I've stated much of this going back to when I was a volunteer Deputy in AZ. This is now much worse than I thought possible. We're being destroyed from within [like Kruchev told Kennedy] Do we need a civil war to weed out the many traitors and globalist pukes who've infiltrated our nation-I'm afraid we might.

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Sadly, it may take a grassroots physical response to rid ourselves or at least highly dilute this destruction. Whether our citizens would do so to save the nation IS the $64,000 Dollar question.

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We're working on Nullification legislation in TN that I've heard referred to as "our last peaceful solution". Even if we get it, it may well be too late. There is a cadre of citizens who will respond. I'm not as confident as I once was that we could win now. 30 million fit, well equipped, in place invaders is significant. Many of us who would defend us have gotten old. The question that occupies my musings is, will the ball go up soon enough?

Timing is everything.

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Yes, many of us are getting older and more so but it isn't just we geezers who are purchasing record numbers of firearms and ammunition every year. As to the illegals of military age now on our shores, if they begin to engage they'll do so with guerilla-style activities. I'm reminded that Harry Truman advised us not to underestimate the American people as did General George Marshall. To use an old country expression "We ain't dead, yet."

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And don't forget Admiral Yamamoto, who allegedly warned Hirohito not to attack the US -- "there is a rifle behind every blade of grass." That was back ca 1941, but the warning is still apropos.

[They]'d best be careful, lest they awaken a sleeping giant.

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I'm thanking God for alt media. I don't think they can be careful enough. I think many are awake. I hope enough.

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Yes, because the rabid Army militarists, in particular, confused their ambitions with reality. Do we have great problems, yes, but somehow, someway we've overcome our troubles over the soon to be 248 years because despite the many who've lost it we Americans are hard-wired for Liberty and Freedom.

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I agree we are hard wired and so far have always found a way. I think we will this time if enough are sharp enough to take it to the real enemy. They're in DC, Davos, NY, Rome, and wherever the Committee of three hundred hang out, etc.

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I believed that 100% before covid. Now I’m not so sure.

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Amen, Richard.

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Your points are well taken. I know several "younger" types that are ready. Some chaffing at the bit to get on with it. May be realistically the only way we get this garbage govt at the fed level straightened out. It's gotten very deep.

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A sad commentary is that the Article V convention idea which Mark Levin advocates has sorta withered on the vine and not because of his lack of effort. Why that's occurred may be citizen apathy or just cussed laziness. Truly, a shooting revolution shouldn't be the only solution.

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Like yourself I think, I don't want it to have to go that way. I just really want the system we have to work. It has been intentionally weaponized against the "average Joe" for a long time for profiteering by the "ruling "class. Of course that debasement of the best system of governance yet devised, like all other covert criminality, is self defeating in the long run. It's just a question of when and how it ends. The best non-violent approach I can see is the Nullification route we're trying to legislate in TN that could roll back Fed "non-law" and allow our Citizens to sue pharma. The money we could recover combined with the publicity resultant from discovery of fact of criminal conspiracy and collusion (Marxism) could conceivably motivate enough of the populace to actually effect change. Anything is possible. If you're a believer, All things are Possible for God. He just hasn't shared how or whether He's gonna fix this with me.

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but as elizabeth nickson pointed out in one of the quotes she used, the weapon identified by the ccp will be dna based to kill the blacks, whites, hispanics and spare the chinese.

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A civil war and all of our fat, greasy, transgender unicorns can fight? Why do you think they've pushed the Trans agenda so hard? Pretty stretched to find real man nowadays.. or a sensible woman. All enamored with Meghan Markle and her simp, which she leads around by the nose,because apparently it's bigger than the other sticky cutie!

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Big Question - WHEN will the signal to slaughter Americans and steal their possessions be given??

2025? After new regimes have been installed?

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Probably after Round 2 of the vaxdemic & before the election. As the violence escalates some version of martial law (+lockdowns) would be declared. A 'transfer of power' bill will be passed, invoking some obscure rule in the Constitution postponing the election I definitely ...

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If that’s not “go”, then we deserve everything we will get

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George Galloway is an anti-Semite because he criticizes Israel?

By that standard I'm anti-American because I criticize the US, my native country.

Your "Israel, love it or you're an anti-Semite" routine doesn't fly.

As for China wanting to take over the world - the US has military bases ringing China but China doesn't have military bases ringing the US, so who is the real aggressor?

