The month before 9/11, I was in Seattle interviewing the new digital titans for the Sunday Telegraph. My editor, to namedrop, was Emma Soames, Churchill’s granddaughter, who was curious about those unwashed, youthful colonials with “all that lovely money”. Question: once the flash but cool house and flash but arty dames were enjoyed, what were they going to do? Answer: good of course, lots and lots of it. Every one of them had a passion, whether art, fair trade coffee companies or the environment – all of which would be on the grand scale.
And then of course, I’d ended up at the Gates Foundation, and met their new gal, an achingly polite, somewhat scared but also beautiful brainiac who had been with the Clinton administration. I shook hands with Gates Sr., who seemed a benign older gentleman looking for something worthy to do in retirement, much like my great uncles. The place was empty to the point of echoing.
Since then, all the others went on to predictable projects, many of them – well most – in the old form of philanthropy: a massive sculpture park, a new symphony hall, the endless standing up of idiot environmental organizations, run by upper-middle-class narcissists that shut down economic activity from Alaska to the Baha.
None of them ended up being besties with Jeffrey Epstein.
A new book, The Gates of Hell,Why Bill Gates Is the Most Dangerous Man in the World by Daniel Jupp, manages to dissect all of Gates’s activities since September 2011 and has he ever been a busy psychopath. Jupp is one of the several gifted polemicists called forth by the gnarly times we live in. He soared to recognition with witty, but somehow soothing Facebook blasts that combined PJ O’Rourke with Jonathan Swift with Steve Bannon. Everyone passed around his posts exulting. Jupp, if that is his real name, hails from working class England, Essex to be precise-ish, and edits or writes for Country Squire Magazine. Whatever, he is of the time and do we ever need him.
Jupp in Gates of Hell is careful. He does not risk libel, not even a whiff of it. And in contrast to his usual oxygen-rich posts, he is measured, calm, working with a surgeon’s focus, as he peels back the PR, the methodology, the results, the hiding of the malign results, the cantering on to the next heady task as the ultimate white Saviour. Unfortunately, as Jupp describes, Gates is not quite as simple as that. He also changes law, dictates policy in far too many countries where he does not belong, buys all the media, and every politician he can. When he calls, the Great and the Good come to sit in his Presence and be lectured to in that stickily sentimental tone about his noble purpose. When he makes a mistake, and almost everything he does is a mistake, he spends several hundred million dollars buying desperate legacy media and every functional PR firm to cover it up.
Gates’s life changed when his practice of turning competitors to scorched earth, thereby crippling innovation in the digital world, resulted in an embarrassing court case. The sullen, nit-picking slug on trial, radiating contempt is, I suspect, the real Gates, or his shadow self, very much like Gollum in LOTR defending his Precious. Jupp skates by the many charges of sexual abuse, but points out that he formally left Microsoft after one of them became too big to ignore.
Gates then constructed his new self. He married, not a babe, but a substantive character, and had three children in quick succession. He hired the most expensive fixers and PR, and built himself an avuncular sweater-clad persona. He was going to give away his massive fortune, give back to the people from his incredible privilege.
In the ensuing years, that fortune doubled and then doubled again.
That’s because he met Jeffrey Epstein. While Epstein’s sexual activities have received 90% of the attention, his activities during the last years of the Clinton administration are the more significant. First of all, Epstein was running an entrapment scheme for various covert agencies, which made his insinuation into government easy. At the same time, he taught high-level government officials, cabinet ministers, heads of agencies, and the great larcenous dame herself, Hillary Clinton, how to steal. It was a pincer movement. Having second thoughts? Here’s a video of your encounter with a fourteen year old.
I’ll make it super simple: he taught these people, and they weren’t all Democrats, how to stand up a policy meant to benefit the least advantaged, like for instance access to the housing ladder, and then profit off it. Since then every government initiative has carved out for its progenitor, a fortune. His first, of course, was Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and James Johnson who ran these agencies into deep bankruptcy, collapsed the ’08 economy, nevertheless walked away with $100 million from a government job. Wall Street Journal reporter, Gretchen Morgenson’s Reckless Endangerment covers the waterfront here.
Whitney Webb in her encyclopedic One Nation Under Blackmail, devotes her penultimate chapter to the web of dealings between Epstein and Gates. As Jupp describes, Gates has insinuated himself throughout sovereign countries infrastructure first by selling Microsoft products to them. This began, says Webb, with the PROMIS software used by Israeli intelligence in which Gates, though his relationship with Maxwell’s sisters, was involved. Remember, Maxwell Senior and his daughter were both Mossad agents.

Webb describes a veritable den of thieves as Epstein blackmailed U.S. Senators, Department Heads, judges, and Attorneys General. Within his inner circle, which included Gates and the Clintons, they learned how to create wealth by tapping into public money. While the Clintons have been stopped, Gates has to be Epstein’s finest pupil.
