Steve Watson of "Modernity" posts that Bill Clinton whines that rural America has become more aware. Rural America has stopped listening to his party as "zillions" of Conservative websites are countering their messages. What one should read into this is that many urban dwellers have moved into rural areas for safety of their families and personal sanity away from the crime madness the Left pushed in cities. These people have woken their critical thinking and now support thousands of substack authors. Independent and critical thinking has been on the rise along with population shifts giving rural America a greater voice. It as if we have been transported back to 1776 when basic rural values were the majority. Basic rural values is the source of the US Constitution by my read. These values derive from many earning a basic living closer to the land or others who make their living from the land. The Left has forced this return by their attempt to impoverish us physically and mentally.
THIS is what I rely on. Not some narcissistic billionaire "leaders." Note that Trump is already disappointing his followers who believe the most outlandish magical thinking-based stuff. I am getting very disappointed reading the new fantasies surrounding the Trump win, as much as the lamentations/exhortations of the loser liberals.
His cabinet picks and appointees. Also he has empowered Elon Musk to run the country, basically. Elon's first thing is to force everyone back into the office so they can surveil us, because his neurolink scheme hasn't caught on yet and we haven't been chipped. He's also touting an 80-hour a week onsite workweek - that tells him you MEAN it! They want CEOs to have all the power, none for us (obviously). Why does anyone imagine that Trump would change that?
Getting these gov workers back in the office has nothing to do with surveillance, but with oversight of their work and productivity. These ass clowns have been working (ha, doubt much done) from home since Covid mandates. Get a grip. Get your ass in the gov building our taxpayer money pays to keep the lights on.
Absolute bullshit. They are trying to change the culture. Studies showed that people are doing better and living more fulfilled lives when they can work a hybrid or work from home schedule. They don't want that just for government workers. They want it for everyone. And why can't government workers work remotely if they get the job done? There are many specializations that absolutely do not require being present in an office. I am guessing you are not a professional of any sort, or you'd know this. They are using a blanket "appearances" approach to change something that is working FOR US not THEM.
I notice you are not concerned with the fact Elon (an unelected man with the powers of the presidency granted by Trump) wanted to chip everyone's brain with neurolink. That's interesting.
He can’t chip our brain unless we line up for it. This will never be something I fear because I will never allow it. I never got the Covid jab either, even though Biden administration tried to force us to. Private firms can have work from home employees because their productivity will be obvious. State and Federal employees do not have this privilege due to little oversight. I’ve worked in public and private employment and government work has a few that are dedicated but many including supervisors that don’t deserve a paycheck nor the abundance of benefits.
While you have viable points in your assumptions, they're highly unlikely and no...Have no trust for Musk and his support for AI and Transhumanism/Bio-Digital Convergence.
There are uncountable physical, psychological, intellectual, emotional advantages for mandating the average worker to work in a 'Corporate Structure,' or place of working and that social norm has nothing to do with surveillance.
Yup! Seems like they are from the Right-elite club and not in line with Trump's general approach. However, some of his selections may be ploys for general support as in Rubio that actually places Rubio in a place he can be neutralized and out of influence on the Senate Intelligence Comm. The whole will not be clear till Trump is 12mos in to his term and we see what he gets accomplished. Vought as OMB Dir is crucial as Trump can cancel any Congressional spend using OMB forcing them into an override vote if they truly want to stick to their plans. Slowing some spending and eliminating others is the quickest means to a smaller government.
I believe in wait and see. We have developed a people's-megaphone on susbstack. I intend to use it frequently whenever Trump does something different from what he said he would do. Right now, I think he is playing 3D- Chess with his choices. If this is a misread, then I will be on the front lines calling him out.
That's an interesting take on why Rubio because that was one I almost listed as well. The fact he is in the Gang of Eight means he was informed about the reality in Libya, Syria, the Russian collusion BS, the truth about J6...and he never said a fookin' thing. Now he's in for State, a department riddled with career deep staters that will resist any changes.
Always keep in mind, once anyone has moved into the Administration and away from their former position, they can be neutralized or fired outright. Either way, their former influence is greatly diminished.
