Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Once you see it you can’t unsee it. With that said, my entire philosophy on how to survive now, and how to prepare my children and family for the world we're in and what's to come, involves separating away from corporations/government systems/things that create dependency, and instead moving into a space where I and my family can build independence, a parallel support system that includes building new streams of income, food and healthcare that will allows us to operate outside of things, for as long as possible. We are not growing our own food, but we are buying local, grass fed and non MRNA meats, and all organic foods when possible. Education is a HUGE problem and trying to find viable alternatives to government run schools and expensive private schools (religious or not) that are not that much better leave parents with few options. Homeschooling is still in its infancy for widespread implementation and not ideal for middle and high schoolers used to traditional schooling. But I digress - Gates, and his ilk, are operating on borrowed time. The tides are shifting and public sentiment is changing. Their days are numbered - let’s just pray we don’t allow another pilanthropath to rise in his wake.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Special thanks for seeing Epstein accurately. All media focuses on his sexual activities. He is running a blackmail factory, not a brothel. Sex is just one of the tools in a blackmail factory. He manufactures and sells corruption and power.

(I'm using the present tense because I'm not convinced he died. Gangsters and intel agencies have a long record of substituting corpses.)

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

The stand out line in this piece is ....”You only need one psychopath per federal or state department in any country.” Thank you for an excellent commentary highlighting the genesis of government corruption. It’s global...it’s ugly...and it’s dangerous beyond our imaginations.

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Thank you. Slowly but surely the unraveling of this cult of controllers who have wrecked havoc on humanity is being revealed. Excellent piece.

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A great roundup, Elizabeth. Have no doubt Epstein and Maxwell(Sr.) were Deep State in some way and understand our US congress has been compromised for decades, perhaps starting with Hoover's pics on JFK. Lizard Cheney went into congress with a net worth of $2M and came out 6 years later with $36M. Right...

God Bless Donald Trump who actually has lost wealth after serving. You finally got to see the Swamp in action and it is even worse now with a foreign agent for president.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

yes gates is a front-public man. but not the one responsible for controlling all the supranationals, paramilitaries and central banks. fyi all public elites have blackmail on them to keep them in line.

Rothschild, Sassoon, Warburg, Moses

Montefiori, Sebag-Montefiori, Kadoorie,

Lehman, Israel Moses Seif, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Salomon, Schiff, Joseph

Hambro, J. Henry Schroder, Samuel Montagu, Emile and Isaac Pereire, Lazard Brothers,

Speyer brothers, Seligman brothers, Stern brothers, Barnato Brothers, Ernest

Oppenheimer, Abraham Oppenheim, Carl

Fuerstenberg, Jacob Goldschmidt, Oskar

Wassermann, Hirsch, Raphael Jonathan

Bischoffsheim, Hambro, Isaac Glückstadt, Levy Martin, Markus Rubin, Goldsmid,

Rosenthal, A. Dunkelsbueler, Eugen Gutmann, Herbert Gutman, Wagg and Co, Mèdici family,

Speyer, Speyer-Elissen, Emile Erlanger, S.

Japhet, Ernest Cassel, Carl Meyer, Achille

Fould, Luigi Luzzatti, Wertheimer and

Gompertz, Lippman.

And then there's: Orsini, Breakspear,

Aldobrandini, Farnese and Somaglia family

The Sforza and Visconti families own the Seattle crime family with the Gaetani family as partial owners. The Seattle crime family controls billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos through blackmail. In 2017, Microsoft and Amazon employees were caught in a sex trafficking scandal. http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7806.pdf






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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

I can't remember anyone who liked Bill Gates. For that matter, nobody liked Steve Jobs, either, but Jobs was just too pushy and too certain that he had the only right way, and nobody was supposed to make any money on the Apple platform except Apple. Gates, on the other hand, was widely known to just be a jerk. This was the early '80s and it doesn't seem like he's improved with age.