‘Bill and Melinda Gates donated $36 billion of Microsoft stock to the BMGF (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) between 1994 and 2020…Gates strategically targets BMGF’s charitable gifts to give him control of the international health and agriculture agencies and the media, allowing him to dictate global health and food policies so as to increase profitability of the large multinationals in which he and his foundation hold large investment positions. Following such tactics, the Gates Foundation has given away some $54.8 billion since 1994, but instead of depleting his wealth, those strategic gifts have magnified it…Gates’s personal net worth grew from $63 billion in 2000 to $133.6 billion today. Gates’s wealth expanded by $23 billion just during the 2020 lockdowns that he and Dr. Fauci played key roles in orchestrating.”
Gates explanation:
“If we find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that guarantee profit for business and votes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce inequity in the world.”
Hell, I’d fall for it too.
But here’s the problem, and we haven’t even got to the lizards. The “philanthropy” is underwritten by the governments. So not only are the foundation’s funds misdirected tax dollars, every enterprise is further underwritten by “the people”. The Indian government’s $500 million paid to vaccine companies Gates’s “Trust” owns, profit him directly. That is Philanthrocapitalism.
Therefore, everything Epstein taught the chief swamp dwellers is paid for by relentlessly increasing American or Canadian or African debt, that is not only paid for by the working and middle classes but stunts their lives, guts opportunity, and turns their kids hopeless.
Or, as Jupp describes:
The “White Hat” Foundation presses for radical changes in our diet in the name of saving the planet, while the “Black Hat” Trust buys up farmland or invests in research of meat substitutes.
Moreover, throughout governments all over the world, including every supra-national outfit like GAVI, WEF, the UN, and WHO, people with power are profiting in equal manner. While not in the tens of billions per year like Gates, definitely profiting far beyond the scope of their official jobs. You only need one psychopath per federal or state department in any country. That psychopath will scheme for leadership, subsequently staffing his department with people as conscienceless as he. It is everywhere. While Gates is hardly directly responsible for it, and let’s say it was all Epstein and Maxwell’s idea, he is enmeshed in the creation of our current government structure: an international criminal cartel.
And, as Jupp points out, the attention or backing of the Gates Foundation can fund lifetime careers for tens of thousands of people. Or let me put it another way, the Gates foundation involvement in climate change mitigation meant that an engineer cousin of mine who was installing a universal first-world level electrical system in an African country, was yanked out of that country, and is now at the World Bank, putting in solar systems. And, as we know, that means intermittent energy at best and certainly not enough energy to build a factory, run a hospital or university, or build a modern country where people have jobs and do not live in dirt floored huts. Everything these people do hurts the less advantaged, and benefits the plutocrats and the bought-and-paid for administrative state.
The results are malign. Of course they are. In India, after Gates instituted 50 polio vaccines by the age of five, almost half a million cases of infant paralysis resulted in the first year, and another half million in the second. Like Fauci experimenting with AZT in Africa leading to women writhing on dirt floors in agony, as described by Celia Farber in Serious Adverse Events, so too did the Gates HPV vaccine cause the same level of pain. And sterilized tens, if not hundreds of thousands of African girls. All these are swept aside by ‘fact checkers’, bought media, fixers, bought studies, PR, and more millions to outfits like NPR and PBS, who dutifully lie.
The corruption of the media is distressing to me, because it’s my work, but Gates spent hundreds of millions on legacy media in the run up to the Covid catastrophe. Legacy media is desperate for funds, their audience hiving away, advertisers leaving. They are in survival mode and to live to fight another day, they took his money.
In Canada, that meant the CBC betrayed Canadians in the most egregious ways, senior award-winning investigative reporters testifying on camera of their agony, as dishonest propaganda poured out of the bureau and they were stopped on the streets by betrayed listeners. Nothing they could do or say would shift the lying. It was, frankly, criminal. The cross-country Citizens Inquiry conveyors estimate that 35,000 Canadians were killed by the vaccine, and those are just the most obvious. It is likely that there are many many more.
In the U.K., Gates gave $55 million to the BBC accused now of creating a climate of fear around the Covid virus.
Gates gave $280 million to the Imperial College of London, where modeler Neil Ferguson obediently informed the world that one in every ten of us would die.
At no time in Gates of Hell does Jupp accuse Gates of genocide. He merely accuses him and adds proof that Gates has invaded governments and turned their purposes to his. He shows conclusively that Gates and his people determine 80% of global health policy. And that they profit from it, enormously.
“In a 2020 article in Devex, writer Catherine Cheney noted that the Gates Foundation supplied 45 percent of the World Health Organization’s funding from nongovernmental entities and 12 percent of its entire annual funding. Only the United States, responsible for 20 percent of the overall funding, is a bigger donor. It’s completely accurate to say that this effectively means that a single private individual, acting through the Foundation he controls, which is only answerable to him and a very small number of other trustees (including his ex-wife and his closest billionaire ally), has more say over the direction of the UN’s health policies than any nation state except the United States.”
At present, WHO is demanding control over climate-related health, insisting the right to shut down the world.