I have a friend, a former coworker, who, in college, once volunteered to be a “lab rat” for the psychology dept. for grade credit. Turned out to be an actual maze constructed of cardboard sheets, where he would be timed. Some background on this guy, he was an engineer’s engineer. Brilliant, creative, funny. Me, with my two EE degrees, was qualified merely to be his lab assistant. So he entered the maze running, knocking the whole damned thing down wall by wall as he made it to the exit on the other side of the room. Nothing in the instructions said he couldn’t. He got his extra credit. This is what’s coming to Washington, except in massive, coordinated force.
I am, of course, grateful that "Kamala" was not installed. However, help me out with all of the people in the Thiel-sphere surrounding Trump: Are they not all the biggest promoters of the mRNA jabs and great reset technocracy in the West? What am I missing? Am I supposed to believe that "Vivik" and "Elon" and "JD" won't be right on board with jibby jabs and brain chips if say, a monetary collapse occurs and CBDC is implemented or a "chemical attack" occurs (think anthrax) and the hidden-hand monsters that run things want to cull more people with an "anthrax vaccine?" I get the strong feeling that Trump and everyone around him has been installed to move the great reset forward in an even more dramatic way. I think all of our naive Enlightenment ideas about "justice" and "voting" have been over for some time, and that we have far less control over anything occurring than we think.
Elon wants us all hooked up to neurolink. I guess we are lab-rat wannabes, or why would anyone want a digitally controlled future? Why would anyone trust him? It boggles the mind. All he and Trump just proved is that billionaires can buy the presidency and therefore control of the so-called "free world" (five eyes? western world?).
Most people voted for him because under Biden things went cuckoo. But notice that it was US countering it. It was brave old ladies who lost their lifetime membership to the YMCA because she reported a hairy man in the ladies' locker room putting his paws on little girls. It was the parents showing up en masse to counter the woke LGBTrans agenda at local schools. It was the guys like Jeff Childers and Chris Rufo filing lawsuits against the machine for DEI offenses and crimes against the constitution. It was brave nurses like Erin Olzewski who stood up to the Covid19 psyops and spoke out for the voiceless.
I didn't see Trump helping with any of that. Nope. He launched Operation Warp Speed and bragged about it ever since. I haven't seen any contrition. People argue "But he installed Bobby Jr." Sure, we'll see how bootstrapped Bobby Jr. will be.
I live in the real world, not the Truman Show. It's sad to see how low our society has sunk when we believe in actual Super Heroes. I guess I understand why, having it pushed on us since we are little kids, and well installed into our psyches.
I wish like hell I didn't have to say "I told you so" a year from now but chances are I will be able to say that to the people who are ecstatic about their Trump win.
If I am still here in a year, it won't bother me one bit to tell them, "I told you and you wouldn't listen." Not one bit. Some things just have to be said.
Nailed. I am with you, Chris. Question everything.
I have never believed, unlike so many of my associates, that Trump would (or could) "save" America and am just as skeptical now as I was many years ago at the time he descended to Earth from on High using his own escalator in the Trump Tower. I wish I could be optimistic of his success but I am filled with a feeling of unease that what is coming during his upcoming "reign" will be far worse than anything America has ever experienced.
"And you will cry out in that day because of your king WHOM YOU HAVE CHOSEN FOR YOURSELVES and the LORD will not hear you in that day." -- 1 Samuel 8:18, emphasis added
We have no one to blame but ourselves. God help us.
If you believe God, you should know everything is increasing the pace of the race to Armegeddon, since May 14,1948.
At some point in the rapidly approaching future, the Satanic Hatred of Jews will lead the nation's to try to destroy Israel, and when they get there, they will Meet Their Maker, and will be judged specifically for their crimes against Israel.
People on these Stacks reject this reality, and insist instead as their Beast Church Indoctrination tells them that it is not specific to Jews, but they are wrong, as a reading of Joel 3 Bible/Joel 4 Tanakh explicitly shows, as do many others, including the Dry Bones prophesy and the Song of Moses.
Zionism is a central theme of the Bible and the whole point is that when He is done, tiny oppressed Israel will indeed rule the world, and as a result of that improbable, secularly impossible achievement, the world will KNOW He is God
And the relevance is that all of this is His Doing and He will not be thwarted
Everything is going to go exactly how God planned it, the way He wants it to be.
And He is insistent that this is all His Doing. You can read about that demand for full credit in the Dry Bones prophecy, toward the end.
