Meghan and Harry: Why are They Hated?
Generational Curses, the future of Racism Discourse, the Uncomfortable Dominance of White Culture
Don’t judge me, but I watched the six-hour soap that was the love affair of Harry and Meghan Windsor-Mountbatten with increasing sympathy over the last two days. First of all, I knew no one would get disemboweled by aliens in the first five minutes “to capture my interest”, and, they’re pretty. They go pretty places. I like watching them. The alternative was a documentary on pedophilia so….I’m weak like that.
I came away impressed by Harry. He is not a cuck, he is not dominated by his wife. He has firm ideas and has an effortless and expressive intelligence. Both of them have an ease with the camera that their relatives can only dream of, and both seem genuine and vulnerable. She slightly less so, but still plausible, still charming. And anxious to help, to do good, to be good. And be celebrated for it, I suppose.
What really caught me though was their abuse by tabloid media in Britain. When I worked for the Time Inc bureau in London, I moonlighted at the Daily Mail to pay off my overdraft. And at Time, I had a boss who insisted I insinuate myself into royal circles in order to nail the grail of an interview with Diana. I was a bit of a punk then, so buying the clothes, hiring the socialite fixer and going to Charity Balls and the Cartier Polo Match were novel experiences. When I worked at the Mail at night in the newsroom, I could make up whatever I wanted and they’d pay me three times what Time was paying me. So it’s not as if I was unfamiliar with the nastiness that Fleet Street could generate. I had a view from the fetid underclass and was swanning around in couture on weekends
I watched the horrifying hunt of Diana by the tabloids and would take out people like her lady-in-waiting to say, “we’re not like those idiots, we will tell the story she wants to tell”. I hosted a lunch for one of her favorite charities. I pretended to be well behaved and posh. Etc. But as it turned out Diana needed someone lying to her, showing her the Palace was plotting against her to get her to talk. And then, after the infamous BBC interview, she was hunted like the legendary White Stag of every CEO’s dream. And predictably, was brought down
What Meghan faced was way worse than that which I observed from my ringside seat. Way worse and way scarier. And knowing just a scintilla of the feeling of being stalked and followed, of being hated (for my politics) I could see why they felt they had to leave.
But Meghan was the author of her misfortune. For some reason, she decided she had a platform and that it was imperative to instruct the British in their race failures. After all, they all seemed thrilled that she was mixed race, black Britain was jumping up and down for joy. She was already woke and feminist. And spookily at ease at telling the British how to behave.
The British have a deal with their royalty. They represent the British people, they are modest, ordinary, slightly better looking than average, dutiful and work very very hard for charity, more than two thousand big events a year, and thousands of minor appearances. King Charles is a workhorse, he can perform at five events a day. The Windsors can have the palaces and grandeur, but they must not strong arm the public on any issue whatsoever. If Meghan had just shut up and done the work in the Commonwealth for which she was ideal, she would have been fine. Just as Diana would have been fine if she’d put on 25 pounds and let her hair go back to mouse brown.

But no. The couple chose racism as the cause of the hate directed at her. But here is the thing about Britain. One-sixth of the people who live there were not born there, and that does not even begin to count the number of second-generation immigrants. Most of them are people of colour from desperate countries. 1% of the population of Albania has moved to England.
The Brits feel their culture is being over-run, that they are losing it. They have invited people in and it’s gone way too far. It is their country and their culture. And Megan shoving racism into their faces was an incendiary act. The Grenfell Tower fire catastrophe was shameful, but no country on earth at any time in history could keep up with the flood of refugees and desperate people pouring into London, willing to live any way they can. London real estate is a feral stew of people living in closets and way underground in boiler rooms, and those are the born English.
So Meghan thought she was doing good by drawing attention to it, and wearing couture while she did. The sour note was heard and felt from the Orkneys to Dover.
The Brits whatever you might think of them, have established the dominant culture on earth, along with America’s WASP culture which comes straight out of the home counties, crossed with northern grit. It is how everyone seems to want to live. Lawns, houses filled with kids and laughter, the country, Dad jokes, politesse, achievement, barbecues. Migrants flood Britain more than any other European country. As Don Surber recently pointed out, all the people of color in TV advertisements are busily behaving like Anglo-Saxon-Protestants, it’s all shiny, Gap (waspy) dressed kids doing schoolwork in nice houses, gleaming LG appliances, the celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Basically the English won the world with their ideas, their stunning literature and their mythical country childhood that everyone young and old sees as desirable.
You don’t have to tell me that they were brutal. The British crown slaughtered one-third of my medieval clan in 1601, and another third died on the boats escaping to America. We, the Nickson/Nixon/Nicsouns were one of The Names of the border, a Riding Clan, cattle “thieves”, noted mercenaries, forced into it by the Scots and English armies using our ancestral lands as their battlefield for 600 years. We scrabbled a living in biers and Pele towers, escaping into the highlands with cattle in the summers, living like indigenous tribes. When the Scots and English crowns united under James 1, they hung us in the market squares, we were too too dangerous to live.