Dr. Meryl Nass, in a brief interview here describes the frightening aspects of this plan. Passed and agreed to, it gives Gates and his ex-wife the power to determine everything about how we live, to the point of how often we can leave the house, and what to put in our mouths.
Of course, none of this is going anywhere. Because it is all bullshit. Millions of people world-wide have been killed by the Covid vaccine, which Gates had a hand in promoting, the principal hand. Jupp delineates this by finding the many donations he made, for instance, the $243 million to the Oxford University lab that developed the UK’s MNRA vaccine. He gave $870 million to Johns Hopkins which provided data to the White House task force to justify the extreme Covid response.
He met repeatedly with Trump’s vaccine task force, and meets weekly with Biden’s. He persuaded Boris Johnson, he persuaded every leader in the EU, to lockdown their people and destroy their economies. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses went bankrupt. There are dozens more evidentiary donations, an absolute preponderance of evidence.
In the U.S., according to Edward Dowd who uses insurance company and Department of Labor statistics, two million people have been permanently disabled by the Covid vaccine. These stats are backed up by dozens of researchers, but Dowd, to me, is the most reliable number cruncher, and you can study his work here. Another 30 million have been damaged enough to miss work, or visit hospitals, representing almost a third of the work force during their peak years. Every single family has been hit, whether they acknowledge it or not. And the two hundred billionaires who partnered with Gates through his “Giving Pledge” are liable. None of them ‘sat out’ Covid. All of them increased their fortunes during Covid. All of them funded the Gates model that created the vaccine and forced its uptake.
All of them profited from government funds that paid the companies they owned billions for PPE and vaccines. As is typical, and true of the green and climate scam too, governments transferred wealth from the poor to the hyper rich.
Jupp: That transfer was from the middle and lower class of “wealthy nations” to pharmaceutical, medical, health and PPE companies and their owners, investors and CEOs. National debt, which is a burden on the backs of future generations in these supposedly rich nations, soared thanks to COVID policies. Britain’s for example doubled to over £2 trillion under the chancellorship of current prime minister and personal friend of Gates and Schwab, Rishi Sunak.100 Various politicians in a variety of Western nations hold shares in pharmaceutical companies. Various science and chief medical advisors in these nations have received significant funding from Bill Gates.
They are all liable. That is a great pool of wealth from which the millions of vaccine injured can draw.
Katherine Watt, a legal analyst, who has done breathtaking investigative work of the constellation of Covid crimes within government, particularly the Department of Defense, outlined, in this podcast this week, the legal impediments built into U.S. law, starting in the 1940’s, that limit the ability of the injured to sue. However, there are ways around this, higher forms of law that govern the currently rogue international agencies like WEF, WHO, GAVI and the UN. Lawyers everywhere are breaking through these impediments in search of decent compensation. The stories are simply too pitiable to ignore. Furthermore, the harms demonstrated by the Covid vaccines are so egregious, so extreme and there are so many millions harmed, there are far more sophisticated legal maneuvers considered. Thousands of lawsuits are launched across the world.
And the beauty of it all, is that the two hundred billionaires who followed Gates into hell, are a nice rich target.
We have yet to get to the Lizards.
Please see this as an introduction. I owe you a full roundup of the legal stratagems and cases being made, as well as the newer communitarian legal structures being advanced to stop this nonsense. I am aware that most of us are despairing. But this week in The Pipeline, I outlined the fact that in every country, in every country, ESG and Net-Zero are being decommissioned, by both the markets and countries. Subsidies for inefficient wildly expensive renewables are being withdrawn. Why? Public knowledge, public discussion moves mountains.
After reading Gates of Hell, which you can buy here, I am more convinced than ever, that it is important that readers fund independent media. Old media is so compromised at this point, it is broadly untrustworthy. And a new world is forming fast. If you have been here for a while, please consider a paid subscription.
Once you see it you can’t unsee it. With that said, my entire philosophy on how to survive now, and how to prepare my children and family for the world we're in and what's to come, involves separating away from corporations/government systems/things that create dependency, and instead moving into a space where I and my family can build independence, a parallel support system that includes building new streams of income, food and healthcare that will allows us to operate outside of things, for as long as possible. We are not growing our own food, but we are buying local, grass fed and non MRNA meats, and all organic foods when possible. Education is a HUGE problem and trying to find viable alternatives to government run schools and expensive private schools (religious or not) that are not that much better leave parents with few options. Homeschooling is still in its infancy for widespread implementation and not ideal for middle and high schoolers used to traditional schooling. But I digress - Gates, and his ilk, are operating on borrowed time. The tides are shifting and public sentiment is changing. Their days are numbered - let’s just pray we don’t allow another pilanthropath to rise in his wake.
Special thanks for seeing Epstein accurately. All media focuses on his sexual activities. He is running a blackmail factory, not a brothel. Sex is just one of the tools in a blackmail factory. He manufactures and sells corruption and power.
(I'm using the present tense because I'm not convinced he died. Gangsters and intel agencies have a long record of substituting corpses.)