Money: I've bought all your books and became a paid subscriber here before I read any of your Substack articles. "The Monkey Puzzle Tree" and your old website were enough to convince me. You took on the CIA and helped beat them in court: I'm listening.

And I bought "Gates of Hell" and look forward to hearing more about The Bill and any and all of his cronies. It's an election year South of the border: who do they have their hooks in deepest, and who is making the most off of our misery? Give us the dirt and we'll spread it around! We're surrounded by sheep, but we can at least try!

Keep up the good work!

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Thank you very much for this very fair and interesting take on my book and a few others, and for adding some things I wasn’t aware of too. I tried to write Gates of Hell in a fashion that would allow those who are not convinced of his malevolence or dangerousness to become aware that there are very rational grounds for worrying about his influence. I would have liked to have said more on Covid measures, but space constraints prevented it and really a whole separate book could be written on that alone. Thanks again for reading it and discussing it here.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

I love sharing your postings, they are well written I agree completely with most of them. We need more of this type media but there is a problem. So many are now going behind a paywall (not you, yet) that it seems most of us are shut out. I subscribe to many, such as Townhall, DW, Blaze, etc. I probably won't renew some of them because of the expense and you, dear writer, are well researched as much or more than they.

I am 87, I can afford more than some people can, but I also have a blog and newsletter, I pay my own way. I link to many news items my readers cannot access.

I understand many conservative commentators and writers have to make a living, but if their words cannot be shared and read by all, what is the point? (again, Not YOU and a few others.) How are we to reach those who need to know the conservative side, or the side of reason as I see it?

I don't know the answer and at my age I probably never will.

PJMedia and then Townhall started the idea of putting many under one payment. Daily Wire and now Blaze have out priced themselves to the point I may not renew. What are independents to do?

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A great informative piece, thanks. The outlook for humanity is pretty dim right now. Those that have the will need to pull up their bootstraps, double down and persevere. We are not fighting for ourselves but our children and their children. It's all that is left.

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A real. real great article. I read it twice. And will, for sure, re-read it again.

"He married, not a babe....." may just be the greatest understatement in the history of the written word. I don't want to be mean, but that's like standing outside in the middle of a Cat 5 Hurricane and saying "it's a little breezy".

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

ACK! I’m so mad that I clicked!

No more contributions to Bezos happen in this household.

Looks like B&N carries it: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/gates-of-hell-daniel-jupp/1144120958

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Don't comply with institutions that participate in this financial & moral plunder. Don't comply right up to the edge of legality. Don't passively support it by going along. Consider the violated social contract a dead letter; one you're obliged to accede to, but withhold all you can right up to the edge. And stay hopeful & optimistic throughout. For parents with kids being miseducated ... if possible move to a small town where parents have more influence at the local school? Volunteer teach there, monitor it with other parents, intervene. A group of parents acting together could hopefully find a solution. Ordinary people taking action en masse is bringing change.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

having studied computer science at uni in the 90s and then out into the workforce straight after, my mantra back in the day was the Bill Gates was the devil...because i could already see how windows was monopolising everything and it was also full of bugs...little did i know how much worse he was to get as time went by

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Another jaw-dropping bulls eye. It's like you say Elizabeth, it's all very despairing--hence looking forward to reading the Pipeline piece, which somehow slipped under my radar.

Since I'm kind of thick, this is all a lot to absorb. Thank God we have people like you, Daniel, Dowd and Webb doing the yeoman's work and sorting through this diabolical web of lies and unimaginable greed.

The African part is the absolute saddest. We here in the west are rich and comfortable enough to basically cope, though not expect to get ahead, not with the climate catastrophists throwing up roadblocks left and right.

How funny about that HPV vax. It's a two-dose regimen of which my teenage son received his first, without a thought, right before the Virus struck. The second dose had been delayed due to all things Covid. Imagine my LOLs when they notified me he could now get his second shot...

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We will reach the fork in the road soon and need to choose between reading about these enemies and stopping them, which the law will never do.

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