Winston Marshall’s recent Oxford Union speech celebrating populism and delicious smackdown of Nancy Pelosi show people are no longer buying the lie that they are a basket of unwashed deplorables:



Your Apocaloptimist post and overall work, elizabeth, are exhilarating antidotes to the poisonous defeatism and anti-people propaganda propagated by the philanthropaths and other string-pullers whose victory depends on us cynically giving up and lazily relinquishing our sovereignty.

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Lazily relinquishing our lives was their objective I do believe

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Margaret, you beat me to it! Nancy Pelosi is at her infuriating, privileged, evil ninny best self in that Oxford encounter with Mr Marshall, who is someone I hadn't heard of a year ago but whom I now regard as one of the great, shining lights out there.

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I know that means something, carily, but I was raised to speak, read, and write in English, and would be grateful if you would explain to me exactly what you are saying.

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Veiled or not, condescension is not becoming. Do you know what that means?

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Very well. And you shame me. I'm a Christian, and don't want to degrade anyone. Time for confession.

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No shaming, merely an observation.

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Could not have put this better myself. Congratulations on an excellent piece which I will be sharing widely.

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Nancy P is so nauseating

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This is a great piece. My husband and I are terminated nurses from BC, fired for misconduct for not taking the experimental gene therapies. Can you believe right before we were fired by VCHA and Island Health they offered us to take 1 Astrazenica shot and it would "count"? And now look.... that poison pulled from the market.... and imagine that the BC NDP and Bonnie Henry tried to trick people, holding their jobs over their heads, to take it! The evil we have experienced in BC is without comparison since 1930s Germany or some other fascist regime. We left Canada.... and so thankful we did. We lost everything but we have our health. Take care!

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Name names of all those responsible. Let everyone know!

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Bonnie Fluevog Shoes, former WHO employee, should tap her red heels and be gone.

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Sue them civilly , go to the clerks and they will help you do it the right way

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Great article. I subscribe to the Irish Times. NOT ONE WORD in the Irish Times about all the protests in Ireland against the migrants. Not a word. The media and politicians are still living in Wally World.

Governor Newsom in California blames the huge state budget deficit on Climate Change. He's a fool and everyone knows it.

More and more people think voting is useless.

When the Tax Revolt begins, that's when things get serious.

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Then stop subscribing. I haven't read that rag in 15 years. The independent and examiner are just as bad. Go to Gript if you want to know what's happening in Ireland

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James Gough: I read the IT for the personal stories e.g. Bruce Springsteen's recent concerts in Ireland and the articles on Irish living abroad in various countries. The IT business section is also pretty good.

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Ever since I discovered John Waters a few years ago, I have held his work to be among the best in the world. I would recommend that everyone read him. Start here. https://johnwaters.substack.com/

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sarah k: I like the personal stories in the Irish Times. They did a great series on Bruce Springsgteen's recent concerts in Ireland e.g. Also, good articles on what it is like being Irish and living abroad in various countries.

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Bruce is a communist. I wouldn’t care if he dropped dead. I was a fan, before he was famous. Thinks he’s the reincarnation of woody Guthrie.

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Alan D: I don't know Springsteen's politics. At 70 the guy is still in great shape, is never late, never misses a show, and can still perform for 3+ hours straight. I don't know how he does it.

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Body double!!!

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sarah k: Anyone who gets health information from MSM or the government is an idiot. I live in Sonoma County, CA north of San Francisco. The MSM and government were lying, murdering, bastards that makes the Irish Times look like a kids' paper putting out propaganda. The Covid Con Bullshit was non-stop out here.

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sarah k: Sonoma County has about 500,000 people. Total county deaths from Covid were about 400 (these are Sonoma County government numbers.) That is less than 0.1% of the population (and the dead were almost all over 80). Yet you'd think from the MSM and the government the Black Plague was occurring.

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And celebrities like Bruce Springsteen are gross. I’m sick of this celebrity worship it gets you nowhere in life

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I’m Irish and living here too and I 100% agree with you. Finally managed to get my sis, living in Michigan to cancel her sub. It’s not just the blatant lack of actual journalism, for me it’s the insidious shaping of ‘normal’ and right-think that is happening in all corporate media. ‘Main stream media’ is another of those reality shaping concepts, they are corporate tools to tell you what they want you to think of as main stream. Very clever but really toxic.

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Woodrow Wilson put the income tax in his years as Potus. I always thought he was the worst Potus in American history. Until Biden.

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the art of war SUN TZU they want us to believe they are disorganized, weak , vulnerble, un prepared falling apart etc etc so that we drop our guard , stop , slow down, become overconfident ... that is what is happening now .... dear God of goodness truth and love please enlighten our darkness on how to deal with evil according to your devine wisdom

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Remember too, that it is when cornered, that an animal will fight the most viciously…

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Then multiple rounds will be necessary.

