After reading this, why should anyone expect anything other than a Harris victory in 2024? Isn't it too late at this point to do anything to prevent sufficient fraud in those crucial counties that determine election results? I'm sincerely asking the author, since there is nothing in the article to allay my fears that we are headed for a repeat of 2020.

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The real question is why the Republicans have not addressed election interference.They have had four years.

OR…maybe they have, she said, hopefully.

After all, would you advertise if you had? 😁

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Correct. The demonrats might be walking right into a trap.

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I wish…

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Because every time they do they get thrown in jail, disbarred, you name it…

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Because the Republicans are every bit as criminal as the Democrats.

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If Harris wins, hopefully she (and the D’s) will be deservedly credited for the imminent collapse of the US.

(Not that there will be anyone left to care, at that point…)

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This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.

David Rockefeller

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The elite want to turn this into a Third World communist dictatorship.

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Why would they do that when they can just continue strengthening the near total corporate stranglehold they already have? I mean, do you think Bezos is going to nationalise Amazon?

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I just read Dr Malone's article about the EU and Subsequently the UN and WEF and I'm wondering if the current head of the EU isn't the anti-christ. Who's to say it can't be a woman.

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Oh they will steal it again. Unless Trump wins by an absolute landslide. And even in that case, we're still screwed, because he is also a friend of the neocons. I'm not sure why anyone thinks Trump or Musk are saviors. They both want the global new world order as much as the Marxist party, from what I can see. Neurolink for starters... vaccines as well, of course.

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Agreed TRMR. Folks still like their heros, their hopium. Btw, Substack has removed my ability to like comments, so if I agree, I have to reply. Substack has offered no reason for this.

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There are some substacks where I can't "like" anything as well. Thanks for a reply.

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Neurolink is terrifying

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And yet... "Yay, Elon!" I mean. People can't even see 2 steps ahead.

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They are set up as Elizabeth says to Prosecute the steal... proof is in the pudding, i guess?

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Completely agree with this and have for some time.

Find the Alterative Media insane and 'Controlled Opposition' paid by the same organization at the root as the openly corrupt claiming to be Democrats and half the Republicans as Johnson now installed as Speaker of the House. The Uniparty Nazi's Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals and Vampires are EVERYWHERE. Nothing is or has been peaceful for decades as the tension undergirding ALL in our world has long been FRENETIC, MANIC, FURIOUS, STEWING and EXPLOSIVE. It's only been in the recent four to five years of the PLANDEMIC that those once defined 'Conspiracy Theorists' have been allocated credibility as the evil has now surpassed the ability of most to deny.



God's people become complacent, lazy and spoiled in their 'False Sense of Security' as the Demon's manipulated all to feel throughout the decades of hiding while all was installed to thieve God's creation and return all to a darkness not known since the resurrection of Yeshua Mashiach and Pentecost with the Holy Spirit bringing comfort to the Earth and God's people.

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"Any Republican win, given the insane level of debt we operate under, would institute cuts."

And here is the flip side of a conspiracy theory - the fantasy projection.

Republicans have preached smaller government since Ronald Reagan ran in '80. They haven't delivered it, not once, not even with Saint Ronnie himself. The federal Department of Education, that he vowed to dissolve, not only remains, but has been sustained and grown even through all of the years that Republicans were in the House majority - even when they held majorities in both sides of Congress.

When are you going to realize that this won't change as long as we have the two parties we have?

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Yes, it is an oversight not to realize that the Masonic cult is entrenched in both parties. Why don't Republicans fight back? Because they're in on it. They like their titillating congressional shows where they humiliate Democrats, but then they don't do anything about it. Rinse and repeat. Irretrievably broken.

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Man I thought the Anti-Mason nonsense was so 19th century.

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What do you mean by "anti-Mason"?

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Paranoia about a social group that is dying off.

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There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party...and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt - until recently... and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.

Gore Vidal

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The Uni-party or the Oligarchic party - peasants need not apply; we will select the candidates you peons will "vote" for.

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Spot On! Presidents are selected, not elected.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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The two American parties would be two centrist parties in Europe, about like Fine Gael and Fianna Fail in Ireland.

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The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.

Carroll Quigley

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You obviously don't know the bitter rivalry between those two Irish parties, both claiming to be the authentic successor to the founders of the Irish Republic.

Not to mention that your two quotes are not exactly coherent as a viewpoint.

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I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.

