I've got a pro-Chinese bias that makes it hard for me to take in this information and evaluate it objectively. I've lived and worked in China, and I have two Chinese daughters.

That said, I see so much of the destruction of America as Made In America, not Chinese. Anthony Fauci is not Chinese. The chemtrails flights over America are not Chinese. The fires in California and Canada were set and covered up by domestic authorities. The decision to set 5 toxic tanker cars ablaze in East Palestine was our own American EPA. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are not Chinese. Pfizer and Moderna are not Chinese. It was not China but the US CIA that overthrew democratically-elected governments in 50 countries around the world in the 20th Century.

I have written extensively about the Assaults on Humanity, and it is implausible to me that this is engineered in China. https://mitteldorf.substack.com/p/assaults-on-humanity

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It is true. Evil Americans are paid BIG BUCKS to do what China tells them to do. We have been sold out . Wake up. We are talking about the Communist leaders of China, not the people of China. The people are victims of their regime .The WEF plans with Xi. Communism is the goal. Such a cruel way of life😢.

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Susan Skinner: And American life today isn't cruel? The USA better come up with a reason to exist and real soon for the people in this country or who will fight for it?

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I agree - there’s a diabolical alliance of fascist WEF billionaires & CCP billionaires (Xi’s inner circle).

Both groups want to dominate the world. The WEF group imagine they’ll eventually control the CCP group. The CCP group will, more likely, destroy the WEF group.

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Trudeau thought he had more power than he does, so Xi spanked him publicly. He hasn't stepped out of line since. Why do you think Freeland appeared suddenly? Trudeau was fucking up badly and they sent her in to babysit. Trudeau is a narcissistic dumb dumb who only cares about himself and his public perception.

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Trudeau cares about himself & his bank accounts I suspect.

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And Trudeau also said he admires Xi because a dictator has loads of power.

Indicates the tyrannical mindset of these would-be dictators who - laughably - pretend they «defend democracy».

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Forgive me for saying this, but truth is truth. Trudeau is an IDIOT, big time. Why does Canada put up with him? Fear is it. He is a puppet, also. Lots of puppets running around being ruled by a few of Satan’s Captains.,

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I can remember distinctly watching Z. Brzezinski being intereviewed on tv about his new book. In that interview he specifically stated that the emphasis in the world would move from America to China - and the East. America would diminish as China rose in power.

Strange tidbit to remember, but when he said it, it was clear to me at the time that it was planned - as though this was to be a "natural event." It left me with foreboding. I can even remember thinking how I didn't want our nation to become a "lesser" place to live.

It wasn't long after that I became aware of our manufacturing being sent to China. Of course, I was a young adult...could have been happening during my childhood.

I must admit that I never purchased or read his book. All I have is this clear memory as a young adult.


When I became aware of WEF, et al I immediately recalled what this guy said.

My personal, current view is that WEF is the arm of the west who thinks themselves superior to China and the east. They see themselves as the rightful leaders of the world. This is in direct conflict with how China sees itself (imo) as the superior country that has the obligation to lead the world.

I expect these two entities to work together until they reach the point when only one can lead.

All this to say that I believe multiple entities are working together for a time - until they choose to fight each other for supremacy. In that vein, they will be doing the work that would set themselves up as the natural leader.....

Just my .02.

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I agree -- It's easy to see that we are up against a global enemy with an anti-human agenda. It's harder to see that this is not a monolithic monster, more like different families of the Mafia that are staging turf wars and murdering one another even as they are attacking us.

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Anybody happen to remember Mitt Romney slipping up and saying (paraphrasing) the US will be taken care of for another hundred years before “it’s” all done (“it” being the transfer of power to the global world order). after reading Elizabeth Nixon, it’s eminently clear that conspiracies to destroy the US plans have been in progress for a very long time. Our (US citizen here) only hope is for the American people to rally whatever shreds of righteousness are left and resist with everything we’ve got. my biggest question is, given the flood of disinformation being propagated, is there enough righteousness left in the United States to take a stand?

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Bara - exactly what I think is going on too:

«I expect these two entities to work together until they reach the point when only one can lead.»

The WEF club & CCP inner circle are like 2 crime families collaborating.....till they turn on each other.

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China doesn't do the dirty work, they pay greedy corrupted people and firms to do it..and there is no short supply of them. Ultimately you have to pay the piper though...thats China.

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Deb... You just described American counterintelligence operations.

