I have spent a fair amount of time in criminal courts recently. It's my job. What I've seen is the rejection of law and mores, that is, a lack of shame on the part of the current transgressors. I grew up in the rural part of our country at a time when being arrested was a family tragedy. Moms would wring their hands and dads would pull out their suits and ties, shine their shoes and take Jr., down to town court to "straighten things out." Rich, poor, black or white, everyone was shamed and remorseful. Walking into court in jeans with an attitude, I'm talking about the parents here, was out of the question. It is a refusal to assimilate and a rejection of our culture. Jr., has followed suit, and Jr.'s Jr., has taken it to another level. Our Elite leaders' response? No cash bail...close the jails...increase SW's at the expense of PD budgets. Hold onto your typewriters boys and girls, this excrement is about to get real.

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Damn, that is terrifying. The architects of this mess want chaos and the war of all against all. Pure evil.

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This is just excellent (as usual). It takes an impressively diverse and quick mind to thread the needle on history, migration, royalty, progressivism and tabloid romance! Like maybe 5 writers in the world could pull it off successfully!

I was less charmed by these two than you perhaps, though I did see glimmers of likability in her and I’ve always liked him. Her misfortune is that she takes a genuine interest in her own reputation. Ignoring it and focusing on her own game plan would have saved these two a lot of heartbreak. She might have had her cake and eat it too with a clearer head.

A big moment was when Harry says he misses family and family gettogethers, his friends and his country. Those, to put if mildly, are no small things. In fact, losing them counts as a tragedy.

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Your compliments are always so thrilling. I love you, man.

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I <3 u 2 man!

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Hard to be emphatic for a couple who had a $45 million dollar wedding and live in a $14 million mansion in California and fly in private jets.

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I watched it only because you said you were writing about it. They may be kind enough but they are crafting everything to shove the WEF agenda at us. Honestly too, I’m done with the POC sympathy train. All skin has colour...we are the human race. Period. We get to where we get due to determined effort & everyone leveraging a skin colour for preferential treatment is weak. That mindset would justify stealing my stuff & that’s very much against the foundations that made my stuff available in the first place. I can no longer excuse such stupidity..it is lazy, greedy & unjust. The Little Red Hen. I am her now and I tend to my small family circle & a couple charities I respect & I do not open my heart anymore to what has proven to be an emotional plea to rape my life’s efforts because someone else wants what I have. I shall fight now to protect only my family & what is ours. I was raised to care & give but the hoards of takers are the real racists. Harry could easily have ‘protected his family’ without shoving ‘our story’ onto the world. Are the press out of control..absolutely. They’re selling shit on too many levels to bother mentioning. Harry carries on his Moms victim mindset which extends the shit spreading. But this time due to Meghan’s Americanism they’re leveraging it with self righteous prettiness & hoping to tap the sympathy/guilty vein all Christians were raised to respect. They failed. I didn’t give AF about them before & I still don’t. Netflix only has relevance now because of the pre 2000 movies.

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The quality of the responses here are wonderful! Glad I came across this Substack 😊. As to the subject of this particular essay, well, my life is about heat and food and keeping the lights on, so not important comparatively!

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Prince Harry’s Christmas Message

16TH DECEMBER 2022. By Doctor Vernon Coleman

Prince Harry used a ghost writer to help him write the new book which he wrote. So it seems fair that I should help him write his Christmas Message. He hasn’t seen it yet. I hope he likes it.

Here it is.

‘It has been a terrible year. Meghan and I have had a really bad time of it and all the media can talk about is people not being able to afford to keep warm or buy food. Why don’t they think about us and our problems?’

‘The papers have betrayed us by spending so much time reporting strikes and floods and unexpected deaths and wars and unimportant stuff like that. Don’t they realise that Meghan and I have had to deal with much bigger problems?’

‘There are lots of things that people don’t know about and that haven’t been reported. When we went to Buckingham Palace one day someone who I won’t name unless I’m given more money asked for a cup of black coffee. They did this in Meghan’s presence and without any thought for how she might feel about it. I can tell you that it affected her very deeply. That sort of institutional racism is common in the Palace. Lots of people drink black coffee without for a moment thinking about the race issue. Meghan was in tears for a week the first time she heard someone ask for a cup of black coffee.’

‘And then one Christmas someone, whom I won’t name, but a member of my family who is very high up in the hierarchy and whose Christian name begins with a C, allowed someone else to play some carols on a record player. And one of the carols was called ‘White Christmas’. That was blatant racism. How obvious do you have to be? Both Meghan and I were devastated and we cried for a week but we received no special counselling. That was just another example of racism. That sort of thing could not happen in America where we are now because there is no racism among the Americans. That’s why we chose to be here.’

‘And then there was the trifle incident. The papers never reported that but it was very significant. We were having tea with my brother and his wife and trifle was served. When the servant served Kate he gave her a piece which had 43 little silver balls on it but when Meghan was served she had a piece which only had 42 little silver balls on it. That sort of preferential treatment was commonplace and it was very hurtful. My brother’s wife said that two of the little silver balls were cracked and only counted as one but that’s the sort of thing people say and it doesn’t ease the pain. How could anyone ever get used to that sort of treatment? No one knows what we’ve had to suffer. So that’s why we’re reaching out and telling our story with the help of television companies and publishers.’