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Useful book:

SON OF HAMAS by Mosab Hassan Yousef

Useful website:


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Great book! I picked that as the book to read in my book club.

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Yup. The author even mentions a Jewish NGO funding the border destruction and still manages to spin it differently and how many readers just completely missed it.

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You need to understand, these “Jewish” organizations are not Jewish, THEY ARE LEFTIST, the enemy of all Jews and all religions.

Myorkas,Soros, Sanders and their ilk had Jewish ancestors but they left Judaism long long ago. Leftists with Jewish blood are probably the most anti semetic of all. The have zero Judeo Christian values. Zero.

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true! Soros wuz a kapo with no feelin' fer the jews he pointed out ta the gestapo! We say they'ze "a shame ta the race"--but many secular jews I know (bein' a "humanistic one myself"--are good-hearted decent folks AGHAST at the border mess, agahst at whut the "left" is doin' (many of us left the left for jus' those reasons) -- horrified at what some organizations are doin'--fer every so-called Marxist jew there's a Libertarian one on the other side--folks don't mention that! (Walter Block is a good'un...)

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Why are we prevented from criticizing Israel?

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We can criticize…. Ask questions to what is happening to Gazan civilians.

I question whether the nation state of Israel can be trusted.

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I think the evidence shows that "Israel" is no friend of the US.

Exhibit number one: the USS Liberty.

I put "Israel" between quote marks because it apparently has no defined borders.

Then, again, that is increasingly true of the US, at least what used to be its southern border.

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More than most of the Gazans can! Lying is a tenet of their ideology, but forbidden under Israeli ideology.

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You are not prevented from criticizing Israel.

Why is Israel not allowed to win a war?

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Your bland assurance ignores the very real pressure people feel to keep their views on Israel to themselves.

Personally I don't know why I should care about Israel in the first place. It's no friend of the US.

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You don’t need to care about Israel.

What you probably should recognize is that Israel is the canary in the coal mine.

Israelis live in one of the roughest neighborhoods in the world and the terror and existential threat they have been battling from before 1948 is now here at OUR doorstep.

You think the Islamists and the communists won’t come for your head?

You may not like Israel or Jews and that’s fine however I doubt you have ever felt viscerally threatened by a Jew or walking through a Jewish neighborhood.

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Ellen: I have worked with and for more Jews than I can count. I liked them well enough. They always paid.

I am against Israel. The Israeli bombing, torpedoing, napalming, etc. of the USS Liberty in June of 1967 convinced me that Israel is not to be trusted. Israel also meddles in our elections and government in DC.

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Americans' tax money goes to Israel by the billions even though our support for that country brings only trouble.

Israel is in a "rough neighborhood" because it was created by driving Palestinians out of their homes.

Israel is a pariah state.

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Mar 3, 2024
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Are you criticizing Israel for what Hamas, or non- practicing, but so called "Jewish" GMOs are doing, to vilify Israel wrongfully, or for acts they have actually committed? Too often it all gets thrown in the same lump indiscriminately.

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I'm criticizing the fact that anyone who criticizes Israel is branded as an anti-Semite.

That restricts my First Amendment right to speak my mind and that's wrong. Period.

What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is indefensible. Israel's response to the Hamas attack is so disproportionate that it has forced Israel to defend itself against a charge of genocide in an international court.

Israel is in the process of losing the moral high ground it claimed by virtue of the Holocaust.

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I didn't say Israel should not be criticized; I asked if the complaint is legitimately against Israel, or rightly belongs to Hamas? The Israelis are not responsible for the deaths of those forced to remain in danger zones ; they are doing more than any other military has ever done to protect the (not so) "innocent" (who voted for Hamas, and in December said they would do so again). There are legitimate criticisms, when they do wrong, but the so called "genocide" is not 1 of them.

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You're being branded an anti - Semite restricts your first Amendment rights exactly how? Try to be coherent.

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Mar 3, 2024
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What's your point?

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There's plenty of room to criticize them. There's some ugly living as Jewish in the world.

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You’re about to find out.

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Leon Uris' THE HAJ tells you all you need to know about the Middle East.

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I don't think I would take Uris as an authority on anything except writing pulpy historical fiction.

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Historic fiction, like scifi, often tells things that could not be said openly.