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At least it feels collaborative. The Wuhan research. Us taking our pandemic strategy from China, or at least seeming to. Same with Israel. Who wags who? Did LBJ order the attack on the Liberty or just cover it up? Are the protests really hatched by China or are forces co-opting them to their advantage like every other protest in recent history? We don’t need to deny that there are students who care about what’s happening to see the co-option happening. The truth matters. Lies about protests happen every single time, including J6, which was no different.

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Yes, thank you. It's more complex than monsters trying to assert tyrannical control -- which is not to deny that there are monsters trying to assert tyrannical control.

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Steve Mosher, author of Bully of Asia, lived in China for many years and came to a different conclusion.

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Thank you for your deep insight. I am a senior citizen with a lot of background but limited funds at this time. Thanks again for making your crucial information available to me.

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Some short advice. It is best to not ascribe what anyone does you disagree with yourself because you are part of some group identifier. I used to feel guilty being an American for the things a sociopathic American President would do even though I did not vote for him. Just the fact that I felt bad i.e., disagreed with what was done, made it clear I should not have felt responsible. I disagreed therefore it had all to do with them, not me. Any blame anyone tries to ascribe to me because I am male, white, old, Christian-not-religious is identity politics and not me. They are the issue because they think shallowly. I am not Bill Gates or the CIA and so on. I am an individual. I am responsible for my own errors, but never for the acts of others.

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You must read Blood Money before you reject my thesis. It is irrefutable. I think I made it quite quite clear, it is not the Chinese but their government who live like the British Royal family time ten in terms of estates and moeny

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In 1985, a team of friends in Shanghai helped my wife and me adopt our daughter. Chinese adoption was not yet a thing, and it required extensive politicking. Dr Zhang, a professor and minor Party official, was our guide and advocate and translator. He lived in a single room with no kitchen or bathroom with his wife and son. We felt a bond of gratitude for what he had done for us.

In 2002, my 17-year-old daughter wanted to return and explore her roots. I went to Shanghai with her, and we had no trouble finding Dr Zhang. He was now rich and powerful, advisor to the mayor of Shanghai. He lived in a luxurious apartment atop a 50-storey apartment that looked out over bright city lights. The three of us went out to dinner Christmas Eve, and talked about the way China was growing. We agreed it was inevitable that China was going to surpast the US and become the world’s leading nation. I said to Dr Zhang that the way America treated China was our shame. I was thinking of the Opium War, the Chinese Exclusion Act, and lesser humiliations of the 20th century. I said it would serve America right if China was just as disdainful to Americans as Americans had been to China a century earlier.

Dr Zhang was emphatic in his response in a way that was impressed on my memory. He said that Americans were part of a Western tradition of conquest, but the Chinese character was not like that. Chinese were proud people. They wished to have an exalted place in the world, but not to dominate others. He said that wars of conquest were not part of the way Chinese think.

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Elizabeth - I'm not rejecting your thesis, but presenting another perspective. I promise to read Blood Money and I'll get back to you.

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Agreed. There is an international criminal cabal running the show inside every country. The intelligence agencies are weaponised to create chaos to ensure control.

Operation Gladio is the playbook. Colonel Towner explains ...


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SOROS, WEF, DEEP STATE, GLOBALISTS+++ This is not a Chinese strategy

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Both positions can be true. I still see the surreal brutal CCP Covid camps in my mind - and they were sanitized photos to be sure. Yet this isn’t about all are wrong and one is right. This is about truth. Just as you saw no flaws in your China neither did my parents see flaws in their America. Perhaps we only see what we want which takes us back to where we are today.

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Perhaps both are true.

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You are correct about Fauci, the fires etc. Tony Podesta who’s brother John Podesta ran Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016 and is also working at the Biden White House. Is now working for the CCP. Imagine that two brothers who are very high in the democrat party have direct connections to the CCP.

Fauci worked with the CCP to create the Covid virus. It’s not just China but our leaders in the US, Europe and elsewhere have been bought and paid by the CCP.

Klaus Schwab is a puppet of the CCP and so is Joe Biden. That is how powerful China is now. Don’t be fooled. I’m sure the average Chinese citizen may not be involved but their are plenty of Chinese citizens actively working against the US and the West. So while Xi keeps his subtle smile and detached demeanor, he is ruthlessly working to destroy everything you and I love.

The CCP believe they are the superior race and unless we all wake up we the People are going to end up as vassals of China as most of our leaders already are.

