Do you read this newsletter every week? Do you forward it or text it to your friends?? Do you value the work that goes into it??? I charge the least Substack allows on the grounds you are supporting others. So it costs you 25 cents an article. Please consider helping me keep this going. Thanks so much to the new subscribers this week and special gratitude to those who paid. You light my world. Literally.
Last week the WEFers held their summer camp in China. More to come, they warned us. More pandemics, more catastrophic global warming, more inflation, hell on wheels, they promise us, Armageddon is coming. Be very afraid.
The following was a particularly lovely event:
“How to Stay Within Planetary Boundaries - Carrot or Stick?” which focused on whether to incentivize or force compliance with “climate goals”. It was hosted by some joker who edits a magazine called Nature Energy, no doubt funded by the WEF and read by exactly nobody. And some very po-faced morons of various colors, paid in the six figures, cited a bunch of falsified statistics ending with these pretty little paragraphs:
“We are - broadly speaking - agreed that we need to get on track towards a net-zero, climate-safe and nature-positive future, but we know this will not be easy. And we’re going to need to change behaviours of both individuals but also the way that our industries and corporations and also our governments work and practices.
“We’re going to need to do this through a mixture of carrots and hopefully perhaps not so many sticks, in some kind of mix. And there is a very active and live debate as to how we go about this. But we’re likely to see an increasing move towards more stick-like interventions…..”
These guys, they make me laugh. Seriously? How stupid do they think we are? How hated are they? All over the world, they are loathed and laughed at. Every time one of them is taken out, we laugh and laugh and laugh. Larry Fink from BlackRock? Hiding, Scared. Mocked, publicly humiliated. We need a lot more of that.
They should be scared. They made up all this crap. Climate Change, Pandemic, Inflation, Globalization, the BRICS, all of it is made up. Jim O’Neill, chair of Goldman Sachs made up the BRICS in 2001. He saw the way the west was going (no children) and started shifting investments into ‘developing countries’. He knew that as Europe imported more and more uneducated angry people, there would be a face-off and thought: ‘let the whites, blacks, and browns cage fight it out. Our money is leaving.’
Their court jester Paul Krugman says de-dollarization is a myth. Elon Musk put him straight.
De-dollarization isn’t accidental, a twist of fate. It’s deliberate. They have to destroy western culture, because we middle-class-unnecessary-eaters are too damned uppity. They have stolen so much that when the tipping point arrives, and it will, they will be hung from the highest tree. ‘Better to ruin those likely to catch and imprison us, and feed on peasants and serfs, the desperate in the rest of the world.’
OK, let’s review the Biden/Trudeau/Macron/Sunak economy shall we? Since the out-in-the-open globalist theft of elections during the past three years - Sunak was installed, Trudeau is the most hated man in Canada, Biden is gaga and Macron is just crazy - this is what the bottom 50% are experiencing. Short form, ground into the dirt.
Ninety percent of the jobs “created” were those gained back after the pandemic. Most jobs are going to the foreign born – they work cheap1.
Of the roughly 900 days Joe Biden has been in the White House, real wages have fallen for almost 700 days – about 75% of Biden’s time in office. All total, the collective drop in real wages has been 3% rather than the robust real wage gains workers deserve and expect.
Every single American has lost $36,000 to Biden’s inflation. It has crippled us, especially those working in the real (not digital) economy - Uber drivers, truckers, farmers, manufacturers, ranchers, the bottom 50% - gas prices have gone up 50%. Home heating up 23%, milk 16%, beef 25%, eggs 83%. Home prices 32%, rents 15%, electricity 21%.
Let’s not even talk about interest rates. Ten raises in the last 30 months. Last week the Bank of Canada gave its people $26 million in bonuses. Meanwhile, people are losing their houses.
How much more punishment are we expected to take? This is directly caused by their mad hatter spending during the pandemic - which was fake but for a few months in early 2020 - and their subsequent restriction of the energy supply. Restriction of energy causes prices to skyrocket because producing anything requires energy.
Sorry for the caps. I want you to take that on board. All this government and supra-government action is deliberate. Your misery, that of your family and neighbors is deliberate. Not necessary, not “cyclical”. Deliberate. This is the boot of fascism ground into your face and that of your children. Here, the boot heel is followed by a treat. This week in Canada everyone got $250 because the government caused food prices to rise so much, people are hungry. In Canada. People are hungry. The old ladies I see doling out coins to pay at the supermarket are hungry. This makes me want to cry every time I see it, and I see it every week.
Just imagine what they are doing in the developing world. I don’t have to imagine. I know.