You speak some truth but completely ignore the fact then when Jesus Christ died for all our sins we all became the Chosen People if we accept him as our lord and savior. We are all on equal footing with the people of Israel ( read up on St Paul’s gospels). God is coming and the works will know He is king. No matter what any of us do. I also have misgivings about Elon, he’s doing some good things but the neurolink ideas bother me a lot. However, God has already won and it’s all being played out according to His will.
What we have here is a difference in eschatological doctrine. You are certain the future is going to play out according to your beliefs, I am just as certain that it will not. We could argue about it 24/7 and never get any closer together, therefore, I will cut to the chase and make a statement.
You, I, and every other human being alive on this planet at the present time will leave it someday--in the natural way, that is, death. Jesus is not coming back any time soon, real soon, or really, really soon, to take us out of our own self-imposed misery. Neither is He going to establish a throne room in the physical city of Jerusalem in the political State known as Israel. Neither will you be given 10 cities to rule over. It ain't going to happen.
Per your comment above about the nations trying to destroy Israel, that won't be necessary since it is well on its way to destroying itself as is the US.
I'm willing to bet that when the US loses its war to retain hegemony, Israel, the political state in the Middle East will disappear from the face of the earth within a few short years, probably sooner. If I live long enough, I expect to see it happen.
I have long thought that Israel’s existence is tied to American hegemony. I remain agnostic about whether this is due to something banal, deeply ugly and conspiratorial or deeply shape-shifting and spiritual. I hope and pray for the best for all of us, whatever the case.
Fair enough. I couldn’t go through life with your beliefs. I don’t know what will happen or in what order, or who will be alive on this earth when Jesus returns. And I’m ok with that. But I do believe He will and it will be glorious for some and terrifying for others. Peace. ✌️
And why couldn't they? Were 0boma [sic] Harris Biden so evil that their "wicked ways" cannot be exceeded? If you say, "Yes", then you must believe that America has hit bottom and the only path forward now is upward. Forever. Pie in the sky by and by with stars in my eye.
Tom Luongo (Gold Goats and Guns website) has been on podcast after podcast this past week describing his unique view of the current situation. He has an interesting take that will leave you feeling uplifted and hopeful for a much brighter future. It involves the US Fed and international banking, City of London and Davos. I especially liked this podcast with Seth Holehouse of Man In America. Luongo and Kuntsler often appear on podcasts together, so the two of them are well acquainted. Here's the link to the Man In America podcast:
Read a lot of comments here. Man oh man. People, think outside the box. Consider what happened when he was elected. Globally. There's a list. Migrant caravan at the border dissolved. Eu says it will buy oil from US now. Hamas wants peace. China wants to work peacefully with the US. There's a whole list. All the naysayers have is Operation Warp Speed where they don't understand what is actually happening, and Trump is either cabal or a Zionist (he did lot's of actions against Zionism, BTW). As far as Gaetz to Bondi, Trump is playing them. Flushing out the RINO's.
My first indication of what this man is capable of was his first tweet as President. Do you realise what happened? He upended their entire carefully scripted scrums, those ones where the President would faced handpicked journalist who soft balled the guy Whitehouse approved questions. And we never knew. Trump cut the Gordian knot in doing that. He sidestepped the entire MSM and gave it to the people. That's why we think he's doing something. His first move was to flip the bird at the mainstream media controllers.
Not sure why you have so many detractors but they are the ones who are lost because they believe the MSM. I’m a fan of Gato Malo as well and he’s typically on point with only a little wobble outside solid reporting; but then again, who isn’t? Thanks for highlighting this information and prayers for your rejuvenating rest and recovery.
I do understand. Public schools no longer teach people how to think anymore. Public schools shove crazy doctrine and false teaching. No one less than 40 years old today has ever experienced anything good from any public school . I am old, in the early to mid 60’s, I did have a proper public school education. We homeschooled our children in the 90’s. Our grandchildren are homeschooled now.
I'll know the Swamp is sinking when there is an endless parade of rats heading to a sanctuary in Cuba. I do not think it's gonna be that easy as the Marxist democrats, RINOs, GOPoopers, and globalists are going to fight back, resist and sabotage the whole shebang. They now have nothing to lose.
I want to listen to your interviews with Kunstler but apple podcast has rated them with an "explicit rating" which requires an apple account to sign in.
Also the transcript is not listed either, And am not seeing a link for the transcript, probably because the apple podcast requires a signing.
Looks like each person who signs in will be tracked. Is there any other Rumble or Ritchie links for these interviews?