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@Josh Mitteldorf While it’s true in your statement that many American traitors working with Chinese Communists to destroy America the nation. But your pro-Chinese bias fails at the fundamental level of confusing Chinese people with the Communism ideology and the evil Communist Party. I bet you live in China as a foreign citizen, so you can escape to a large extent from the measures and threats of the oppressive regime while enjoying the benefits of being a foreigner. It’s your choice to work with the evil regime, isn’t it?

It’s not a crime to live and work in Communist China as a foreigner, but it’s serious morally bankruptcy for you to have the pro-Communism bias at the same time. Itis at best a hypercritical self-delusion to believe that you are not participating in helping the evil regime in perpetuating their control over people in mainland China.

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The situation is more complex than that. The CCP does things that I cannot condone, limiting free speech or selling body parts...but while I was in China I found the people were overwhelmingly supportive of their government. People who grew up in a dirt-floor hut, whose parents and grandparents farmed rice with a water buffalo are now commuting to an office job, talking on cell phones on the Beijing subway system. These people ask me, if voting for your leaders is the most important guarantee that the leaders are on the side of the people, how does it happen that the American Congress has betrayed the American people? Why does the Chinese "totalitarian" government enjoy more popularity among its own people than the American "democratic" government?

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Yes, the CCP is conducting a reverse "opium war" against the US. Everything you said about the Cultural Revolution, the so-called "protesters," and China's United Front is true. But is our own nat sec state that is behind it all. From Brent Scowcroft's visit to China after Tiananmen massacre to Biden's kowtowing to Xi, to 15 million illegals, the destruction of America is occurring from within. We finance China -- without our money that corrupt system would have already collapsed. Our leaders have been bribed. If this country's leaders had a shred of integrity and stood up for America we could have toppled the corrupt CCP long ago, and we still can. So let's stop focusing on Xi and the CCP and focus on the scum in our own country who are causing its destruction. Wake up America, before it's too late. We can't declare war on China but we can declare war on the corruption in our own country. The upcoming election -- if it even occurs -- will be the most important one in our history.

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We finance China? China has been buying our debt for decades. Russia completely eliminated their exposure to US debt and China is following suit. They don't need US debt instruments to produce what they're already shipping all over the world. China doesn't really even need the US consumer anymore.

Nobody in the US can come close to toppling China. China is packed full of hard working people while the US has more people unemployed now than during the Great Depression. The two biggest exports from the US are garbage and pornography. When the economy implodes, people in the US will go bananas and die. People in China will continue to produce the same goods and take care of themselves.

As far as elections go, Twain said it best when he noted that if voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it.

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SVB: China has problems of its own, mostly demographic. Their One Child Policy was a disaster and China is now paying for it. Too many elderly Chinese for too few young to support. They don't have Social Security or Medicare.

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In general, the Chinese are far more robust than Americans primarily due to the fact that many of their elderly grew up working manual labor jobs and remained active throughout their lives. In other words, they don't need social security or Medicare.

Americans pay more for health care than anyone else on the planet and their health is a joke. The US is also importing new taxpayers, or at least hoping they'll pay taxes to support social security. That's not going to happen. More and more people are flat out just refusing to pay taxes anymore. Expatriation and renouncing one's citizenship is becoming so popular that the application fee has gone from free to over $2,700.00 and the wait to have it processed is now three or four years.

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SVB: I've never been to China, but I see that they eat well, exercise, and have good attitudes. Still, old age catches up with everyone. Even healthy, loneliness in old age is a problem and you still need to eat.

The Chinese also have the problem of many more males than females due to the One Child Policy. Maybe they are coming here.

Some pundits say people will stop, or be unable to, paying taxes. In Roman times the soldiers started robbing the citizens. We see that already with Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops steal more from us than the robbers.

That's crazy you have to pay a fee to renounce your citizenship. At least I didn't have to pay a fee when I had myself taken off of the voter rolls.

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Dying of old age is the goal. It's not a problem when the alternative is dying of degenerative diseases like heart failure, cancer, osteoporosis, kidney or liver disease, diabetes, etc. There's a fantastic documentary film titled, "Sweet Suicide" which spotlights the damage sugar does to the body and mind, but equally fascinating is the incredible health of those who no longer consume the American diet. They has film footage of a tribe down in Papua New Guinea that has practically no contact with the outside world. They live well into their 80's and 90's but appear to be no older than 30. They're ripped because they eat organically grown whole foods and remain active throughout their lives.

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SVB: I thought it was cannibalism that kept the New Guinea tribes healthy.

