement of intent, taken from John Coleman, himself a former member of intelligence, and one of the first excavators of this foul, yet somehow absurd and chowder-headed, crime against humanity.
“Tavistock Institute for Human Relations and other much larger, integrated network of centres of applied social psychology and social engineering … emerged in the aftermath of World War II. These groups regard us and the principles of nation states as their axiomatic philosophical enemy. This interlocked juggernaut of evil consists of some of the world’s most prestigious centers of knowledge and research such as Stanford Research Center at Stanford University, Rand Corporation, MIT/Sloane, “the Advanced Center of Behavioural Sciences at Palo Alto, the Institute of Social Research at the University of Michigan, the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, the Harvard Business School,” LondonSchool of Economics, the National Training Laboratories, the Hudson Institute, Esalen Institute, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the Office of Naval Research. There are others, such as the Geneva-based International Foundation for Development Alternatives and Executive Conference Center, the first full-time Age of Aquarius graduate school, charged with teaching behaviour modification for high-level executives from Fortune’s top 500 companies. Human zombies placed at top-level management positions to lead us into the New Dark Age of transcendental consciousness. Two foci, first, changes needed in the United States; and second, the global order. Over the period of half a century, tens of billions of dollars have been allocated by the government of the United States with surreptitious help from think tanks and foundations aligned with Tavistock to fund the work of these groups. Every aspect of the mental and psychological life of people on the planet was profiled, recorded and stored in computer systems.”
“Above the closely co-operating groups of social scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists, think-tanks and foundations presides the elite of powerful members of the oligarchy, comprised mostly of the old Venetian Black Nobility. What is the purpose of these behaviour modifications? It is to bring about forced changes to our way of life, without our agreement and without ever realizing what is happening to us. The ultimate goal being “the complete extirpation of mankind’s inner sense of identity, the tearing out of mankind’s innermost soul, and the placement, in the vacant space, of an artificial, synthetic pseudo-soul.” However, in order to change mankind’s behaviour away from industrial production into spiritualism and to bring us wilfully into the world of post-industrial era zero growth and zero progress, one must force first a change in mankind’s ‘self-image,’ its fundamental conception of what we are. Thus, the image of man appropriate to that new era must be sought, synthesized and then wired into mankind’s brain.”
That’s what they want. That’s why they do what they do. That’s what we must stand against. All it takes is enough of us saying, “Nope, buddy, take all your ridiculous destructive ideas and shove them where the sun don’t shine.” Mockery and contempt are the best weapons we have. Mockery stings their massive egos, jolts them out of their onanistic attitudes. Their army of functionaries and bureaucrats and media are hardly conscious of their evil, as Arendt found Eichmann, during the Nuremberg Trials.
“I was struck by the manifest shallowness in the doer [ie Eichmann] which made it impossible to trace the uncontestable evil of his deeds to any deeper level of roots or motives. The deeds were monstrous, but the doer – at least the very effective one now on trial – was quite ordinary, commonplace, and neither demonic nor monstrous.”
We’ve started calling them NPCs, non playing characters, barely conscious, programmed like reptiles, the purest representation of the banality of evil.
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Laurel Canyon, Weird Scenes inside the Canyon, Covert Ops and the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream. Doug McGowan. Headpress 2014
One of my favourite musicians tells his story:
Still going on only the science has evolved....