I don't like having to sign into apple podcast. Thanks
I so enjoyed both parts 1 & 2 of your talk with Kunstler. The last time I was in Vancouver was in 2001. I'd just moved from NYC to Seattle and I took my mom up to Vancouver. We had been up to Harrison Hot Springs in the early 1970s and had stopped in Vancouver then. When we returned in 2001, I had just been reading a ton of Chinese memoirs of the escape from Mao type and I wanted to see Chinatown. Having lived thru NYC in the late 80s as a young woman walking the crack-filled streets, I felt like there was no place I could visit that would intimidate me. Vancouver's Chinatown quickly disabused me of that notion. I haven't been back since. We couldn't believe the changes.
Don't forget to mention stacking the Senate with leftist hacks and loading the courts with his leftist woke judges. Tearing this down is going to be a monumental task.
Totally agree, a windstorm is coming to DC. Not sure I agree on the Six Sigma characterization but yes the people coming are far smarter and more productive that the typical bureaucrat types. The engineers, and entrepreneurs are on their way and they WILL stir shit up.
"You can read the transcript of the interview' ... ?? I love to read but can't find the link and I would rather not "sign in" for "explicit" ... guidance, anyone?
My brother is a Six Sigma “graduate” ,or whatever it’s called. He earned a college degree while in submarine duty in the Navy. Then got his Masters. He thought about going for a doctorate, but did this Six Sigma training instead. All in all, he spent about 40 years in and around the Navy. And then retired. So, I am very excited to see what these Six Sigma folks get done.
Steve Watson of "Modernity" posts that Bill Clinton whines that rural America has become more aware. Rural America has stopped listening to his party as "zillions" of Conservative websites are countering their messages. What one should read into this is that many urban dwellers have moved into rural areas for safety of their families and personal sanity away from the crime madness the Left pushed in cities. These people have woken their critical thinking and now support thousands of substack authors. Independent and critical thinking has been on the rise along with population shifts giving rural America a greater voice. It as if we have been transported back to 1776 when basic rural values were the majority. Basic rural values is the source of the US Constitution by my read. These values derive from many earning a basic living closer to the land or others who make their living from the land. The Left has forced this return by their attempt to impoverish us physically and mentally.
THIS is what I rely on. Not some narcissistic billionaire "leaders." Note that Trump is already disappointing his followers who believe the most outlandish magical thinking-based stuff. I am getting very disappointed reading the new fantasies surrounding the Trump win, as much as the lamentations/exhortations of the loser liberals.
How is he disappointing his followers??
His cabinet picks and appointees. Also he has empowered Elon Musk to run the country, basically. Elon's first thing is to force everyone back into the office so they can surveil us, because his neurolink scheme hasn't caught on yet and we haven't been chipped. He's also touting an 80-hour a week onsite workweek - that tells him you MEAN it! They want CEOs to have all the power, none for us (obviously). Why does anyone imagine that Trump would change that?
Getting these gov workers back in the office has nothing to do with surveillance, but with oversight of their work and productivity. These ass clowns have been working (ha, doubt much done) from home since Covid mandates. Get a grip. Get your ass in the gov building our taxpayer money pays to keep the lights on.
Absolute bullshit. They are trying to change the culture. Studies showed that people are doing better and living more fulfilled lives when they can work a hybrid or work from home schedule. They don't want that just for government workers. They want it for everyone. And why can't government workers work remotely if they get the job done? There are many specializations that absolutely do not require being present in an office. I am guessing you are not a professional of any sort, or you'd know this. They are using a blanket "appearances" approach to change something that is working FOR US not THEM.
I notice you are not concerned with the fact Elon (an unelected man with the powers of the presidency granted by Trump) wanted to chip everyone's brain with neurolink. That's interesting.
He can’t chip our brain unless we line up for it. This will never be something I fear because I will never allow it. I never got the Covid jab either, even though Biden administration tried to force us to. Private firms can have work from home employees because their productivity will be obvious. State and Federal employees do not have this privilege due to little oversight. I’ve worked in public and private employment and government work has a few that are dedicated but many including supervisors that don’t deserve a paycheck nor the abundance of benefits.
if your office is in your home, then the boss can demand that you install whatever surveillance the company requires
While you have viable points in your assumptions, they're highly unlikely and no...Have no trust for Musk and his support for AI and Transhumanism/Bio-Digital Convergence.
