As a former Time Inc. Subsidiary alumni I really really like your posts. This well written expose' on the evil WEF and other aristocratic henchmen is an excellent review of how the "Illuminati" use climate change and other underhanded means to screw the lower 50%. I am a new subscriber and glad I signed up! As a Chemical Engineer I know Climate Change is a hoax to rob and wield undeserved power from us.

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I too love her writing always the truth welcome

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This was thoughtful, and there is much to absorb and mull over. As always. Thank you!

Just a few thoughts as I read. I hope they do not seem contrarian, but are shared to add to the conversation.

“These guys, they make me laugh. Seriously? How stupid do they think we are? How hated are they? All over the world, they are loathed and laughed at.”

Oh, I do hope you are right. But, anecdotally, do you not find many who are oblivious to politics, global affairs, current events? Perhaps it is that they (we) are scarred by the last three years and ostriching is our method of coping with the glut of ugly fear-mongering surrounding us. T. S. Eliot wrote, “Mankind cannot bear much reality.” Indeed.

“Biden is gaga.” Hmmmm. Is he? Do others wonder as I do? We view the creepy, vacuous, sniffy stumblebum in endlessly repeated video clips, but less presented to us are those times he’s one- on-one with an interviewer without prompt screens, and somehow he manages decently. Or he seems to be holding up well when chatting with foreign leaders. So, what is it? In ‘struth is he the fierce, canny “Big Guy” still in absolute control, but hiding under a veneer of dementia (which he could use if he were indicted)? Or are are there two Bidens? Three? Five? Only God knows in this dizzying three-ring circus in which we live.

I know you would quickly agree that poverty in Canada can be relative. Those who work or volunteer in the helping agencies will suggest poverty can be relative. Many poor will moan there is not enough for food, rent, gas (and, yes, this is real for some), but, alas, there are too many of these poor who still have enough for smokes, pot, alcohol, tats, manicures, pub crawls, big screen TV, cable subscriptions, take-out food, junk food, video games, large pets with ravenous appetites, and iPhones with full data. Few of us begrudge them the creature comfort extras many still enjoy and take for granted, but reality dictates these should be choices related to sound money management. And sound money and food management skills have oft not been passed down by family — or taught in schools, the latter a sad oversight. Perhaps mandatory “Banking, Budget and Money-handling 101” and “Cheap Nutritious Meals 101” could replace Critical Race Theory classes.

My parents married during the Dirty Thirties. My father was a butcher, and my mom, staying at home with my elder siblings, scrupulously budgeted his $21 salary each week to scrape up a down payment on a small Ottawa home. They took in 2-3 boarders to meet the payments. No restaurants. Basic nutritious foods. Casseroles. Vats of homemade soups. Root veggies. No processed foods or treats. Fifty years later, despite prosperity, my mother still operated with a dirty thirties mentality. With (yes, oft necessary) readily available welfare, EI, Cerb, and with no budgeting or nutritious food prep skills, there is a sad underclass that is drowning. Handouts and social safety nets need to be slowly supplanted by sound education in good coping, money-planning and nutrition skills. My mom could have taught them well.

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I am close to the point where if a friend is not supporting people fighting for our freedom, that friendship is done. It isn‘t that I don’t love them, I just do not like being around their fecklessness and cringing fear. And I know people who are well off and focused ENTIRELY on their own comfort and ego. See you in the next life. Basically.

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I just finished “Meet the Deep State’s Lucifarian Army, then comments which led me back to this “Brutal Crushing” … outstanding compilations of your deep dive research, thank you…. There is a tsunami of information to comment on, yet it is your “point of being” that resonates personally. During the summer we are surrounded by “ people who are well off and focused ENTIRELY on their own comfort and ego.”… I’m utterly mystified (and appalled) given there is a friendly neighborly gathering every Friday and none, not one discuss the current events much more importantly the obvious fascist Marxist takeover of the west, or the Covid hoax, or even the attempted assassination of a former U.S. president!?! Not a single person on or since J13 has even uttered a word. Most we’ve discovered are jabbed. We’ve met one who did not follow the herd, not bc she is not alt news informed, being an avid CNN viewer, but more that she possessed an honest caution with the concept of “experimental” thus declined. You would think gathered around these people, gleaned from their overheard conversations, it’s still 2019. For example, no one will converse if you raise the obvious disastrous consequences of an open boarder… they look at you like you have eight eyes… I don’t experience “feckless cringing fear” … on the contrary… it’s as if they’re in a protected bubble oblivious to what’s happening all around us…. 🤔😬😳😥

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Humanity has been dumbed down intentionally. It's much easier to control people who can't take care of themselves. They all become beholden to the powers that be. Even that has been a PLAN. What the Global elite Mafia would like is for a UNIVERAL BASIC INCOME and a Global elite Mafia Controlled Currency, but you won't get much. And if you don't use it right away, if you try to SAVE it, it will be taken from you. The more people they get on 'Welfare' the easier it is to control them. Just like Cattle on a ranch,...you control what they eat, where they go and what happens to their children. We are their Cattle and our Children are their VEAL.