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So sorry, sir, but he is Islamic. And they have one goal. That you're right, is wishful.

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Who is Islamic?

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Why do we have bases around the world? Would you rather engage our enemies in YOUR backyard? If you can't or won't see the difference between our basing and theirs then I feel for you.

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Adams had a better idea: America should mind its own business.

Or, as Washington said, we should avoid foreign entanglements.

If you disagree, you are in opposition to the views of our founding fathers.

How would you reconcile that with your patriotic views?

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Yes, but we went and became the Big Dog on the block after WWII because our country wasn't leveled like so many others and rightly or wrongly we picked up the mantle. It would be nice if we could tell the rest of the world to suck hind tit but those days are, unfortunately, long gone.

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Actually what's happening is that a growing number of countries are telling us to leave them alone, and good for them.

The imperialistic mindset that's ruled America for so long will doom us all.

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Seen this coming for decades. I guess most Americans don’t care. That’s what happens when government takes care of so much. People become dependent and no longer able or willing to do for themselves. Welfare, devised by liberals in the 60s and 70s, unattached to any responsibility, and it got worse from there. Never thought we’d fall so far as to allow our cities to die but here we are. Fat, lazy and stupid!

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Patti: Maybe the Chinese will take over all the empty buildings in San Francisco.

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The source is the true issue. It isn’t Joe Biden, who is duped into believing he’s swinging elections for democrats. It’s the usual suspects, the WEF, the UN, and corporatism behind it all.

The effort continues in this manner because those folks believe they won’t bleed.

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Terrifying, brilliant, necessary material. Utterly unbearable.

You might consider compiling your essays from 2020 to 2024 into a book and titling the piece: TWILIGHT ZONE 2.0.

Each essay a new episode in this UNreal-reality we’re all living in; and may soon, according to your work, die in.

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I want to take a quick look at the notion that egalitarianism is good. A political philosophy. A man-made construct to assert a justification for a dubious notion known as “equality” that somehow has also achieved a veneer of “good.” I do not want to write an essay here, but I want to challenge the idea of good in egalitarianism. I assert that any good must be predicated upon the idea that without life there is no good. Anything that promotes life, which is individual, approaches the good. And that anything that detracts from life approaches the bad. To have and retain life, we must identify reality as different than desire. What is takes effort to perceive, know and work with and success with this approaches the good. Reality abhors equality. In no natural world is there even a semblance of equality. To seek that which nature rejects is to seek the antithesis of the good. Voluntary cooperative effort between humans has produced a plethora of good for each of us. Voluntary cooperative effort is the key. Individual choice. I am more capable than some and less capable than others but as a matter of self-interest we extend to each other the same protections from predation. As a result, we form a society, a guild of self-interest protections that result in individual efforts that are mutually beneficial. Our difference in ability and the liberty to choose makes this society vibrant, our acceptance of rule-based relationships ensures our individual success. Nothing here approaches being egalitarian. Egalitarianism is the antithesis of individualism. Life is individual; therefore, egalitarianism moves towards the bad. England is suffering the natural result of egalitarianism. And so are we.

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The word Egalitarian, like racist has been hijacked. Many people hear the word egalitarian, and think, yeah...I think that fits how I feel, I want everyone to be equal..not thinking for one minute what equal really means. Just like looking at a forest, and saying they are all trees.

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"Equality" as put forth, 1st in the Bible, and much later in our Declaration of Independence, is NOT the same concept as "egalitarianism" as professed by the French revolutionaries, or here today as equity; in fact, they are polar opposites! Biblical equality is a value placed on each life by Yhwh God, our Creator. He doesn't esteem 1above, or as less than, another. Egalitarianism or equity seeks equal outcome, regardless innate talents, ambition, acquired skills, etc, which elevates some, while devaluing others.

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Interesting how this piece proves my thesis that "there is nothing new under the sun". The Roman Empire suffered the same fate in the early hundreds - overrun by migrating barbarians. The difference between the Romans and us today is the speed with which the invasion will succeed. In Rome it took a few hundred years to be complete (there's was a decline via "fits and starts"). Today with technology, the same can be completed in short order. The question is when will (if ever) will people wake up? Why is the "uniparty" in office? Why are people giving money to these NGO's (especially the likes of the USCCB)? First, people have to stop supporting these NGOs as best they can; next (obviously) get rid of the uniparty (albeit very difficult); third, find like minded people and take back your local school districts and towns....one by one; and get right with God (our your own personal deity) as the lack of this has enabled a lot of the troubles. Finally, listen to what Cicero wrote centuries ago....beware the enemy from within. If we make it - it will be via luck and divine providence. Pax

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A tall task for sure!