There are uncountable physical, psychological, intellectual, emotional advantages for mandating the average worker to work in a 'Corporate Structure,' or place of working and that social norm has nothing to do with surveillance.
Advantages for CEOs not for the workers. Studies have already proven that.
Pam Bondi
Lori Chavez-DeRemer
Yup! Seems like they are from the Right-elite club and not in line with Trump's general approach. However, some of his selections may be ploys for general support as in Rubio that actually places Rubio in a place he can be neutralized and out of influence on the Senate Intelligence Comm. The whole will not be clear till Trump is 12mos in to his term and we see what he gets accomplished. Vought as OMB Dir is crucial as Trump can cancel any Congressional spend using OMB forcing them into an override vote if they truly want to stick to their plans. Slowing some spending and eliminating others is the quickest means to a smaller government.
I believe in wait and see. We have developed a people's-megaphone on susbstack. I intend to use it frequently whenever Trump does something different from what he said he would do. Right now, I think he is playing 3D- Chess with his choices. If this is a misread, then I will be on the front lines calling him out.
That's an interesting take on why Rubio because that was one I almost listed as well. The fact he is in the Gang of Eight means he was informed about the reality in Libya, Syria, the Russian collusion BS, the truth about J6...and he never said a fookin' thing. Now he's in for State, a department riddled with career deep staters that will resist any changes.
A wait & see is really all I can do
Always keep in mind, once anyone has moved into the Administration and away from their former position, they can be neutralized or fired outright. Either way, their former influence is greatly diminished.
It’s all about the jabs. It’s all about government control. Everything else is noise. The jabs is how he disappoints.
Excellent comment!
So true.
I have a friend, a former coworker, who, in college, once volunteered to be a “lab rat” for the psychology dept. for grade credit. Turned out to be an actual maze constructed of cardboard sheets, where he would be timed. Some background on this guy, he was an engineer’s engineer. Brilliant, creative, funny. Me, with my two EE degrees, was qualified merely to be his lab assistant. So he entered the maze running, knocking the whole damned thing down wall by wall as he made it to the exit on the other side of the room. Nothing in the instructions said he couldn’t. He got his extra credit. This is what’s coming to Washington, except in massive, coordinated force.
I am, of course, grateful that "Kamala" was not installed. However, help me out with all of the people in the Thiel-sphere surrounding Trump: Are they not all the biggest promoters of the mRNA jabs and great reset technocracy in the West? What am I missing? Am I supposed to believe that "Vivik" and "Elon" and "JD" won't be right on board with jibby jabs and brain chips if say, a monetary collapse occurs and CBDC is implemented or a "chemical attack" occurs (think anthrax) and the hidden-hand monsters that run things want to cull more people with an "anthrax vaccine?" I get the strong feeling that Trump and everyone around him has been installed to move the great reset forward in an even more dramatic way. I think all of our naive Enlightenment ideas about "justice" and "voting" have been over for some time, and that we have far less control over anything occurring than we think.
Elon wants us all hooked up to neurolink. I guess we are lab-rat wannabes, or why would anyone want a digitally controlled future? Why would anyone trust him? It boggles the mind. All he and Trump just proved is that billionaires can buy the presidency and therefore control of the so-called "free world" (five eyes? western world?).
Most people voted for him because under Biden things went cuckoo. But notice that it was US countering it. It was brave old ladies who lost their lifetime membership to the YMCA because she reported a hairy man in the ladies' locker room putting his paws on little girls. It was the parents showing up en masse to counter the woke LGBTrans agenda at local schools. It was the guys like Jeff Childers and Chris Rufo filing lawsuits against the machine for DEI offenses and crimes against the constitution. It was brave nurses like Erin Olzewski who stood up to the Covid19 psyops and spoke out for the voiceless.
I didn't see Trump helping with any of that. Nope. He launched Operation Warp Speed and bragged about it ever since. I haven't seen any contrition. People argue "But he installed Bobby Jr." Sure, we'll see how bootstrapped Bobby Jr. will be.
I live in the real world, not the Truman Show. It's sad to see how low our society has sunk when we believe in actual Super Heroes. I guess I understand why, having it pushed on us since we are little kids, and well installed into our psyches.
I wish like hell I didn't have to say "I told you so" a year from now but chances are I will be able to say that to the people who are ecstatic about their Trump win.
Thank you, Mary Rose. Good word.