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I don't know enough about Canadian history to know whether or not the Socialist system in Great Britain has always been a part of Canadian government. I do know for dead-certain that, after Lyndon Baines Johnson made his Great Society speech in 1964, the huge middle class in the U.S.A. began to shrink & decline into poverty. LBJ in the USA is the grunt in the woodpile.

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Apparently the rot started with Carter. Kissinger was the agent.

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Yes, and it really all started in 1914 when the Fed was established. Next, Roosevelt instituted more government programs to take it all to the next level, prolonging the Depression. Finally, yes, LBJ put the icing on the cake with his welfare programs AND Nixon took us off the gold standard as well which really wiped out any foundations and resulted in massive inflation.... Houses went from around 30,000 to 60,000 in ten years and our wages barely bulged.

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Until globalists realize that being a globalist is hazardous to their health , nothing will change

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Exactly. Where is Mitch Rapp when you need him...

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I look forward to the day these arrogant, wannabe tyrants are hunted down like mad dogs.

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Yesterday the SF Chronicle said that covid is coming back. They found it in the sewers. So, get ready for lockdowns and all the rest, says their weffie reporter.

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Nice try, no one will listen

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“weffie” 🤣

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Elizabeth, I really appreciated this article. You hit on so many important things, I have shared it on Truth Social and on Twitter. They may not be Lizard People, they maybe Hybrid Alien/Humans. There is a lot of evidence coming out that humans as we know them where genetically engineered by Aliens a very, very long time ago. And that they created Overlords to keep the human herds under control. The book, the Torah, is their book of RULES. How to control and care for the Human Herds. Have we been Farmed for 1000's of years? Is that why our Children are taken by the millions every year? Are we the Cattle and our Children the VEAL? It's starting to look that way. Our HISTORY has been destroyed and covered up,.....but it is sneaking out and it starting to show that most of what we humans thought was true, has simply been a narrative we've been taught for 1000's of years.

Take a look at this book,....it talks about what the bible actually says about the Rulers and the Overlords, during our past. It's very interesting and eye opening! 'The Naked Bible: The Truth about the most Famous book in History". It's an interview with one of the translators of the Old Testament who went back to the earliest Hebrew to see what does it REALLY say? You will be surprised.

Unfortunately, you are way over most people's heads! Most of them know nothing about what you are saying,.....I sure wish they did. It would make this WAR go a lot FASTER if more people understood the real Enemy we are fighting. Take care of yourself! Stay safe.

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I enjoy your responses, although, probably not for every reason you intend. ☺️

If humanity was engineered, as you posit, the aliens screwed up. Big time

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If the Elites were in charge for so long, how did we manage to live free and prosperously with ever-growing economies? How did we, as a Western people, escape feudalism? Why would those same Elite who really did control the masses allow this when their present goal is to limit our numbers?

What changed? I'm not being sarcastic, I really want to understand.

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The American Revolution changed everything, and they have been fighting to overturn it since then. The Declaration made America the exceptional country. The founders were serious Christians - despite the Deist crap - and they were acting in inspiration. Without American freedom, the world would revert.

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I keep forgetting that we were exceptional. Obama mocked that idea saying that every nation considers itself exceptional. All are different, some better to live in than others, but we were the breakthrough to understanding that we have God-given rights. When we threw off Britain, the giant, we emboldened other Western people to try the same.

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The simplest explanation: "Only God our Father can make love and peace. Human effort toward those ends, without God's Christ Spirit, is nothing but paltry approximation. God deals in specifics." ERROR! EDIT! ERROR! EDIT! Instead of "...nothing but paltry approximation..." I should have written, "...are mostly approximations founded in self-serving moral relativism." Of all the creatures on earth, the power of choice is peculiar to humans alone. For better or worse, every human choice has a bearing on the final outcome. Nothing we attempt on this side of heaven is ever paltry in God's Sight.

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What's your take on the recent conservative ad ('If I was the deep state') that describes rhetorically what it would hypothetically do to seize control (as it has) in recent years. It's an example I suppose of how the bureaucratic vermin that you describe are being exposed. The speaker's voice is an AI simulation of an authoritative / popular 1950s journalist.