Seriously, I don't want to die in bed. That's a lousy way to go.

Unless you are in bed fucking a nubile young maiden when the heart gives out.

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Great comment, thanks. What I meant is that China is able to access our capital markets to get dollars to fund their industry. At this point you are right; China has become independent of the US, which is probably why Xi declared war on the US. But since Kissinger went to China in 1972, the US has supported the CCP. Wall Street and even U.S. pension funds buy stock in CCP companies. CCP leaders launder their money by buying U.S. real estate. There's a lot we can do to stop an essentially corrupt system that is gradually losing support among the laobaixing.

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CCP leaders know that the US dollar is worthless. If they really want to destroy the US, all they have to do is flood the US with all those worthless US dollars by buying up anything they can find and pretty much everything in the US is on sale. I don't see much that you or I can do to stop them other than refusing to participate in their corrupt system which means getting rid of dollars, engaging in trade with your local neighbors, and becoming self sufficient. Ultimately, it requires moving out of the US because the vast majority of boobus Americanus are oblivious of what is happening.

What the US did in 200 years, the red Ponzi has done in less than 50, and when the world economy implodes, they can go right back to farming if they have to while most US citizens can't identify or even figure out how to cook a raw vegetable, forget about even dressing out a rabbit.

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Amazingly, although BRICS is setting up a new gold-backed currency, the US dollar is still strong against other fiat currencies despite the psychopaths in the White House. But I agree there is little we can do except non-comply. At this point the die is cast. I have to hope that Americans are smarter than the idiots protesting on college campuses.

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Historically, all fiat currencies fail. So while the dollar may be stronger than the others, they're all racing to the bottom. I'd like to think I'm smarter than the idiots protesting on college campuses, but the reality is that I'm probably just too lazy to care what they're protesting about. I don't like what's going on in the US so I'm taking the advice of those who say, "love it or leave it", and getting ready to leave.

There's a great documentary movie called "Yes Men" where a couple of guys go around spoofing any number of issues, but one of the things that I noticed was that when they pitched one of their spoofs to college kids, the kids were incensed while adults in the real world could barely muster the effort to raise an eyebrow. Either they were too far gone to care, or they didn't see any point in getting upset over something so idiotic to begin with. In this case it was taking raw sewage and reconstituting it into hamburgers to sell to third world countries.

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Ha! Reconstituted sewage for hamburgers to sell to third world countries sounds an awful lot like GAVI and Gates and the WEF testing experimental "vaccines" on African children, or wanting us all to eat insects. At some point the illogic of these brain-damaged people will become obvious even to the Idiocracy. So stick around! We need people who can still think rationally if we are going to save this brain-dead society.

If you do move, where are you going?

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Another WOW!. Well crafted!

You could see this in the falsity behind the Floyd riots. The autopsy was clear he died of fentanyl overdose. Even today, I send out copies of the autopsy https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf to those who continue to believe it was police brutality. The whole concocted to fit a desired outcome spurred by top-down funding and organization behind the scenes to create fake outrage. It remains an effort to establish top-down control when they imprison those who defend themselves. What shocked this effort was the Rittenhouse not-guilty. We had another glimmer of light when the bodega worker had charges dropped but there is still quite a ways to recover individual rights.

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Steven Mosher warned of the century-long aspirations of China to be the world hegemon in his 2017 book, Bully of Asia. China believes it is the natural leader of the world and it is due that deference. We are considered an inferior race that must be swallowed up. Given our leaders’ penchant to be easily bought off and to open our borders, along with the general gullibility and malaise of its citizens who unquestionably gobble up the lies of the hideous purchased MSM, China is not far off the mark. If we cannot get our heads out of the mindless sewers of consumerism and entertainment, do we deserve the remnant fruits of the efforts of our forbearers on whose shoulders we stand? We must quickly develop sober discernment - or Canada and the US will be gobbled up from within - with but a whimper.

It might be worth noting that Laura Ingraham has been sounding the China alarm for four or five years now, stating it is the nation we should be worrying about.

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I am definitely of the belief, like Mosher, that what is happening with China has little to do with the CCP and more to do with China's deeply ingrained authoritarianism and sense of Messianic cultural superiority over "the West." The grudge and the behavior were there long before Marx and Lenin were born. The CCP is just a vehicle, a front, an excuse, to explain away traits that have always existed in the Chinese character and the entire Sino-sphere. Since rediscovering Christianity, I also struggle with the notion that much of the evil we see being carried out in America and the world now is done by people who truly believe in nothing higher than their own material power. As such, they are of a "depraved mind," doing "demonic" things which they actually believe are "good."