Edward Gibbon

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So agree…what I always say…

”both parties are but two cheeks of the same ass”.

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This is an analysis that actual left-wingers 100% agree with. Same in the UK - the two-paty duopoly are a puppet show, punch and Judy controlled by the same puppetter, having pretend arguments about culture war bullshit while they pile our wealth, our resources and our rights into a large truck marked 'neoliberalism' that they've parked out back.

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And of course most Americans are satisfied with this arrangement, and presumably Brits as well. It isn't like there are no alternatives - just the alternatives are as bad if not worse than the main offerings.

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I don't know what polls are like in the US but in the UK trust in politicians is at an all time low and has been declining for decades. Party in power now won a massive majority but on a historically low vote share, really low turnout and with leader who's personal appeal was, according to the polls, practically non-existent. Their poll numbers have since tanked since coming to power a mere three months ago.

There are many policies which enjoy broad support (mainly classic left ones around renationalisation of things like water, power and rail but also classically right ones like more support for smaller businesses) which enjoy broad appeal but which never appear on the ballot box. Real left wing parties are virtually non-existent, right-wing populist party spout the rhetoric of libertarianism and a policy platform of some old school socialism plus anti -immigrant rhetoric (or promises, depending how you look at it I guess) with no intent whatsoever of carrying any of them out because the people and, much more importantly, the sponsors, are the same exact neoliberal corporate backers that support the main parties.

As far as I'm concerned it's not the people who are the problem. If we lived in real, participative democracies where we all had some kind of say and ability to negotiate and find common ground I suspect we'd find much common ground and work from there pretty quickly. Instead we live in sham democracies where we're fooled into supporting shadow puppet political parties as if they were fucking sports teams. "Go Red! Boo Blue!". Whatever the answers are, they sure as hell are not to be found within our current political framework. Not answers to the kinda if questions we want to ask anyway.

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Politics is a shitty business, so we shouldn't wonder why it attracts flies.

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It sounds like you’re advocating for Populism and Nativism. Good!

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Not really. I'm advocating for intelligence and seriousness, the kind that served in founding this country, which was neither populist nor nativist.

Sorry if you think of Trump as some kind of savior figure. Populism and national greatness are going to eventually get you a genuine Napoleon and not a knock-off.

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I agree with you. But right now, Trump is the only choice we have. There is no simple solution to what has been decades in the making.

No matter what, it will take dedication and decades to undo this mess. But I do think Trump is crucial. So far, we still have two parties. But not for long, if Trump loses. And once there is a single party, that's the end. We are Venezuela.

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The Presidency is of secondary importance. What matters more is Congress. Of course you only get to vote for a tiny fraction of that - but really your vote matters more there then it does for President. Sure Trump is preferable to Harris, as he was to Clinton, but that doesn't fundamentally change what is wrong.

Building up more support for the imperial Presidency (the strong hand to set right all wrongs) is exactly how you get to be Venezuela.

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I agree, a Trump win without congress will cause a term of executive orders. He can only do so much. But I truly believe that with nothing left to lose, he will wield his sword, taking no prisoners. I also believe Trump is a 3rd party, he acknowledges that the republican party is a mess. There is so much to clean up..instead of looking at MAGA as republican, or the right wing of the sme bird, maybe, just maybe, we are seeing history in the making! A new party, a real conservative party. Get in there and clean house..install term limits so there are no more career politicians the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, McConnell etc. That will also eliminate many good politicians (if that is such a thing) but I'm sure there is lots of talent out there, we should encourage grass roots elections where anyone can run and win, just gotta end the "big boys club" then completely eliminate lobbying...that should not be allowed at all...in my opinion, that has been the single most downfall of the govt. Every single person in govt should be audited annually, if found to be corrupt, charged and jailed. There are no consequences for corruption so it continues unabashedly. Govt is so busy investigating small potato tax fraud or evasion from people making $40k a year, yet they run the sweat house. Stop the money going out to other corrupt countries..Ukraine is the money laundry grand central. Close the border, get rid of wef, Un, who...get rid of them...bust them up..bring back manufacturing to America. We should NOT be depending on China for our drugs, or electronics. I could write a book on what needs to be done..but above is a good start. Probably a bit naive to think of it that simple, but maybe that's what we need.