But first, do you know how Jerome Powell solved the problem of Collateral Debt Obligations of the market? CDOs is how Powell made his $50 million by the way. To refresh, the way the stock market made money since 2008, has been a rolling over and over of corporate debt, they asset stripped widget factories, and sold them on, the new owners acquiring more cheap debt which allowed their stock prices, dividends and payouts to rise. It was that that threatened the market in 2021-2023, more than anything. As interest rates rose, that debt became unsustainable. So Powell printed half a trillion dollars and gave it to Black Rock and Vanguard. Market crash averted. Who pays? We do, via inflation and debt.
Did you know that all foreign aid - all your money - goes to corporations who are headquartered in the country that gives the foreign aid, NOT in the country that is supposed to receive it? Or, money will flood into say Salvador and be grabbed by the big family concern where they will build a mall and a housing development neither of which are used by anyone but the middle class in that country and those who sell to the middle class. The proper recipients can go pound sand, and the “aid money” is taken by that country’s billionaire family. Very very little aid money reaches the poor. It is all stolen.
Mostly it’s taken by our resident oligarchs running Unilever, Amazon, etc. With massive payouts to politicians. Never forget that Reagan and Thatcher died in the 90s with $10 million in assets, mostly from their houses. Clinton, Obama, Pelosi? $200 million and counting. Go down the list of every government and there you will find payouts, a cut from public funds to facilitate theft. Whitney Webb describes exactly how that happened in her masterwork, One Nation Under Blackmail, Volumes 1 and 2
What do you think about “the Black Nobility”? Now, I am a rationalist above everything, so I hear that phrase and think some nice anti-psychotics are called for. Does anyone know any writer about this, who is not…let’s see how do I phrase it? Oh yes, insane? It seems to be a trope roaring around the populist community including the several hundred million strong New Age community who believe that not only do they exist but that they are 900 year old Lizards who drink babies blood for sustenance and that is why eight million children go missing every year. See? Bonkers.
Or, is it?
Properly the Black Nobility are said to have emerged from Venice in the 11th century and have been operating ever since, which may be the reason for the 900 year old lizard confusion. They were the families most devoted to the Holy See and they source themselves in Babylon and Egypt and hail from Nimrod and other Biblical characters. They are managed by the Black Pope, the Grey Pope and the White Pope. The Grey Pope is an Orsini, and it is he that (apparently) determines the world. Orsini is Rothschild is Rockefeller by the way, all meaning ‘red’ for the blood of others that they feed on, the red carpet the blood of others they walk upon. The British Royal Family, Hanoverians, are Guelph which was the principal reason for the Stuart insurgency. No one wanted those thieves in the UK.
Some brilliant people take their ideas that one step into madness or so I thought until I was reading along and came across this in South Africa. Now, I was in South Africa for the Mandela release and I take this personally. I know how those people live. I spent three weeks in Mandela’s 800 square foot house and 1000 square foot back garden watching the world visit him. Dirt floors baby, kerosene for light and gristle for food. But the Orsini’s are making out like bandits. Using a little known division of the World Bank called the ICSID, this family and others claimed $300 million dollars from Mandela’s government’s refusal to grant them further licensing of a gold mine. Two reporters travelled to that gold mine area and found devastation. The Black Nobility was paying people $1 a day for 14 hour days, food was at the company store was pricey and the region was an unreclaimed strip mine of horror. This aggregated trillion dollar rich Italian crew had raked billions and billions out of the country for the past 200 years, and they wanted a quit claim from the new government. They had had warning. A full decade prior, SA’s new Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act sought to redress inequalities and required companies to partner with citizens who had suffered under apartheid. They had made no changes until challenged. Ok, said the Black Nobility. $300 million please.
This thing, this pure evil, was repeated in every developing country in the world as it shook off colonial rule. It was caused by a department of the World Bank, which emerged from a conference in San Francisco in 1957 – a “Magna Carta for Capitalism”. It served to rape the countries attempting to emerge from endemic poverty and make sure their resources were theirs to exploit in perpetuity. Yes, you can have a loan from the World Bank, but you have to let in our people who will create Walmarts and Walgreens, drive out local producers, bring in goods from some mega warehouse and gut your economy, impoverishing you further, just like they did to the West.
The Environmental Movement was created by these people in order to crush us. The Club of Rome, tellingly headed by an Italian aristo, and the Committee of 300 dreamed it up in the 1960s. Ever since, the middle class has been progressively diminished, hope vanishing. The birth rate is low because not enough people can afford to have children.
