Mar 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

Very illuminating, E. Your professor was exactly correct. You excel at breaking down and explaining complex concepts for us down here in the land of deplorable flyover country. Thank you. May you carry on!

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Excellent! A ton of research went into this and it was presented in a readable format. Critical thinking requires connecting data to events to conclusions. Most people get lost in the data because they cannot connect numbers with human behavior. When one makes that connection the truth of behavior is revealed as to good or evil. The next step is where once you see it, you point out the evil people by name and most shy away from this as 'impolite'. There is no overcoming these people, sociopaths in my opinion because the behavior fits the pattern, unless we call them out by name and walk through the analysis to explain why.

Nicely done!

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Mar 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

Superb article. It’s not even well disguised anymore, but blatantly obvious from even the most cursory look at the statistical anomalies that are rife in every manufactured ‘result’. It amazed me on the night in 2020 how people could ignore the absurdity of the sudden changes in the key outcomes and the breaking of every normal indicator. Honest elections don’t suddenly add millions of voters from nowhere, or batches of votes all going one way, or repeated patterns always creating a victory in one direction focused on key locations. None of that can happen so consistently in an honest tally of ballots or votes delivered in random order.

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I’m struggling to believe that things are getting better. Looking at the big picture — and I admit that my vision is poor — it looks to me as if the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

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Mar 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

This was all established as a national fact in 2018 (at least in the US). In that year, CA passed a ballot harvesting law (allowing ballot harvesting) and stole 18 House seats for the Democrats. Further, Tom Wolfe, despite being loathed, won reelection in PA (and then pushed the mail-in ballot issue in 2019...BEFORE covid), Whitmer won in MI, Kemp won in GA. Those people all put into place AND SOLIDIFIED the mechanisms than ensured 2020 and 2022.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

Hi Friend - I was with Professor Clements last week for a screening of his movie you reference.....in the small town of Sherman, TX. He is doing Herculean work. We had about 80-90 people. I'm also on the board and active in CDF Collin County, TX. We've got a video of how to transparently hand-count accurately in one day...at a precinct level, that I can share with you if you like. Lastly, I have a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Journalism. I didn't take any math in undergrad so, like you, I was mathematically illiterate. I was in a PhD program at Michigan State that required I do anova, regression, t-tests, price elasticity modeling by hand with a TI calculator. I never worked harder in my life. Due to this I understand this stuff. I spent decades - the last 15 years of which I raised venture money and did start-ups, selling predictive analytics. My gift, like yours, is translating complexity into something that people can understand...and, in my case, buy. Loved the column...ty. Karl

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Mar 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

Let’s go back to when it started. Edward Bernays wrote in “Propaganda” (1928) that a handful of men controlled the world and that they had to create the illusion of freedom because the average person did not have the capacity to understand geopolitics enough to cast an intelligent vote. Bernays was a Tavistock member and worked for multiple White House administrations. Walter Lippmann essentially documented the same thing in several books. Tavistock’s analysts indicated this in their books as well. The illusion of freedom has been going on for over 100 years. This type of inverse mirroring of reality is the source of much power for Luciferian central banking families. It’s part of the occultic mechanism that keeps them in power. This is a spiritual war.

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Outstanding piece of writing, and I couldn’t agree more. I have been saying the same thing for years, but in slightly different terms. People simply do not vote counterintuitively and will not elect or reelect a candidate they believe will do damage to or has done damage to their way of life. They abide by the mantra fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. 99 out of 100 times if these types of candidates are repeatedly elected, despite their destructive policies, it is because they have been selected and are being inserted by fraud to serve a purpose for the regime and the national intelligence industrial complex.

Now that you’ve identified the election fraud, what can be done to prevent it in the future?

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Mar 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

Thanks very much for another great article- I am a big fan of your work.

Here in New York, we have an amazing group of activists who have been working tirelessly to try and clean up our elections, especially in the next few months before November 5.


Their work has revealed tremendous problems with the voter rolls themselves where hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people are illegally registered to vote. Their tech wizards have discovered an algorithm that has somehow been integrated into the system to manipulate the votes. (please know that I am nowhere near being a tech or math expert so I suggest going to their website for a better explanation).

In any event- I am sad to say that the people who are working for Team Trump, including daughter in law Lara who was recently made co-chair of the RNC, seem blissfully unaware of just what they are up against. I heard her on the radio the other night and she thinks the answer is to encourage ballot harvesting and early voting!