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"he will wield his sword, taking no prisoners"

One of the things I actually do like about Trump is that unlike other Presidents, he has no stomach for bloodshed (war in particular). Trump also understood that it was easier and more effective to co-opt the Republicans than attempt an independent run like Perot. The stupidity of the Republicans running for the nomination in '16 made that easy.

But he commands no loyalty in the party at all and that will work against him if he wins - worse than last time because he'll be a lame duck from day one.

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Trump is no savior. But he might sell us down the river at a slightly discounted rate.

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he's the best we've had in a LONG time.

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In retrospect, ol' Slick Willy wasn't so bad now, was he?

For my money we haven't had a really good President since Coolidge.

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Napoleon was an improvement over the Jacobin reign of terror.

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Napoleon became First Consul 5 years after the reign of terror ended (though political chaos still ruled).

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The steal, unacknowledged, continues but is faltering.

Why ?

Because of real journalism articles LIKE THIS ONE which are filled with, in my opinion, facts, information, names, court battles.

This is what stops the steal and sends those engaged in it scurrying back under their holes in various departments, organizations, elected offices or wherever they come from.

Share this article, pass it around.

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I hope you are right. Given that enough people believe that Trump is "literally Hitler" and will bring about a police state, imprisoning his political opponents, I fear that the Democrats will be able to find enough people to steal the election with no fear of consequence. My hope is that there will be enough time after the election but before certification of results to do statistical and forensic analysis of suspicious results in key counties.

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It is the literal fascists that are calling Trump Hitler. And the people are catching on. Pray that Divine Providence continues to take a hand in our affairs and will help us stop the steal.

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Exactly. People are indeed catching on and the truth is catchy !!!

The denunciations of Trump are growing stale, like the boy who said the sky is falling and the 51 Roguenimps who signed a letter stating the opinion that the Hunter Biden laptop story was some kind of Russian "trick" did not help any once it was exposed that it was indeed real. Unlike the Japanese version of the 47 Ronin, in this one it was the truth that committed hara-kiri.

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If people knew the real Hitler, and not just the propagandized version, to be called Hitler would be considered a compliment.


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If the steal is successful, we learned in 2020 that it is impossible to roll back, especially in the very limited time between election and certification. They learned that too, which is what scares me. There is no reason for constraint on their part.

I think the only way to win is to win outside of their margin of fraud. Once it's lost, it's lost.

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Remember, this would have turned out quite different if Pense wasn't one of the sellouts. He was in cognito the whole time..

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Quite correct. With 50 different vote count verification protocols, 50 different counting methods and vote watching rules, actual legal proof of fraud is very difficult and has severe time constraints.

But with that understood, getting away with it has become more and more difficult. Trump himself has an army of dedicated volunteers across the country who will be checking....AND WATCHING.

The easy distractions of a "pandemic" are gone now, cheating will be much more difficult.

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You can vote communism in but must fight to get it out. So what is our (regular people’s) action items.

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There will be blood, alas.

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This is why the PTB are working to make it a crime to deny election outcomes. Who wants to go first?

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As someone who watched the 2020 Delco steal in process and the lack of prosecution Nickson is right. The DA is this guy Jack Stollheimer, who was the recipient of Soros funding. Delco used to be heavily Republican, but over the years has turned to Blue control. There are literally no cops to stop the steal in PA. Shapiro was the AG last time and now the Governor. Larry Krasner is the Philly DA. The machinery is fully under their control. No one to stop them. We will wake up the morning after the election, and Trump will be ahead by as much as a million votes in PA, and they will “keep counting” the mail in ballots until they overcome the deficit. Last time it was 700,000 votes. All gone by time they finished. The local and state PA election officials are already smiling and talking about how it will take days to count the ballots. The die is cast, friends.

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it seems the algerians started by shooting the french police in the back, then moved on to bombing them after the french responded with bombs. The french are like the americans. can't win a war unless they cheat.

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I hope the follow-up article will be: 'What the Republicans Are Doing to Stop the Steal'.

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That would be a very short article. It would read: NOTHING

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SPOT ON! They're all brothers in the same lodge.

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Our problem begins with a population that is so dumb that it tolerates mail-in voting at all. You can't fix stupid, and It takes a special kind of stupidity to imagine that millions of ballots can be honestly distributed, filled out and collected without the slightest shred of supervision under a structure which, by design, cannot be audited. This kind of naivete is beyond my comprehension, but here it is. Mail-in voting is now the norm across the USA. "Seventeen Mail-In-Voting Security Vulnerabilities": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/seventeen-mail-in-voting-security

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This was by design: Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.