If I am still here in a year, it won't bother me one bit to tell them, "I told you and you wouldn't listen." Not one bit. Some things just have to be said.
If only there weren't so many "I told you so's" - 20 years' worth so far.
Wow 😯
Nailed. I am with you, Chris. Question everything.
I have never believed, unlike so many of my associates, that Trump would (or could) "save" America and am just as skeptical now as I was many years ago at the time he descended to Earth from on High using his own escalator in the Trump Tower. I wish I could be optimistic of his success but I am filled with a feeling of unease that what is coming during his upcoming "reign" will be far worse than anything America has ever experienced.
"And you will cry out in that day because of your king WHOM YOU HAVE CHOSEN FOR YOURSELVES and the LORD will not hear you in that day." -- 1 Samuel 8:18, emphasis added
We have no one to blame but ourselves. God help us.
Nope, so hopeful and thankful for his win 🙌
If you believe God, you should know everything is increasing the pace of the race to Armegeddon, since May 14,1948.
At some point in the rapidly approaching future, the Satanic Hatred of Jews will lead the nation's to try to destroy Israel, and when they get there, they will Meet Their Maker, and will be judged specifically for their crimes against Israel.
People on these Stacks reject this reality, and insist instead as their Beast Church Indoctrination tells them that it is not specific to Jews, but they are wrong, as a reading of Joel 3 Bible/Joel 4 Tanakh explicitly shows, as do many others, including the Dry Bones prophesy and the Song of Moses.
Zionism is a central theme of the Bible and the whole point is that when He is done, tiny oppressed Israel will indeed rule the world, and as a result of that improbable, secularly impossible achievement, the world will KNOW He is God
And the relevance is that all of this is His Doing and He will not be thwarted
Everything is going to go exactly how God planned it, the way He wants it to be.
And He is insistent that this is all His Doing. You can read about that demand for full credit in the Dry Bones prophecy, toward the end.
You speak some truth but completely ignore the fact then when Jesus Christ died for all our sins we all became the Chosen People if we accept him as our lord and savior. We are all on equal footing with the people of Israel ( read up on St Paul’s gospels). God is coming and the works will know He is king. No matter what any of us do. I also have misgivings about Elon, he’s doing some good things but the neurolink ideas bother me a lot. However, God has already won and it’s all being played out according to His will.
What we have here is a difference in eschatological doctrine. You are certain the future is going to play out according to your beliefs, I am just as certain that it will not. We could argue about it 24/7 and never get any closer together, therefore, I will cut to the chase and make a statement.
You, I, and every other human being alive on this planet at the present time will leave it someday--in the natural way, that is, death. Jesus is not coming back any time soon, real soon, or really, really soon, to take us out of our own self-imposed misery. Neither is He going to establish a throne room in the physical city of Jerusalem in the political State known as Israel. Neither will you be given 10 cities to rule over. It ain't going to happen.
Per your comment above about the nations trying to destroy Israel, that won't be necessary since it is well on its way to destroying itself as is the US.
I'm willing to bet that when the US loses its war to retain hegemony, Israel, the political state in the Middle East will disappear from the face of the earth within a few short years, probably sooner. If I live long enough, I expect to see it happen.
I have long thought that Israel’s existence is tied to American hegemony. I remain agnostic about whether this is due to something banal, deeply ugly and conspiratorial or deeply shape-shifting and spiritual. I hope and pray for the best for all of us, whatever the case.
Fair enough. I couldn’t go through life with your beliefs. I don’t know what will happen or in what order, or who will be alive on this earth when Jesus returns. And I’m ok with that. But I do believe He will and it will be glorious for some and terrifying for others. Peace. ✌️
We have a very unspiritual country.
John- you are completely wrong- read your Bible. Read the new Covenant in the New Testament.
Wow 😯
So, you really think this trio could rise to even greater levels of wickedness than 0boma Harris Biden?
And why couldn't they? Were 0boma [sic] Harris Biden so evil that their "wicked ways" cannot be exceeded? If you say, "Yes", then you must believe that America has hit bottom and the only path forward now is upward. Forever. Pie in the sky by and by with stars in my eye.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Get real.