This country cannot withstand another 4 years of the corrupt degenerate who occupies the White House. it will be the end of our Republic and maybe Western civilization.

The Republicans are just too stupid or corrupt to look at the evidence and see what has to be done.

I am beginning to think that our only hope is some sort of Divine Intervention.

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Mar 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

I watched the lead up to the 2020 election...there was no doubt in my mind hat Trump would win...he was the sitting President, he had the most enthusiastic crowds, with momentum across the country! Even Cali, and NY! The boat rallies, the motorcycle rallies, just everywhere, happiness was abound! By 1pm on election day, I turned everything off...the black was dripping across the country, it was like Dorothy on the yellow brick road when she hits the storm...I couldn't watch anymore, I knew what was happening.

I see that again, and people saying this time it won't be like that.. people are already celebrating Trumps win...its a mistake...have we learned nothing???? No matter what. The dems will NOT give up power..it matters not what they say or do...they are going to steal this election again...they have devised new strategies and worked on them for the last 4 yrs...we see the courts, the corruption, they don't even try to hide anymore...they are THAT confident. So confident that they continue to flaunt it in our faces...like Liz said..Trudeau, Macron, Sunak..they walk around like they are beloved even while people despise them...they know the algorithm loves them...my bet is they drag Biden around till the end, and at the last minute throw big Mike in and the crowds cheer. They steal the election right from under the people and say it was last minute enthusiasm that helped...I don't hold out much hope for Trump. I hope I'm wrong. I think that's what Trudeau is watching too..if by some miracle Trump does win..Trudeau will step aside..if Biden or (insert any name) wins..you'll see Trudeau step it up. 🤔

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Wonderful report filling in details. Please stay safe. 🙏Having followed 3-4 groups working on election integrity lately more off than on, I clearly see why the left is so arrogant. Yes it's the Uniparty, but the left looks us in the eyes and smirks or laughs. Feckless Congress jumps through their little hoops and puts on hearings that go nowhere despite a handful of a very few patriots. Oh a Harvard president gets removed from her current job but is still there, teaching and picking up a great paycheck. Morals and values and truth be damned. What's a little plagiarism between friends. They toy with us. They want us discouraged. Do not give in. Stay connected with your tribe.

America has been under attack at all levels since inception. The enemy has been playing the long game, we're just waking up it. We need all hands on deck. Every single voter who wants this Republic to survive and claw our way back better not sit this one out. DJT and America need prayer and fasting and revival...without God, we are done. Thank you.


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Mar 16Liked by elizabeth nickson

This ‘coincidental situation’ always seemed more than a bit hinky in Maricopa’s far west valley. This particular MCBOS official has recently announced he will not be seeking reelection “to spend more time with family”

Great work, elizabeth 🙏🏼


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An amazing reveal. Also an intimidating reveal, it represents to me a system not only corrupt by subsystems or nodes, but rather a cancerous system of corruption that must be completely revised.

To revise something as basic and instrumental as the election system will require total revision (destruction) of the architecture you've revealed, to be rebuilt brick-by-brick with ironclad mandates eliminating these fabricated loopholes.

To completely destroy this systemic filth will, by course, also require destruction/recuse of the perverse human entities whose sole goal is liberty's demise.

It's very likely the corrupt, depraved, soulless human oxygen-wasters defined from this election fraud issue are also candidates for other freedom-crushing lists, such as the scamdemic and it's parallels.

There's gonna have to be a lot of "housekeeping" to eliminate hordes of commie tyrants currently illegally occupying seats of authority prior to any real substantive change.

I'm thinking that being a part of this clean-up process may be one of the most liberating actions of a lifetime. God help us, we have duty here. We gotta get the trash taken out.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Brilliantly written. Unfortunately the Mass Formation Psychosis is so pervasive that even if I posted this on Facebook, none of my liberal friends would even read it. To them, "stolen election" means "right wing conspiracy theory." I guess things will have to get worse before they wake up.

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The corruption at federal, state and local levels here in America is astonishing. I don’t believe we’ve had free and elections since I can remember. It’s seems to me that the United States answers to the globalist bankers and their cronies

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We are living out Jim Carrey's The Truman Show! It has to end. It will be ugly though, regardless who comes out on top.

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