George Carlin

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You don't need special hardware, an Internet connection, or a corrupt election official to "fix" an electronic election. And have you noticed that hand-counting is audited in real time by human observers, whereas there is NOTHING auditing the machines? You can NEVER trust a voting machine; even their manufacturers can't know what software they're running: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/you-can-never-trust-a-voting-machine

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And as if the election fraud was not enough: It is astoundung to me that I have never heard anyone but me discuss the obvious motivation behind RCV. PLEASE READ: "What Ranked-Choice Voting is really about": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/what-ranked-choice-voting-is-really

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They are trying to push that hard here in Boise, Idaho. I think we're quickly becoming a "Smart City" so it makes sense.

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Minnesota isn't a swing state, but its election laws are a case study in just how utterly absurd the laws in a state can possibly be (and a testimony to a populace that is unfathomably stupid enough to accept such a system). Minnesota Elections are a Farce: Only a fool could believe they're not rigged: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/minnesota-elections-are-a-farce

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After reading your post here, I just read Jeff Childers Covid & Coffee:

"🔥🔥 New York Magazine ran an unintentionally encouraging story Thursday headlined, “Trump’s Two-Prong Strategy to Ensure He Can’t Lose.” I don’t mean to quibble, but the article actually lists four prongs. The columnist meant to wail about Trump’s unfair election strategy, but it ended up as one of the most reassuring articles in weeks.

image 6.png.

In New York Magazine’s view, the Trump Campaign is relying on four strategies to “suppress the Democrat vote.” Haha, like me, you’ll instantly recognize the four techniques NYMag complained about as being ways of stopping Democrats from cheating. Here they are:

Widespread purging of ineligible voters off of rolls all across the country. (NYMag whined: Republicans are removing people just for not responding to inquires fast enough.)

New rules in various places make mail-in ballot fraud much harder. (NYMag whined: “ridiculously strict rules” excluding votes for “trivial” slipups like late ballots and bad addresses.)

A tidal wave of new Republican poll watchers. (NYMag whined: “flooding” of polling places with Republicans trained to challenge ballots for “sketchy” reasons.)

A muscular, local, local, local push to ensure Republicans are well-represented in key counties. (NYMag whined: ”MAGA loyalists” infiltrated key election positions in county and state offices.)

I don’t know about you, but unlike New York Magazine, I find all those developments extremely reassuring and frankly, profoundly encouraging. NYMag called it “twisting the system,” but I call it long-overdue."


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Be careful, you're giving me hope.

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Visualization works too!!

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Do you know who will be in charge of certifying this election? In January 2021, it was Vice-President Mike Pence, and we all remember how that turned out. Well, an even more interesting scenario is shaping up this time around. In January 2025, Vice-President Kamala Harris will be in charge of certifying the election. In other words, if Donald Trump wins the person that he was running against will be in charge of certifying his victory. This is a major defect in our system, and it could potentially set the stage for widespread chaos if things do not go smoothly.

The vice president oversees the counting of Electoral College votes and announces the results. They can still do this if they are a presidential candidate and it’s happened multiple times throughout history. Both the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and federal law say the president of the Senate, which is a role that’s filled by the vice president, oversees the count of electoral votes.


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Yes. That’s what happened in Arizona’s 2020 gubernatorial race between Katie Hobbs and Kari Lake. Hobbs was Secretary of State, responsible for certifying the election. She refused to recuse herself, and — surprise — announced herself the winner amidst flagrant election anomalies (such as malfunctioning voting machines in red areas). Lake has been contesting the results ever since.

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Jamie Raskin is already bragging about it. He sits in his chair with a big grin on his face..he knows this is how it will go down..he's said it out loud...I have to keep telling myself not to get too freaked out, but these things are out there in plain view. MAGA is busy celebrating early, like they did last time, and Dems are rubbing their hands together, smug in their steal. A good portion of Democrats care nothing about the country, they just want to win. The young are too ignorant to understand...maybe they should go watch The Wizard of Oz, it's filled with symbolism. Socialism is communism light, the Dems are done playing nice..USA is far down the yellow brick road, next stop..communism, and it NEVER effects the govt or the wealthy, just the plebs.

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Kamala could not be worse than Pence. We see her as a Democrat. Now we see him as a traitor. You are correct there should be a recusal process. Won’t happen, anymore than it happened in Arizona when Hobbs showed corruption against Lake and no one stopped it.