The principal family behind the environmental movement in the US and Canada is the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Orsinis, the blood-red predators. They have been the big funders, they marshal all the other funders together every year to decide on their next form of attack. It is they who, along with their UN, devised the 2030 land grab that is going on under the surface in every country. Who benefits from that land grab? There is no doubt whatsoever that land is meant to be caretaken by humans, left to itself it desertifies. Good stewardship is always always performed by people who love the land and have enough money to take care of it. Cattle belong on the land. Alan Savary’s work shows that indisputably.
They want that land, they want the coal under that land, the ranges, forests and farms. They want us off it.
Did you really think that fires somehow exploded across three thousand miles of the Canadian north at the same time? Did you? Because Canada has arrested dozens of people. Between 60 and 100% of the fires were set deliberately. Do you know what happened to burnt forests? That land becomes very very cheap. What is under that land? Trillions worth of resources, Quadrillions. Who is going to annex it?
Yeah. That’s right. And in the meantime, the fires spooked city dwellers in the eastern US, who think climate change is going to get us. We want to become voluntary peasants and live in city prisons.
So effectively the Rockefellers set those fires. The forests are tangled and overgrown, tinder and that is the “sustainable management” forced by the Rockefellers.
Everywhere you look, every misery, every broken family, every terrified child, every lonely man or woman, this evil has a source and it is right out there in the open. It must be named and shamed and flushed down the toilet of history. The net-zero, climate-safe and nature-positive future they envision will be the end of us.
Do you read this newsletter every week? Do you forward it or text it to your friends?? Do you value the work that goes into it??? I charge the least Substack allows on the grounds you are supporting others. So it costs you 25 cents an article. Please consider helping me keep this going. I love it but it is real work.
Dave Brat Economics on Gettr
As a former Time Inc. Subsidiary alumni I really really like your posts. This well written expose' on the evil WEF and other aristocratic henchmen is an excellent review of how the "Illuminati" use climate change and other underhanded means to screw the lower 50%. I am a new subscriber and glad I signed up! As a Chemical Engineer I know Climate Change is a hoax to rob and wield undeserved power from us.
This was thoughtful, and there is much to absorb and mull over. As always. Thank you!
Just a few thoughts as I read. I hope they do not seem contrarian, but are shared to add to the conversation.
“These guys, they make me laugh. Seriously? How stupid do they think we are? How hated are they? All over the world, they are loathed and laughed at.”
Oh, I do hope you are right. But, anecdotally, do you not find many who are oblivious to politics, global affairs, current events? Perhaps it is that they (we) are scarred by the last three years and ostriching is our method of coping with the glut of ugly fear-mongering surrounding us. T. S. Eliot wrote, “Mankind cannot bear much reality.” Indeed.
“Biden is gaga.” Hmmmm. Is he? Do others wonder as I do? We view the creepy, vacuous, sniffy stumblebum in endlessly repeated video clips, but less presented to us are those times he’s one- on-one with an interviewer without prompt screens, and somehow he manages decently. Or he seems to be holding up well when chatting with foreign leaders. So, what is it? In ‘struth is he the fierce, canny “Big Guy” still in absolute control, but hiding under a veneer of dementia (which he could use if he were indicted)? Or are are there two Bidens? Three? Five? Only God knows in this dizzying three-ring circus in which we live.
I know you would quickly agree that poverty in Canada can be relative. Those who work or volunteer in the helping agencies will suggest poverty can be relative. Many poor will moan there is not enough for food, rent, gas (and, yes, this is real for some), but, alas, there are too many of these poor who still have enough for smokes, pot, alcohol, tats, manicures, pub crawls, big screen TV, cable subscriptions, take-out food, junk food, video games, large pets with ravenous appetites, and iPhones with full data. Few of us begrudge them the creature comfort extras many still enjoy and take for granted, but reality dictates these should be choices related to sound money management. And sound money and food management skills have oft not been passed down by family — or taught in schools, the latter a sad oversight. Perhaps mandatory “Banking, Budget and Money-handling 101” and “Cheap Nutritious Meals 101” could replace Critical Race Theory classes.
My parents married during the Dirty Thirties. My father was a butcher, and my mom, staying at home with my elder siblings, scrupulously budgeted his $21 salary each week to scrape up a down payment on a small Ottawa home. They took in 2-3 boarders to meet the payments. No restaurants. Basic nutritious foods. Casseroles. Vats of homemade soups. Root veggies. No processed foods or treats. Fifty years later, despite prosperity, my mother still operated with a dirty thirties mentality. With (yes, oft necessary) readily available welfare, EI, Cerb, and with no budgeting or nutritious food prep skills, there is a sad underclass that is drowning. Handouts and social safety nets need to be slowly supplanted by sound education in good coping, money-planning and nutrition skills. My mom could have taught them well.