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🙌 Amen!

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Superb article, 👏 bravo.

Having dealt with Chinese instigated industrial espionage in the chemical industry, I can say that you can never be too cautious dealing with these people.

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Our puppet Justin was bought by China a long time ago. His sidekick Chrystia is full on commie and proud to be one. I live in Alberta and there has been a steady stream of people moving here from all over Canada. I suspect most are freedom loving folks, but many have been planted here to ensure the left stays in power.

At the beginning of convid, the Epoch times ran a documentary by Curtis Bowers called Agenda and it's follow up Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit. It was horrifying to me because it was done many years before convid, and I realized that this has been planned for a long time. Because Curtis is a Christian, many people dismissed his warnings and this documentary only toured church communities across the US. If you haven't seen it yet, you might want to take a few hours to watch it.

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"...many have been planted here to ensure the left stays in power. "

When I realized this was happening in rural areas / states in the US I began to understand that this is not a political situation but rather a religious one clothed in politics. Those "plantees" are actually missionaries forcing their religion upon others.

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Doesn't this contradict your previous writing though re: MK Ultra in the 20th century. I have spent a LOT of time in the past 4 years reading history, the Fabians et al, the rich elites tracing their lineage back centuries or longer, how popular & open eugenics was in the early 20th century, etc. How many movements - occult, communist, nazi, darwinism, scientism - were funded from above - by people who are racist and classist. Were the people 100 years ago planning events of today Chinese?

Corporate interests originally backed both the nationalists and and communists back in the day, and after WWII finally decided on the communists because the nationalists were too corrupt even for their tastes. They helped them establish their base in Taiwan, where they have been ever since, and British oversaw Hong Kong. The rich moved manufacturing out of America over to China after Mao's death to undermine productive expansion here and use the Chinese for cheap costs and labor. Mao left China so bankrupt it was necessary to go in with the western elites for money and expansion. I don't think the parasite class ever intended the Chinese for anything more than slave labor, however the Chinese have kind of fooled them. Similar to Russia, which they expected to carve up and sell off in the 90's but were undermined by a more powerful gangster than themselves, who they hate.

Let's not forget, as you have mentioned too, that Jews were demonized on purpose as shields for the bankers, starting in late 1800's. Could it be that the same is true of Chinese today? Why did Xi expel George Soros, and why did they discipline Jack Ma when he showed too much interest in global currency? Who funded the riots in HK a couple of years back, and why is the Epoch Times (an anti CCP publication that publishes "anti-vax", and "anti-trans" stuff among other MSM taboos) allowed in Canada? Who created and funded the Falun Gong religious movement? What you are saying here about the CCP is true as far as I know, however the most pertinent question would be, WHO ACTUALLY CONTROLS the CCP?

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Yes. Xi and CCP are no more one and the same than Trump and the GOP. Xi has been busy cleaning house, dumping disloyal Party members.

I see the CCP as being the WEF/Cabal's tool in China, whereas Xi is more like Putin or even Trump -- they are opposing the Cabal's tools, working for a system of regional authority and sovereign nations, and dealing with their own Deep State.

Is Xi perfect? I'm sure he is not, no more so than Putin, or even Trump.

Another thing to keep in mind, which many here are missing, is that China's economy is not the juggernaut that they are pretending it to be. Much like Japan Inc. in the 1980s, China has many problems -- the overbuilt, centrally-planned (therefore corrupt) housing industry to start with. The only decent-performing sector of the economy is the export sector, which is critically dependent on two markets: North America and Europe. They can no more go it alone than the man in the moon is made of cheese.

That is a factor that will likely keep them in line regarding Taiwan. They know if they get 'out of line' that the US/EU will likely refuse Chinese imports, which will be almost as traumatic for us as it is for them -- but if that happens, the Chinese economy will have to survive on its internal market and trade with BRICS and a few others, but those markets are nowhere near the size of the US and EU. It will be painful, and of such situations are peasant revolts made. Nobody wants to be in charge when the economy fails, and Xi is smart enough to know that.

China does have its politics and beliefs, and they will continue to be players on the world stage, but they (like all of us) have limitations which they had best keep in mind. And I believe Xi is smart enough to know that; that's how he's managed to get and keep power for this long.

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Something to keep in mind is China and India manufacture US pharmaceuticals.