What is the action item for us to do?

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And Kari really tried with NO help from the Republican establishment.

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I don’t see a Trump win any longer because the steal is way too easy. Why allow Trump to win only to deny him certification in January. They can simply begin the widespread tyranny on our rights ahead of time.

Yet, if Trump “wins” the country will devolve into riots like we’ve never seen before, it will be across the country, and will erupt immediately. This could incite civil war for tens of thousands of deaths to rack up for the genocidal government.

I’m 50/50 probability on either of these scenarios.

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I think it's all been scripted long ago. They want a civil war to install a police state, take away our rights and our guns. Why else are they allowing military aged Chinese and South American gang members to infiltrate our country? IMHO it doesn't matter who is s(elected), riots will happen, no way to win this unless states secede from the Union.

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"If things do not go smoothly".

Love your optimistic word choice. I'd have said, "Since things will not go smoothly".

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oh, they weren't my choice of words, it was the link I attached from the Burning Platform. I'm with you, it will not go smoothly. Best to stock up on ammo, stay inside, guard your family and home, and let antifa burn and riot and hopefully burn themselves up in the process

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Our hope is in the Lord! We need to appeal to Him for mercy that these devious schemes be exposed!

And gratefully Harris has been exposed as a Christ hater… we need to pray and see how God moves…

My mantra… psalm 2

“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, "Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us." He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying, "As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill." I will tell of the decree: The Lord said to me, "You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

Thank you for throwing cold water on any optimism I might feel from the widely recognized ridiculous candidacy of Kamala. I guess we can look forward to that cackle for another 4 years at least. I needed a black pill, I was feeling too good.

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I fear it’s going to happen again. The information and facts you’ve laid out here are damning and convincing. Yet the trickle of comments suggests no one is seeing this. We have to trust that at some point God says, “Now wait a minute, I won’t allow this.”

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Yes He will. He respects us so much He refuses to impose a guardrail on free will. It's 100% in our court.

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Man proposes but God disposes. Sometimes. Evil doesn’t get its way every time. Pray this is one of those times, even if we feel like grasshoppers compared to the giants in the land.

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just a quickie statement here.

Elizabeth: very well written and of course concerning and most of us are aware of these crimes.

I really do not think elections "matter" but personally, I will be out there on November 5th voting for Trump.

All of these politicians are shit heads. They are bought off by WEF, NWO, Soros and the cabal that we do not even "elect" on this planet

Klaus Scwab...? who the hell is this guy and who voted for him?

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Thank you for saying this is treason. These people need to be tried, convicted, and hanged. Unfortunately, that outcome is highly unlikely, so they will have to await God’s judgment. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small.

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So the bottom line is we are screwed. To big to rig is a pipe dream. I knew after 2020 we would never see another Republican President again. The name of the game is to put people in office to take down America and it started long before Obama but his stolen election in 2008 and 2012 was the true test. They underestimated in 2016 but they will never allow that to happen again. The only chance we have is divine intervention but we have become a country of sinners and God will not be mocked. His judgement is coming and it will be harsh.

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I'm fairly confident that in Canada clean elections will be restored next year. Why? Canadians are notorious for being magnificently passive-aggressive at the 12th hour. Plus the blatancy of the US steal will wake people up.

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"Long Bobs" a/k/a AWFULs, Affluent White Female Urban Liberals. Doncha just love them.

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Elizabeth - please reach out to John Droz about election audits. He is on substack and easily found elsewhere. Forensic audits are the only sure-fire way to reveal fraud and malfeasance in these key swing state precincts, yet no one is talking about this. State legislators are unaware and have therefore not passed any state election audit requirements for election certification. It is far far easier to reveal the “anomalies” which then trigger a deeper audit in the preceding days of an election than try to prevent fraud in the first place. Obviously once a robust audit mechanism is in place most bad actors will know their actions will be easily revealed and this alone is deterrence. Right now it’s the Wild Wild West with NO accountability for any wrongdoing. The 2024 steal is in full swing.

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Conducting a forensic audit, should it be protocol, would prevent this exact situation. They should be required.

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The problem is that if you even begin to suspect a problem, you're labeled an election denier and now this can come with an arrest and jail time at worst, and shunning and harassment and loss of reputation at best. They have done a lot more work to be able to pull these off without pesky interference in the last 4 years.

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