"They make me laugh," you said re the bureaucrats & globalist politicos. It does seem to be happening, their cratering approval ... ie. Trudeau recently delivered a speech that was drowned out 100% by audience jeers, catcalls, howls of protest. Precious!

The only environmentalist I trust is Patrick Moore.

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I love that ad, it is brilliant, thanks for sharing g.

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As someone who grew up around the aerial firefighting business and saw how via government and politicians those major feeders of the corporate welfare system stepped in but in the process grew the budgets (and egos) to previously unheard of levels. Dyne Corp. contracts with the Cal Fire etc. and fires are not fought until they are big enough to fight. This policy has led to a disaster out west but created the very fear that drives these multi-billion dollar contracts.....a template for a business model whether it is forest fires or viruses or proxy wars...this has permeated any space where governmental agencies are footing the bill, thus removing the connection from the taxpayer who is actually footing the bill.....but you get this......keep up the great work

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Thank you and nicely put. Most efficient summary ever.

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America's greatest enemies today consist of a large group of internal Globalists and Radical "Marxist" Democrats!

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There is a similarity of insight\focus taking shape across a wide range of geography, morality, spirituality and intention. For instance, the zerohedge website is hosted from Bulgaria (so they say) and welcomes comments from anyone anywhere who can connect to the interwebs. The very topics MizNickson addresses here are also discussed at length in the comments under this zerohedge article:


The callousness Mike Pence exhibits is astonishing. The following is a comment from poster "baba yaga" in the thread under that article. The coincidence of insight\focus between here & there is uncanny...

"Representatives of the Western elite are accustomed to parasitizing both on people and on entire countries. Their thirst for power is so strong that elderly politicians cling to their lives and their position to the last.

Suffice it to recall the ghoul David Rockefeller, who replaced 7 hearts. But still he died like a stray dog. But no matter how much they want to, they all still have to die, no matter what they come up with. They are unable to change the laws of the universe, where even the stars die.

These decrepit elites have degenerated, turned into a sect of elders, preoccupied with the main idea. The only thing that really worries Western ghouls, primarily American and British ones, is the idea of immortality. They, like vampires, do everything in order to pump out the vital juices from others.

The sect of old vampires who received our planet for use, does not want to leave not only their posts and spheres of influence, but also to go to another world, ready for anything - to shed blood, placing insignificant pygmies as vassals in order to prolong as long as possible their hungry and merciless existence!"

MizElizabeth, I will post a link to this article of yours at zerohedge or wherever it fits. Thank you for taking the gloves off. These monsters who defile us will not go quietly but they MUST be gone...

EDIT: The globalist bosses are clever trousered apes. They are driven by ice-cold lust and greed for power. Every characteristic of normal, compassionate humanity has shriveled in the deep freeze of their rabid lust. Every one of them deserve every bit of what they've got coming.

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The part about Mike Pence, I’d say, go back and listen to his full answer. I know most people won’t, which is way they claim buttwipe Carlson took him apart. He actually said something like:

“As president of the United States we’re going to restore law and order in our cities, we’re going to secure our border, we’re going to get this economy moving again, and we’re going to make sure that we have men and women on our courts at every level that will stand for the right to life and defend all the God given liberties enshrined in our constitution,” he said.

He added: “Anybody that says that we can’t be the leader of the free world and solve our problems at home has a pretty small view of the greatest nation on earth. We can do both. And as president of the United States we will secure our border we will support our military we will revive our economy and stand by our values and we will also lead the world for freedom under my administration.”

But if you don’t like Pence that really doesn’t matter. Does it?

Your statements seem so cocksure on every point, your personality comes right through. I think I’ll form my own.

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"It's not my concern." Those were MP's first words following TC's rundown of the mayhem & misery afflicting the people of the United States right now. Don't you think MP could have put a little more compassionate thought into how he began? MP proved himself in that thoughtless bit. It's the little things that tell the tale. The best days of Politician Pence are in the rearview mirror. Adios.

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Your hatred, most likely because Pence would not violate the law to put the real president in power, precedes your argument. The concern he made reference to was Carlson’s statement that tanks for Ukraine over American cities were apparently his concern. He snswered that accusation in his own bulletproof style. But to haters he might have said “you’re right, Tucker.”

He didn’t.

Go soak your head.0

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did anything I wrote reflect hatred? no. i've made a few observations based on hard evidence. you translate my observations into what you believe is animas or personal hatred on my part. your slip is showing, missy. good luck. hatred is a waste of time.

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So you like Mike Pence? Your bucket of cold water awaits. Soak it.

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Thanks, Elizabeth. Another good read. Why do I always think about the movie Elysium?

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Thoughtful and stimulating.

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My dollars are on the German Euro, or perhaps the Deutsche Mark for rhe eventual world currency.

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