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Another masterpiece by Elizabeth that I am going to share near and far.

The story that she outlines would make a great script for a Hollywood movie but of course nobody would believe it wasn't fiction.

I was shocked to find so much information about Freedom Road Socialist Organization on GGL. I suppose they are bragging, rubbing it in our faces: https://frso.org/

Another huge problem - why do the very people and organizations who are out to destroy our country and Western civilization have MORE freedom than us? How do they get away with it?

The problem isn't China per se- it's the scumbag degenerates like FJB and his ilk who have sold us down the river, lock stock and barrel.

If President Trump can overcome the fraud and cheating and he manages to get re-elected, there can be zero mercy for these criminal, treasonous traitors.

This time around, it's personal for Trump and ALL of MAGA. Take no hostages. Deal with extreme prejudice as they say. We are only going to get one more chance to save ourselves if we are lucky.

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Sorry, EN - but this time you're delusional - CCP is NOT our problem.

This comment is a repeat:

There's much more to this than meets the common eye - we are dealing with 'not flesh and blood but wicked spirits in high places'.

For example, you can start here - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/12/satans-wars-christians-killing.html?m=0 - the spiritual warfare has serious material consequences......and will continue to do so unless and until our culture is reclaimed by Christianity.

Most of what you see now in church is NOT Christianity - it is churchianity - and you can research that subject thoroughly in DaLimbraw Library.

Now as to the author's assertion that some of us have overemphasized the Jews in our blame gaming, I have specifically used the term DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) to eliminate the obfuscation that occurs when the term Jew is used. How so? When you actually dig into the term itself, it has lost its meaning because it is used indiscriminately by people who can't define it if their lives depended on it. For example, is Judaism Old Testament religion? No it is not - just ask any Jewish Rabbi.

Bottom line - there is so much more to the evil which has existed in this world, that it would literally be beyond the ability of most folks to even comprehend it - that is how effectively DSOS has managed the mind control necessary for its rule over us. It needs a lot of willing servants from all walks of life - many of whom preach in pulpits and sit in pews.

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They're trying so hard to have another BLM summer, but it just isn't taking hold. The only way I can see it working is if a "cop" shoots a "protestor".

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I've been predicting riots at the Democratic convention in Chicago.

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I really hope they have more originality than that.

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Thanks Elizebth but, there is/was no virus .. lab-leak or natural.

China, if anything is as internally volatile as it always was in terms of class, international interference, dialectical materialism and understanding of the DEW weapons of the west.

The real enemies of America are ignorance, hubris, Judéo/Christian hypnotism and the puppets of Israel and the old establishments.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah. CCP this, CCP that. Why should I pay for this crap on Substack when I could get it for free on Fox news?

I know who owns “my” government, and it sure isn’t the CCP. Try AIPAC, ADL, and the rest of the mass-murdering Zionist six-point star tribe.

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So basically you are saying that China is doing to the US exactly the same thing that the US has done to numerous countries across the world?

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Such a characteristically electrifying and thorough summary. From Sun Tzu to Mao to McKinsey, it’s all there. The crummy manufacturing is perhaps the most humiliating blow to the west. Remember good old British quality… the MGB + Jaguar E-type? Remember Mac raincoats and country wear Coco Chanel so admired? Did you see the poor old Cockney bird on Twitter utterly disgusted by the total lack of quality in her annual Christmas purchase of Quality Street chocolates? And Italy! Thanks to EU’s bribery and bullying, traded away a thousand years of manufacturing perfection to avoid total bankruptcy. As Donald Trump would say… sad!

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Its also pretty clear there is an active on-going effort to de-stabilize the West, from both internal and external actors, and some of which may be coordinated. Keep up your research.

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I will not forget those who sold the USA to China. The plan was to gut the US after using it to level all global competition and then move to China to rule over the cattle as gods. Those elites have openly said they prefer China because the population is more docile than the Americans. Unfortunately China has rejected, at the last second, the jumping ship of the real controllers of the USA so now they have to rev up the propaganda machines to try and get vengeance against the Chinese who spurned them.

China did not invade, they were let in by the same traitors who opened Spain to the Moors. To the same traitors who started the Japanese Feudal wars. The same people who killed JFK and the same people who started the Confederacy. Expel all traitors first and China will naturally recede. To do otherwise is to enable the destructive ruling class that got us here in the first place and is desperately trying to remoralize white americans to go die for their wars, their profits and their rapacious hunger for children's genitals.

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Agree 100%

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