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Your thesis? Plagiarizing Quoheleth much? You will find that exact phrase littered all through the book of Ecclesiastes, written about 3K yrs ago, by a fellow aka Solomon the Wise, King of Israel, under the nom de plume Quoheleth!

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Hey Troll…only a putz like you would take exception to the word “thesis” … everyone with half a brain knows I didn’t come up with the phrase and/or concept. I could have used the phrase “long standing agreement with the phrase”. Nonetheless the underlying point remains valid. Now go back to your silly little life and contemplate how lame is your post.

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And you should have done!

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You don’t get out much do you? 🤦‍♀️

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So the end game with all these elites is what it has always been: Create feudalism. But this time it will be worldwide feudalism with a few independent holdouts here and there to make it look like there's freedom. And then after the worldwide feudalism then what? The elites will take a SpaceX/Blue Origin rocket to the stars? These people are fundamentally delusional. Feudalism always fails and there is no escape from Earth short of death. Anything else is a Satanic deception. Will the US fall in to feudalism under the weight of a 20M+ man army? Maybe. Maybe not. That's a helluva dice roll to bet on even in our dessicated times.

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Yes. Satan's most elegant and successful deception is: There is no such thing as the devil. The corollary to that grotesque lie is: There is no such thing as God. Governments of men are dissolving into chaos because the men running those governments refuse to acknowledge the supreme authority of God in Christ. All the top dogs want to be the big boss man but no man in flesh has the chops to fill that bill. There can be Only One and Christ-man Jesus is The One. BTW: As the mentor of C.S. Lewis, George Macdonald, wrote in the mid 19th century: "You do not HAVE a soul. You ARE a soul. And as a soul, you HAVE a body."

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Hey James M, that picture of you and your equine friends is a beautiful sight to see. Thanks!

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We must be careful to avoid martial law since the common folk don’t know who’s side the US military complex is on. Constant in-your-face exposure of the internal takeover to wake up the sleepers is vital. Until then, the nefarious will continue to covertly rot society from the inside out.

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Hi Elizabeth,

Take a look at what is happening in Canada which follows the USA marching orders which is now the WEFs and

May 2024 appears to be when the WHO takes control and issues a full worldwide lockdown pandemic order as May is when all the member nations of WHO accept the WHO'S pandemic mandates that is pushing humanity to some kind of ONE healthcare managed by the UN.

What do you think?

Read about the PM codes control over to the WHO, and CCP social control :


Canada is under siege.

Its government is fully controlled by the technocommunist WEF.

Justin Trudeau is a WEF “penetrator” puppet.

This installed Prime Minister ditz has openly expressed his admiration for China’s tyrannical control over its populace, has unconstitutionally instituted all of the draconian PSYOP-19 lockdowns, has foisted democidal “health” policies, allowed CCP troops to conduct military drills on Canadian soil, illegally confiscated funds from protestors, invested money stolen from Canadians via taxes as well as his own kickback fortunes into the slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” program, and so on and so forth.

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I will never forget my jawdrop on April 16, 2020 when I read a tweet from Mayor Bonnie Crombie of Mississauga (Ontario). She wrote:

“Had the honour today to join Mike Bloomberg and mayors from across Canada, US, and the globe for the BHcityleaders call with special guest Bill Gates to discuss leading through Covid 19. Many takeaways and best practices shared. Thankful for the information, support and guidance.”

Bill Gates??! Advising mayors from around the world during a “ pandemic?” Some might think that’s like inviting the fox to the henhouse conference.

And now Bonnie Crombie is moving up the food chain. She has stepped into the provincial arena of politics, having been selected as the leader of the provincial Liberal party. She will be facing off against Premier Doug Ford in the next election. And has a decent shot.

The elitist tribe and their elected beholden ones play the tunes whilst the “alternative fringe minorities with unacceptable opinions” and other hardworking Canucks continue to dance the worry jig.

May the tribe be corrected.

May evil hearts turn on evil hearts.

May the heart and true essence of our Charter Rights and Freedoms reign in our nation. May Canada Be Great Again.