Pretty much all of us, red, brown, black and white carry the lovely ancestral memory of the English army marching into town. But as everyone sensible says, compare their Empire to any other and well…..they were the best so far. The trigger of their industrial revolution and their subsequent domination of trade worldwide has created wealth unimaginable to my 17th century ancestors or yours. And that for billions.
Here's my point. The British were able to conquer the world because they could control their emotions, and they were protestant Christian ( bad Christians, but guiltily bad) in thrall to no one but their God. The Brit and North American Wasp can default to stoicism within the blink of an eye. No other race I’ve come across can do that. Family life was and still is all about training in stoicism, leadership and humility, it is why despite our rather ordinary intelligence, we are often the adults in any room. And hard work. No one works harder than the Wasp, the richer you are, the harder you are supposed to work. The best of the men in my class when they reach 80 are gutted, their lives given to the world and their families utterly and completely. But, as Harry said of his family:
Above everything, stoicism in the face of unimaginable provocation is the essence of what the Royal Family represents. The Saturday Telegraph declared that their answer to Harry and Meghan will be Dignity. No comment. No response.
But…but…Beyonce texted Meghan to say she had been chosen to heal generational curses. Stoicism comes at a terrible cost. The weak are mowed under by it. Its harshness is punishing and creates a lot of losers. The difference today is that the culture is rich enough to take care of losers, not to shove them, as my 15th century ancestors did, into the forest dressed in rags to starve to death. The 21st Century’s losers are flooding into Britain and America now, demanding inclusion. They want what we have and will steal it if they have to.
We are at a tipping point. Inclusion, integration and peace means the adoption of the stern virtues of the host culture on the one hand, and compassion by the host culture on the other. Governments, weirdly, are trying to superimpose values like sexual difference, reparations, claiming falsities like climate change are real, and identifying half the population as domestic terrorists who deserve hate, in order to create a new Eden. This is insanely stupid, nevertheless, it is world-wide globalist policy sold by the UN, the WEF, and the bankers.
Meghan and Harry, to their peril, are representing that side, the faux compassion side of the polarity. They promote aggressive inclusion while people are reeling from overwhelmed towns and cities, vaccine equity, while the vaccine is killing more people than Covid. They promote Climate Change, while most people not working for government, think it is rubbish. The anger directed at them is atavistic, it represents a culture-wide refusal of the above globalist agenda, anger which percolates underground, flaring when given the chance.
The extreme privilege and independence of British and American culture is only earned by drudgery and stoicism, not by being pretty, smooth, and trumpeting virtue. The central value of British culture is a fierce specificity, a fierce sense of self-determination. That is the attractor for many immigrants and it is the principal reason the culture is as productive and creative as it is. They come because here, they can choose, they can build their lives, their lives are not determined by a central committee or a warlord. The host culture is saying, yes, but not by grifting, or stealing or the dishonest scientism of Covid and Climate Change and Reparations. You suck it up, you do the hardest thing you can think of, you serve and give until you can’t give anymore. That’s how we built this world you want.
Meghan and Harry are offensive in the extreme lushness of their lives. They are seen to have taken it without paying for it, which is the overt reason for the culture-wide contempt and anger. But they clearly have the emotional intelligence the true Brit (including the RF) lacks. And that emotional affect means that combined with their beauty, they have monster potential in the kind of work the royals do. The Royal Family needs that talent, the ease and affection the Sussexes exude in the field. They could voluntarily dim their celebrity and go to the work for the family and Commonwealth. They could apologize and be apologized to in return.
That would be representing the best of the culture that everyone wants to join. That would be an enormous contribution.
I bet the glittering sun and tinsel, the corrupt lassitude of California will win out in the end. You?
I have spent a fair amount of time in criminal courts recently. It's my job. What I've seen is the rejection of law and mores, that is, a lack of shame on the part of the current transgressors. I grew up in the rural part of our country at a time when being arrested was a family tragedy. Moms would wring their hands and dads would pull out their suits and ties, shine their shoes and take Jr., down to town court to "straighten things out." Rich, poor, black or white, everyone was shamed and remorseful. Walking into court in jeans with an attitude, I'm talking about the parents here, was out of the question. It is a refusal to assimilate and a rejection of our culture. Jr., has followed suit, and Jr.'s Jr., has taken it to another level. Our Elite leaders' response? No cash bail...close the jails...increase SW's at the expense of PD budgets. Hold onto your typewriters boys and girls, this excrement is about to get real.
This is just excellent (as usual). It takes an impressively diverse and quick mind to thread the needle on history, migration, royalty, progressivism and tabloid romance! Like maybe 5 writers in the world could pull it off successfully!
I was less charmed by these two than you perhaps, though I did see glimmers of likability in her and I’ve always liked him. Her misfortune is that she takes a genuine interest in her own reputation. Ignoring it and focusing on her own game plan would have saved these two a lot of heartbreak. She might have had her cake and eat it too with a clearer head.
A big moment was when Harry says he misses family and family gettogethers, his friends and his country. Those, to put if mildly, are no small things. In fact, losing them counts as a tragedy.