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“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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100% sceptical

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Thank you. Here in Canada, as you noted, the Conservatives are likely to win the next Federal election. Some friends and I were discussing the massive failings in Canada, the crashing standard of living, the encroaching poverty in all areas, including thought, as wokery runs everything. But if the Conservatives win (the party not to be confused with the historical Progressive Conservatives, murdered by the Alliance party, therefore no longer the Tory values that founded and built this country), we do not see much improvement. Many, many people are giving up and leaving the country.

I have never spoken with so many people who followed the covid madates as gospel but who now see the crisis of unsustainable immigration, hunger (the food bank system is collapsing) and an emerging chaos. Children are still innundated in school with transgenderism, DEI and etc. While some people can see some of the ideological rampages through all areas of our lives, many miss the climate propaganda and do not understand what happens if carbon is lower and farming nitrogen-deprived. The federal Conservatives have not addressed the issue, except for the carbon tax overreach. As an older Canadian, I can see where we came from, I know our history, and as an educator I support open-ended thinking, therefore observe with horror the smashing of a national identity, the destruction of western values, the intractable boxes children and young people are told equals education.

Canada is in severe trouble.

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Same in America. Pray

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Hang in there. In my small church we have several farming families. They are some of the most solid people in our congregation and don’t believe any of the nonsense promoted by our degenerate culture. Several of them have Canadian family members in Canada who are also farmers. Someone needs to feed us.

Trust in the Lord and lean on him.

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Absolutely engaging and hopeful read, thank you!

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I feel like it. It’s the first white pill in a long time.

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So much of the 'right stuff' in one piece that is uplifting. I do not see this as a 100yr plot, however. I fully agree with your "...digital royalty are brutalist fascists with autism, so careless and “libertarian” with all their money and brains their city, the city that birthed them, is a sewer filled with crime and ruined people." The 'but' in this comes from the longer history this personality type has been at this over the ages. It looks like a plot because monied interests have always worked together for the same goal. That is, maintain their status as the world moved ahead of them which presented a daily threat they would be found out as no longer part of the leadership and be dismissed, lose their status. They all lose basic connections at the elitist level. They sought to be isolated from the crass common people and be thought of as special in their own bubble world of self-reinforcement but in doing so they suddenly find they must constantly manipulate others to stay in power. The elitists are a combination of sociopaths and functional sociopaths who find themselves stuck in this culture. Gaza is a great example of sociopathic culture that has nearly totally dominated the people.

The Internet gave these folks connectivity to work together much like the Borg of Star Trek. But, it is the Internet that has given rise to voices like yours that are now turning the tide against this menace by educating the rest of us. That is what we are seeing in my opinion. An awakening from unexpected quarters because each of us through efforts of authors like yourself have stimulated each's critical thinking to the point of emergence.

Yes, it is great to see this. But, we must go further and recognize that what got us here is sociopathic behavior that has been present forever but only now emerged as a cohesive force of self-interest. We must learn to recognize this persistent element of humanity and persistently counter it if we want to win back our individual rights. Wealth does bring isolation and certain behaviors tend to follow. However, we must not condemn wealthy individuals per se but be more discerning as to who is sociopathic and who is not. Gates is clearly sociopathic as are most in the WEF, WHO and our current global political elites who brought so many into positions of power to support their own individual efforts of power consolidation. But, we do need a system of self-governance. It is not the system but the individuals who have collected there. The only solution is identification of sociopathic personalities and prevention of their gaining authority. This is on each of us to self-educate and educate others to prevent sociopaths from gaining power and to remove them if they do. We must do this within the tenets of the US Constitution or we will continue to lose individual rights if we think we can just take rights away from the current batch of elitists and not harm ourselves in the process. We must each do the basic work of self-awareness, awareness of others and exercise prudent judgement to vote, sue or petition these people out of office where we see that harm has occurred. We can no longer be passive in our daily lives.

This was a great piece once again. It is in shaping the public argument that the Founders of the US Constitution brought this document to life. You are doing the same to renew the tenets of that document that has stood the test of time in its basic recognition of human rights much like the Magna Carta before.

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Just want to emphasize that autistic and sociopathic are not synonyms!

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Very different indeed!!

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My ottie son appreciates that. He is nonverbal but quite intelligent, shame that some folks think him 'retarded'.

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See D Trump mocking disabled reporter during rally, to the delight of his ignorant fans.

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Saying that means you are a victim of mainstream propaganda, I am afraid.

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No dear fellow citizen, it means I saw it with my own eyes, and I imagine you did too. That journalist is an intelligent and valuable person with a disability. I imagine Michael K’s son is too. Best wishes to them both.

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Stop with the victim hood it doesn’t help you.