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Mayorkas is also a member of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations, along with other key players on the Biden team including Blinken, Austin, Yellen, Burns, and dozens more. Here's another article about Mayorkas and the "Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society" (HIAS) invasion project: peggyhall.substack.com/p/jewish-group-gets-millions-from-the

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I just heard somebody in an interview say that there are a TON of illegals traveling over the Canadian border into the USA as well but it is not being reported like the southern border nightmare is.

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Build. Both. Walls.

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Actually Laken Hope Riley was murdered in the college town, a sanctuary city for what it's worth, of Athens GA - not Augusta.

Keep up your great expose writing young lady, Elizabeth Nickson, you are a treasure!

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Elizabeth, I am in awe of you, but there's one thing: please stop writing NGO's when you mean NGOs. (you got it right with CEOs, and sometimes with NGOs but inconsistently). Everyone is doing this now when they pluralize anything, but you are not "everyone" and your influence is wide.

I figure we may as well be grammatically correct, while Rome burns!

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Joanie Higgs: NGOs is plural and NGO's would be possessive? Or would it be NGOs' for possessive plural? I just call them "No Good Organizations(s)."

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Yes, yes, yes, and 🤣 🎯

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So that’s what all the logistics warehouses being built near airports are for!

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You lost me at George Galloway being an anti-Semite ( presumably, for reporting on Israel's genocide).

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Couldn't agree more. Whatever you think of Galloway he is no more anti-semitic than Jeremy Corbyn who was smeared and hounded out of the Labour Party by vested interest groups because they know that being branded anti-semitic is the best weapon to destroy the opposition. Opposition to the establishment that is. In other words the Globalists and the other controlling fuckers this Substack, quite rightly, hates. So to call Galloway antisemitic is playing into their hands. I'm British (not Scottish like Galloway) and Galloway has been one of the most consistent politicians in this country for the last 30 years. Which is why Blair (that's right THE cosy, cuddly Tony Blair, that great philanthropist and humanitarian) got him kicked out of the Labour Party. Galloway was a threat to their agenda. plus they hate the fact that he is so articulate. I'm not a fan but I respect his integrity despite obvious clangers like his meeting with Saddam - when he was actually trying to save children - and his appearance on Big Brother TV. BTW I used to live in London and have many friends who still do and I visit regularly. The fact that Islam is taking over is a distorted absurdity. Yes the city has a lot of immigrants, mostly living harmoniously, until vested interests start stirring. One of my closest friends lives in Wembley, with a very high population of Asian Indians. Everyone rubs along fine. The youth can be a bit lippy but so can white youth. In the late 1980s I used to live in Harringay, North London where Turks, Kurds, Cypriots, Iranians were party of a thriving community. No problem. It's when the Globalists started stirring it that we had a problem. People like Galloway are on the side of the freedom fighters and we need them.

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^^this 100%^^

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So you think it's just fine to blame Israel for the acts of Hamas? Or are you just totally ignorant of what actually goes on over there? Gazans have reported for yrs that they do get warnings from IDF, and if they try to leave, Hamas shoots them. The Israelis are doing their best, but they can't protect more until they get in there. However, they get blamed for what Hamas is doing!

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I believe that the IDF randomly shot the majority of the concert-goers (Hannibal Doctrine) and they surely shot their own 3 shirtless Israeli men flying a white flag, so why would you think that the IDF would act humanely towards Palestinians in GAZA?

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IDF was not at the concert; they were mostly celebrating the holy day with family still, unaware of the threat! Yes, those 3 men were shot by IDF forces, in the heat of battle. It happens on occasion. War is "fast", leaving little time to ponder issues; time measured in nanoseconds, and mistakes do happen. It was unfortunate, and those who did so will have to live the rest of their lives with that mistake on their hearts, but you seem to be unacquainted with both the realities of war, and those of Islam. You're far too quick to condemn Israel.

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Yes, three shirtless young men wih their hands up, (one lily-white, with red hair), holding a makeshift white flag of surrender, were shot dead by the IDF. So, of course the IDF couldn't have shot any Israeli concert-goers.

Makes you wonder what would happen to surrendering Palestinians.

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They were not THERE to shoot anyone! They had not yet been called up! Police may have been there, but not IDF! the 2 do not conflate!

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You are beyond naive.

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