Tom Luongo (Gold Goats and Guns website) has been on podcast after podcast this past week describing his unique view of the current situation. He has an interesting take that will leave you feeling uplifted and hopeful for a much brighter future. It involves the US Fed and international banking, City of London and Davos. I especially liked this podcast with Seth Holehouse of Man In America. Luongo and Kuntsler often appear on podcasts together, so the two of them are well acquainted. Here's the link to the Man In America podcast:
Looking forward to the "...Momentous Times Ahead". And whatever comes next from you here Elizabeth!
Take a break, take care, watch your back.
Read a lot of comments here. Man oh man. People, think outside the box. Consider what happened when he was elected. Globally. There's a list. Migrant caravan at the border dissolved. Eu says it will buy oil from US now. Hamas wants peace. China wants to work peacefully with the US. There's a whole list. All the naysayers have is Operation Warp Speed where they don't understand what is actually happening, and Trump is either cabal or a Zionist (he did lot's of actions against Zionism, BTW). As far as Gaetz to Bondi, Trump is playing them. Flushing out the RINO's.
My first indication of what this man is capable of was his first tweet as President. Do you realise what happened? He upended their entire carefully scripted scrums, those ones where the President would faced handpicked journalist who soft balled the guy Whitehouse approved questions. And we never knew. Trump cut the Gordian knot in doing that. He sidestepped the entire MSM and gave it to the people. That's why we think he's doing something. His first move was to flip the bird at the mainstream media controllers.
Not sure why you have so many detractors but they are the ones who are lost because they believe the MSM. I’m a fan of Gato Malo as well and he’s typically on point with only a little wobble outside solid reporting; but then again, who isn’t? Thanks for highlighting this information and prayers for your rejuvenating rest and recovery.
I do understand. Public schools no longer teach people how to think anymore. Public schools shove crazy doctrine and false teaching. No one less than 40 years old today has ever experienced anything good from any public school . I am old, in the early to mid 60’s, I did have a proper public school education. We homeschooled our children in the 90’s. Our grandchildren are homeschooled now.
I'll know the Swamp is sinking when there is an endless parade of rats heading to a sanctuary in Cuba. I do not think it's gonna be that easy as the Marxist democrats, RINOs, GOPoopers, and globalists are going to fight back, resist and sabotage the whole shebang. They now have nothing to lose.
Hi Elizabeth,
I want to listen to your interviews with Kunstler but apple podcast has rated them with an "explicit rating" which requires an apple account to sign in.
Also the transcript is not listed either, And am not seeing a link for the transcript, probably because the apple podcast requires a signing.
Looks like each person who signs in will be tracked. Is there any other Rumble or Ritchie links for these interviews?
I don't like having to sign into apple podcast. Thanks
Podbay have, Just google it, lots of places. 🙏
I so enjoyed both parts 1 & 2 of your talk with Kunstler. The last time I was in Vancouver was in 2001. I'd just moved from NYC to Seattle and I took my mom up to Vancouver. We had been up to Harrison Hot Springs in the early 1970s and had stopped in Vancouver then. When we returned in 2001, I had just been reading a ton of Chinese memoirs of the escape from Mao type and I wanted to see Chinatown. Having lived thru NYC in the late 80s as a young woman walking the crack-filled streets, I felt like there was no place I could visit that would intimidate me. Vancouver's Chinatown quickly disabused me of that notion. I haven't been back since. We couldn't believe the changes.
Remember, when the govt pays your salary, you're going to vote for them. That's why Trudeau has grown the govt.
Don't forget to mention stacking the Senate with leftist hacks and loading the courts with his leftist woke judges. Tearing this down is going to be a monumental task.
Totally agree, a windstorm is coming to DC. Not sure I agree on the Six Sigma characterization but yes the people coming are far smarter and more productive that the typical bureaucrat types. The engineers, and entrepreneurs are on their way and they WILL stir shit up.
Elizabeth, enjoy your well-deserved break!
If I ever need to name a rock band , can I use Atomic Wedgie ?
the best "wedgie" narrative remains on SEINFELD
"You can read the transcript of the interview' ... ?? I love to read but can't find the link and I would rather not "sign in" for "explicit" ... guidance, anyone?
I want nothing to do with Apple either, among all the others!
My brother is a Six Sigma “graduate” ,or whatever it’s called. He earned a college degree while in submarine duty in the Navy. Then got his Masters. He thought about going for a doctorate, but did this Six Sigma training instead. All in all, he spent about 40 years in and around the Navy. And then retired. So, I am very excited to see what these Six Sigma folks get done.