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This is a literally what they want you to do! Get offended by every little word, give me a break. After reading this article, you should know that they have brainwashed all of us.

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Yes! I especially agree that ordinary people must not just agree but take their part in legally replacing the sociopaths. Complaining is not enough. Join sane groups, get good candidates & support them & hold them accountable.

Good, responsible, courageous people get the government they deserve.

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We do dare hope, yes, we do. Of course, the rot goes far deeper than Charles and Justin and Joe - they are just fronts - but the fact that they've worked so carefully for generation after generation to manipulate us proves that their only power is our belief in their stories. And their stories have become so absurd that we just can't swallow them anymore.

Satan can only suggest - his power is how well he knows us and how suggestive his suggestions are. "Drink this and you'll feel great!" "Wear this and you'll be admired!" "Be this and they'll be sorry!" When we begin to see through the suggestions - it takes time - but they gradually lose their sheen and power.

Then someone like Travis Kelce says what we all know to be true - that living the way that God intends is the only way - and Satan's idiots are stupid enough to point at him and go "Hiss, hiss, hiss" and we turn and tell ourselves "Oh, yes, of course. How could I have missed that?"

We know "the Way, the Truth, and the Light" and if we don't know the way back, someone nearby does - we just need ask and then act.

Again, God bless you, Elizabeth - and do watch your six! And thank you for writing this down instead of getting dressed up and sitting in your home studio and recording it!

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Charles not a major player?

He may be one of the quiet kingpins in a long line of same.

And his son in his footsteps?

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This one is a whopper Elizabeth. Hold the fries 🍟

Thank you for pulling this all together. I have been fighting the Borg for 40 years.

The main thing that helps me is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit dwelling in me. True Christians are completely immune to the “woke mind virus”. This is why the Borg despises Christians. They can never take control of our minds and hearts. We have the Holy Scriptures, the only source of moral truth on earth. We can be kind and try to understand other people and cultures, but we can never be shaken. They can kill our bodies, but never touch our souls. To be absent from our body, is to immediately be in the presence of King Jesus in heaven, for eternity.

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Elites are always trying to tell us that populism is bad, but populists only rise up when Elites become too irresponsible. Populism is thus a societal mechanism of accountability. They don’t want to be held accountable so they release a virus to kill us, censor us, then force a vaccine to kill us. Now large masses of people are figuring out their scam. The pendulum is swinging back. The future looks bright.

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The thing about collapse is that they've been playing civilzational jenga for the past 100 years. It is going to come down. Populism won't magically undo the damage, but populism can be a starting point for holding the guilty responsible and deciding how we will rebuild. Everything hinges on the choices populist movements make in the coming decade: do we tighten our belts and work ourselves to the bone until we're back in business, or do we just loot the looters and feast atop the garbage heap?

I am very encouraged about how things are going so far, but there's still plenty of time to fuck this up. Stay on track.

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Good points all, Thanks.

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Thank you Elizabeth for this most heartening essay and examples. I too agree that they went too far and we all woke up!! They should tremble in fear⚔️⚔️

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I was out running errands yesterday afternoon, so I decided to see what the normies on talk radio were babbling about. Apparently, Red Lobster closing was more important than the Trump Bronx rally. These people just don't get it. Out with the old, in with the new.

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Not listening to the right talk shows then. I heard both on several different ones throughout the day! Including talk TV!

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It was the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton show. Truly useless human beings.

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Funny! That's One of the shows I actually heard it on it on! They had a Red Lobster manager on who stated that it is only a very few Red Lobsters involved.

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Aren't they the supposed heirs to Rush Limbaugh's show? Not happening!

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They seem low IQ at best, completely captured at worst.

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My point was that the establishment powers are deliberately ignoring what's going on.

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Things wouldn't be where they are now if we hadn't lost Rush Limbaugh!

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The one place where there is nothing hopeful happening is Illinois. Exhibit A of just oh so many examples from which you might choose is a bill going to the Governor's desk for his signature that changes "offender" to "justice impacted individual." No joke.

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I sympathize. Colorado is much the same. Polis recently signed a bill so that trans people with felonies can change their names, “making it a little easier to be trans in Colorado”…such stellar legislation. We are flooded with illegals who are on the roads without licenses or insurance, one of our illustrious county commissioners stated to the press that men wearing dresses is no different than women wearing pants so I feel like I am directly in the freak show George Carlin spoke of. Anyhow, good luck.

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Great list of positives. Thanks.

Tennessee banned chemtrails, too.

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Nice but: They blow over the entire continent so...

See scenes from the space station.

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Well, grumpy, it’s a good start. 😉😂

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Yeah. It is a band-aid.

I point them out to sleepy heads.

Me: "Look up".

Me: "What's that?"

Them: Blank stare...

They've no idea.

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We are waking up!!!

-does a little dance!! :))

Thank you!

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