‘And then, to make things worse, my brother’s wife (whose name I don’t like to say) asked for a second helping and was given it. Meghan did not get a second helping. She said she would have liked to have had a second helping but she was full and didn’t much like the trifle anyway. My brother’s wife should have been more considerate. It was rude and selfish and elitist of her to have a second helping when Meghan didn’t want any more.’

‘I am very cross with the way the media has written about people not being able to afford to heat their houses or buy food. Those things don’t matter much and anyway if people want more money they should just make TV documentaries about themselves or write books about themselves. We did very nicely out of that and have earned enough for a very ordinary lifestyle. Everyone should do the same. The trouble is that people are just lazy and expect things to work out better for them without them making any effort. People should stop complaining and find people to write books for them.’

‘And there was another example of racism in the Palace. Whenever there was a big dinner at the Palace the men wore black trousers and jackets even though most of them they weren’t black people. That’s another example of cultural and racial appropriation which Meghan finds so offensive. And at my grandmother’s funeral a lot of white people were wearing black clothing. That was racist too. My grandmother was the queen, by the way, and when she died I didn’t inherit any of her palaces. That’s another thing that just wasn’t fair. Meghan cried about that. We would have liked another palace that we could move over to America. Meghan and I are expected to cope with just the £100 million or so we’ve earned so far from selling our story. It should have been much more. Flying by private plane and having lots of servants costs a great deal of money. People don’t realise how hard up we are. And the papers just keep on and on about the cost of heating and food. It’s not the cost of heating and food they should worry about but the cost of 24 hour a day security with expensive bodyguards and private jets – those are the things that matter to us.’

‘I think it’s very unfair that selfish people spend so much time worrying about their own little problems and not worrying about our problems which are much more important than anything else in the whole wide world.’

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Well done. I’m sure he’ll be pleased 😂🤣😂

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California wins. I would hate the life of a Royal. It’s meaningless. Be a fireman. Be a nurse. Build something. Fix things. Anything other than standing there five hours a day shaking hands. The whole racism thing is a joke. The left loves to fight battles we’ve already won. It’s an easy fight. Because no one stands up against you. And since you’ve won there kid no real downside.

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It is pretty awful their lives, but the real ones do a lot of good. Charles with his Princes Trust has taken one million kids off the streets into jobs and professions. No small accomplishment.

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I didn’t know that.

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There is no going back. The bridges, and ships, are burned. I wish they would just go away. They are a bore.

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Meghan and Harry are hated because they're such obvious grifters. They don't even try to hide their contempt.

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Sorry, I disagree. Kate received years and years of abuse by the tabloids, even nude photos, and withstood it with grace. Remember “Waity, Katie? Meghan is the typical LA girl, a self-absorbed, drama queen. She turned into the typical limousine liberal. Do as I say, not as I do. She has no love of family, she treated the father that raised her horribly. It’s no wonder she helped “Just Harry” leave her family

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It is very hard to feel sorry for someone who believes their life is hard while living in million dollar mansions and being waited on by servants, they then had the audacity to ask for donations to pay for their multiple million dollar home. They have no idea of how real people live and struggle.

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Wow. I greatly appreciate your perspective and remarkable articulation of it. I've tended to avoid the artificial sensationalizing of Hollywood celebrities and Britain's Royal Family. Your work fills in a lot of this gap in my knowledge while ringing true everywhere it touches on contexts more familiar to me.

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Yes to all the bad Empire details/history. But isn't that how a society of people progresses? Look into the history of any indigenous people: murder, ritual sacrifice (including children), marriage via rape, slavery (still happening). I'm so tired of "presentism"--judging the past by modern standards. My immediate family--American--lived in England in the 50s--a time when house fires still occurred and people died from kerosene heating. Life was much harder before the post-war economy changed everything. The monarchy played no role in the progress of science and technology, other than supporting and promoting it. I know this: even my India-born college English professor acknowledged that the caste system pre-dated Great Britain's colonization of her native country, engaging in open racism, but nevertheless left the country a better place. #1: the population aspired to, and received, an education. My point--civilizations evolve or die. I don't have a stake in the British monarchy surviving, I am more interested in the politics as driven by its governing bodies. The PM and houses of Parliament.

The thing with the Markles is their stunning lack of self-awareness. Their narcissism. Their presumption that they're doing GB and the world a favor by taking down the monarchy. I do believe that's what they want and the world will not be a better place for it. Not because GB needs the monarchy, but because the example this media-delivered dissolution will inspire the destruction of other institutions, some which do matter a great deal.

H & M are nothing more than an exotic new variety of Famous People glomming onto the latest movement of the day, to elevate themselves beyond the institution they seek to destroy, and gain a permanent role as social influencers ($$$). For me, the in-your-face hypocrisy in the use of their royal titles leveraged for money/fame completely undermines any claim on virtue they put forward, whether it's racism, privacy, security, etc, etc. as they lecture their family about kindness, decency and moral courage. I simply cringe when Harry is seen standing in front of those young War on Terror veterans missing body parts, praising them for their "service," "sacrifice" and "duty." You, first, Harry.

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This commentary, unsurprisingly, is extremely well-done!

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Well done!

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Also as a side note, the Irish are fairly good at Stoicism too except when we're listening to uprising songs and planning to shoot up a lorry of Black and Tans! :)

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